How does this make you feel, Sup Forums?
Daily reminder that this is what Jesus looked like
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>a jew is my lord and savior
how KEKED are christians?
Jesus was a jew so stop trying to get a hard on your mum smoke ched aswell
That's just his vessel two thousand years ago.
there was no jesus
Fuck off leaf you say shit like that islam will never fuck off
>man evolved from this 2000 years ago and it’s beautiful
reminder that mohammad was pale as snow and had ginger hair
You're making one fatal mistake with your argument. The spirit that impregnated Mary was white as snow with blonde hair and blue eyes
>a spirit would take the form of a beta race of people
Jesus possessed some prominent leader this century.
Neutral? What he did was more important.
If there is one day a turbochink Elon Musk-alike saviour of the planet, who cares that he's a chink?
Why should I care what a Jewish cult leader who got crucified by the Romans 2000 years ago looked like?
Yep like starlin
Proof Jesus was in fact Le 56%
He possessed you.
>(((scientists))) can recreate the facial features of a man whose DNA they don't have who lived 2000 years ago
Go fuck yourself, faggot
lol upset christians are the best
I feel jesus in me
Uh oh christcucks. Your entire civilization was built on a lie. I'm just going to sit back and watch the mental gymnastics in action.
lmao keep crying baby girl
it feels pretty good
Remind me why I should care what he looked like? I always see this pop up when atheists/pagans (same thing really) on Sup Forums try to be hateful, but I don’t get why I should be offended by it.
>We was Nazareth carpenters and sheeit
Holy Spirit didn't rape our women out of respect
do you get paid to do this?
would it be possible for me to get a job like yours?
His looks doesn't matter, what he has done for us does and he will always be Lord
>how to spot the college dropout
Reminder that image was made by kikes.
Reminder that if you don’t worship Christ you’re an irredeemable faggot.
funny you'd call anyone a kike and worship a literal kike
why are christians so mentally flawed?
atheist here
no that isnt jesus face,they litterally dug up some random bones from a random grave slapped some playdough over it made it unflattering as possible and then they went "oh look this is jesus!"
its like digging up a random grave from the 70s and saying this is what elvis looked like
total bullshit
He's my saviour!
It's not the body that mattered, it's the soul
>Cant predict tomorrow weather
>Says Florida would by underwater by 2016
>Thinks the universe invented its self
>Somehow is right about Jesus
Dont you have white British children to be grooming Mehemmet?
>>Thinks the universe invented its self
>i can't prove exactly how it happened so it must be magic!
did you finish high school?
>believes in Magic
Cool story bro, Did Dumbledore do it?
>no reading comprehension
yea, thanks for answering my original question, retard.
Have fun at your next Gathering. I hope your first in line to bleed the goat.
>outed as a retard
lol you tried, my son
>some guy born from jews in the middle of the fucking desert could somehow look nordic
unless Jesus was albino, he definitely wasn't white, retard
daily reminder that fictional characters have no influence on rational people
>my son
Please take your Luciferian recruitment attempts somewhere else, this is a Christian thread.
Because racial superiority complexes and religious fundamentalism often go hand in hand. Would you be so fundamentally Christian if Christ were brown? If so, you're a good Christian. If not, you might need to re-evaluate yourself.
>jewish artist puts clay on a skull
>implying this random artistic clay on skull means anything
>How to spot someone who has the comprehension of a 5 year old
What did not-jesus mean by this?
Why do people take sand religions to seriously anyway? I don't get how that part of the world is the mecca of belief.
feels great knowing that israeli (((scientists))) came up with that and their shills are trying to demoralize us, we're doing something right
fuck kikes and the talmud, Christ looked better and is a Christian like us, you guys are scum
way to save face, retard
Jesus was probably a Roman rape baby.
That's why he wasn't as jewy as the jews.
You do realize that people follow him not because of what he looked like but because of his beliefs and what he stood for?
>Bring up traditional european/roman/greek/egyptian religion
>You're an idiot larping faggot OMG more than one god what a fool! HAHA stop pretending your ancestor's traditions are yours that's the same as being a nigger
>Bring up sand nigger kike religions
>This is real because the jews made it up this is your real historic culture that means something and you should be connected too you don't want to be a retarded nigger or fedora tipper do you?
Sure Thing Faggot.
Daily reminder that that was done by Israelis.
because that's where monotheistic religions appeared
First with Zarathustra then the jews, then christians and finally the mudslimes
thats what the talmud says , so we know you're a kike for repeating it, at least you get to have the antichrist be a jew and he will be born of a whore like our saints say and you will worship him, you got jewed in the future
Monotheistic religions are bullshit and the reason everything is going wrong in the world. Everyone upset the gods by switching over to kike propaganda instead. This kike propaganda caused the downfall of all the great classical civilisations.
Save face? You are a nobody lmao. As was stated before the appearance of Christ doesn't matter. What matters is what he has done for mankind. Is that better or is your brain still malfunctioning