>when you can literally SEE the acceleration happening in front of your eyes
My God...
>when you can literally SEE the acceleration happening in front of your eyes
My God...
le magic underpants man
What are we accelerating toward though? What's the end game?
Americans being enslaved by the Elders of Zion.
A complete removal of Males from all positions of authority, so they can never abuse anyone with their dirty peckers again, obviously.
how are you supposed to compete with an cyborg anyway
isn't that their present state?
damn that's a top tier meme
He has our life in the palm of his hands
>DNA based lifeforms were a mistake
Le Warlock Hunt
I can't believe I once supported Romney.
Self destruction by mass autism
Do these people have an end goal or is the intention only to do 'what's right' in all situations?
>What's the end game?
Global technocracy. Then the culls will begin. Read statements on climate change and replace "CO2" with "humans" to get an idea of what this will be like. The cull will not be complete. The technocracy will maintain an underclass for the purposes of 1) experimentation 2) satisfying their need to dominate 3) serving as a comparison, a control, a reminder, as the technocracy fulfills their transhumanist agenda. Once this is accomplished, our world will be that of the short story "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream".
Are you me? Or do you just play me on the interwebs?
Fire le Autismo Cannon!
started with eliot
Anything on Twitter should be considered a work of fiction.
who else here is a supreme gentleman, like /ourguy/ elliot was?
More acceleration
>/lit/ - Political Twitter Posts
Oh wait, that's all of Sup Forums since you fucking redditors moved in.
thanks for the giggle, I really hope you never end up in a position of authority
This is why I think we should nuke the planet, the risk of creating a malevolent super Satan is very real, and it's a risk we are stumbling towards extremely quickly and with little thought to the consequences. Just look at Google and the rapid progress they're making, purely in pursuit of capital with very little oversight.
Everyone is asking "how?" but no one is asking "why?"
My advice is, if you're going to die, you have to destroy your brain matter so that the AI Antichrist can't resurrect your consciousness into an eternal, endless torture chamber simulation. Unless of course, we are already in the simulation, but don't know it yet
>My advice is, if you're going to die, you have to destroy your brain matter so that the AI Antichrist can't resurrect your consciousness into an eternal, endless torture chamber simulation.
That wouldn't be "resurrecting" - it would be a copy of your consciousness. We still don't know how to (re)create organic life, friendo.
>resurrect your consciousness into an eternal, endless torture chamber simulation
there is no good reason for the AI to waste resources doing that, or even to want to do it in the first place. Roko's Basilisk is an idiotic notion.
I don't know man, maybe Romney is doing some bad cop triple inverse psychology to try and help Roy Moore out. Because if he's serious about calling for Moore to drop out just over some allegations then he shouldn't exist as a human being, because he has no soul, whether he makes that statement in good faith or bad faith, there's just no soul there. It is just a calculating automaton.
>This is why I think we should nuke the planet, the risk of creating a malevolent super Satan is very real, and it's a risk we are stumbling towards extremely quickly and with little thought to the consequences.
Right I mean even as we have this massive war on terror, terror big problem, big terror organizations actively at war with us, while this is going on we decided to develop all sorts of drone technology and sell it at consumer stores. So if any terrorist wanted to he could go buy some drones, strap some bombs to them, and fly them wherever and blow up all sorts of crazy stuff. And enemies will develop massive swarms of automated drones that will roll into cities and be programmed to kill everyone there on some recogntion algo. And people really aren't making much money from this tech, just doing it because they can now. And yet it is this just massive risk that bad guys could use to kill so many people...
It really only makes sense if all the big terror orgs are actually controlled by the deep state and kept in line to prevent them from doing anything too crazy while getting as many of themselves killed as possible - attract the potential jihadis to your terror org, send them to blow themselves up against other jihadis, purge them from gene pool.
But if it were a real risk that al qaeda on its own would make drone bomb armies, why would you let this tech be available to consumers because freedom?
Technocrasy meme is real. Eu kikes pretty much scream this now that imigration benefits have been disproven