Have you ever had a black friend?
Have you ever had a black friend?
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Yes, lots. Mostly mulattos. They have it the toughest out of anybody, honestly.
yes and he's a good dude, likes trump thinks CNN is fake news etc. Works hard and doesn't act like a dumbass
Yes, never again
No, never will
Yes, the friendship ended with him stealing 20 dollars from me.
No. I grew up in 1980s England and never saw any. I've had interactions with blacks, obviously, but I only saw one for the first time when I first visited the USA. No doubt they were in London though.
Yeah. He had a kickass edh deck and really liked Dragonball Z.
Do gypsies count?
they ALL love dragonball. Like every single one i see does.
Yes, my best friend is mixed and some of my other best friends are black.
I'm still pretty racist though, I treat them well as individuals but I don't let outliers skew my view of groups.
EDH truly is the nigger of MTG.
yes. had some at a rather prestigious high school and at university. The only way you could tell they were black other than their skin color was that they were more than averagely interested in rap music. Otherwise just regular people
Yes. Strangly enough, they were nerds that liked dbz and power rangers.
In my opinion, if we were to cull every black below the 75% of their bell curve, I would have no problems with blacks.
That will never happen though. The black and white yinyang ethnostate allys will only be a lofty dream of mine. Literally separate but equal. Such a shame.
Yeah, and a muslim one. They were okay people but the nigger annoyed the shit out of me and the slime moved to London to be with his people
Whites and blacks aren't equal though so that is a pipe dream.
I do.
We fuck around and laugh if either one of us get's punched, but we also always make sure that we beat the shit out of the puncher.
Some seem salvageable enough. A /very/ rare few are similar to lesser whites.
Mind you, I would throw the baby out with the bathwater if it came down to it. I wouldnt risk it.
But call me an idealist and overly moral, I would love a future in which those that were salvagable could be saved. As I said, a lofty meaningless dream.
Around Blacks, watch your stacks.
so are you guys only for a 100% white ethnostate or are you okay with having a small minority of culturally adjusted non whites living there?
lol fuck no
Yes, in kindergarten. He liked to scare the girls with his penis.
I didn't realize at the time how stereotypical his penis obsession was.
I have one. But he's an exceptionally smart black. Still, I wouldn't give him any extra privileges on the day of the rope.
Yes i call him nigger to his face
But he calls me autistic so it works out
all the ones i've been around were all alright and from families richer than my own, one even had a dad who worked for Bentley, but they were never my friend
i did have a brown friend from bangladesh tho
he was a massive weeaboo
Most my friends growing up..a few in middle school. A couple in highschool but more of aquaintences and zero black friends in adulthood.
Just different culturally. They also play around too much.
a couple
Only an acquaintance..
yeah most of my childhood friends were. Too bad their families completely ruined them. Didn't want them being "too white".
Their asshole brothers convinced them to be rappers or basketball players. They were good at it but they weren't Micheal Jordan good.
As for rapping ive never like it but even realized they couldn't hold a tune and the lyrics sucked. They put all their eggs in one basket and tried to win a damn lottery. To this day i blame their fucking family if they hadn't interfered we coulda went to the same college together.
I'm afraid what starts as a "small minority" soon turns into a deluge. It would be nice if we could accept worthy individuals from other races into our midst, but it seems to be impossible.
The greatest problem is when the birthrates differ. Accepting black people into white nations is suicidal when blacks keep breeding like there's no tomorrow in Africa. No matter how many we receive, they'll still produce more even faster.
In the end, we'll have to shut the door on them or be swallowed whole.
Look at all you niggers. There is enough niggers in here to make a Tarzan movie.
Sure, didn't last long though.
Differences were too profound.
Also, he ended up being a criminal.
ethnostate not going to happen here. It's not a realistic solution in the US. However people tend to group based on ethnicity naturally. Plug the immigration scam, kick out some beaners, end affirmative action, and quit relocating nigs into white communities. After a period of adjustment, some white flight, the dust will settle naturally.
Best strategy is to level the playing field and make all countries with power a little more diverse. Democracy grows - demand for household firearms spreads to Europe, Saudi Arabia will have to deal with female voters, China will want less restrictions on speech, etc. Everybody crippled.
>tfw no vintage/legacy friends
No fuck niggers
Yes, for a couple years my best friend was black (or mulatto). He lived like a literal parasite in my house because his parents didnt care about him (the black father was chilling in congo). I started hating him so hard and ended up becoming his enemy
Yes. But they don’t understand why I put my shirt over my nose when they talk.
Yeah, he dropped out of high school and got a girl pregnant at 17. Other than suddenly going full nigger at the end he was alright.
20+ years ago, as a kid I was friends with the LITERALLY only black kid in town at the time
>they lived above a restaurant
>raised by single mom
>i remember he really liked animaniacs
didn't do anything niggerish ever, always wondered what happened to him (i had to move away to another town)
currently i don't think there is any black people my age (now 32) around me, living back in the old neighborhood though
Yes. There were smart blacks of the talent 10% - see the bell curve. As a blue pilled college student I was a Black Nationalist supporter before I became this current 14/88 White Nationalist. Around blacks never relax, but eventually Blacks and Whites could unite against the Jew. Spice are dangerous because of their number and cheap labor that the white Shabbos Goy traitors use to chase shekels rather than securing the existence of our people and a future for White Children.
Literally nothing wrong with having black friends. However understand that in the end they will side against you 9 times outta 10 if another brother comes into the picture
>tfw no jewish friend
Unfortunately. Not sure if I'll do it again. They mostly can't be trusted. You have to find one with a high IQ, whose parents remained together at least until they were out of high school, and who didn't grow up around a lot of blacks or at least had mostly white friends.
>ethnostate not going to happen here. It's not a realistic solution in the US.
It's the ONLY realistic solution in the US.
He was a Theology student working on his PhD. He was a Mormon homosexual who was addicted to orgies and meth. He also asked me to marry him, while I was very seriously dating one of the few people at Church who gave him the time of day.
Played football in college. There are niggers and there are black people who I'm still friends with. The smart red pilled blacks also hate niggers. All niggers are black but not all blacks are niggers.
Fuck you, EDH is the best MTG format. If you want a card game for niggers, look no further than YuGiOh
nope. Associates, briefly colleagues, class mates. But none of them was friend as in, I'll-trust-this-guy-pretty-much-unconditionally, kind of person. None of them ever gave me a reason (at all, not even a hint) to invest emotionally in them at that level
>All niggers are black but not all blacks are niggers
Lol of course. What a retarded question. It's not like they interact any differently than nonblack friends.
Not really but then I don't consider many people I've known to be friends. Of the relatively few blacks I've known on a personal basis they've been decent enough. That's probably got something to do with my avoiding having to deal with the ones who look like they aren't though.
Had a brief friendship with a gaypsy as a teen.Then the cops came and took hime because he was robbing people.Never seen him since he is either in western Europe or still in prison.
As regards to niggers,i never found them interesting,they dont even look human...
Nope. I don't want my shit to get stolen.
I have come in to contact with plenty of whites heavily influenced by black American and yardie "culture" and they're fucking dreadful. Unfortunately the influence is increasingly prominent.
>grew up in southern town that is majority black
>only friend growing up was a black kid
>parents decide to send me to catholic school out of town, even though they are poor, just because they dont want me in the public school meat grinder
>vast majority of students are white
>have white friends from there on out
>the only nonwhite friends I have are rich asian and indian(dot, not feather) kids
I've had two Mulatto friends, so that counts as one Black friend, right?
Oh wait more than that I also have an Argentine friend.
but he was a half breed
yes they're nice people
one of the worst niggers i ever met was white
Yeah. Once. When I was 11. Nigger stole my Yu-gi-oh cards.
No. I hate every single nigger and shitskin on European soil.
this. my black friends all "coincidentally" have white fathers.
I don't like freindships with people who have skin conditions.
Had a dark gypsy freind once, when I was 5, dude is now 20 and lives with his parents ,didn't even finish high school.
Mulatto here
>Too black to be white
>Too white to be black
>Vote for Trump and betray your race
>Vote for the left and the world dies
Its true to an extent but you learn to just deal with it. Uncle Tom offends me more than Nigger does and I'm trying to use my racial passives to redpill more blacks in my area.
Absolutely not. If for some reason they managed to sneak past all my nigfilters, the smell of their body drove me away.
Yes, 4 when I was a kid. Hung out, sleepovers, knew their parents or parent real well, all that. They were all a lot different from each other and the funny thing was none of them like each other at all except for the two who were brothers.
Yeah, my brother is a halfie and my first friend after high school was a nigger. He was not a black man, we're talking full blown muh fugga bix nood.
You don't have to hate niggers, just accept that they're not white. This is the failure on both sides of the aisle I think. Black people are not white people. They don't need extra help, you don't have to create exemptions for them, let them fail at the things they suck at and excel at the things they're good at, same as every race.
you could be on to something here.
at least 2 of mine are like pure african black but adopted and raised by white families
Yes. Then he started dealing weed, then coke, and now meth. Now he rants against racist cops while soaking up welfare when he lives at home rent free
I wish i was lying
Yeah, when I was a kid I had a black friend that was the nicest person on the street. His parents raised and taught him right.
He joined the marines when he grew up.
I am the black friend
>have a black cousin thanks to oildriller seafaring badass uncle
>uncle is a good man with a good business of his own making, enormous ripped as fuck man who used to deal in ships in south africa and america, full of stories of sailing in storms and fist fights in third world shitholes
>used to play together with the kid all the time, he was my best friend because I didn't get on well with the kids in my actual school
>his nigger mother is insane and dumps my uncle and takes the kid away to morocco, becomes a muslim fundamentalist
>the kid ends up pretty fucked up
>he comes back to bongland and gets into all sorts of bad crowds in london
>forget about him for well over a decade, he's out of my family's life
>he finally comes to the straight and narrow after reuniting with my uncle, uncle gives him a good job and a home together with him and his new wife and baby
>the lad is impressing himself with what he's really capable of now he put his mind to it and has his dad guiding him
>we become friends again and hang out in peaceful pubs sometimes
>he's very helpful and does a lot to help out my uncle and his daughter and wife
>someone he has a grudge from in london tracks him down and murders him over an old financial dispute
>first time I ever saw my uncle cry
This is why I will always hate niggers.
I'm sorry for your loss.
The goalie of my soccer team was black.
Pretty cool guy but became a degenerate as he grew up.
Last time I heard of him his brother got arrested for selling cocaine.
Yes, he was half-black. We were actually very good friends. We were in the same kindergarten, primary school and high school and he lived just on the other side of the street.
Only white washed blacks. Nigga loves DBZ and Naruto.
this is exactly what malcolm x was about. black seperatism. he said the same things you just said. trying to shoehorn blacks into white society has never worked.
One of my oldest friends is black. I was the best man at his wedding. Really cool guy and pretty damn redpilled too.
We can barely kick out illegal repeat felons. There's no way Uncle Sam is going to designate a few states just for the hwites. It will be much more subtle than that. For example, tougher immigration requirements and nix mandatory sec8 housing.
yes, my best friend for 2 years was a big black guy that had the same major as me in college
our friendship ended when he drunkenly suckerpunched me in the face after i confronted him after he smacked my girlfriend's tit for trying to change the music
Yes. A very nice christian dude from cameroun. Honestly a good kid. Only problem was the smell, and the constant cat calling.
>the old guard of the white ethnostate will die out soon enough
Yes, but I sold it. It required to much disciplination.
>nix mandatory sec8 housing.
What will this do but create more homeless?
Blacks CAN'T leave the US. Do you know how fucking hard it is to immigrate to any country that ISN'T the United States? Nevermind how expensive it is, just getting accepted his hard enough.
Most people in the south interact with blacks daily. Why do you think we're racist?
>Black roommate in college who was a bro
>Black friends in elementary and middle School
>Nigger stole a big wad of fake money from me in pre k
>Took it back when I saw him playing with it and put it in my bag
>Go home and it isn't in bag
Niggers are born, not made
>go to college
>Nigger unironically steels my bike
>Rides it on campus
>See it in the cafeteria bike rack
>Wait for whoever to come out
>6'5 nigger
>Get my bike back
Nigger are cowards when directly confronted alone
Yeah I really like Malcom X. Way better than Martin Luther King in that he actually believed what he was saying.
We already sort of have seperatism in the form of black neighborhoods and predominantly black cities but the predatory Democrats sabotage those areas with gibs. Cut all the gibs and see what black people can do on their own, it certainly won't be worse than what they're doing with "help".
Peace be with you.
Fuck no.
I only have 6 friends and all of them praise Hitler.
had a half abbo friend once. used to send him shit like this. he was alright.
>long time before Sup Forums
>became friendly with a nigress
>met at club
>went to her place to smoke some j
>another friend calls me one year later
>user, she just died of AIDS did you fuck her ?
>no, mr. user friend, nothinghappened.exe
nah and i probably wont
Yes once, a really good man through and through, traveled the world with him.
>Implying you'll ever meet one
you son of a trips!
Believe it or not my most successful/ intelligent buddy is a pure nig, not even mullatto. He makes a quarter million a year off his business that he and his uncle (who's somehow the same age as him) started
Selling crack is not a business
Man. East Europe is so lucky.
I have friends but never really noticed any 'black' friends.
I though black was a culture not a race, being as all my mates are western reared we all like the investment of individualism and capitalism. Some of my friends have higher/lower melanin then myself soo..
What does this "black friend" mean exactly?
Are you referencing a person desended from slavery, someone straight off the boat from africa, a 'dump-gun' "gangster" or do you actually mean skin colour?