How did the UK fall this low?
Once a proud empire, same genetic stock even, how did the once mighty Anglo succumb?
How did the UK fall this low?
Tony Blair
What is this forsaken island anymore?
post-war leap into socialism
One who exchanges his freedom for security, shall have neither
So glad we got the first and the second amendment
I hope that win in ww2 was worth it
What do you think anons? Can England be saved?
Last one I post
What do you guys think?
this islands a shithole now but where do we go? what can we really do about it? the uk is just one big reality tv show full of narcissists and self entitled wasters
Sadly, it was the Aryans that caused us to fall so low.
One earth shattering world war was just not enough for the Krauts, and after starting world war one, the ARYANS work was still not done.
So he allied with the Wop and Jap and started a new one - World War Two.
We threw everything we had to save our Empire.
And we almost salvaged it after the war, but you fucking AMERICUNTS betrayed us and fucked us over in the Suez Crisis, in fact, the AMERICUNTS fucked all of Europe in the Suez Crisis and set the downfall of Colonialism and imperialism in one fell swoop.
Thanks Yanks and Krauts. You fucked the world for all of us. Fuck you.
Are the police there not allowed to kneecap someone with their baton or punch? Like what the fuck?
what a waste of good genetics
>How did the UK fall this low?
they failed to kill every jew living on their island. hitler was right all along.
No , If you hurt your enemy they win.
>how did the once mighty Anglo succumb?
succumb to his own garbage, mind you
When the British civil war finally fires up I expect to see these faggots hanging from lampposts.
>Great Britain
>Succumb to Jew
I still don't get how any Western country can be great if it continues to be subverted by thousand year old clan.
>Muh jooz
Unfortunately, anti semitism is still a thing
>One earth shattering world war was just not enough for the Krauts
you're willingly ignoring facts at this point
which begs the question why would you do this
when you see a tree, do you willingly delude yourself into seeing blue leaves?
So if not, why would you repeat here a commonly known misconception, that world war one was germany's fault? It is really not difficult to get this right, so this is by choice, to get your enemy or your boogeyman so you can spew a bit of petty bullshit against an old rival
And you drag the debate down for everyone else too.
plus the yanks are your buddies, a fruit from your tree, and not europe's. And you buddy up with them to this day even though they took this continent and turned into a caricature of them.
Cause they are ruled by germanic royalty, LUL
This is what British christmas ads looks like.
>What do you guys think?
I think you should fuck off ahmed
it's not just weird its lazy as well. i guess women do most of the shopping but why make it interacial only 9% oc uk couples are interacial.