>Nigga and white hoe arguing
>Bitch uses the n-word
>Dindu gets offended and remembers the hundreds of years of slavery their ancestors suffered
>Nigger puts the white hoe's ass to sleep, muthafucka
Whitey cucked once again. Webm and video related
>Nigga and white hoe arguing
>Bitch uses the n-word
>Dindu gets offended and remembers the hundreds of years of slavery their ancestors suffered
>Nigger puts the white hoe's ass to sleep, muthafucka
Whitey cucked once again. Webm and video related
Other urls found in this thread:
That nigger fights like a faggot
Alpha as fuck
Get used to it whitey
Why is a woman getting into a heated argument with a man?
Why is she hanging around niggers?
Why is she even talking to a nigger?
I mean, bitch squared up
One of the many reasons I love seeing niggers getting shot/killed.
alpha from power rangers maybe. more like a faggot nigger with no moral code or ethics. u niggers are savages. go cannibalize yourselves you disgusting apes.
She has more balls than white men
>T.next mass shooter
He beat a girl to the ground and it took him 3 swings to do so. She was KO’d either. She may have got the worst of it (she is a girl half his size after all) but I wouldn’t gloat about this either. It was pathetic.
Pretty sad the only white people that fight back against dindus are the girls, kek
Is saying the word nigger a crime?
>winterball threads get moved to /bant/ or /qa/
>nonstop nigger bait threads last all day.
Ffffffffuck you mods.
Why is the black guy moving like a girl?
>nigger gets called a nigger
>chimps out over being called a name
remember, the worst thing you can do, is remind a black person that they're black
Can’t be alpha behind prison bars
no nigger it is not. assault however is. nigger.
Tbh she was pretty provocative and is obviously a annoying fucking bitch, I'd punched her too if she started some shit. That guy fights like a pussy, he's not used to it and probably not the type of street nigga you're making him out to be.
Humans shouldn't get this close to wild animals.
That's what feminism does, women are now "empowered" to think that they are equal to men in strength and fighting ability
She looked positively thrilled about the fight. This is what happens when you tell the girls that boys can't hit them.
>mutual combat
What we have here is an unlicensed boxing match, no more.
>>Bitch uses the n-word
Things that didn't happen....
kek put on a burqa bitch you're done
yup fucking cucks would rather film this than kick niggers ass.
very nice flag
fucking saved
Look at the cowardly white boys in the background watching.
She definitely fucked him after
couldn't even knock her out in one punch.. that's sorry considering she's much smaller and he should easily have three times her muscle capacity.
mudcarp and/or the usual white trash/dindu jousting that happens in the hoods.
Hahahaha just another day in the cucknited states of 52%
maybe you should ask him to be your bull
wow so some stupid nig with a muzzle who is male can beat the shit outta some foolish white girl! SO FUCKING WHAT!! That nig hat bitch tits fuck off.
Look at those pathetic limpwristed american "white"bois standing there while a white woman is beaten by a black man. They would probably just stand there and jack off if they started fucking her too. America is a cucked country, it's as if the white males in the US have been castrated. I thought you guys only got circumcised, not have your balls removed.
She's retarded for not knowing her place and the ape is retarded for just being black
Smart Kerr G&P move as ninety nine point nine nine nine percent of people are helpless punching against a lefty even if if better shape and more skilled. Even other left handed people.
*roastie cucked again
This shit happens, because the media keep pushing the strong independent women shit. She thinks she's wonder women. Reality hurts. Bottom line the nigger was right to deck her. It not as if it was a hard hit.
your fellow Chileans posters doxed you a while back.
here's a picture
>Defending a women in 2017
Nigga u cray
practicing being lefty helps brain function as well as deter Alzheimers
>dindu beating a beat wimmin
nothing to see here
one of my favorites of all time
plz be real
The 19th amendment is why we have even gotten to this point.
>nigger punches coalburner
pot meets kettle
Most are cock suckers, yes.
ewwwwwwww he looks like this scumbag kid I knew what a greasy manlet
white women are trash
more news at 11
Here's what happens when a chad shows up instead of a stacy
That's just equality in action. Men wouldn't help strangers in a fight unless one was clearly incapable (80 year old vs prime nigga) but a healthy American woman vs random nigga? Why, there's nothing different between the sexes and the races, didn't you know user? It would be both sexist, racist, and privileged to offer help.
and more at 11
Damn son, that was pretty slick
SBF = how an orthodox can be hotklou. Melon cannot process punch from "wrong" side.
you know what would happen if a white guy would beat up a nog? its like you aint living in 2017
coal burner KTFO and nigger will end up in prison. how is any of this a bad thing?
Reminds me of when I told the tiny girl my friend wanted to bone to kick me as hard as she could after she bragged about her soon-to-be black belt in taekwondo. No need to hit back though, the point was proven.
I can't help but think putting most girls through martial arts and self defence training just gives them a false sense of confidence.
The next mass shooting probably already happened in Baltimore or somewhere like it.
it's obviously mutual combat
equal rights to be honest
it's still illegal and laws are still pro female. the nigger is going to jail.
equal rights but not that equal
why are you so obsessed any way?
are you salty because you are poor and whites rule over you?
Women have very good LBS until they spurt out some kinder. I would let a woman get 10 free punches (no nutshots) before I'd let her kick me.
Seriously, she must be retarded.
Maybe she's the hag to his fag.
always the best filename
hope it's not the same user every time I see it. no one should be here that much
bitch just got her bitch-privilege denied
Tell my abs that; they didn't seem to give a shit at the time.
Hey thats my bike
I got it from a french user just last week so it's making it around
He just hit a chic in the face on purpose. He could have put his hand on her forehead and held her back like a toddler. He is thevkind of nigger we are making him out to be. Anyone that hits a woman while not in life threatening danger or in the act of defending someone weaker should hang.
>That stance she had
She has never actually fought somebody before.
Lol keep posting cherry picked WEBMs.
Whiteboys have the lowest sperm count in the world, and black males have waayyy higher testosterone.
You'd get stomped in the race war, you're barely white LMAO.
niggers only attack the weak it's why they're niggers
There is never a mention of gender when regarding rulings about mutual combat. Also, unless a prosecutor goes out of their way to bring charges to the nigger there won't be a case since the hoe consented to the combat and likely won't press charges
higher testosterone lol this cuck believes this
You got bait, but no hook.
kys chimp
>Whiteboys have the lowest sperm count in the world
>you're barely white LMAO
weak bait
holy fuck
Catho-cucks redeemed
Well duh why do you think hes attacking women? ITs the one situation where they are confident enough for 1v1 the poor little monkeys.
LMAO girl has a left hook on her
black men are the best when it comes to beat women kek
I bet he'll become a pimp in the near future
To be fair there is nothing honorable about fighting a skeleton.
See here for more niggers getting whooped: youtube.com
>These bitches aint shit when Orthodoxy Represents!
Americans are white... I swear.
So basically you're defending a black guy beating up a white girl just because "lol muh equal rights muh equal lefts". White women have lost guidance from white men, white bois let them run around freely and do what they want, and then get mad at them for being lost. Don't forget who is supposed to make decisions for the tribe, but instead you losers get some sort of sick satisfaction "lol roastie got rekt". It's utterly pathetic, no wonder the white race is going extinct.
How deluded modern women are to think they actually think stand a chance in unarmed combat against men?
These indio piece of shits should be banned from this site.
a fine addition to my collection