I bet it's the fucking hulk
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Which one of them shit on Trump the most? Because that's who it is. That's who it always is.
It's self selection.
The mark ruffalo is a pedo
Ruffalo, Jackson or Jarvis guy
Ruffalo probably. Him and Evans are the only ones I can think of who've ever said anything about Trump, and Ruffalo protested with Michael Moore outside of Trump Tower.
Confirmed how?
It'll probably be Downey.
where's the confirmation you stupid memeflag
Who confirmed that there's one?
It's Jarvis guy.
Oh fucking please be RDJ
Also, how is this confirmed??
He was major druggie once.
Paul Bettany???
He is a typical upper-class liberal smug bastard in his posts and he's married to that actress.
most likely to least
1) vision
2) hulk
3) captain america
4) black widow
no other possibilities
They all are. But that Renner guy most of all, easily.
Who gives a fuck!!!!!??
Would you rather he be a homosexual touching boys?
You are ducking sick!
Gaurunteed to be Ruffalo.
The other three might have done some wierd stuff, but women dont consider Chads to be pedos. Young women probably would enjoy the experience. Thats how Bill Clinton got away with it.
It isn't confirmed.
Its just the latest distraction whipped up by those that have been running a coordinated psyop on this board for the last year and a half.
They have to keep pumping them out or else people might start noticing that they were tricked into voting for a supposed political outsider who has since been elected and done everything a political insider would have done by now.
Now call me a shill and a shareblue poster and move on with your empty lives.
It aint robert downery
He used to be some massive druggy and criminal
Pedo aint his thing
definetly samuel jackson
do people actually watch thia crap?
>They all are. But that Renner guy most of all, easily.
Renner seems like a cool bro!
Downey was drugged out most of the 90's/ and very likely did some out of control things to unwilling people.
Isn't he the one that was in that movie about the Catholic Church abuse scandals a few years ago? How ironic it would be he was a pedo himself.
It’s always the one who virtue signals the most, so Ruffalo
Its Downey. He molested Feldman back in the 80s
RDJ is the opposite, fuckwit. He’s been outing pedos and HW degenerates for years.
samual l jackson, its always the biggest anti trumper.
I'll call you a jew and kill two birds with one stone
The faggot in the hat for $200 Alex
No source
but user, woman can't be pedophiles
AIDS-infested faggot
Covers all bases right there
mark ruffalo and all the guys with glasses except for jules winfield
There's something in his face and his attitude. I can just tell. Don't get me wrong I like him alright. But I'm convinced there's something off with him - probably that.
Please be Ruffalo
Please be Ruffalo
Please be Ruffalo
Please be Ruffalo
Please be Ruffalo
Please be Ruffalo
Ruffs fucked
thanks, user
there's hope for /pol
That guy next to the bottom ape
Don't know his name but seen him in a few things, definite pedo face
Just doing my service for my country and people
I hope it's the guy playing Black Panther.
Trick question, only one of them isn't a pedo.
it's cobie smulders
it was RDJ who did that snobby pro-clinton election ad, remember?
was the olsen in that one as well?
SLJ probably said some shit too
Where did this rumor come from? Yall just meming this one into reality here?
Get in here...
Thor is far too much of a Chad to waste his time on kids
>yfw it's a woman
I hope to god that it's it's ruffallo. My gf thinks he's great and I'll love reminding her how degenerate the left really is.
Its Scarjo. She has a preference for little boys
Jesus, look how faggy SLJ looks in this pic.
How can a nigger get so big in hollywood WITHOUT being a completely owned and controlled pedo.
I bet its iron manlet
Ruffalo always looked and behaved a bit dodgy.
Never felt he was anything like the Hulk. That's one thing the 2001(?) movie got right, you got the sense that he was an outcast, but Ruffalo comes over as a slightly timid playboy.
i hope so. ruffalo is such a cuck faggot
what if its lizzy
Please god let it be Scarlett Johansson or Elizabeth Olsen
you anons got me reading that hollywood blind blog now.
thats a lot of avengers.... who the fuck are half of them?
>no scarjo in the pic
Where she at?
RDJ has always been a conservative though.
Alternatively, could you imagine Chris Evans or Chris Hemsworth pumping some 9 year old?
I'd like to see at least half of the people in that photo locked up, especially Ruffalo and Evans.
Which one do you think would cause the most uproar and heartbreak? I say it's between Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth. Can you imagine all the heartbreak and rationalization every girl would come up with to defend them just cause they're hot?
Hollywood only "exposes" scandal to rub it in goyims faces. That is the exact gloating I'd expect from them.
off molesting children somewhere probably
4 u
Could you imagine Scarlett Johansson sucking off a 9 year old?
I bet it's Scarlett Johansson, she probably has a dungeon of little boys or something.
No, but considering she's a kike, consuming foreskin is part and parcel of her life.
If you are looking for a Pedo, figure out who hates Trump the most. Im betting its Capin. He knows Trump is zeroing in on him.
100% the guy in the middle with the pedo stache. guy under him is a close second.
>using muh pedodar
Not that I'm thinking he voted trump, but I'd be willing to bet that he was just informed that it was a "go out and vote" ad based on his lines in it. The correct answers are Evans, Ruffalo, but number one was Cheadle. Everyone else either took soft jabs at best or kept their politics to themselves.
I hope it's ScarJo, because hot women get hot over kid dicks and see is better than SS
Even then, evans was more just pro Hillary than anti trump
ruffalo or guy in beret
Going to be Iron Man, he's in that stupid Hillary video.
I hope it's Iron Man so it fucks up their whole franchise.
the fucking hover hander
Almost the entire Avengers Cast were in that shitty black and white anti-trump video that Joss Whedon made.
It won't be Hemsworth or RDJ
>All these people saying James Spader
I'm not even aware of anything remotely politcally inflammatory the man has said. Usually that's a sign of a closet-right leaning actor.
I bet by the nigga.
Duh it's the hulk. Even though my least favorite, I know it's not Robert Downey. After what he called Rob Schneider, he can't be on the same pedo-camp.
Downey is in that stupid anti Trump video also.
I'm going with Downey. If it was him, the whole franchise is done. They can't replace him. They'll spend millions defending him
Where does the confirmation that one of the cast is one ?
Link or capture.
Jarvis guy married this. THIS.
His dick has been happy for years. I doubt he's thought of little else.
SLJ is all tied up with Tarantino and the Weinstein company.
I hope it is not RDJ or I throw away my "Chaplin" laminated poster.
Thor, Cap and Iron Man are too handsome to be rapists.
It's Hulk
The conformation is every Hollywood movie is full of pedos. OP is still a faggot for posting this thread over and over without a source.
Ruffalo and RDj were both on that Anti _trump ad. I believe it will be Ruffalo, but I would bet a few bucks that there is more than 1 in that pic.
Not really that attracted to her but why is she not in the pc.
I bet you its every goddamn one of em. Even if its not, I live my life like it is every goddamn one em.
Woodman doesn't have the same ring as Ironman tbqh
Missed this, what did RDJ lay on Schneider?