>hasnt made a video in over 2 months since he was btfo by the alt right
Kraut and Tea
Need a quick rundown on what happened, completely missed the events and only heard reference to what happened.
He doxxed someone from the alt right,got her fired and her reputation is completely fucked, got shit for it and now makes these videos to btfo the alt right which in reality, are all false
He has become a sjw
My understanding is Ryan Faulk btfo out of him on race realism, the last video he posted was on race realism which alternative hypothesis responded to
it's because he finally got pussy and that pussy holds completely opposite political opinions of his own. he's going to/has cuck180ed now. this guy was always shit-tier anyway,like all other jewtube e-celebs.
In all fairness, his videos were never really that good. It always was a little same-y and never mentioned a real solution. He is a real genuine dumbass.
>from the alt right
She suggested something that wasn't part of the "le skeptique" orthodoxy (IQ difference between populations).
I only watched the first two Kraut and Tea videos, and yes Ryan Faulk BTFO both of them. The Kraut videos were blatant strawmen and outrageously disingenuous as a result, and even then he managed to be wrong about huge chunks of it. The only good thing about wasting an hour watching them was that they introduced me to Faulk, who's got a great channel.
The skeptics sent their best and it turns out they have a high school level understanding of genetics and biology.
Good riddance, the less e-celebs the better
I hope you're donating to Ryan you nigger
>donating to people
>because he finally got tranny boipussy
t. someone who knows cuck and tea irl
Ryan is worth an exception. Anyone donating to cam whores or any other type of female should be thrust into a volcano though.
>148966687 (OP)
>one post by this id
>same bread baked three times a day
I gave $50 to Blair Cottrell before his court case for beheading a Muslim dummy, but I'm not much for donating to people just for their YouTube videos.
he does live in vienna right now. does anyone know why he moved here?
His girlfriend i think
delete this image
to escape the german thought police
he couldn't debunk illegal opinions, so he unplugged his ethernet and currently works on a farm.
>and currently works on a farm.
Is this true?
This whole Kraut meltdown was fun to watch. I hope he makes more videos