What did Hitler do wrong?

What did Hitler do wrong?

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Lost the war.


Took too much control over his war generals.
Should have let them control combat roles for aircraft.

Nothing. He tried. He was betrayed by his own race. Europe lost.



not annihilating the britbongs when he had the chance

and this


Sauce pls

didnt gas the jews

It's so sad considering how badly Hitler loved the English/British.

Invade Russia instead of the Middle East for resources. Not have a blue water navy to contain and conquer the UK. Ally with useless Italy and Imperial "I want a war I will only lose with America" Japan.

Didn't actually have a holohoax

Named the Jew

fug i just remember

i lost this get

He didn't exterminate them all.

What movie is this?

he lost

His strategic mistakes were many.
The intelligence could have been better, they fought a long time with info leaking to the Brits
The counter intelligence also, everyone should have seen Normandy coming.
Also they should have gone for either the allies or the commies, two front is complicated.
And Latin America of course. We were all fascists and the only reason we joined the war (besides Germany sinking a few of our boats) was because the US bullied us into it.

Basically he pulled off the same shit as ww1, capitulate France fast, scare off the Brits, move to Moscow and hope to God that their allies did their part and the prayed the US stayed out of it. All of it while ignoring the rest of the planet.
He capitulated France quickly ok but the rest were failures.

Not that I wouldn't do the same.
German military doctrine called for fast maneuvering shock and awe. Being doing that successfully for more than hundred years.

I blame it all on Mussolini and Hirohito. Mostly Mussolini, that fat bastard.

He just couldn't hold his shit together in Africa. Africa, for fucks sake.
And although Hirohito made great advances on Asia, he had to attack the US. Coordinate with papa Adolph and attack Siberia, goddammit. But nooooooo let's try to miraculously cripple the us in a single strike.

If the axis moved against the soviets first, the world would be a better place today.

>no holocaust
>lost the war


t. cucks
Had grand delusions of a German Europe-spanning superstate, the very thing the EU is going at right now (with Arabs&Africans).
It is a good thing he lost and the Stalin won, atleast the Soviets failed and fell apart in 1991.

Zootopia 2

>le Hitler should have invaded here instead of there meme

Hitler and his generals didn't just voluntarily attack countries. Even if Shlomo wants you to think otherwise, there was an actual threat coming from the Soviet Union. That's the main reason Russia was invaded.

he let himself get into a fight with other white people

this is an unbelievably dumb choice, and can't possibly work out properly

He was a socialist.

Uhhmmm... Let me think... God what was it again..... Hmmmm... Oh yeah. Nothing

the only thing he ever did wrong was when he killed his dog

hitlers gun control only affected jews, and for obvious reasons, they were attacking his nation openly

The absolute state of larp flags. Read up on the German Revolution of 1918. Commie jews were destroying the Volk.

And their "volk" is destoying Europe right now. They have gone a full circle.

This! The real red pill!

He's not wrong. Hitler was a socialist. Natsocs love to whine about how German Socialism was different from Marxist Socialism, but the methods and results were ultimately almost identical.

>pic related

You saying the globalist model was better than the axis alternative?

We can all agree that the soviets were cancer, but the globalist project is almost as bad.
The Cold War should have been between Germany and Japan.

This was a good joke.

German socialism was different from Marxist socialism only in that it rejected liberalism and embraced traditionalism.

waging war against america and russia at the same time. very bad.


>The Cold War should have been between Germany and Japan
It wouldn't be a cold war but a very hot one and with a quick ending for Japan.

The Soviet(globalist) model failed, who knows if the Nazi one would have done the same. Nazism was good for Germans, and only Germans.

he should have took 1945 off.

NatSocs use the state to build the people. Commies use the people to build the state. In Marxism all people are equal. In NatSoc they name the Jew and purge the degenerates. They do not entertain nonsense like equality.


true.. i see it every day

Didn't have a rational understanding of why his diplomatic successes of the 30s happened. Should've stopped prewar territorial expansion after retaking the Sudetenland--since it was the liquidation of "Czechia" that turned the West against him--cut a deal with the Poles to dismember the USSR.

>The intelligence could have been better, they fought a long time with info leaking to the Brits
>The counter intelligence also, everyone should have seen Normandy coming.
Yeah but unless you come from the future and give Germany modern technology there wouldn't be much they could do.
>Also they should have gone for either the allies or the commies, two front is complicated.
Without taking out France Barbarossa would have been impossible also let's not forget the Allies declared war on Germany.
>And Latin America of course. We were all fascists and the only reason we joined the war (besides Germany sinking a few of our boats) was because the US bullied us into it.
You said it yourself. The US had too much economical and military influence over South America.


Push for war and invasion in a really short amount of time.

Wait, what happened to...

>Had grand delusions of a German Europe-spanning superstate
Why are latvians so stupid?


What a shitty get

Man, and to think I thought the bogpill meme was dead.

More than you might think.
He had a brother who lived about half a mile from where I now live. Adolf is said to have visited him there when he was younger. The site of the house where he lived is all waste ground now, but I sometimes walk past and contemplate what might have been...

didnt drive british into the sea at dunkirk. didnt bomb the shit out of civilian populations in britain and restricted it to military/airfields only. allied with retarded italians that wanted to prove they werent useless. their actions gave allies reason to go to oil fields and cut off germans supplies, which forced them to clear that out, delaying their attack on russia, which put them into winter. fucking goombas.

>since it was the liquidation of "Czechia" that turned the West against him
You don't understand the man. His goal wasn't to recover only some of the lost territories so he could make an alliance with the eternal enemy - the pole.
>cut a deal with the Poles to dismember the USSR
Now you're dreaming. In no universe does 1939 Germany win against the Soviet Union. With all of mainland Europe as allies/conquered and still it is disputed if Barbarossa is even possible.

If Generalplan Ost was not real then why were we (and EE<) explicity denied independence and made to have German speaking radio stations by the Germans?

It's almost like standard wartime strategy is to dominate your opponents and control them until the war is over
>really makes you think

Generalplan Ost = supposed extermination plan for all slavs
Now that's pretty far away from installing german radio stations in the Baltics.

So neutral states were their opponents for some reason. I guess that they totally were not going to establish Ostland, an the news that Riga would become the sole captal of the Baltics was fake. Got it.

No fucking shit, in war claiming as much ground as possible is ideal so that your enemy cannot claim that territory. Are you retarded?
>but they wanted to kill all the slavs! look at these german radio stations!
Muh 6 million tier argument.

Hitler was a bad man.

He isn't a bad man for killing the Jews.

He is a bad man because he didn't kill ALL the Jews.

Shoddy work for a German.

Poor strategist. Instead of invading Russia, he should have fortified Germany, and waited for the inevitable communist attack. Assaults against fortified positions are very costly to the attackers. They did not have the human or economic resources to succeed against a far larger adversary.

>wait for this giant country with massive manpower to invade you! what could possible go wrong!
This board really has been filled with tards in the last year.

The holocaust is a lie and we are not slavs. That is not that point here. The Nazis intended to redraw our borders and place us under German occupation again. Our indepenence is the most sacred thing we have, none in their right mind would give that away just because "Hitler dindu nuffin"

>The Nazis intended to redraw our borders and place us under German occupation again.
Because they denied you independence during the war (see: basic wartime tactic) and installed a bunch of German radio stations. Even jews aren't this whiny.

Most of things.

Didn't Blitzkrieg Britain.

Of course, the mirror image of the Soviet apologists is denying all the Nazi fuckups. Read Mein Kampf and see what Hitler had to say about us: "dying people" & "German colonies"

Pretty much this. The biggest mistake he made was mercy for the anglos.
How many times do I have to repeat this? Angry young Hitler in jail =! Middle aged Hitler as Fuhrer. In Mein Kampf he said he was gonna string up all the jews and have them swinging from lampposts. That didn't happen now did it?

Believe me I tried, but even if you give these people quotes from MK, they still won't accept it. It's a cult.
There's historical Nazism, and there's Amerimongrel fantasy.
It's best to just ignore them and laugh at them, they are pathetic irrelevant losers anyway.

Ah yes, even though he didn't drop any of his convictions, MK isn't reliable.
Table Talk is Jewish forgery, right?
Crimes of his troops in East, blatant disregard for civilians, Soviet propagada?
It seems you win by default. Congratulations.

I am aware, I have been here long enough to realize that. Most of the Hitler cultists here are newfags who have stumbled upon TGSNT within the last year or so, give them time, they will come to their senses as some point or another.

>ur dum an gay lol xd
We get it, you're upset you got invaded in '38. Quit bitching.
>he didn't drop any of his convinctions
Show me those jewish politicians swinging from lampposts then.
>table talk is jewish forgery
m8 even Wikipedia admits that it's a fishy ass source. Furthermore it claims to be a transcription of audio recordings, where the fuck are the recordings?
>Crimes of his troops in East
Never said anything about that, and even then what's he supposed to do about shitty behavior several thousand kilometers away?
>blatant disregard for civilians
So what everyone else did in the war? Thanks for playing.

Kek if it isn't the montenegro flag shilling against Hitler every possible thread.

Ah yes, he didn't do it EXACTLY how he said it should be done (instead they made them dig their own graves, or gassed them), so that means he totally changed his outlook, even if nothing indicates he did.
Do you take people for braindead retards? I guess you do.

You're shilling for Hitler.
I'm shilling against Hitler. What's the difference?

>(instead they made them dig their own graves, or gassed them)
Oy vey, never forget the 66 billion.
>so that means he totally changed his outlook
I mean if you wanna play that game he called the Japanese european ripoffs in Mein Kampf. Doesn't seem like the kind of thing he'd say if he wanted to ally with them later on.
>dum dum gay lol

When u larp so hard you become a literal nazi.

Didn't kill the Jews.

He allied with Bolsheviks. He was a pragmatic politician to some extent. But he never dropped his core beliefs.
He didn't give a fuck about Japanese anyway. Germans supported Chinese in 30's.

I'm not specifically talking about nazism, but it would set a precedent.

Strong, self relying nations.
It would be a different world of course. One that's not shy of wars and conquest. But is it worse that what we do today?
We all gather in the UN as civilized faggots but in the end we keep never ending proxy, covert wars to achieve our ends, while the foking joos puppeted us all

I'm not specifically talking about nazism, but it would set a precedent.

Strong, self relying nations.
It would be a different world of course. One that's not shy of wars and conquest. But is it worse that what we do today?
We all gather in the UN as civilized faggots but in the end we keep never ending proxy, covert wars to achieve our ends, while the foking joos puppeted us all

Plus Marxism won in the end anyways

Hitler never really existed. He was invented by aristocrats so as to not pay migrant jews for helping to rebuild Germany after WW1.

Hitler's bio is stuffed with contradictions and bizarre excuses:

>while stationed at a mailbox with nine other people he was the only one to take damage from shell fire

>at the Nuremberg trials testimony from high ranking Nazis were contradictory in their description of Hitler

>Odd changes in jawline in photos. Hitler never had the mumps but his jawline seemed to swell and contract across time, suggesting body doubles.

>Nearly all of Hitler's artworks were "studies" signed at later dates, sometimes years later

The list goes on and on. Hitler was never real, he was made up to avoid paying a bill. Your messiah is a fake, Sup Forums

Why do you keep on spamming this image?

Dude, but that's the problem. Nazis, that is NSDAP, that is Hitler, were GERMAN NATIONALISTS.
They were doing things for purely GERMAN benefit.
They didn't give a fuck about "white race" and "Europe" and all that other shit.
Germans, and Germanic people to an extent, were their only interest.

Indeed, and it was all unavoidable, of course.

As I said o would have done the same. Things don't happen because we want them to happen. We have to work with what we have.

And of course, in the end, I blame Mussolini, and Hiro, to a lesser extent

>He allied with Bolsheviks
You are completely fucking historically illiterate if you think Molotov-Ribbentrop was anything other than a short term truce at best. Even Stalin said that "Hitler thinks he's tricked me, but it is really I that has outsmarted him". That sounds like a healthy alliance.
>He didn't give a fuck about Japanese anyway.
Must be why he allied with them.

>Oy vey, never forget the 66 billion
What is of with your fication on the hollacost(TM)? And keep in mind that it is still the only known name also for the Polish purges and exections, by mocking it you mock the Poles killed by the Nazis too.

No fucking shit. Why should he care about "DA HUWITE RACE"? That's how nationalism has and always will functioned. Naive retard.

The only thing he did was he gave up, never give up.
Give the jews a shower

As has already been mentioned itt, not gassing the Jews and losing. Other than that, Hitler did nothing wrong.

Too much drugs.

It was practically alliance. They divided spheres of influence, and Soviet shipments fueled Nazi war effort.
So as you can see, he was willing to cooperate with Stalin and Jewish Bolsheviks, when it was suitable.
But his core beliefs never changed, and they were outlined nicely in MK. So yeah, MK is a good source for his beliefs and plans.

Specifically, he did not build up Germany's logistics chain first.

>What is of with your fication on the hollacost(TM)?
Because the retard brought the great hoax up?
>you mock the Poles killed by the Nazis too.
Oh no all those poor poles. Man, maybe they should have just followed Hitler's peace treaties and given him Danzig, thus not starting any bullshit war. Perhaps threatening to bomb the polish corridor if Danzig tried to unite with Germany was a bad idea? I dunno, so many ways the Poles could have saved themselves and they chose none of the above.

Yeah, but notice how most of Nazis here (literally NSDAP/Hitler shills) aren't German.
So what are people, who praise the nationalists of foreigners, who worship foreigners?
Are they, dare I say it, traitorous maggots?

And now you're just conveniently ignoring any given counterarguments while droning on about your shitty debunked point. Give up already you shitty shill.