Slava Slavi
Slava Slavi
Slava Otcu i Syni i Svjatomu Duxu
i fucking love slav women
Who doesn't
post more
How about her?
You need the dative case after Slava, ffs. Glory TO x.
Slav in Russian at least is Slavyanin. Plural is SlavyanE. DATIVE plural is SlavyanAM. Slava SlavyanAM, in other words.
God = Bog, Slava BogU.
Russia = Rossiya, Slava RossII.
Slava SovetskOMU SoyuzU. Slava StalinU.
Slava Isusu Xristu
I don't. They are vile monsters who often have a case of Queen Syndrome.
Slavi, like in Slavia, the geographical place
she looks too young
True, many do feel like princesses that deserve everything. But it's still not as bad as in the West. Most pretty girls have this syndrome anyway.
found this one
>the geographical place
which doesn't exist.
"Slavia" is a Latinism, built according to Latin morphology. You could "re-Slavonicise" it by making it SlaviJA, but we're still fucking up the root. SLOVENE is the word. The native form of Slovakia is the closest we get to what you're after, which is SlovenskO, but even that's a bit artificial. Slava Slovensko! You'd probably need a collective noun to get across the pan-Slavonic sense you're after. Slovenshchina, for example. Slava Slovenshchine!
That’s not a Russian. Filthy subhuman mongrel
i don't give a shit, you're all the same to me, i just want to nut on your women
>doesn't exist
I can define "Slavia" as the region where Slavs live. There is nothing wrong with that. Even if it is a latinism. Most Slavic countries have a Latin name, anyway. Polonia, for example.
Slovenschina sounds really bad, to be honest.
she looks like 25% mongol
average russian look i would say
You have something for women in the military, I see.
more russki looking i guess
This is why we have to get out of this dangerous mindset where we speak of countries instead of NATIONS. We should be speaking of people, not of land or political systems. In Old English, we almost always spoke in this sense. Engle or Engelcynn, not England. Modern German has similar in "Polen", "Ungarn", "Bayern", too. As such, slava Slavyanam!
Uhhhm sweetie, lithuanians are balto-germanic.
Their language is from the finno-ugric cluster
isnt kaunas finnish for beautiful?
>dangerous mindset
hmmmm, please explain
Full British genes here, is it wrong to marry a Russian girl?
>this isn't black metal, it's post-black semi-industrial proto-nu-metal durr!
i don't know i don't speak mongolian
Are Jews considered Slavs if the Sorb or Khazar theory is true?
You dumb fuck. The Lithuanian language is Balto-Slavonic. The Balts are close cousins of Slavs. There is a major Baltic substrate in the Russians and Belorussians, slavonicised in the middle ages. Latvians have much Finnic ancestry, Lithuanians less so.
Jews are Semites, not Slavs.
It's easier to push third world immigration and the destruction of the white race when you only talk of countries, rather than actual blood based nations.
A Semite is defined as
> a member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language
But I'm asking if they are Slavs if the Khazar or Sorb theory is true. Because if the theory has some factual basis, then it would mean Jews descend from Slavic converts to Judaism. Seems like a lot of Jews look like Slavs like Mila Kunis and Odeya Rush. Would also explain theirs and Slavic nations ardent nationalism and negativity towards mass immigration.
allright i have to go do something else before i break
I see, I guess I'm old fashioned and I always associate land with the people. But you're right, times have changed.
Go ahead, I almost did. Europe needs to bind itself more strongly together. By REAL human ties, not through cynical EU bureaucratic and technocratic elitists means.
OK, have fun!
Burgers are considered intellectual imbeciles if they think the Khazar theory is true.
Jews mixed with Slavs, but they are a different race.
Fuck me, you're retarded. Please STOP ever thinking about ancient ethnic history, if you can't get the VERY BASIC aspects right. Fuck's sake... The Khazar elite that converted was a clan of Turks from Central Asia. The Khazar general population were from the Caucasus, like Chechens. NO FUCKING SLAVS, Christ...
There is a lack of explanation as to how the Jewish population exploded dramatically in the Middle Ages. And there's also the less mentioned Sorb theory.
You trash below Ural with your tatar-bashkir blood don’t fucking matter. No wonder your half gook whores prefer to flee to Germany and Britain to get real men instead of semi-asiatic subhuman hybrid
Bones discovered in ancient Khazar burials were revealed to be mostly European and Slav. The elite being Turkic does not explain the wider population. Turkey, for example. Elites were Turkic but the wide population that the Turkic culture was forced upon is more similar to Levant Arabs or Southern Europeans.
I dread to even ask what this "Sorb Theory" might be... Look, you thick cunt - Ashkenazim spoke GERMAN. How fucking obvious do you need this to be? They were a bunch of fucking drapers and theologists, and you seriously think they descend from mounted warriors that roamed the Great Steppe????? FUCK ME.
You are not European dumb ass sandnigger
"Slav bones"! Just fuck off. This is retarded.
Ya anglichanin, durak. Nas tut mnogo.
t.albanian "European"
And who's to say Jews aren't just a mix of ancient Israelities and converts just like how people in Hispania have roots in the Moors that invaded.
t churka tatar mongol mix aka "russian"
Those coats with a fur collar is my fetish.