Big Paki Cock in Every British White Girl Orifice

>Sissy Britcuck tries to 'banter' you using le 56% goblin meme
>Just show him these links
>He quickly shut the fuck up and disappears


>Paki gangrape of underage Brit white girls
>Paki pedo rings consisting of white Brit girls exclusively
>12 Pakistani men jailed for gangraping British teen
>Twelve men with Pakistani roots have been sentenced to prison for gangraping a 13-year-old girl at West Yorkshire in UK.
>UK Rotherham Pakistan Muslim Gangs Rape 1400 Brit White Girls

Other urls found in this thread:

>getting THIS mad


1 million*

t. someone that purchased 2 English sex slaves from a Paki friend

How are britpaki pedo gangs different from american hollywood pedo gangs?

imagine being this asshurt

>be americuck
>pay a black man to fuck your wife while you watch and masturbate

>2 English sex slaves
sounds hot, post their feet.

>mummy will have an affair with a big African nigger
please see a therapist babe before you end up shooting someone

>Croatia - Black Man's Disneyland

They look like Americans to me desu

>be american soldier
>your wife fucks niggers while you are jerking off with your comrade welfare queens somewhere in bumfuckistan


Whatever you say, Zhang.

>all of them are nigger’s brainfical

>Black Guys Sex Tourism in Croatia: Banging 17 Croatian girls in 50 days!

>A black guy from England stayed 45 days in Zagreb in September and November.!

>Back around March of 2010, this country was bananas. The stories alot of cats came back with were unreal; girls approaching them calling them gods, getting stopped for pictures every 10 minutes, buns every night.. I had to check it out. And the first time I went, it was indeed outta control. During the day we hit the malls in Zagreb (the capital), and looking around, you're already outnumbered with about a 3-1 girl/guy ratio. The women are gorgeous & fairly tall; most between 5'7" - 6'0". Don't be surprised if a fine azz 6'3" joint rolls up on you either!! The eye-fuckings we received walking around had us gigglin like school kids baka. We didn't get approached in the mall, but once we began a convo with any random woman, their embarassed smiles were enough to let us know how valuable we were.

>Now in 2011 things are a bit different. Once word got back to the base about Cro, every nig you could fathom started rollin out there. The women still love brothas, but they aren't falling over each other now. They've been exposed. Is it still crackin? ...DEFINITELY. Went out this past weekend (Aug 12-14) smashed buns every night.


bullshit story and women from zagreb are biggest whores
but not as big as women in usa

The absolute state of cuckrope


Does anyone other than Unitedstatesians care about where black willies have been? Who gives a shit?

why is it always US posters who make these threads?

Behold! OP is a sodomite
-Book of Revelations

Because most of your fellow citizens are brainlets.

>he keeps being buttblasted to this very day
Holy shit this is pathetic, I don't even know if its appropriate to laugh at you anymore.

I’m just trying to humiliate the Brits. Don’t U hate Brits too, Igor?


I want a stinky Paki cock in all my holes. I want them to leak their dirty cock milk down my throat and up my ass. I want them to make me a little slave to their big Paki cocks.

Looks like someone didn't have their weetabix today.

Are there any videos? Or at least pictures?


>the absolute state of cuckrope
If a gang of foreigners did 1/100 of that, they would be publically linched here in brazil.

so this is the power of the british police... woah

Tip of the Iceberg

Nice proxy

90% of police hate doing shit like this but they are forced to

t. family are in the police



sure they don't

ou are staggeringly mistaken. American demographics look way, way better than yours. Mexican and Nigger birthrates continue to crash, while Conservative Christian Whites are above replacement.

We may actually be able to recover our country, because white people in our country do not want to go extinct.

The British, on the other hand, have pathetic birthrates and they're only falling. You have no religious culture--which means you have no culture at all. Even if every shitskin in the country were killed, your race would only shrink from this moment on.

I do not heed with any respect or interest le 56% meme. We are culturally superior to you, and we will hold this country. It is you who cannot even express a sensible plan to save yours--you are literally, in your post, BEGGING us to come and save you.

If we're le 56% meme, why do you want us? Aren't we just mongrels? Nevermind that it's been scientifically proven that American whites are staggeringly pure. Nevermind that your own words make your retarded demand nonsensical.

No no. Nevermind that you're retarded. The premise is retarded on its face, and then your arguments are retarded and low-information, and finally your proposed solution makes no sense whatsoever.

Frankly, I'm done with Bongs. Call me when you have a culture again.

Ok wh*Toid.

I recommend Millennial Woes's "the rot" series.

Rotherham is one of the most horrifying depressing stories you'll ever read


> one million
Wew lad. I could see it being high but nowhere even close to that.

>Americans getting this mad over a joke

Its like when an user says he's black when trying to make a statement


Yuropoors cucked & assraped by Ahmed
Poo in Loo
Fucking Leaf Faggots
Australia chinked by Emus
Goatfuckers Roaches & SandNiggers
Finns & Ruski (Mongol Rapebabies)
Meds & Balkans (Turk Roach Rapebabies)
Brazil monkeys
Chink Yerrow Tiny dick
Argentinian Shitskin Beaners

Le 56% face



INB4 op tries to sue us







Excuse me but america is white





paki rape crime stats are a drop in the ocean of nigger on white rape in america



It's nice to see that you care so much about my country even as America is slipping into the black oblivion faster than any other western nation

That being said don't be so up set Jamal we know what the reality is now you are the new face of America stop trying to deceive us we know so why be offended?


>Live in small town
>99% white
>Venture into any major city
>Shitskins everywhere

Why do they settle so overwhelmingly in cities?

I thought men from that region of the world were known for having comically small penises? Look at the condom size numbers...

Wow, it's almost like every western nation is fucked, who knew



Its the uk it's what they want. Just sit back and hope they set a shitty enough example that it wakes up normies here


>be white
>invite rapists to your home


>being triggered this much over some banter


The stank and pollution reminds them of home.

Pigs like waddling in their own shit too.


you mean they hate you and having to put up with you and your dumb white memes




Probably some Chicano too.


Dont be racist of this coked up pikey will batter you

I love these threads so much. For all your flaws, you bongs sure as shit know how to banter. Bless you all.

This one made me lose it. Kek.

getting THIS cucked

>haha guys it's so funny haha look I'm not butthurt!

I went to a jazz and blues music festival in England a few years ago and couldn't believe what I saw.

All of these older 'hippie' parents going to see their favourite 70s singer, bringing their kids along, and letting the kids run free at the festival.

On the other side of the coin, there were literal packs of Pakis roaming around the festival chatting up these girls who couldn't be older than 13, and no one gave a shit. The parents were total trash and let their kids hook up with mid to late 20 Paki men.

The country is a complete lost cause. I went there on a working holiday visa expecting to discover my ancestral roots but instead I found a country that's slowly being suffocated. Turned me into the narcissistic man I am today.


>haha guys look america is le mongrel

you're happy children are being raped because it helps you with an online argument?

>the sun never sets on the british empi-

>american hollywood pedo gangs?



48%** after Trump fully cucks on DACA

>yfw trading below 50% white for a wall that was supposed to prevent what you traded it for


fifty six lol

these goat cock sucking imbeciles need to be tortured mercilessly

torture is wrong you fucking idiot

Also worth mentioning these Pakis had no intentions of seeing Jacob Collier or Grace Jones. When you think about it, they paid their 150 quid entrance fee purely to fuck underage British girls. If this doesn't make you lose hope for humanity nothing will.