...over the US intelligence community. He needs to resign.
...over the US intelligence community. He needs to resign.
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you need to kill yourself
nice bias in your wording there CNN
He would say that regardless even if the thought Putin was lying. It's basic statesmanship.
You dems have gone full nigger in a single presidency.
>believing US intelligence community over a wet fart
The biggest liars this EVER
you'll get nothing and like it you deranged cunt
I believe Putin over any bullshit CNN says at this point.
Republicans did not contunue asking for impeachment of Obama over 2 years (YEARS) into his presidency....
This is embarassing.
When will you guys stop? The time itd take to impeach him now would be longer than the rest of his term.
Isn't the extent of the "meddling" just Russia paying for ads?
At first they made it seem like Russia literally hacked into the voting system to give Trump fake votes, but now it's just them saying Russia had pro-Trump and anti-Hillary ads on social media and stuff.
Lifelong Democrat here. Had to quit donating and walk away from the corruption and racism that democrats promote. Any poc that votes Democrat is insane
>believing r*ssian scum
Thank fucking god idiots like you are a minority in America.
About as factually reliable as RT is on Russia
>Literally having a war because your elites would rather prostate themselves to Germany over Russia
How's it feel to be a worthless nation that only matters as an international playing piece to be tossed around?
That's just Trump playing the MSM.
He knows already who did meddle with it,
And maybe CNN will find out soon.
This. I'll take the word of the local batshit insane homeless guy over any "intelligence" agency.
>A tyrannical dictatorship that forces """syrians""" into every home in an open attempt to replace the populace versus the same but with "white" Russians
I'd ally with Russia over the EU at this point you fool, the EU is a sinking ship and a shithole like Ukraine joining will just drag it down faster.
Actually yeah, please join, I want to laugh when 70% of you population moves to Germany and you personally die of being raped in the safe cities by muslim rocket doctors
Shouldn't you have a Russia flag? You faggots aren't a country anymore.
SOMEBODY meddled with Hillary's erection.
id wuz hur tern!!
You need to get that to Robert Mueller ASAP. and he will tell you the same thing I will - Fuck off low iq faggot. Go back to raping kids before you get your cock force fed to you.
After the fake dossier bullshit, why would he trust any american
Intelligence agencies never lie. Any day now we will find the weapons of mass destruction hidden away by Saddam Hussain
shut up mutt, you should have a tendie, a rice cracker and a taco on yours
I for one, am waiting for the FBI to finally track down the hidden confederate gold
US intelligence.
The crew which told us about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
>US intelligence
How did that "intelligence" work out for you in Crimea?
>suddenly liberal retards love the CIA
>hidden confederate gold
I've not heard of that one before. Quick rundown?
Yes. One third of the intelligence report was how Russia wanted to manipulate the election (like every country does to every other ) and the rest was RT news stories and advertising as proof.
You'd have to be a fucking moron to think this was actually interfering.
Basically during the civil war the yankees claimed that the dixies couldn't possibly fund the war just with cotton and slaves, and must have huge caches of hidden gold to pay for everything. The dixies just ran with that claim, cause what they were actually doing was running the presses and paying their soldiers with nothing. The meme lasted long enough that it because legend, and IIRC the FBI keeps a file on the whole thing.
classic inferiority complex
you are the nigger of europe and you know it
pls can we invade iran now
>RT news stories
By the same logic the British government manipulated the election with pro-Hillary coverage on the BBC
hey burgers, how do you feel like like having an autistic dotard as a president?
The real twist is when you realize he knew that quote would get to the public
Interesting. Have an upboat kind sir
>The same fucking libtard hohol making 50 slide threads a day with retarded premises
Also if you believe russia rigged the US election you're a drooling simpleton
They fucking tried to, didn't they? You silly sausage.
>Mfw this man has cucked the us to the point where US citizens don't trust their own media, government and intelligent agencies
You guys are really getting brainwashed.
There is absolutely no proof of any meddling. In the senate hearings came out that the whole financial amount from Russia what was spent before the election in political ads was fucking 46.000$. Trump's and Clinton's campaigns spent more than 80mm$. And this 46.000$ were bought probably through VPNs or by some other trolls.
Don't get me even started on Wikileaks.
If you really still believe there was some kind of KGB meddling you are retarded.
Just show the evidence after almost 2 years or shut up!
Jokes on you. I never trusted those fuckers.
Unironically choke on your bulls cock and die hassan al bin wilad
You are now aware.
>You silly sausage
pls no bully
Any nation with this level of distrust in it's own institutions is a nation that is fragile and bound to fall.
The CIA’s job is to lie to us so I don’t see a problem.
I'll be happy when my nation is purged of sheep who believe this shit. Catch the black plague shill
Do you believe Putin over Trump? Because Putin said that Trump never talked to him about election meddling. (sauce: thehill.com
Trump seems to have a different account: “I just asked him again,” Trump said. “He said he absolutely did not meddle in our election, he did not do what they are saying he did.”
you lefty scum are losing!
Russian meddling is code for online communities like Sup Forums
>just show the evidence
they already did, pic related
Maybe if you lived in a first world nation you'd realize the population is there to feed the government, not support it. Trusting the people is for pussies who don't know how to control the masses.
Anglo Russian alliance when?
You're giving this shithole too much credit, broseph
>He needs to resign.
i love me some tasty salts.
who gives a fuck?
fucking liberals and their pedantic word parsing bullshit is getting tiresome.
This. All of European media was fervently pro Hillary. Should we investigate French, British, and German media next? God I hate "liberals".
They actually showed a pol meme at a congressional hearing
>over the US intelligence community
all 17 of them... no wait it was 3... no wait they actually have no evidence at all...
Sup Forumstards are so delusional about their meme-president whose own campaign advisor Manafort was happy to take Yanukovich and Putins money. That is the quakity of people who works with Trump. Let's them stay in their happy world with imaginary "good Russia" and "friend of all alt-rights" Putin.
>Trump says he believes Putin's election meddling denials
The guilty always say that. I want Trump, Pence, Sessions, Flynn, Kushner, Don Jr, Page, Manafort, Tillerson, Stone, Ross, Gordon and the rest of the traitors in Trump Sewer Inc. to spend at least 10 years in federal prison. Those fuckers threw us under the bus. They traded America to a hostile nation for 30 silver pieces.
>Ukraine proxy
They said our "vote by text" op was Russian meddling and I saw the ads being made here
I love how trump made sure to stand behind Obama's good twin in the photoshoot
>They said our "vote by text" op was Russian meddling and I saw the ads being made here
You did such a shit job they thought it was the Russians? That's rich!
No one trusted them before.
You are correct except for your way of writing numbers
Fuck off, Zhang.
We're fixing our institutions. We've done it before
There should be a 6-year investigation, just like the Obama birther investigation.
Sup Forums is FSB honeypot.
>Who gives a shit if the president is a liar as long as he's not a liberal
Trump: corrupt piece of shit who doesn't give a fuck about me.
Hillary: corrupt piece of shit who wants me to give up my guns, my gasoline powered cars, my...
US (((Intel Community))) employee here.
It is astonishing how bad it is. Majority of the work force is support and bureaucracy bull shit while the minority is made up of analysts.
Of the "analysts", close to a majority have no college. The majority has shitty undergrad degrees from shitty colleges.
There is not much that is produced that isnt jaw-dropping terrible in its logic. I am also not kidding when I say that 99% of everything "produced" is has no analytic integrity to it that would not be laughed at if you tried to submit it to the worst/lowest tier academic journal you could find.
We already did.
Isn't the US Intelligence community crap already debunked?
Considering we changed the definition, I am surprised we don't invade everyone. The fucking Boston Marathon pressure cooker bomb was officially a wmd.
kgb is great.
you don't have to like cnn, abc, bbc media in general, trump, obama, hillary or whoever but it is fucking dumb to praise putin.
>Trump says he believes Putin's election meddling denials
This man brings gullible to a new level.
Jews want Christians to murder each other again. And you stupid Russia hating bastards are taking the bait.
Nah, he just being based. US intelligence community AND military industrial complex are corrupt as fuck. Let's not forget who actually took down JFK
Trump and Putin did not have a private meeting on this Trip.
It would have been a great time for Putin to give Trump his performance review.
Putin seems more like /ourguy/ than most other world leaders. What's the prob?
Chemical weapons have been classified as wmd long before the Iraq war.
How do Ukrainians even get on the internet? They make like $200 per month
Yup, and there weren't any there anymore.
Lol go suck a dick massive faggot
>believes Putin's election meddling denials
I needed like 5 minutes to parse this part of sentence.
English language is absolute dogshit.
The Boss is always right
Also, this guy gets it.
Trust no one not even yourself.
it is a horrible sentence.
>any poorfag can afford chinese smartphones
>thinking that internet is only for rich westerners
Huawei costs like 800 dollars that is 7 years of kokhle wage slavery
What kind of fucking headline is that?