Ok guys

Ok guys

Gonna try to market a thing for babies but I am having trouble nqming it

Basically it turns an aquaponic system into babyponics but the babies will be suspended above the fish in a mesh structure that their feces can go through

1 should it be a bag or a framed box? And
2. Should it be referred to as a baby hutch? Baby cage? Or baby coup?

I really think there is money to be made and it could raise white birthrates

Kiddie coop.

Goddamn it dats good

So a playpen, but with a fishtank for your babies to poop into.

That's so retarded that you might actually get someone to buy it. Make sure it's organic, free trade & etc., your potential victims will eat that stuff up.

"shit covered child starter pack"

Its the organic way

is this some sort of a designate shitting aquarium?

Thats the idea
But it is more for right wing homesteaders, the fish water goes to the crops

>toddler coverd in feces rolling around mesh shitting on fish
This will sell.

Adding nutrients to the ecosystem

could we ask for a mechanism so the fish eat the shit that still remains around the baby ass after shitthin himself?

To clarify by mesh i mean something like chicken wire

you should look for an indian investing fund you might get with good inverstond that understand the value in this

I'm sure there's a market in Germany.

Vegan compatable

Fucking Hell user, that's even worse than mesh

Obviously it would be crimped so it wasnt pokey and shit

And why does your property have to be comfortable will babies poop more in comfortable conditions?

Who the fuck you think you are? BF Skinner?

Its all connected

Baby poop
Poop feed fish
Fish feed plant
Plant feed wife
Wife make milk, one teet for baby
One teet for daddy

Are you high?

Nigga wat

Breastmilk is the only food people can live off cradle to grave without any disfunction

I'm sold, user. Let's get this kickstarted.
Just the idea of throwing your toddler into a cage suspended over an aquarium is hilarious to me. Cover it in shit and there's no way it will fail.

>Putting a baby in some chicken wire cage of holding so they may fertilize our crops for the greater good

They wont mind if you start them as newborns btw, they are pretty adaptable

>posting furry shit
Fuck off Amerimutt.

14 words can be achieved by way of kiddie coops and babyponics

>poo in su
>Ancrap aqua meat
>the weak must fear the strong
>designated shitting aquarium
>Pizza party on top, fecal fish feast on plop
>honey wtf are you doing with Stefan Jnr

the bad thing is that this will actually work

Stefan junior

I actually laughed

Considering you want to use chicken wire for the cage, arn't you worried the thin wire will cause indents and discomfort? Unless you plan to use something like a iron cage but keeping the chicken wire design, it might be more safer(?)

*good thing

We are more efficient in other industries now than we were 50 years ago why not baby production and extraction?

An iron cage could work but costs need to be adressed

ancap is so provocative

Make it electric

I tried this a number of years ago, But my nephuw-son's feet kept falling through the holes and breaking and my ex sister-wife never wanted to clean the pump intake after the boy got bigger and poo got more solid. Good luck tho user. May God help you succeed where I have failed

To raise and lower or what? For tithole control?

Pick em up and give her a good shakin' she'll start to cooperate

What if you buy the children in an airtight contract tho

The first thing you learn about gardening and farming is you don't use raw untreated carnivore poop to fertilize food crops. It can result in pathogens being transmitted to the food, especially if eaten raw.

This is a bad and stupid idea.

But Kristal left Gabe Jr. And I years ago

The fish eat it though, it isnt a constant flow system, you need to cultivate bacteria to break it down

Should have beat kristal harder and gotten a stronger chain then

She left me for the nigger that cooks her meth in order to raise her standard of living after the houseboat half burned down

Best thread on Sup Forums right now

What a modest proposition.

Would this material work better than chicken wire guys?

Must suck being a cuckbilly, but you will get some more wives and expand the system