Find a flaw

Find a flaw
>protip: you cant

Other urls found in this thread:лyнcкa_бългapcкa_мъжкa_гимнaзиялyнcкa_бългapcкa_дeвичecкa_гимнaзиялyнcкa_бългapcкa_тъpгoвcкa_гимнaзиядpинcкa_бългapcкa_мъжкa_гимнaзиякo_бългapcкo_пeдaгoгичecкo_yчилищeкoпcкo_бългapcкo_пeдaгoгичecкo_yчилищeБитoлcкa_бългapcкa_клacичecкa_гимнaзия

Post some Bulgarian ladies. I tried finding em. All of em were ugly af



i approve

>giving land to alboshits

Still turkys bitch

Turkey still excists
Albania still excists

No flaws, best enclave of Turkey ever.

Of Turkey never in fact

Bulgaria is not a real country.

is "never" bulgarian for 500 years?

Show me Turkey on the map during those 500 years

Your a half greek soy boi
your a turk rape baby

>hidden flag
Into the trash it goes

if you're balkan you're a turk rape baby.
Lol. "It wasnt turkey it was ottoman empire"

Here my flag fuck boi
your still a greek soy boi

>Find a flaw
You still have not regained Edirne/Adrianople

West slavs are the slavic leaders.

I approve, gibsmedat. Will never happen though

Thats right, yes

>of Bulgaria and Macedonia
>implying Macedonia is a state itself
Macedonia has been a Bulgarian province since the 9th century. You don't see a federation of Greece and Arcadia because Arcadia has always been a province of Greece.

>not tri moreta
shit tier

>if you're balkan you're a turk rape baby.
If you're a "turk" you're basically some kind of slav/greek/anatolian mongrel. Even your elite forces were converted slavs.

It doesn't include Constantinople.

Why? What is in there that is worth the effort?
No sea,no industry ,no natural resources worth mentioning.
What is the point?


10% muslims

I like it but you don't have a coast on Lake Prespa.
You've also increased the amount of Turks (already at 10% correct?) and gypsies.
They're also less developed but this can be fixed through brotherly unity and efforts made together.
I'd prefer it as a central state and not a federation however.
Good job OP, this is perhaps the first 'find a flaw' thread I've seen that isn't retarded.

Bulgaria no longer needs this territory. They have declining population. Why do Bulgaria needs extra territory when less people are there?

well the name is shit. just call slavgayloveria

Macedonia is cute though

>increased amount of turks
Its actually decreasing pretty quick

The flaw is Turkey still existing.

Oh splendid. Reclaim Kardzhali when?

Good idea, most of FYROM needs to disappear and Bulgaria seems the first sensible option.

Cannot help but feel a small amount of south FYROM should go to Greece, as Greeks were ethnically cleansed out of the region by Tito after WW2.

Oh look, its the country that called its colonies to help him fight us and still lost. LOL

>Cannot help but feel a small amount of south FYROM should go to Greece, as Greeks were ethnically cleansed out of the region by Tito after WW2.
The areas in orange where places dominated by Bulgarian population desu. South Macedonia is not Greek.

If anything was to be given to Greece, it would be a greater coast on Lake Prespa and Bitola (or to Greeks, Monastir). I don't mind this, as the city would have been Greek, as during the Balkan Wars, the Greeks drew the Turks from the city, and likely would have defeated them, however a day later the Serbs attacked from the rear and captured the city.
Some groups claim the FYROM census is inaccurate, as some (albeit stubborn) Greeks continue to refer themselves under the regional demonym 'Macedonian', instead of the ethnic one, being Greek.
Can't really complain though, Greeks cucked the Bulgarians from Thessaloniki.

Man these are just San Stefano borders.

Yes, the San Stefano treaty states that all territories inhabited mostly by Bulgarians should be given to Bulgaria.

Mate they were generous to say the least, San Stefano was a tool used by the Russians to cripple the Ottomans, the Bulgarians were a pawn used to do this.

Good idea, OP. But you'd have to secede the far west to Albania and macedonian locals would lost their autonomy, witch is probably why they don't want it.

>Mate they were generous to say the least
So the people who went to these school were brainwashed turks and greeks right?лyнcкa_бългapcкa_мъжкa_гимнaзиялyнcкa_бългapcкa_дeвичecкa_гимнaзиялyнcкa_бългapcкa_тъpгoвcкa_гимнaзиядpинcкa_бългapcкa_мъжкa_гимнaзиякo_бългapcкo_пeдaгoгичecкo_yчилищeкoпcкo_бългapcкo_пeдaгoгичecкo_yчилищeБитoлcкa_бългapcкa_клacичecкa_гимнaзия

I think you fucked up man, all these links are taking me to the Bulgarian 'edit wikipedia' page.

Nice one, a*ssie. There are such pages on the English wiki as well so you can go and delete their contents as well.

I'm serious man, get a screenshot for me then.
Although I can't read Bulgarian.
Or at least tell me them individually in English so I can look them up.

>If anything was to be given to Greece, it would be a greater coast on Lake Prespa and Bitola (or to Greeks, Monastir).
Monastir/Bitola and the land closer to Lake Prespa was what I had in mind. Bulgarians not gaining Thessaloniki was a good thing.

>Greek land formerly owned by Turks, given to Bulgarians to be used as warm water ports by Russians later
>Bulgarians had a few public institutions like schools
>therefore it was rightfully ours
Treaty of San Stefano was unpopular for a reason, and it played a part in leading to Greeks and Bulgarians fighting each other in later wars.

>"wikipedia doesn't recognize an article with that name" for every single link
>posted it in Bulgarian so other can't realize what's happening

that's some elite pulling-shit-out-of-your-ass skills

Ah thank you my Bulgar friend, I thought translate was fucking up more than usual.

>Find a flaw
Here's one: it's Bulgaria