How about all these breaking sex scandals huh...
How about all these breaking sex scandals huh
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So what makes you want to be seen as "european" but not want people to know which country you are posting from? Just wondering. I don't care about your op subject. FTR I would post my state flag if I had the option here.
Man STFU. These boards should be anonymous in the first place and I should be judged based on what I say not where I'm from. Good on you for being proud of your fucking tribe. You had about as much choice in that as your mother did when she found out you're dumb but decided to raise you anyway.
you'd only not want to be judged on where you're from if where you're from is somewhere shameful.
show your flag mohammad.
fckin self-hating american alert
They are conditioning the Libtards for what is going to happen to their political "heroes"
he has played this perfectly, his reward for his cuckery is that he gets to keep his career, maybe not now, but soon. They bought hs shit entirely and all he has to do is never make an excuse. He will fuck it up at some point tho.
kill yourself, you fucking leaf
lol did i hit a nerve
We should all collectively accuse someone of sexual assault. Just for fun, and to see what happens.
Lol look at this nigger
Dude's whole skit is being a perverted weirdo. The sad part is how comfortable he makes people feel by doing what he does.
>he's one of us
smdh, comedy used to be cool. Should've seen this coming.
One guy jokes about doing coke and fucking hookers, this guy jokes about masturbating to a jelly donut. People like the guy masturbating to a jelly donut more. Sad, sad state of affairs.
Yeah, pretty crazy stuff. Wow.
leaf or poo confirmed
Greek or leaf confirmed
Europeans want to become the new USA, meanwhile the USA wants to fracture into state based countries or smaller unions.
Interesting times to be alive. But when you realize most of the European buthurt about us really is the "hate us cause they ain't us" mentality you'll rightfully take it with a grain of salt.
>EU is gonna federalize!
>EU needs an EU army!
>Europe is stronk, WE STRRROOOONNNKKK
>We will be a global superpower!
>caring about the jewish command in Brussels?
lol what are you, stupid!?
>hurr durr tribes are bad!
>you're dumb!
tell that to leaders of the EU which are very much fanatical jews.
Tom Hanks
>Be Louis C.K.
>Being hit on by chicks that want my money so they lie and pretend to like me.
>They're young and hot, me so horny.
>I ask them if I can jerk it in front of them.
>These ladies say "Yeah, sure."
(Verbal consent)
I'm happy about the Trump Curse, but I don't think he did anything wrong.
If I see a country flag there's a chance you aren't brainwashed in the same manner as your general citizenry.
If you're wearing an EU flag, I instantly know you're a retard.
look how fucking obviously shopped that image is, you retard, look at the lighting on the faces and the head sizes, it isn't even close to realistic. The Clinton one is real but the rest are obvious breeze.
John Oliver
Seems legit
I think I remember this one time
Come on user, you know I wouldn't bumble her jumbles
like pottery
euroshills begone
I can't stop laughing at this
Stephen King is next