>weed isn't dangerou-
Weed isn't dangerou-
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Spice is the same as weed you stupid cunt, I can't tell the difference. I switched to spice because it's cheaper and just as good.
>just as good
>expecting it to have any bad side effects
Weed is definitely not the same thing as spice
Ivan has better things to worry about tbqh
>being this fucking retarded
Spice is synthetic weed you stupid fucking bong. It cause your brain to swell up and hemorrhage against your skull. 2 of my friends died in front of me smoking that shit, so keep it up dumb fuck.
If spice was the same it'd not be called spice.
This is your Emperor on Spice
Synethic chemicals from China is the same as a organic plant. You are either trolling or retarded, since you smoke spice I'm guessing retarded.
Anyone with normal intelligence would be aware of how different weed and spice are. Perhaps someone in the
Looks like he is saluting in the thumbnail
They're not even close to the same. 0/10.
>spice makes you this retarded
>Spice is the same as weed
>I can't tell the difference
>cheaper and just as good
My name? My name, is, No.. No Bo Dee. Yeah, No Bo Dee
spice activates cannabinoid receptors in your brain that weed does not.
spice also lacks CBD and therefore lacks the sedative, calming aspects of pot.
they are not the same. spice is just bath salts, or, if you're lucky, actual synthetic cannabinoids, dissolved in acetone and sprayed over the dried leaves of the damiana plant, which produces a much thicker, heavier resin than pot and much more of it. pot is cannabis flowers that haven't been allowed to seed, stimulating the production of cannabinoids which make the flowers stickier, allowing more pollen to be captured and also reflect UV light, attracting bees who might pollinate the flowers
>taking drugs unironically
stick to the booze faggots. its time proven.
Weed and spice both work on the same brain receptors - CB1 and CB2
They are not that different. Spice is just several times more potent than weed so it's easy for users to dose too much and trip the fuck out.
>can't unsee a guy's head saluting a flag
It's just like how you hear about weed edibles causing people to kill their wife. Edibles can allow a person to consume a massive dose and have a way harsher trip than smoking. Just like how spice is stronger than smoking natural cannibinoid receptor agonists (different strains of cannabis).
alcohol is a drug.
Alcohol is hard drugs
>spice is the same as weed
Monitoring the thread to laugh at all the degenerates who will defend weed.
In retrospect it may be good you guys had to bin that knives. As stupid as you are you probably would have hurt yourself with it
>Go for the legal hard drug instead goys.. I mean guys..
have a nice stay in mental institute bro.
spice is not even close to weed
this, fags who depend weed are retarded to understand how bad it is for their brain.
Drug using scum mumbling about intelligence. Kek
>Lmao if you only use this substance in a specific way it's safe, we should make that substance legal because of this
You are an idiot your are literally on a social strata as low as the fucking tramps on the street
m8 i have a documentary for you to watch
its about british spice addicts like you :DDD
I had to phone post this. kill yourself you bong fuck. Jesus Christ
>alcohol is bad for you
>cigarettes are bad for you
Being this retarded
Fun fact. Spice has wormwood in it. Congratulations on saving money by smoking poison
>fags who depend weed are retarded to understand how bad it is for their brain
>can't even form a prop sentence
>ironically taking drugs
Seems even more stupid desu
Don't smoke spice kids. My childhood friend died smoking that shit at the age of 25. Very sad.
Lol early grave, bet you live in some shithole like grimsby
are all bongs and leaves retarded? asking for a friend.
Spice made me hallucinate
The shortcut icons on my computer turned into eyeballs
Spice isn't anywhere near the same compound as thc and if you think synthetics are at all comparable then you're a fucking moron with less than half a brain, but this is the chan so
even an IQ 60 nigger could tell the difference you must be, bottom of the barrel retarded.
Are you retarded leaf? Is all the loneliness from sitting in you igloo freezing your brain
that's why edible doses are lower bruh
edibles are the shit
wtf i love islam now
Damiana...really, I had no idea people smoked that. Here in Brazil you can find a ton of it growing everywhere, especially side walks.
that guy is a complete retard anyway. edibles dont kill you, they make you really sick when you arent used to it. just like alcohol does and even cigaretess. just try smoking a couple cigarettes in a span of a minute and see what happens
already all people here agree you are as smart as a door knob, so good luck believing weed is the same as spice
That's why I prefer ayahuasca, 10,000 years of use and counting.
I remember you
You were gay then
You are gay now
When you gunna get tired of reposting this?
>unironically thinking that alcohol is better for you than weed when it's an addictive depressant that makes people blow their brains out and fuck women that look like dogs
Shut the fuck up, stop hating on spice when you haven't even tried it, it's just as good as normal weed other than the headaches. I'm not about to start spending three times as much just to stop headaches when I can just take painkillers.
Are you trying to say I believe in your free text? Because I believe the opposite...weed shouldn't really be legal, it's just better than it being widespread on a black market that supports criminals. Spice definitely shouldn't be legal, because it's much easier to accidentally take too much of/abuse.
This is also why edibles are facing many regulations in places where weed is becoming legal, because they can easily be misused.
The first time I ever did spice I turned into a raging horny fag and started putting as many sharpies into my ass as possible and masturbated on my floor.
i smoked it twice back when it was new and was still legal.
shit was crazy, the second time i smoked way too much and my body got super hot and i had nutzo level tunnel vision. thats all i remember i went into a brownout. my friends said we all just hungout and played forza before i went out and fell asleep in the grass
Spice isn't THC, you lousy troll.
not even wrong for some people
I smoke spice and it is almost identical to weed, but for some people it sends them into psychotic fits
I'm pretty sure I saw this webm around here a few days past.
>That's why I prefer ayahuasca
as a recreational drug?
Your talents are wasted on this board
I was given synthetic weed by a dealer when I wanted to get into smoking pot and it gave me body disassociation for over 3 months. It was quite literally hell.
>it's just as good as normal weed other than the headaches
Good luck with the braintumor
faggot OP gets exposed
This has to be bait, nobody can be this retarded.
You are the one who seems to be suffering from low IQ and loneliness, based off your need to lash out at me as well as your lack of providing any supporting evidence for your "claims".
Edibles can easily be taken in too high of an amount and overload the cannibinoid receptors. Spice can easily be taken in too high of an amount and overload the cannibinoid receptors.
Which part of this are you finding disagreeable? Both edibles and spice can easily be misused, but big cause their undesirable effects at high doses by overstimulation the cannibinoid receptors leading to a "bad trip".
LOL, no ayahuasca is not a recreational drug, it is a pineal gland stimulator/activator.
I use it for medicinal purposes. 3 or 4 times a year is perfect. The pineal gland regulates the brain so you don't need to use often
The experience lasts 3 to 5hrs and is pretty fucking magical.
It's the current year and still there are people smoking that crap. Also: why can't Russians just go for regular weed if they really have to get stoned? Each time I hear about accidents with spice it always comes from there.
Enjoy your coma
spice isn't weed
and to all you fuckers saying one should stick to alcohol, (just because you do it, doesn't make it right) mind your own business, cause you are obviously biased when it comes to weed
Are you a nigger
weak b8 or literal retarded britbong
Anyone that thinks Spice is a good thing should go read the reaction of the chemist who created it upon learning people were using it recreationally. It was created the study cannabinoid receptor interactions in the 80's. He was unaware of it's street use until 2008.
His name is John W. Huffman, and he says anyone actually consuming synthetic marijuana is "an idiot"
>falling for this bait
>Brits in charge of understanding anything
You're fucking retarded
I am a Mancunian. I knew it would be the manchester video before i even clicked on it.
If the amount of homeless people I see spiced up in town are anything to go by I'll give spice a miss... hard to believe that shit was on sale in every paki lycamobile shop legally for so long.
Tip for anyone thinking of visiting here. Don't. And if you do, avoid Piccadilly gardens at all times
I just ordered mapacho off dream market. Should be fun when i drink my aya.
>weed isn't dangerou-
But it can be embarrassing.
Iboga is recreational.
>just as good
>except for the headaches
Weed is safe; Russians are dangerous
You're a retard. There are different kinds of spice. Spice just means it's meant to mimic marijuana.
Alcohol is yeast poo.
You mean like ninety nine percent of any legal substance you can be prescribed or buy over the counter, you deflated-skull fucktard?
This shit only happens in America.
It's not a drug issue, it's a mental health issue.
Like any other issue in your country.
Stop drinking tap water.
Booze is just as bad and degenerate. Social drinking with friends is fine, drinking to get shitfaced means you're a alcoholic that is addicted to a drug.
Is this shit even real ? I have hard time to believe it's only in russia and there are no addicts in other countries. I'm pretty sure it's a big hoax like those guys injecting semen in eggs to grow humonculus or whatever the fuck it's named.
When will they learn ?
There are more psychologists per capita in the US than in any other country anywhere else.
What do you propose when you say Mental Healthcare reform?
Rather than just saying platitudes that are meaningless, define them and grant them meaning.
>Illicitly produced desomorphine is typically far from pure and often contains large amounts of toxic substances as a result of being "cooked" and used without any significant effort to remove the byproducts and leftovers from synthesis. Injecting any such mixture can cause serious damage to the skin, blood vessels, bone and muscles, sometimes requiring limb amputation in long-term users
dont try this at home kids
lmao you're a recovering heroin addict aren't you?
Are you one of those guys who says FUCK TRUMP PIAZZAGATE DEBUNKED
How mu make? ch do you
See that? They fucked up my typing. So do you care that you protect pedophiles who murder kids? Do you join in or say it is fake news?