never would have thought to see this day...
Other urls found in this thread:
He's ok
>losing weight
>goes out to eat
Suck on some carrots you fat fuck.
He's still obese.
I could not possible give fewer fucks about this parasitic fat piece of shit.
Fuck him and the mcgriddle he rode in on.
chad beard
this dude is above the rest, i admire him
It's like some sort of RMS and Gabe unholy union.
>proud of losing enough weight to fit in a booth and consume calories.
This is why it's not worth fixing fat people. Whatever else happens their brain is still broken.
hes going to get fat again talking about how BMI doesn't allply to him and he deadlifts 500lbs so is 50% muscle (he weighed 500lbs so standing up is the same as deadlifting 500lbs which means he must be very muscular)
>goes to a restaurant to celebrate
I still hope that annoying fedora tipper gets killed one day.
Statistically his cheeseburger habit is going to kill him before long.
>still fat as fuck
>looks 20 years older
>shit taste in games
I don't even
Doesn't matter. He cheated and will gain it all back.
at least he is loosing weight, I guess going out and having some food to celebrate is ok. I'ts still a bit like an alcoholic celebrating 6 months sober by having a drink. I know a drunk who did just that but he just had one beer with me because the deal was a pot and a parma. I think at some point you should test if you have conquered your demon. He just needs to stop being a cuck now
I hope he saved up for the surgical removal of the excess skin.
I knew a guy that went through the same process as him but could afford the surgery. Over time he became so demoralized that ate and drank himself to death, multiple organ failure.
>could afford the surgery
*couldn't afford the surgery.
Another reason to not let yourself become a raging food addict with zero regard for yourself or those around you.
I have no sympathy for these people.
Why are so many people on Sup Forums bitter about this? Who cares that he "cheated", he couldn't do it alone so he asked for help. The surgery itself could have killed him right there, yet he took the risk and is now improving his life day after day. I don't really like him either, but he still made more of an effort to change himself than most people do, included people on Sup Forums: it's something to be applauded.
Did she blow up after meeting him, or did she just fat-chick-angle the other photos?
I don't give a shit how he lost the weight. It's not as if he'll be all better now. He's done serious permanent damage to himself and those around him.
Why do so many people have sympathy for people like him?
reminds me of the land whale who got ran over for protesting!
I wish he'd shave off that repugnant hobo beard
the answer is in the chin
>my condition is now only morbidly obese instead of extremely morbidly obese
She didn't even get run over. She was nowhere near the car. She literally just died of a heart attack from being deathfat sized.
I am actually quite proud of the fat fuck Hope he gets down to normal size one day.
maybe she ran a couple of feet to run away from the car and lost her breath because of all the exercise!
wow and he only needed someone to open his body and cut his fat stomach to like 1/20th its size.
ill bet hell just stuff it so full itll rupture anyway
>Sup Forums now making fun of a man that is working hard to better himself
You can tell his habits havent changed, he still eats shit, maybe he cant physically eat the amount of calories required to put on weight again, but if he doesnt change his habits, his new stomach will just strech little by little, untills hes able to over eat and put the weight back on.
wasnt he a coal burner?
He's still a parasite and a food addict degenerate. Nothing has changed.
I would unironically shoot this fat leech with a shotgun
maybe. But someone like Boogie doesn't get to choose.
Good on him for staying healthy and losing weight. Of course, Sup Forums is just gonna shit all over this guy, regardless.
youth in asia when?
It's honestly amazing to me that any person, male or female, would go near a person this diseased. There has to be something wrong with you to do that. It's like wanting to fuck someone with leprosy.
Imagine how awful he has to smell, I mean seriously. When you can't physically reach your own asshole, your undercarriage has to be some horror movie level shit.
I noticed that he got rid of the faggot numale neckbeard. That's a very strong indicator.
LoL wtf happened to this dude, he got so fat that hes starting to melt ?
Seriously, good on the dude for finally waking up and taking control of his life.
Congrats. Now eat more unhealthy shit, you fat ape.
Whatever the fuck he needs to do to succeed is worth it. Fuck everything else.
Is that Philip DeFranco?
So he can go back to eating at a resturant.
His wife keeps going out of town eh
The more wight he loses the older he gets
She obviously has a fat fetish. If he gets thinner, then she will leave him and he will get fatter.
Nemanja, friend, let’s tell these cucks how looked down on fatties, fags and trannies here are.
>he got so fat that hes starting to melt ?
he got his stomach stapled. he simply can't stuff his face anymore
Could be. Could be not. We are very respectful of privacy here on Sup Forums.
That's why all the faces are censored: to protect their identities.
We theorize those people might be boogie and his wife.But there is no way to be sure.
The picture was made merely for illustration purposes. Privacy is paramount on this board.
she's fatter than boogie now
He actually made a vid on fat acceptance once, and his opinion on the matter is pretty solid. He supports fat acceptance in as far as it's about accepting the situation you're in and not beating yourself up over it (as it often leads to a vicious cycle of giving up). He thinks it's toxic when it's used to tell fat people there's nothing wrong with being fat, and acknowledged that due to his fat he'll probably never be truly as healthy as someone who was never a landwhale. He's pretty sober about the whole situation, and that's why I can't hate him. I hate landwhales, but my hatred is undermined if they actually try to change things.
I know it's difficult to fathom for the average American, but not every restaurant is fast food. Don't whine until you know what he's having.
Was he /ourguy/ all along?
Had no idea his wife is that big.
She’s tucking obese, kind of obese you would turn your head in disgust if you saw her on the street.
Agree - each time one of these enormous fucking wastes of life turns into a normal sized person, even temporarily, it undermines all the HAES and pro-fat shit, muh genetics, etc. That's what we want.
>but not every restaurant is fast food
>Monsato flavoring all your "healthy" shit
Are you fucking sure about that?
Very true statement, friend
christ, what a waste, she was a solid 8/10 when she was thin
As someone who works in medical care and has dealt with super obese patients, I can assure you that it is just about on that level of horror.
>lost some weight
>better celebrate by stuffing my face with shit!
This is why he will never succeed.
>Convert into Islam
>Loss fat
What? it really works?
We insulted this guy so hard he added five years to his lifespan just to spite us
Carrots are actually one of the unhealthiest vegetables, super sugary and carb dense.
I certainly respect him more now than ever before. He did what he had to do. You won't find me trying to rain on his parade.
what if you fry it?
>implying the bullets wouldn't bounce back at you
You don't understand, he will never be normal. He got a lap band so he will lose weight without exercise and building muscle, he will have flaps of skin that will make him look like a fucking Shar Pei. He also didn't correct the underlying issue of being addicted to food.
What a hero
>I know it's difficult to fathom for the average American, but not every restaurant is fast food
Almost every restaurant sells the same shitty salty sugary sysco garbage
How is that possible?
She'd have to be bed ridden.
The guy broke his fucking tail bone by breaking a chair and hitting the ground. That's as fat as it gets.
>I could not possible give fewer fucks about this parasitic fat piece of shit.
>9 posts by this ID
>He thinks it's toxic when it's used to tell fat people there's nothing wrong with being fat
Meanwhile, him and his wife have remained deathfat sized for years. It's easy to pay lip service to things like that and not actually get off of your ass and do anything about it.
Getting your stomach stapled is not a real solution.
>so he asked for help
*Took our tax/insurance dollars
Sup Forums would have no problem if he paid for treatment of his bad habit with his own money. In fact, we would probably applaud him for taking initiative to better himself.
The problem is he's a leech who thinks he's entitled to our money to pay for his treatments.
This is a fucking video to some FAT FUCK on YouTube named Boogie2988. Now, I'm tired of this FAT FUCK popping up on all my fucking search engines when I'm looking for a fucking work-out video. I don't give a fuck about that aftermath from any of you boogie fans that feel sorry for this greesy fuck
You fat fucking disgusting Ass Smelling, Blob, Cheese Drinking, Crisco Bathing, Lard Gargling, Calorie Thieving, Cabbage Patch Face-having, Dr. Robotnik Looking, Wingstop Eating, McDonald's Gorging, T-Rex Arm Having, Non-Vegetable Eating, Cook on a George Foreman grill just to drink out the drip tray, Wide Load, Hungry Hungry Hippo, Planet, Pretending to have a fucking Thyroid problem, Whale / Free Willy, Parked Bus, Yokozuna, Flubber, *PWAHH* Kirby, Salad Dodger, Chair Crusher, Butter Ball, Go to Subway, but put everything on it, Michelin Man, Happy because Hostess is back in business mother fucker
>Having respect for him when he didn't actually work at losing the weight at all
He basically just fucking cheated, he didn't learn anything or improve himself mentally in any way.
he's losing weight tho
That's not as fat as it gets.
Fucking christ, what is this from? I'm morbidly curious
Stop posting this stupid fucking ape you child.
You realize that going on a diet doesn't mean you don't still eat food, right?
>participating in a thread means you care if some bag of fatty organs lives or dies
My 600lbs life, James K
>He couldn't fit in a booth at a restaurant
>Being able to fit your rotund body into an restaurant seat is an achievement
Thank you, user...time to get my zofran and dive in.
It is when you couldn't before
Have fun, it's a great episode
>Carrots are actually unhealthy and vegetables in general
>What am i a rabbit!?
I just don't believe this sentiment. Self-disgust is a powerful motivating force.
Getting teased by my friends relentlessly got me to lose 50 lbs.
to be white ?
>celebrating weight loss by eating a calorie filled meal
Do you have news from his wife and her best friend?
Rofl. Carbs and sugar are not bad, you fucking idiot. Your body breaks carbs and sugars down into ATP. The problem with carbs and sugar is too much, too frequently. Why are americans always so dumb and uneducated?
No it's not. He's gone from morbidly obese to borderline morbidly obese thanks to a gastric bypass.
If he got to a normal human size and didn't baloon back up that's an achievement
>calorie-filled meal
as opposed to... celery and ice?