Everyone knows this right?
BLM is a scam
Read up on what groups and media George Soros funds and redpill yourself on why he wants to destabilise western societies.
So you're saying that black lives don't matter?
BLM is a well-funded NGO. Sapienti sat!
Damn sure doesn't matter to other blacks.
It's not about the niggers getting killed by whites. It's their self-destructive nature. Abviously your not well educated.
Statistics are racist.
it's not about black vs white but police vs blacks
BLM were probably meant to galvanize the Democrat base and get Hilary elected. Obviously failed which explains why we hear so little about them this year compared to last.
Well given the ASTRONOMICAL rate at which they murder each other, its pretty obviously a case of "Fix yourself before you criticize others".
But instead, they argue this unironically.
BLM is the same as the KKK. Both were created by democrats as their attack dogs.
The thing about the graph is, even in the South today, each of those columns generally represents someone who is going to court for a crime. BLM specifically protests cops who will not, or who get a free ride because they are part of a system that intrinsically and extrinsically supports them regardless of what they do.
Unless they're the Frank Serpico kind of cop (read: not a shitbag), in which case they aren't authority-proving fuckfaces in the first place and aren't provoking calls for justice.
incidentally, they don't. But blacks are the cause of that.
do you realize how small the subset "police" is out of the total population?
Take that .77 for "whites who kill blacks" and shrink it another 90%+
You need to realize the effect that media coverage choices have on people's perceptions (including your own, obviously)
Bix nood and sheeeeit
>your not well educated
>your not well educated
Oh yes, an extremely tiny proportion for sure, but this extremely tiny portion still makes the news for weeks whenever an example with very sketchy rationale/provocation occurs.
However large it is or isn't, as long as the public is made aware of it, it has the potential to be a hot-button issue. And so it goes.
He's right tho. What is more self-destructive than blacks demanding abolition of the police?
What's an example of a cop committing a crime against a black and not getting punished?
>Well given the ASTRONOMICAL rate at which they murder each other, its pretty obviously a case of "Fix yourself before you criticize others".
They're looking at the deeper issue of why blacks are killing each other and being killed by cops. I don't agree with BLM at all, but you can't try to argue against them by saying "black deaths by X don't matter because black deaths by Y are much more numerous" -- their whole point is that black deaths of any sort matter.
You don't think that maybe that controversy has something to do with the media playing it up for weeks?
Most of those stories are literally dog-bites-man stories of "Criminal nigger gets shot doing criminal shit", and you think its NORMAL that the news world STOPS DEAD when that happens?
>their whole point is that black deaths of any sort matter.
if that was the truth, they WOULD be trying to reform their own communities rather than focusing on police and how society is so RACISS.
The only deeper issue that is ignored is that blacks are genetically predisposed to greater violence.
Every analysis of how and why they die so much BEGINS with the assumption that such a thing couldn't possibly be true.
YEAH! raycist
you put that pic again and I will call UK twatter police
Eh, the controversies precede BLM. And some of these incidents are very difficult to place culpability on the victim, at least to the extent of lethal force being used. Bob Harmon is one example; Walter Scott is another; both were fleeing and presented no present danger, and Scott's case has the cop being indicted for murder (though dropped by a plea deal).
The moral gymnastics at work usually only demand that one question be asked: Under the exact same circumstances, could I also kill such-and-such person and not expect to be indicted, and if f I could do so in Georgia, could I still do so in, say, Montana?
There are just a gigantic pissload of occasions where I could not, and should not. Naturally a police officer has to make judgment calls that are different from mine, but the consequences should not be different. The caste system has no place in these United States anymore.
>some of these incidents are very difficult to place culpability on the victim, at least to the extent of lethal force being used.
The point isn't police justification, the point is the commonality of the incidents (or lack thereof).
No thinking person gives BLM credibility when they whine about "rayciss police" as their own people slaughter each other wholesale (which they also blame on whites, incidentally).
Well yeah, it's difficult to meaningfully politicize something you're essentially doing to yourself, particularly when the public perception of the motivation for such actions is that it is based on your subculture's inclinations and what they choose to glamourize :V
I'll definitely admit that cops are an easy target here.
But I won't support the notion that cops are deserving of all the advantages they're given by the courts. They could kill zero Americans and I'd still be of the opinion that a disproportionate number of them are fundamentally fucked-up people.
How can you claim cops are fucked up people when your side is the one who says they are the only people capable of handling firearms?
? I sure as hell don't say that; damn near any hunter from the sticks handles arms better than city cops.
It's not whites killing blacks it's cops killing blacks that's the issue. People in an authoritarian position killing people and getting away with it is an issue for everyone.
One of the many reasons i am ashmaned tohave voted democrat in the past
Black's don't have any higher of a chance of being killed by police than whites.
Why do you have to bring facts into this?