*takes deep breath*
*takes deep breath*
Does this further prove that gay men just might be pedophiles and sexual predators?
Um, have you ever known one? They pant at the chance to "turn" straight men. Most of them pant after younger men. Does that qualify?
Why burgers pay attention to this?
Like you really intrested in this?
>oh no someone may be or maybe not attempted to grope someone in 1997
>jesus christ #metoo
But it's okay! He was sexually assaulting men!
*takes another deep breath*
>mfw he says he is feeling drowsy
This is the first time Hollywood liberal predators and perverts are being brought to justice for their decades of crimes. Just let us have this.
I wonder how many of this "sexual assaults" were just flirtring
This is the world on feminism
Is trump responsible for this?
This fucker is pure cancer, he needs to be brought down.
I hope every phony virtue signalling SJW cocksucker gets outed as being a lying piece of shit.
As he's been pushing the "listen and believe" schtick for a while, it's only fitting he fall victim to it.
Holier than thou fag BTFO.
Best kind of BTFO.
Oh silly Russian.
You obviously don't follow news.
>Defends Spacey's pedo allegations
>Bashes against trump 24/7
>Is the soy-boy pet of the leftists
>Comes out as a hypocrite
Hey, this is what they get for pushing that shit.
Maybe he'd be more at home in Switzerland.
These are getting a little too convenient now aren’t all the recent ones spacey, Weinstein, Louis CK this muppet takei vocal trump critics. This shit is either Russians, dems pretending to be Russians so they can conveniently loosely tie this witchunt to trump and call him a fascist trying to take down his critics or it could even be trump himself.
Who knows but this is just getting weird now. I hate takei no doubt has done some fucked up shit trying to get the dick in his days but I’m not gunna judge unless he hurt someone.
Why the fuck are all these people going down so conveniently hated by trump for various reasons
Isn't the model a man? If so, he isn't an hypocrite since he didn't normalized sexual assaults on women.
>Why burgers pay attention to this?
because for our entire lives we've been lectured by the holywood jews and their camp followers for being fucking white males. It's amazing to see them all exposed now one-by-one and lose everything.
because EVERYONE in hollyjew hates trump
of course everyone going down is a trump critic
>its okay to sexually assault men
Not a burger but seeing Hollywood burn is much more entertaining than any move they put out.
Besides, it's just desserts for those fancy-pant holllier-than-thou hollywood megaliberals.
It's amazing to me how people still don't get it. This entire election has been the moment when we finally drag these rats out into the light. The Wikileaks Comet Ping Pong pizzagate pedophilia in high places. Are you not getting it yet?
The swamp is being drained. The. swamp. is. being. drained.
This. This is all that matters.
I don't care if it really happened or not as long as he gets punished as if he did.
Listen to Takei on Stern's show last week
Love it. Takei is such a liberal darling, it's great to see him exposed as a predator and a hypocrite.
Also the comments section in HuffPost piece on the allegations is so full of mental gymnastics, it was hilarious to read.
I can't believe no one posted this yet.
>Did you ever grab someone's cock against their will?
He practically did it on your show retard, what a dumb question to ask.
video of Takei admitting being guilty
extremely incriminating
We don't have to worry about getting disappeared or "accidently" run over by a truck for publically shaming influential people. Culture difference.
all these stars are falling yet nickelodeon still has its doors open?
is it just me who instinctively feel like george takei and kevin spacey for example were pieces of shit before they got outed?
>decades of crime
>consensual sex with roasties
The importance, Ivan, is that another liberal power structure is being shown for what a fraud it actually is.
Nah, faggots can be very aggressive. Kevin Spacey, for example, wouldn't just flirt... He injured people. He raped them.
I came here to post this.
There are many studies that indicate homosexuality is a consequence of child abuse.
Of course by then making homosexuality a common and diversely accepted social trend the victims of child abuse are led to believe that child abuse is empowering as a part of their coping strategy.
Creating even more people for the victim olympics and expanding their base.
This also explains why Jews are overrepresented in this field, both plain ole public faggotry and genuine sexual predation.
I was saying this the other day as well. Burgers have a hard time getting stuff. Don't blame them, it's their Mexican heritage.
He's jerked so many dudes off on that show that it's not hard to believe this.
That’s how they reproduce
This is great to watch. Hollywood is pretty degenerate which we all knew, but this whole sexual assault nonsense is outstanding. While all of these claims thus far fall outside the statute of limitations, these fuckers in Hollyjew are throwing each other under the bus.
I loved that all the reddit fags were soooo surprised by this shit. As if it's remotely surprising that some degenerate faggot who lets people jack him off on air does other degenerate shit.
>Multiple straight men violate women
>"Well that must somehow be the womens fault, they wanted to get rich right?"
>Multiple gay men violate other men
>"Further proof of gay men being predators"
Maybe, it's just generally men who are the problem?
Fucking reddit
>400 points
Fucking straight guys is a massive fetish for gays. Probably similar to how many guys enjoy thinking they turn a lesbian straight
>Did you ever force an extra playing q Klingon to blow you?
>Not a Klingon
What did he mean by this?
boy, all that shit talk on donald and it turns out he himself was the pervert
really makes me think tb q h
Bump of justice
>also I don’t like homosexuals
>Fantasizing about turning some overweight, sloppy fatass with short hair and daddy issues straight?
To each their own, bro.
All of Hollywood hates Trump.
sorry but no one fantasizes about fucking dykes. 90% of the time they are hideous and masculine
>The absolute state of liberal thinking
>*takes deep breath*
He's a famous, rich, middle-aged man in the media. How is he not priviledged and has institutional power?
And therefore, gays can't get raped by gays? Holy fuck, talk about victim shaming
At his point, we need a collage of all of these
Sexual assault on WOMEN, George Teacake is right you neckbeard misogynists!
We want to see Hollywood collapse, you retard
Hahaha must be a troll please
I think it might be desu
Even he isn't attracted to space niggers
Trump Rejection Curse?
It's falling apart.
We should now call him
"George Take-D"....
Wasn't Trump also accused?
Fuck off george
Sex abuse is a breeder problem and the statistics back that up.
If you've ever actually seen him on Howard Stern, the fucker just loves to grab and fondle men.
>Probably similar to how many guys enjoy thinking they turn a lesbian straight
nobody does that, lesbians are usually nasty
>Be takei
>Beams you to a sex dungeon
Now what drumpfkins?
doesn't matter, because Trump.
Doesn't matter, these men were the ones pushing all this nonsense. They will now reap what they have sown and we will sit back and laugh. Once they are crushed by their own vices we can reestablish Order.
Yeah, that's exactly the issue.
It's a bit funny, Spacy probably would have been okay if he just fucking denied all the allegations.
>retards cheer literally EVERY SINGLE PERSON going down for sex crimes
just keep cheering when its the future you chose
You can't sexually assault men
Sexual assault is gender + power
Or, it could be that all these self-hating male feminist leftist celebrities are all demented sex-perverts and their ideology arises out of a sense of guilt for their twisted sexual desires.
Is it really that surprising that people who don't take their own side have other psychological pathologies?
i think everyone knew spacey was gay. i never thought he was degenerate enough to try fuck a kid though.
i grew up on star trek so its kind of a bummer seeing that sulu might be another rapist faggot
>Stern and Takei were discussing the “irony” of the Weinstein case and the audiotape of President Donald Trump boasting about grabbing women’s genitals years ago, when Stern asked Takei whether he had ever grabbed a man’s genitals against their will.
>Takei, a staunch Trump opponent, initially was silent, then said “uh oh” and laughed. Stern asks again and Takei said “Some people are kind of skittish, or maybe, um, uh, afraid, and you’re trying to persuade.”
Imagine if he was straight and being asked if he ever groped a girl against their will and giving this answer...
This faggot is a predator like the rest of the Hollywood filth
>I just want to watch the world burn lol kek
Or if he hadn't tried shifting the focus to him being gay instead.
i still begrudgingly go there to participate in the rugby union sub
thankfully its mostly older white men so most of the usual reddit trash is kept away
It's called projecting.
Men, gay or straight, are sexually promiscuous and will jump at the chance to have a little jail bait. Any one of you faggots that tries to sit on your high horse and say “NOT ME” is lying to yourself.
How the fuck is this allowed? Have we become so debased as a culture that this is normal and accepted?
Shill, ignore and report guys
you just know that theres idiots that would actually believe that sort of rhetoric though... this world needs a (non-muslim) reset
nah just Jews and Gays
Oh my
I honestly never gave a shit about spaceys sexuality. He's one of those generic father type actors you throw into not gay pile.
I remember seeing a documentary about bill clinton and at one point Spacey's there and they're like "we're best friends"
now i realize they were both pedophile friends
its past the statute of limitations with probably no evidence but adding it to the list is worth while i suppose
He's Asian.
No oppression olympics for him.