Team Shatner vs Team Takei

Isn't it incredible that two of the most visible and vocal proponents of the culture war are from fucking Star Trek???

Shatner is always talking about this place and he's probably browsing right now.

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Hey Will. Glad to see you're gonna beat that nip, even if you are a heeb.

>visible and vocal proponents of the culture war
>two washed up boomers

Lol no. Outside of twitter neither of them really exist these days

he's asleep, he's like 80 and it's almost dawn in LA

>Isn't it incredible that two of the most visible and vocal proponents of the culture war are from fucking Star Trek???

Not at all, Star Trek has always been a huge part of the culture war. It had one of the first lead roles for a black woman on television.


Now according to SJWs Orig Star Trek is racist. Fucking Cucks

Shatner is a big guy™
I know he browses Sup Forums for sure.

How can it be racist, when Uhura is the first black characted to be among regular cast of a TV show?

They had the first interracial kiss on open tv, how the fuck is that raicciisst?

>Lol no. Outside of twitter neither of them really exist these days

Are you fucking shitting me?? Takei is literally part of the fucking DNC these days.....

Is that the chink Senator that got cough selling guns illegally?

Hostile alien: I'm going to rape your mom.

>How can it be racist

Because it doesn't depict the white man getting beaten down by PoC's for his crimes against humanity for being white, duh. You can't portray white males as heroic anymore you nazi.

Man it gives me mixed feels to think that I might have btfo captain kirk on Sup Forums


He's one the top "impeach drumpf" dems and he's on CNN multiple times a day.

This is one of the main reasons i fucking hate chinks, liberal faggots.

>almost dawn
idk man sounds like he's been up for at least an hour, after all, the day's a-wastin.

A perfect example of why I stopped donating and voting democrat

Team Shatner has always been the best.

There is a chance that I might called him a faggot.
This place is amazing

Shatner was OD'ed on redpills long before we knew what they were. He's Chad as fuck.

Shatner has said in the past that he visits Sup Forums

And most likely he called you a t*rkroach and told you to get the fuck back in the cuck-shed.

Shatner is a jew and so was nimoy.

Wtf italy?
I thought we were allies?

>William Shatner

Based AF and suffers no fools.

>George Tekei

Degenerate AF and preys upon fools.

The Trump curse in full effect.
Did the brave user update the graphic yet? So excited to see it I can hardly contain my autism.

People like u are why I stopped voting dem

Because SJWs say so, therefore it is.
You must take everything they say as gospel truth and questioning their authoritay is treasonous. Derp.

Reminds me of ST:NG- Q commanding Enterprise...... MR WOOF fucking lel. I love me some Q.

Hostile Alien: I'm going to rape your mum


James T kirk was born 3/22/2233. That makes him one of us, even by default.
KYS shill.

Reminder that this exists

Shatner is /ourjew/

>The Final Frontier
>These are... the voyages of the memeship... Shatner
>It's continuing mission
>To explore strange new boards
>To seek out new memeforms and kekilisations
>To boldly Sup Forums where no Man has Sup Forumsed before
Dun, dun dun dun, dun dun dun

>Now according to SJWs Orig Star Trek is racist. Fucking Cucks

SJWs get real mad when you tell them that Starfleet isn't that different from Trump policies

>tachyon detection grid near the neutral zone to detect cloaked ships
>wall of replicator mines near the bajoran wormhole during the dominion war
>sisko getting his hands dirty to bring the romulans to their side
>section 31

I'm sure there's other shit, but that's off the top the top of my head

Not too long ago, Takei tweeted about the federation being a socialist paradise, but the part he left out is that took a third world war, mass casualties, and alien intervention/alliances/tech to bring it up to that point.

While I dislike Takei. Shatner did a seriously ducked up thing to his exwife. Frabjly Its even worse than what Channey did.

>Now according to SJWs Orig Star Trek is racist. Fucking Cucks
Shatner didn't kiss enough coloreds?

I refuse to believe someone like him knows how to navigate the internet let alone navigate through Sup Forums.

>>two washed up boomers
They're not boomers you mong. takei was in a camp during WW2 in the US.

Boomers are from 1946 to mid 60's

Is on Sup Forums and he's redpilled
Takei is a fag

>navigate through Sup Forums.
Keep in mind that there was the internet before WWW....Many of us prefer the simplex layouts that give homage to days past. The simplicity of this format is why I come here. I cannot tolerate all the b/s that comes from other social media.


They were super racist against Spock tho.
" you damn halfbreed" "You green blooded vulcan" etc etc. Very triggering

>They're not boomers you mong.
They are in an odd area of age. My inlaws are similar in age. Too young to be in WW2, but old enough to recall.

Takei is a hypocrite that openly talks about grabbing men by the dick, while slamming Trump for his pussy-grabbing.

If they are born before 1946 then they are from the silent generation. It's not that complicated a concept to grasp.

esr upboat

Bill Shatner is a living legend.

Best captain vs gook navi?

I'm going to need a quick run down.

>the virgin Takei
>the chad Shatner


>William Shatner may have been on Sup Forums during the election
>a big time rich and famous celebrity
>shitposting on Sup Forums

He clearly rules.

Bill- thanks for being more of a man than my cucked father.

Shatner is a mixed jewish guy whose been around he doesn't want to die and knows how sick they are....simply put
