OY VEY, another fake "survivor" who sold her story for more than 60 years.
OY VEY, another fake "survivor" who sold her story for more than 60 years.
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From the article
>No one knows what drove her to portray herself as a Holocaust victim
I wonder. Could it be that being a holocaust victim granted her "art" immunity from criticism?
>Oh no!
Another one bites the dust
Apparently all those museums and galleries that payed out millions for her shit ain't gonna bin that rubbish and sue her because it's still "relevant"
Bump for truth and justice, remember to sage all slide threads
We need a database of all the fakers
Lies have consequences.
Violent attacks against innocent white people are justified by people who believe the lies.
The liars make millions
Where is the justice
She should have claimed to have survived 9 camps, set a new record
I wonder how many times he met Dr. Mengele. Every one of these lying yids personally met the good Dr., he must have kept an exhausting schedule touring all of these camps.
His lampshade business must have been booming
>Germans are efficient, Germans don't make jokes
>Jew survived eight German death camps
>They killed me so good, I survived. L'chaim!
>implying this happens often
You fags are so desperate for anything. You literally lap up crumbs like a dog in Q threads.
8 "Death" camps.
>Death camps
lol how many holocaust survivors are even left that have not yet been accepted as fake in the public?
and automatic prefered placement in galleries, news reporting and support from the jewish lobby?
Want some moore?
>5/11,000,000 people have a hard time remembering the specifics of something that happened 60 years ago. That must mean they all are lying!
Yes, please keep embarrassing yourself.
C'mon memeflafag, bring it on
For real:
We worked in the fields every day. I saw the killings, the shavings, the bleachings, the torture and hunger, the cold, typhus, tuberculosis. Death was all around!
wow surprising to see that everyone here conveniently ignore the fact that she is not jewish, just another mentally ill white person™ lying to get himself attention and money :)
>wow surprising to see that everyone here conveniently ignore the fact that she is not jewish
Wow unsurprising that (((you))) conveniently ignore the fact that there are plenty of jews exposed as hollow cause liars
I wonder why
how is that an argument in favor of your side? just shows that people who claim to be holocaust survivors are not immune to criticism and doubt, and often charlatans are uncovered and shamed. :)
You're using a number thats been revised down like a dozen times
You don't even make sense and fail to even see the hypocrisy of your own words
>just another mentally ill jew™ lying to get himself attention and money
Hardly surprising
Kek, you have no clue
Is there any source at all on that image
One Question. Why is it illegal in many countries to questioning the holocaust?
Only a lie need the law.
It was real in my mind you dumb goyim
The thing about the so called holocaust is that it is probably the biggest lie in history.
When the truth is finally known by the many the jews will be finished. They created a fake country run by banksters, they psychologically tortured generations of innocent Germans, they indoctrinated the world with their fictionalised propaganda that was sold as entertainment. They continue to whip any one who disagrees with them with the whip of the holocaust, they have indoctrinated a whole generation of western children to become their zombie army and ruined the lives of millions of people.
The truth must come out and when it does the world will change
>Is there any source at all on that image
this was a bit earlier than 36'
Flayed note
The holocaust was mentioned by a few zionists before WW2, I believe Marx himself used the term when he said
"it is the duty of all peoples and nations to die in the revolutionary holocaust"
Anyway, all the information is out there for the finding
The truth does not need law to protect it from scrutiny, lies apparently do
Who cares? the holocaust happened, the Nazis (or rather the Germans and roumanians and hungarians adn Ukrainians and Estonians and latvians) murdered millions of jews, gypsies, and others, as well as millions of russians and ukrainians and poles and anyone else they could kill. Who cares that one person lied to gain from this - the Nazis still stand as mass murdering bastards of the lowest rank.
no it is to stop evil liars from spreading their evil lies.
>8 """"death"""" camps
>E I G H T
>"""""""""""""""""""death""""""""""""""""" camps
>8 gorillion death camps, goyim
You know that Germany was very anti Semitic before Hitler? that the Germans were very anti Semitic before the first world war? that the German medical profession passed anti Semitic regulations long before hitler came to power, and that the Kaiser was very anti semitic?
this prediction could have been easily justified then
isn't it a shame that all those thousands of documents exist that the Nazis recorded what they did and why and how, and that the evidence is all in favour of massive widespread mass murder going on?
how sad for you that the lies are all on your side .
No one will know probably.
The only place that would answer such a specific niche question was stormfront, but now that the internet exploded with anti jew hatred they shut it down so you can't differentiate between lies and the truth.
holocaust had a meaning before it was applied to the mass murder of the jews in Hitler's regime, you know? It was not just invented for that appalling event. It is a word with history.
why would it not have been used before?
Too bad for you, that you, like all claim mountains of evidence, which doesn't really exist at close inspection; or that it is "a fact" EVERYBODY KNOWS therefor doesn't need to be proven.
Eyes everywhere are being opened.
The number is not 11 million you meme flag faggot.
My grandfather die in the camps. He was subject to the ass pump + chamber of rotating knives combo
I don't know what fantasy liberals live in where people always have the best intentions except when they don't. What's their criteria beyond race?
About those thinking the holocaust was a lie................................
Dry Lead paint is one hell of a drug.
But telling them to stop snorting it like cocaine it is pointless.
Enjoy the lead paint.
Let them enjoy it.
About those thinking the holocaust was a lie................................
Dry Lead paint is one hell of a drug.
But telling them to stop snorting it like cocaine is pointless.
Enjoy the lead paint.
Let them enjoy it.
yes, yes, we know you are so terribly clever and think you are funny adn feel like a big man.
you are a sad little wanker, fanboy of sad losers, who were not merely immoral but evil. Thieves, rapists, murderers and torturers, and liars. And you spread lies.
I hope your mother never finds out what a nasty little piece of shit you are.
Why would I engage with you?
The truth is out there for anybody who wants to know, for people like you who are either shackled to the lies through their own weakness or promote the lies knowing they're lies to further their agenda, the truth will never be good enough
Fucking grow up and take responsibility for the lies you propagate
>About those thinking the holocaust was a truth
Ha ha
You pathetic cuck
none of these fuckin survivors have told the truth not a one of em
Looking for banned books anons? Technically not a formal ban but when you copywrite your own material, pull your own book as soon as it’s released, and prevent libraries from lending it; probably you are hiding something.
You seem triggered, Mordechai. While we're at it. Wanna explain how your tribe butchered a multitude of more people as NatSocs in and with the Soviet Union? youtube.com
Or how you started a communist revolution and civil war in my country? Or how you are shilling for non-white mass immigration in to Europe?
And Mordechai, I wouldn't throw such tough words around, buddy. They may come back at you to haunt you, oldest "friend".
have you looked at the archives?
not a single thing here in any way contradicts the well documented activities of the nazi mass murder program.
You know that word had a meaning before people on Sup Forums started overusing it a couple of years back. Wow it is like Shakspeare was really our guy.
look up anohter word - einsatzgruppen. check out Babi yar as well.
then when you feel like a better human being come back to me. Loser
The man who has most access to the archives and who was widely regarded as the best authority on WW2 and a bestselling author to boot is David Irving. Of course once he realised that the narrative that was being pushed was full of holes and once he drew attention to this was victimised and persecuted, I wonder why...........
Babi Yar
Totally discredited, wanker
How about you look up Gulag Archipelago and 200 years together, Mordechai, instead of being a pretentious, crying bitch. theoccidentalobserver.net
except I am not jewish, just someone who recognises what a little shit you and your nazi fantasy pals are. You think it is funny and clever to deny the obvious facts that your forefathers not only happily affirmed but where proud of. Why is it that you doubt the word of so many Germans who were good nazis and proudly talked about their mass murders, tortures and rapes?
pro tip: you don't have to be a cocksucking commie in love with the evil Stalin to also hate Hitler and his sick bunch of sad fucks
But the six million! THE SIX MILLION! There were six million of them! SIX MILLION!
A shekel for the goy!
David Irving was a bad historian who was known as a partial distorter of the truth before he became a nazi lover. And I think he does not rate as the man with most access. the Nuremberg trials guys had a lot more. Plus the criminals themselves
Pro tip cunt
You don't have to be a Nazi or a racist or a anything to recognise the obvious lies
Now crawl back to dark place from whence you came you insignificant troglodyte
red pill me - when and who and how was it discredited?
I read it thirty years agao. Still nothing to do with the FACT that the nazis were evil cunts
What are the benefits to lying about having survived death camps?
Money? Attentionwhoring & larping?
ah how sad. Someone from the UK who does not know his grandparents, and has not heard at first hand what the Nazis did. too young I suppose.
>200 years together
You didn't read this 30 years ago did you?
Look, instead of coming here and trying to defend and indefensible position against people who know better, why don't you go and look at the information that is freely available yourself?
Can you link me some of those Germans Francoise?
Yes, I'm sure you have, Mordechai. Since 200 years together was published in two volumes in 2001 and 2002.
yes, but what i wonder are the benefits of these Nazi apologists for lying about the death camps?
Why would anyone be so vitriolic and anti semitic when anyone questions their denial? why would a nazi not be proud of their mass murder?
Go fuck yourself. I lost half my family on my fathers side fighting another war for the satanic zionist bankers.
goyim, i...
My grandmother was boiled alive and turned into a single shoe. I never forget
She lied about being jewish too. WASN'T EVEN A JEW. This is a story about a lying catholic.
Then these vile Nazis fed her to the dogs, the force fed the other Jews with the dogshit of the Jew that was eaten alive! I mean, after they burned her. Truly a horrific story.
Roughly 270k jews died in camps from typhus...the end.
>11,000,000 and not 11,000,000,000
You fucking neo nazi white supreeeemist!!!! REEEEEEEEEEEE
Fucking lol he was widely known and his books were used in schools.
What a pathetic attempt at changing history