So what does Sup Forums think about vaccines?
Are they safe or not?
Is Vaccination safe?
>injecting mercury into your butt
You tell me
No, gives autism.
No good
Your thread is shit. Nobody in here believes in vaccination being harmful. It was a meme, now its a dead one. And also, get saged faggot.
Yes they are safe faggot. Stop listening to Jenny Mccarthy
If vaccines aren't safe though, what alternatives are there?
T. Jenny
yes unless you watch to catch something and die. there's a reason we live past 30 nowadays.
A vaccine can be safe.
Mixing vaccines together or giving multiple doses of vaccines at once is likely an assault on the immune system and should be stopped.
eating potatoes and therfore eating Phosphorus.
Not putting your kids around disgusting poor children?
And or putting them around as many as possible
Vaccines are for the weak
>stop assaulting immune system
>genitally mutilating babies is fine
No, they give you the communism.
I'm not an uneducated, barely literate housewife with an underlying mental they're pretty good.
I don't know, but the way they pushed the flu shot this year creeped me out. At Walgreens the GET FLU SHOT, GOY! sign had the UN logo on it.
This thread is going to the top while your jihadi family is going six feet under, boy!
good lord, no, they are not safe and have never been safe
vaccine makers aren't even responsible for the damage done to their victims, at least in the US, the government pays the people with good enough lawyers to prove their case of vaccine injury or death
anyone who wants to vaccinate, should at the very least wait until they weigh 100lbs or more...and even then, I'd avoid any vaccine that came on the market in the last 30 years
It's as safe as any other medical procedure.
Vaccination is entirely beneficial for like 99.9% of people, but every now and then someone turns out to have a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or the doctor somehow botches the procedure and the person gets fucked up. In general, you are much more likely to suffer severe illness or death if you get measles or whatever than you are to be harmed by the vaccine.
>big pharma produces shitton documents prooving that their autism generators are safe
>some faggot says it's not true and tells parents that death is better than autism
Shitposting aside vaccines decreased death rates tremendously. U tell me what is worse: mercury in your arse or slow and painful death
At least not unsafer than catching the actual disease, hoping to survive it without any severe side effects and THEN developing a natural immunity.
>using the hypodermic jew
I think the Taliban still push this meme
Of course they push it. Flu epidemic means that lots of people are not able to appear for work ... it affects the economy. If you are a healthy adult the flu is no fun but you will survive. For older people it CAN be deadly however quite quickly.
Thing with the flu is that the virus changes every year. The WHO tries to guess (based on the former variants of the virus) which particular strain will be prevalent in the next flu epidemic. You have to do that because producing the actual vaccine takes a lot of time ... if you start when the epidemic hits and you KNOW what virus variant it is you will be too late. So it is a hit or miss actually.
Vaccines are dangerous. Infants and toddlers should not be jacked up with heavy metals at current rates. Vaccines should be spaced out more. Shit causes autism. The bad kind, not the awesome kind many of use have.
>serious post
All vaccines except the flu shot are almost perfect at stopping disease. Flu shot is a crap shot from year to year. Effectiveness can range from less than 30% one year to +90% the next. Only one with legitimate reasons not to take it.
Zero proof that vaccines have any correlation to autism, but there is a correlation between old man sperm and Autism.
read the insert, they say they know it can kill you.
1 in 100 cause either autism or ADHD
Of course not. There is no way to know how a foreign chemical will react with your body. You could die or be disabled from a shot. I mean that unironically. Everyone reacts differently. So its best to balance the pros and cons of every shot you take. Thats why i would only get vaccinated for diseases that are life threatening and fairly common, def never get a flu shot.
Holy shit, a lot of shills in here.
I love how people are so quick to defend vaccines when they are held to almost no standard of testing to go to market. It is considered unethical to do a double blind placebo test with vaccines because you are then leaving half of your study non-vaxxed.
The majority of the stuff we are vaxxing were already on the verge of being non-existent due to better hygiene/diet. I'd rather have the whooping cough than fucking autism any day.
just took my flu shot, didn't even swole this time
This. Vaccination is a business..and one that puts chemicals in your body. Only get what you really need based on severity of disease and chances..most shit thats pushed you dont need..its just a business.
Not only unsafe, but ineffective. Prove they actually work.
Basically this. If Vaccines were 100% safe they wouldn't be controlled. Hell, every glass of milk would be fortified with measles vaccine just for shits and giggles if they were 100% safe.
Anybody saying vaccines are 100% safe is a retard. It's all a matter of balancing the efficacy with the complication rate and coming to a conclusion of what ratio of efficacy to complication rate is worthwhile.
For example I know more people who have been hospitalized from flu shots than from the flu itself. It's only really worthwhile for senior citizens.
People who don't get their kids the MMRV shots are likewise assholes because all of those virus's are very dangerous and the risk of complication is completely over-shadowed by the societal benefit of keeping those diseases at bay.
This kills the thread...
No you're just an idiot. When's the last time you heard of somebody getting the measils in north america? Whereas Europe has /novax/ savages pouring in and it's still a huge concern there.
Would you join a cult that sacrificed babies every year? That's what vaccines do. They kill babies. Might not be your baby but it could be.
crystals and shiet
Our lack of polio and smallpox might be related.
Not proof of efficacy. Diseases were in decline before vaccination. Prove they work.
If vaccination is so great then why isn't there a vaccine against autism???
You are also eating genes.
>Might be related
That's conjecture, not proof.
Injecting neurotoxins in a newborn sounds right i guess
>willingly injections yourself and your children with gay hormones
glad I never vaxxed my kids
Hope you didn't chop the tips of their dicks off either, cuz that's just as fucked...
Saving million of lives from epidemics, some guy ithink gives autism...
Prove they work.
Between the vaccines and anti-depressants, its a wonder kids are still alive.
The average fish you eat contains ten times the mercury of a shot with a mercury preservative. Most of the shots nowadays use zero mercury anyhow.
Not many people die from raabbies tese days...
The examples are countless...
>Also the concept was known since Medieval China
Give birth when you are young then number of autism will going down
Vaccines are what is killing us.
Also you dont realy see these polio ventilators in hospitals these days
That's eating. Your injecting mercury right into your blood stream. You dumb nigger.
Have you seen kids walking these way in your neighborhood
Thank polio vaccines
God made your body to withstand most and all bacteria.
Vaccines are mind control population control to keep people from fighting against school indoctrinations.
I trust Ben Garrison more than the medical industry jew
That why people used to go in these tuberculosis resorts before vaccines were avalible... and died a few years later...
Better buy one of these in case you get an infection
> bcs antibiotics don't work bcs jew pharma
Want me to link any of hundreds of medical review articles discussing the mechanism, synthesis, and efficacy of vaccines? Somehow I doubt that will hold much weight for you, as your strategy seems to be the standard argument of moving goalposts ad infinitum.
How would you prove any medicine works? I suppose antibiotics and blood thinners could be a hoax too.
this guy looks so happy not having had to take antibiotics
>Implying my immune system is that weak
I could blame my parents and God for a lot of things but not a weak immune system
He belives vaccines and antibiotics are a Jewish meme, and only belives in good old metal saws
Still. No. Proof.
Correlating the already declining incidence of a disease during a time of improving public hygiene with the introduction of vaccines is not even evidence that the vaccine caused further decline in the incidence of said disease, let alone proof, which is something else altogether.
>Believes he is immune to infection because he supposes that he has a god-like immune system
If they weren't we'd all be dead a long time ago
Antibiotics =/= vaccinations
t. physician
Literally the most illogical thing I've ever read.
These arguments make no sense whatsoever. I mean I have 3 arms and no thumbs but that's not a point
> Sill that doesn't prove that they don't work
Million of elderly taking a flu vaccine every year 99.999% don't get flue.
Millions of rats getting vaccines tested on them yet no independent researcher noticed that they don't work
I was talking to the Paki
Don't be a mass reply faggot, put some effort into your shilling. What do you consider proof? Clearly going onto PubMed and typing "vaccine" is too taxing.
It is. Stop with the fucking fearmongering facebook memes made for 80IQ bored housewives.
>What is bioaccumulation?
>mercury makes up a fraction of what is in the vaccine, as a preservative
Dumb nigger confirmed
These arguments do make sense,
Just try getting smarter little buddy
Any guess how a DARPA weapon can hit you at 10 miles?
Take a walk alongside a highway for an hour; chemically, it'll fuck you up worse than any ten vaccinations.
>The absolute state of Sup Forums
>These people vote
>These people are behind the movement to preserve the white race
The white race deserves everything that's coming to it. You people are willfully ignorant.
And for fuck's sake, they're not injecting straight mercury, it's an organomercury compound, and acts totally different from actual mercury in vivo.
I swear somedays I wish this board would be jihaded by sand niggers.
Pick up a fucking book and learn a little about the scientific process; this kind of idiocy is the reason the white race is dying. You pitifully ignorant mongrels are the reason the white race is dying.
Are vaccines bad?
"Heavy metal toxicity can have a wide range of negative effects. Mercury, can cause depression and add to anxiety; mercury and cadmium can significantly compromise your immune system. ... Mercury, lead and aluminium disturb acetylcholine, this neurotransmitter gives the brain a sharpness and good memory."
Mercury, lead and aluminium disturb acetylcholine, this neurotransmitter gives the brain a sharpness and good memory.
Mercury, lead and aluminium disturb acetylcholine, this neurotransmitter gives the brain a sharpness and good memory.
Mercury, lead and aluminium disturb acetylcholine, this neurotransmitter gives the brain a sharpness and good memory.
Mercury, lead and aluminium disturb acetylcholine, this neurotransmitter gives the brain a sharpness and good memory.
you would be stupid not to vaccinate.
Not to mention it was phased out pretty much everywhere already. Whining about vaccines is chemtrail or flat earth tier pysop false flagging.
>inb4 (((pubmed))) is propaganda
These people are beyond help.
Since no one dies from rabies in the West,
Try proving that rabies vaccines don't work
ultra low frequency that respond to brain waves
user, these are people who believe that light halogens in your drinking water will:
a) bioaccumulate in your brain and
b) change your behavior and make you more susceptible to suggestion, and to government-related suggestion in particular.
That is a totally made up statistic and you have no idea what you're talking about.
>Low IQ white pleb
Better for you getting rabies and not getting vaccinated
Try proving that rabies vaccines don't work
>against vaccines
And who do you think would actually pay me to do that, pray tell?
Idk, I've never had any kind of vaccination. My mom is kind of crazy and went to this crazy church when I was a kid. They said vaccinations are an affront to god or some shit. So at school she put up a fuss and I was allowed to go without getting any.
That being said, the last time I was sick was like 20 years ago when I got a sinus infection.
Prove that it's made up
and prove that rabies vaccines don"t work
now they use aluminum as an adjuvant or just call mercury and claim they don't have thermirsol
Do you suffer from mental retardation?
It isn't mercury, you fucking moron. The compound is thiomersol. It is an organomercury compound and does not accumulate or behave the same way that mercury does.
Fucking kill yourself with this idiotic meme. There's a reason you're in the company of uneducated housewives with this hysteria.
Between this and the 250 reply magic saturn hexagon thread yesterday, I really don't know why I come here anymore. This board has turned into a cesspool of ignorance.
That's because 90% of the US is vaccinated
Therefore the disease cannot spread
>It's called group immunity
That's not how it works. The burden of proof lies on the one selling the product.
A (((government))) and/or (((medical industry))) that wants you sick.
See how easy this stupid game is? If your burden of proof is merely motive, you can literally turn anything into a conspiracy, you fucking tard.
GTFO my board.
IDK, vaccinating 20 years worth of people let us eliminate smallpox from Europe, polio and meningitis are almost done too... other diseases that were considered something 'every kid gets' when I was little are dying out too (rubella, whooping cough, measels, paraotiotes...) and it sounds crazy that we're fighting full-on vaccination campaigns for THOSE diseases.
Tetanus and diphteria are gone, do we REALLY need vaccines for those chickenshit diseases?
It's just the way progress goes, we're killing those diseases because we can and it makes life more comfy. Fewer weak children will die.
Prove they work.
A simple request that should be very easy for you pharmaceutical shills, and yet no scrutable evidence has beem furnished. Why is it so hard to prove something that "everyone knows"?
Who says it?