If your ancestors did not at one point belong to the Roman Empire you are sub-human.
New Rule
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Abo nigger
t. 56%
Literally euronigger
Fuck off.
t. Italian
Also Nord Africans and levantines such as you lebanese nigger, are subhuman
Still whiter than you, Tyrone
>56% subhuman
Hello fellow Roman friend.
Lebanese people are Arab. Hence, sub-human. Nice try though.
Proud Roman reporting in ITT in this thread.
So you're telling me all those middle easterners are in but Ireland is out?
Fuck this game...
They are included in your map though. The only places on that map that are good are the European ones, the rest should be turned to glass.
MENA is shit and shouldn't be assocaited with the Roman empire, neither should Turkey
The eastern empire was always a mess though
Turkey didn't exist back then. It was just a part of greece. As for North Africa I guess they should be omitted. However the middle east was satisfactory before arab conquests.
eastern roman empire is the Dark Souls of roman empires
British border needs to be higher. Antonine Wall
Lol, my ancestors went and sacked the Roman Empire just for fun (Go read about Theodoric the Great). Meanwhile no Roman soldier ever sat foot on Swedish soil.
Not to mention, hundreds of years later when the Byzantine Empire was around, my ancestors went down there to fight as elite soldiers (look upÄ the Varangian Guard), just because they were getting bored up north and wanted some fun.
>inb4 a frog/anglo/med-shitter comes and tells me my country is being "overrun" by muslims
You have literally a hundred times more shitskins currently sacking your so-called "nations" than Sweden will ever have. A terror attack up here is an extremely rare occurence, for you down south they are "part and parcel". Laughing my nordic ass off to be honest.
>If your ancestors were a part of the Roman Empire you are sub-human.
Fixed it
Who you calling subhuman you emu fucker?
>North africa
Not subhuman. Kys
I wish you were right, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
16 bombs in 1 month, but terror attacks are extremely rare?
Somehow being conquered doesn't seem like a great claim to fame.
They tried and failed (Picts)
North Africa didn't have Arabs yet and was populated by Berbers, who can be as light as Nords, or as tanned as Spaniards.
Turkey hadn't been subject to migrations from Turkics or Kurds, being populated by Greeks and Anatolians (mostly Hellenised)
Mesopotamia and Syria had Arabs but they were a minority, many more Assyrians inhabited the region than they do now.
>my ancestuhs wuz vikangz we used to be feared across the land
Lol that was a long time ago. Pic related is the state of your people now
>my ancestors
You are descended from the cucks who stayed in your irrelevant frozen shithole, not the ones who ventured outside of it. And now you're getting conquered by shitskins. Congrats.
>Blue eyes
I don't know.
We're still poor, but-
We was egyptians and shieeet
Shut up Omar
Pic of israel under roman occupation, kill urself nigger
So those the greatest empire in history couldn't subdue were subhumans?
Smart thinking though, this is quite logical, if battles were lost
>unironically considering this white
The absolute state of nonwhite jewropeans
True and not true.
Or, citation?*
North africans was not a word for resettled arabs back then. Turkey was populated by greeks, kurds and armenians.
But, without Italy-bro, we wouldn't survive after the losses
> Australian telling Europeans who is white and who is not
fuck off abo
Ey yo hol up my great great great grandpa was the roman emperor
They just layered thousands of images over one any other to create a composite phenotype. Not the similarities between the Greek and the Iranian
So that leaves out slavs, nordics, scots and irish?
And of course, those who weren't there at time.
Where's the average man?
Can't find the link on that page
Sorry didn't realize that one was just women
>Turkey was populated by greeks, kurds and armenians
kek same kike lie being parroted by the clueless goyim for the last 200 years. evidence shows turkic presence in anatolia as far as 2000BC. anatolia was never greek, arm*nian or any other race. it was always mixed due to it's geological position
you guys became so boring to deal with. I could just talk with any normie somewhere else and they will say the same things as you
sorry what?
Sad, but, okay.
People in my everyday life just doesn't look anything related to that, maybe just a coincidence, can't be sure for the majority.
It /is/ the average in a private company's study after all
Southern slavs are not natives of the balkans, they came from the north, approximately modern poland/belarus/russia
Turks came from asia. Show me this evidence, and keep in mind that your local imam is not a valid source.
Good meme, you are a bastard born of romans and moors.
What part of Greece are you from?
being called sub human on pol really impresses no one
>american education
Don't you have some immigrants to be welcoming
If the roach was our ancestor's rapebaby, he would have some legitimacy in staying there. Unluckily for them, Turks came from further east, settling in an area where they had no right to stay.
Also, "the moors" = arabs. And arabs back then stayed inside their wasteland.
No, I leave that job to the northern neighbours who so kindly take them.
an akkadian tablet speaks of a turki king ilsu nail, one of the many city states who forged an alliance against naram-sin BC. also there are thousands of turkic symbols carved all over anatolia again dating BC. all of these evidences are ignored by both the west and turkey
then there are the turukkeans who lived around anatolia but guess what? it's all dismissed as (((coincidence)))
>arabs back then stayed inside their wasteland.
wrong, moron. hannibal and his nigger army was in italy 15 years. you are all african rape babies.
Are you baiting? Hannibal was from Carthago, hence phoenician.
I've been to T*rkey and there are a shit ton of arabs there m8
For the love of God, user.
You have to understand that peoples migrate, gets assimilated or simply are destroyed over time.
The Northern Africans of Roman times were not the Arab subhumans of today. The Arabs went on their raping rampage after Rome fell, and at that time Bizantium wasnt doing so well, with all the "barbarians destroyed the west" thing.
>thinks people just popped out of the ground like trees instead of migrating
well, thanks for wasting my time mario
hannibal was white
That's the thing, we meds don't consider ourselves "white". We don't want to be assocated with cucks.
What if my ancestors were part of the filthy Germanic horde that invaded Rome? Can I steal their history as my own and pretend Rome and Greece were Aryan? Because if not all my "redpills" are gonna be wrong and that hurts my fee fees.
Depends how far back you go. Normally we consider outsiders those who settled after year 0.
hannibal was one person, moron. his army was made of arabs and niggers. also, in case you didn't know, phoenicians were from the levant, hence they were arabs, genius.
you have shit tons of niggers, spics and chinks. you're a newly found country so all of you will mix in a 100 years and become indistinguishable, like how it happened in ottom*n empire
your point is?
Fucking retard. Arabs stayed in arabia. Phoenicians were not arabs.
Arabs spread there because of the huge-ass caliphate who started with islam
Not before enslaving most of your women, infact your women were preferred as sex slaves in brothels.
>Turk rape baby telling whites who is white and who is not
moors came and fucked our genes up so i guess i'm still 56% sandnigger
the current state of sweden
least Ireland was christian before the Roman empire sponsored it.
And these cucks still have the nerve to talk about other countries, pottery.
>hannibal was white
and you know this how? there are no known likenesses of him, and don't even think of posting the coin. hannibal is described by polybius, he was almost certainly descended from the levant. Carthage was a colony of Tyre, which was located in modern day lebanon, making him an arab subhuman.
If you live below this line there is a 100% chance you're a shitskin, and you should be gassed.
no shit. it depends on your political agenda so it's not the truth. are you after truth or just circlejerking mario?
God dammit burger.
This is an map representing the boundaries of the past.
The people that lived in the Middle East and North Africa are long gone, driven out by the subhumans that live there today.
Also, Irish are barbarians, as are the northerners.
I believe a simple way to clear the matter is through pic related. If you use a bidet, you were civilized by rome; if not, barbarian.
>Phoenicians were not arabs
being this fucking dumb.
My ancestors are ones from the Roman Empire, and the barbarians who destroyed the Roman Empire. What does that make me?
Could you NOT speak in McDonalds?
We do not understand.
Id piss in that sink ALL DAYYY
>Phoenicians were not arabs.
wew lad
it's funny because the people in America who say they're white when they obviously aren't are typically southern Italians
ar*bs were mostly confined to their shitty desert back then. mongols and ar*bs are the main reasons for all the brown people in middle east and central asia. mongols butchered everyone and ar*bs bred like rabbits and racemixed to fill the void
You can only wish you had the possibility to say even one drop of your blood is of greek descendence, trust me
In average, that's what's considered outsider here. Turks came after, slaughtering and conquering the remnants of the empire that created our culture. Do you seriously expect any european to like you and your kind?
Are americans seriously unable to tell today from 2000 years ago?
You're ancestors prolly were part of the barbarian horde.
no wonder niggers are
They've always been shitskins man. They are far south.
Pushing real hard there spaghetti bro.
I don't believe you have the authority to speak for those who lived so long ago.