>trainwreckstv, a twitch streamer, has been banned for 5 days for pointing out the problem with camwhores and titty streamer on twitch
>these kinds of streamers often show parts of their body """unintentionally""" to gain more viewers and promote their streams
>they often promote their content to minors
>Twitch will BAN you if you say anything bad about them
>they often get lighter or no bans at all if they do something against the TOS
/TwitchGate/ General #1
Other urls found in this thread:
Have a cancerous bump.
women are whores by nature , betas need to be castracted they are the ones funding them
clip that got him banned?
Who cares?
>Oh no, children are seeing some tits and ass.
>Better send them outside to play, where every other woman is showing tits and ass.
Grow up, it's obvious you're a faggot. That doesn't mean you have to follow the stereotype and be a fairy little bitch too.
cringeworthy but not banworthy
>He watches someone else play games
>shut down boobstreamers because complaints
>o shit we are losing potential shekels
>allow boobstreamers back
>somebody complains about boobstreamers
>oy vey
Thanks. That's incredibly mild and didn't single anyone out in particular. Pretty crazy he got banned for it.
I don't watch female streamers ( rarely any streams) , because of this. 95% of them aren't entertaining nor good at games, the yliterally just got viewers because of pathetic guys, who worship them in the chats, it's a ultra cringe fest. We should animate their viewers to kill themselfs.
Fuck off, thot.
Sup Forums is for people 18+. if you are over that age you should outgrown childish bullshit like streams and vidya. get a life.
Found the Jew.
if you are 18+ you should outgrow 4chinz faggot.
Twitch has been a softcore porn site for years now, we lost that battle ages ago and former camwhores have been moving in ever since. Less effort for more thirsty retard money.
I don't mind if they're actually good. But I definitely do not want to watch someone's face reactions.
Disgusting roasties are making thousands off Twitch and Instagram. They do absolutely no work and can make 10x more than someone who actually has a job. Fuck these pieces of shit, gas them all.
Look at your world changing posts. Wow, now there will be no more whore streamers. Or, you can join the rest of us in the real world, not jerking off your buds in your Sup Forums echo chamber. Either way, she's still going to make more money for less work than you two uggos ever will.
>wahhhhh they make more money than me for less work! Life isn't fair! I wish they would all die!
Stop throwing a tantrum you soft little bitch.
You gonna show us your titties or what?
>Look at your world changing posts. Wow, now there will be no more whore streamers.
First step to fixing a problem is identifying it. Even pre-schoolers understand this.
>she's still going to make more money for less work than you two uggos ever will.
Yeah, no.
Anything else, Shekelstein?
i got banned from the pol bord on Sup Forums. go figure
>getting upset over titty streams
>getting upset because people want to watch titty streams instead of losers playing vidya
Can somebody please explain his emotions to me? I'm not understanding this.
Someone's jelly.
If beta men are jealous that females make better company representatives (because sex sells), then they should get good and quit blaming the fairer sex. Start lifting, show some skin, maybe wear a fishnet tank top and a jockstrap or something. Try to actually compete before you start whining on Sup Forums about your failures as a gamer.
my favourite streamer is the female who plays runescape and claimed to have leukemia when she didnt, at the same time racking in donations
i'm being facetious btw - it's a case of supply and demand. if there weren't idiot white knights then there wouldn't be cam whores. fix the white knights and you fix the problem. the faux leukemia bitch might have acted immoral but lying isn't illegal so she's within her rights imo
>>Twitch will BAN you if you say anything bad about them
twitch is the same PC garbage that the rest of american and to a greater extent now western society is
>fishnet tank top
Get out of here you faggot.
Twitch ran by lefty weasel whiteknights, who would have thought.
56% degenerate
Probably not, but throw some cash and I might.
After we identify the problem, we have to have action. You sitting your fat ass in your chair all day isn't action, tubby. You have still yet to accomplish anything except armchair politics. That's my point. You're useless lol.
Lmao fukin roastie
of course you aren't. You're too fucking retarded to understand it. You're attempting to paint any men who think camwhore titty streams are retarded into faggots. When the only faggot here, is you. faggot. now why don't you kys.
It's the free market in action, goy.
>even after those post this woman will continue to do exactly the same thing she is doing now
Hell yeah, you guys are ground breaking. Your constant crying on Sup Forums is really making her life hard.
non-gamer detected
What's more important? That you can beat the roasties at the game or your pride? Obviously not pride if you have a twitch account in the first place, let alone are the guy banned for whining about the "unfair" advantages of cleavage.
Can we get some unintentional tits and ass webms or something? What the fuck?
Streamer wage-gap argument when? Males being treated unfairly by Twitch, which is owned by amazon. Headline:
Amazon providing softcore pornography to minors through their "IRL" streaming service Twitch.tv.
i'm surprised the prostitution wage gap is never brought up :thinking:
Anyone have that infographic with the tells that a woman is posting? Funny that any disapproval of women's whoring themselves online for thirsty betabux are immediately met with insults like virgin, bitch, faggot, etc. Have fun hitting the wall.
>getting this upset
Ok, now please explain why you're upset instead of just saying faggot. When faggots are making a living off playing video games and they complain about women making a living off showing their tits it's pretty pathetic. If anything the women showing their tits are putting more work into it than some loser sitting back playing video games. That's my reasoning, in a conversation this is the part where you give me your reasoning. Let's try to make this mystical thing called a "conversation" actually happen.
IRL was a mistake.
Don't you know? Every single woman in pornography is just being taken advantage of and not simply taking the path of least resistance. Men in porn choose to be there.
How are males treated unfairly? The highest paid streamers on twitch are male. Nice argument, you stupid fuck.
Women don't exist on the internet.
Sad beta cunts like you are the reason western women are as atrocious as they are, twitch is a gaming stream platform not a platform for dumb roastie cunts to flood and turn into yet another beta orbiter donation machine, you're the fucking loser mate.
>if there weren't idiot white knights then there wouldn't be cam whores.
This, beta fuck ups are the problem.
Twitch was about the games, not women in revealing clothing. They infiltrated Twitch just like they did with Youtube. Normal people just avoid the streams because they're a worthless scourge but that never stops thirsty faggots from throwing money at them in a pathetic attempt to get in their pants.
I was being stupid there, I read it as you wanted somebody to go out and do all that shit on the street instead of just on twitch. You were completely right from the start.
Pathetic whore.
It's a fucking gaming site you abhorrently meat skulled cunt.
Maybe because that man brings something to the table other than his vagina.
Gamer girls is cancer, never watched one and never will. But fact is people will keep donating and demand more so why bother
>shilling for idiots
get this shit;
Pink_sparkles (the titty streamer listed in that youtube video that OP posted), she got banned several times for such offences like twerking , and guess what? One day she was suddenly unbanned and then shortly after that partnered. Just goes to show, that the higher ups at twitch pick favourites.
No, the highest paid male streamers have an extremely large viewer-base. Titty streamers are literal attention whores trying to build a viewer-base with their tits.
In my opinion, no one should get paid for anything on Twitch, YouTube, etc. Those services were meant to be something that you did for fun, on the side. Not a career. The literal Jew bought YouTube and now look what's happening to it. Same goes with Twitch, actually.
There is no conversation, these losers are just mad that, A) whores are whoring and making better money than they ever will, and B) these whores will never sleep with them. Any logic or reason you throw at them will be abandoned for the cognitive dissonance that allows them to keep thinking they're fighting against something meaningful.
the irl/creative/music section was a mistake.
i remember when twitch was competing with jason tv and how you would get the ban hammer so fast for streaming tits and being a dumb ho.
have to weed through entitled roasties and hordes of betas to find a good player to observer and learn from in the game i want to watch.
If you trim off top and bottom 5% males are extremely poorly paid in comparison
>normal people just avoid the streams
>they're a worthless scourge but that never stops thirsty faggots from throwing money at them
So you're upset that these people are giving money away to see tits instead of watch some loser play a video game? Do the porn streams stop vidya gamer streams from being available? I would argue the tits streaming is more of a value than some loser playing video games. Am I understanding your side correctly because I genuinely don't understand what you're upset about.
People seem to want to make this about the girls or about the guys who give them attention when the point was supposed to be that twitch supports the girls to the point of letting them get away with violating the terms of service and banning other users on the platform that speak out against it.
>losers playing vidya
That's literally the entire point of twitch, it's what the platform is built on. But roasties have gotten involved and ruined it by making it all about them, like most things.
>amazon let degeneracy generate money
Wew lad at least it's not like they are creating hit pieces against their competition for monetized kids views lije big youtubers.
Yea but OP awoke the sleeping-past-noon soydragon and now it's out for the blood of camwhores.
You do realize these whores send nudes to Hassan Bokhari with them doing "things" and since he's "Partnership Account Manager" he decides who can make money and who can get banned or not.
>giving money away to see tits
They aren't seeing tits. Go to a porn site or get a girlfriend for fucks sake.
You do get some gems though
So you just ignore it and accept it because it could be worse? Isn't that how things got so bad? Not with just twitch but with most things in entertainment?
I gotchu
Camwhores really aren't that popular, though. They do not get that many views.
This is massive business for twitch. A good percentage of their business is kids tipping streamers in their parents credit. If they are "accidentally" showing puss some 11yo lad is going to dish out no matter what. Why would they scupper their business.
This. Patreon revamped their rules but the two major adult earners is one guy making porn of Lara Croft fuckign a horse and the other one is a "team" that makes rape and abuse porn. Those two were untouched while smaller earners were banned until they removed all the stuff that "violates" the rules.
Member twitch playing Pokemans for the first time?
>I member
It didn't used to be like this.
There was a golden age, where titty streamers didn't exist or were banned asap.
Now it's fucked. Like all good things, ruined for the sake of money.
Oh so you're just gay, you're either gay or in denial because no normal person should respond like that.
>and suddenly Sup Forums is mad about gender privilege
It's pretty simple. First you watch some of those titty streams. Then you imagine what kind of a person it would take to like them. Then you imagine yourself being that person. Then you ask yourself whether you would hate it. You extend this hatred to actual people that watch this crap, and then to the people that make that crap, and then to the people that allow that crap as long as they get a cut.
Nothing too complex, but it requires some empathy so people with autism might not be able to get it.
Fuck off nigger, you belong on Sup Forums not here.
>You sitting your fat ass in your chair all day isn't action, tubby.
Projecting a little hard, aren't we, Goldberg? You realize that by putting pressure on Amazon both online and off, you can force them to institute a policy change wherein their streamers are not allowed to sexualize their stream or market it to children? Everything has to start somewhere. Now fuck off back to your cuck shed, ShareBlue faggot.
I couldn't care less about what they make. If they pull the viewers, as far as I'm concerned they've earned that money. My bigger concern is their marketing of sex to kids.
>implying gender privilege exist for men
>First you watch some of those titty streams. Then you imagine what kind of a person it would take to like them
Straight people, it takes straight people to enjoy titties.
>talks about a golden age on twitch
>thinks he belongs here
Go back to twitch and watch your losers play video games. I bet you're one of the freaks that use it as a friend simulator.
I still tune in to some runs, it's not too bad. Only thing that bothers me about those runs are the knowitall's in chat making sure no fun is allowed.
>going to a porn site or fucking a real woman is less desirable than titty streamers
That's your position right now.
Who cares
Just another socialist loser who is pissed he doesn't have natural talent and wants to punish someone better than him
>this whole post
This has to be a roastie or one of her mods.
My thoughts exactly, user.
>He watches someone else play sports
>He listens to other people's music
>He goes to the movies instead of acting out the rolls himself
Oh wow, you're a woman aren't you.
This. It's funny seeing people deciding what's entertainment and what's not.
you know she had nudes leaked
>that's your position right now
Not at all, I tried to keep it very simple for you but it looks like I'll need to try even harder. So you have a site for people to stream while playing games, if you're going to that site, which would you rather watch? Some loser playing vidya or some big titty bitch shaking her tits around? It goes without saying that if you're going to the site for either you're a faggot but you seemed to be arguing that the loser playing vidya seriously is a better watch than a big titty girl shaking her boobs around. So somewhere we got lost in this conversation. Maybe you should take a moment to reread some of the other posts.
>id rather watch some loser play vidya than jerk off
>site for people to stream while playing games
>big titty bitch shaking her tits around
So which is she doing? Shaking her tits or playing a game?
>jerking off more than once a week
enjoy your low test
I would rather go to the gaming platform to watch video games then jack off
If i wanted to jack off, I would go to the porn platform
I don't understand how you find this a strange concept
Shaking her tits and playing a game?
Do the titty streamers stop you from doing this or are you just mad that your vidya playing streamer wasn't donated money they wouldn't have been donated anyway?