Tosh.0 makes 9 year old drag queen call Trump a bitch on TV

I've fucking had it. The last straw for all of us should be when they involve kids. The left are disgusting.

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Not only is the kid a fag but also a big douche

...comedy central's degeneracy knows no bounds.. Didn't know tosh was still employed with them tho honestly

What a bratty cunt

Americans are subhumans

Awww snowflake is offended.
Why are you so “politically correct”?




Fuck off chaim

This country is doomed.

islam is the final solution

Pico was so much more graceful than this little shit.

2D >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3D

you know that kid will have a rude awakening, and will be lucky if he gets to live past 30, when he realizes how he's been used, right?
don't blame the poor kid

I'd smash.

Why is this allowed?

fuck off faggot



THis is horrifying, really.

Daniel Tosh begging to be relevant again. I agree dragging kids into this and promoting LGBT to kids is disgusting. It's child abuse.

Fucking sick. Please tell me the pedo in that faces justice and the show was subtle anti-degeneracy

The Canucks strike again

And I thought that hentai from hell was the rock bottom

He's had a few other fag kids on his show. Kevin Spacey 2.0?

I feel sorry for the kid, instead of having his parents get him treatment and not make him do this, the parents are tolerating the illness

Lol at the male calf muscle. In 2 years he will look like a full blown man but fags here would prob like that

This kid will kill himself in the next 20 years.

The thing that makes me angriest is that leftist behavior begets more leftist outrage.

Force kid to become gay. Kid kills self. Leftists double down and blame intolerant society. Become even more militant.

Blacks force teen blacks into thug life. Rob and kill people. Blame whites. Get angrier and more violent.

Leftist economic ideas. Dont work, people get poorer. Get even more drawn to leftist rhetoric.


We really have been invaded by normie newfags ;_;

>next 20 years.
More like 10. Seriously, this kid is fucked up.

I think I'll start going to church again after this.

This is one of the most autistic vids I've seen in probably 3 years

Guaranteed to breakdown and expose the abuse he suffered as he turns 27 and is suicidal.

It’s true tho.
You’re part of PC culture if this bothers you.

The schools indoctinate the fuck out of kids. My yougest is always coming home saying how she hates donald trump etc. Liberals need to be fucking shot. No matter what my belief on something i make a point to not push it on my kids and instead always tell them to use logic and research to come to their own conclusions.

I think I'm in love with lactacia desu

Tosh is a Florida bro, he is redpilled, don't let his 'character' fool you. He is our controlled opposition, he mocks nignogs, freaks and degenerate retards to their face. In his personal life, he does not associate with Hollywood types, or fags, or nignogs. He bangs models and stays in the shadows watching and laughing all the way to the (((bank)),


This isn't shit. I can't find clip but he has a segment about how parents will let there kids do anything for money in Hollywood. He hired a bunch to do sexual shit. Still looking for the clip

This tired meme would be common knowledge on fucking reddlt nowadays. I don't even know where to tell these people to go back to.

I thought this little tranny was a leaf?

>Liberals need to be fucking shot.

Then do it. You guys are all talk and no action.
You try to act tough, just like the pinkos, and yet you never fucking do anything effective

I think you are mixing up Trevor Moore from Whitest Kids. I'm pretty sure he said that about the crazy songs he sings in front of kids.

>when you dont even know what boku no pico is

Giant attention fag. Can't even go to the skate park without wearing an animal costume

i'm pretty tired of this pedo shit

anime is degenerate and promotes pedophilia. anime is our true enemy

lets start a hashtag


Negative. I remember a little girl saying wierd shit and eating melted chocolate. And another one on a farm

12yo is like 30 in gay years, either his mum outs him on hormones or he's finished

Because Jews are in control, and decent people have become apathetic and impotent. As a German, you should understand this.


This is what a capitalist society creates. It's not possible to have economic and personal liberties without eventually sliding to degeneracy.

It's one of ours, mate.

Welcome to 4chin.

What a fucking troll

I got you. I remember this because a friend showed me the Mr Hands video and then I saw that episode of Tosh the next day.
I'm pretty sure Trevor Moore talked about it too.

No, just a part of correct culture.

What are you, gay?

I don't even know what i am watching, it's a mix between parody, wannabe acceptable faggotry, humor, wannabe acceptable pedophilia, wannabe political, degeneracy and making fun of degeneracy. Certain shows should just be defined as containing mentally ill material before and after the show so that we know to prepare ourselves. You know like those epilepsy warnings, but this is worse than epilepsy, this is degenlepsy.

Tosh.0 is part of the evil Jew pedo Cabel that involves every element of society

kill yourself

I guess I should clearify I mean I am sick of middle aged women coming onto Sup Forums posting ABOUT pedowood shit. I'm tried of seeing constant threads about conspiracy theories on fucking youtube videos of shit. Its annoying oh and not to mention these middle aged females post there own videos to get views.

Having pizza for lunch. How bout you?


How's lactacia' foot game?

It's the rampant faggotry of the left that bugs me and then they claim the right is snowflaked.

>lives in a country where you literally want to criminalize people for not using pronouns due to whiney tranny faggots

>calls other people triggered

Kys nigger

moar thanks

I would desu

ofc they are disgusting.

This dude takes no prisoners though. No reason to take him seriously.

Oh, well me too. There's far more important things to talk about.
But moralfags need a way to virtue-signal. Funny thing is, they're virtue-signaling to amoral assholes here. I for one care nothing of virtues in other people.

>LGBT flag
>((( P )))

Yeah it's called you leaving pedofuck

They're from Facebook now

Your a fucking pro


His sctick is very racist but hes definitely at least bi sexual and more tolerant of faggotry than niggardy

pico 3 WHEN

God, i fucking hope so.

Yeah because literally shooting people will solve the problem. Its a figure of speech you fucking pedophile.

You must be at least 18 years old to post on Sup Forums.

Stop watching the Jew Box Goy!

I just occurred to me. They still make this trash show? Why? Who the fuck watches comedy central?

Pretty sure the whole gay/bi act is just an act.
He does it so he can make fun of them by plausibly identifying with them.

South Park still has some solid moments and people like Keeye and Peele for some reason

As a genuine old fag. Hating anime is actually part of our board culture as well. At least on/b/ it was and i used to genuinely hate anime and the drawing style but ive been converted and find them qt now. Even if i dont watch it...

>Yeah because literally shooting people will solve the problem.

It will. Here's the irony of moralfags. The only way for you to stop immorality is to become even more immoral than those you despise.

Japan needs a third nuke.

This thing will be dead by the time it's 30. Self-inflicted gunshot wound or hanging. Mental illness is glorified in today's world.

comedy central wont exist in 10yrs

The nuke lead to this you're just adding oil to the fire.

wouldn't change a thing

You do that and they'll invent porn so good it'll break dimensions.

He's an Aussie. How is he even going to get a gun?

this is why you need the SS

Buy one illegally?
Don't tell me you think the law means something. Please.

No hating anime is goon board culture. They need to go back to GBS.

good verse thanks Bible bro

THIS. The kid is a victim.

>Future colon cunt
He will have to use parts of his colon to fabricate a vagina because his parents have probably already started hormone treatments.
Never has anything made me want to deus vult more than this degeneracy. Every time I see it, I am reminded what must be done.

Here's your (you) Goldstein. Now please stop posting your verbal diarrhea.