2nd post for kek (((Respond)))

I don't know why one didn't respond to my first post. You guys must be playing capture the flag(great video by internet historian) or triggering Feminist. Can some show me the ropes of this site. I'm a Hispanic/white from oxanard California.

Shadily four chan. This is my first post! I. came here to have a good kek with my fellow Pepe's and Pedes. I usually browse Reddit. My favorite board is R/The Donald. I really hope to have a good time with you Pepe's. I wrote a song for us as well.

Who are we?
We're the kekistanis
What are we going to do?
Trigger Sjws and the alt-left.
Let out a big REEEEEEEE
That is our battle cry
Scream it loud
Kek is watching
Well do it for God Emperor

It's not done yet but I hope you like it. I think it's really cool that I can choose a flag to show my Kekistan pride REEEEEEEEEEEE.

Other urls found in this thread:


what happened with the 8s?

Were are you Pepe's?

What are the 8s


How do you do the >> number thing?

SHADILAY and welcome brother!! i'm also from REDDIT and i'm here to have fun with my fellow BASED pedes! xD


wasted get.

Who is this bogandof. He has a funny chin rolf

Have you heard about Q-user yet?

A good thread died for this,
>sage in all fields

You guys are funny. I like the use of hitler as satire of the alt-right

And what does sage mean Luxembourg


Bump? Can someone explain that to me

Will you guys like if I put a funny rare Pepe in

He dances

Heres pepe hacking the memeframe


He has a cat

Heres Pols official pepe

Does this mean I am a true kekistani if I save it?

Yes. Use it on all memes

Thanks fellow pede.

Shadilay! Spread the word

No problems now MAGA! XD

What is the q ((( user)))

He might be trump posting on Sup Forums or some other important guy! Hes telling us everything first hand. Go try some Calm before the stprm threads everyone on pol loves those.


I've seen the calm before the storm a little bit some thing big is coming. I hope it doesn't hurt me in Oxnard

And what does sage mean there are safe bushes near my house

Triggered SJWs use that word to try to stop important discussion.

Their are sjws on /pole/ I thought this was trump town

They everwhere

That's horrible major lol

I mean L

Thats a DANK MEME! Based

Is police ok with mixed race people like me

Yes. i am 64% white

Cool. I took a DNA test and it said I was 53% white. I'm proud of my heritage but it won't consume me

Based! Im at 32%! I been posting its ok to be white posters allaround.

Can some fellow keks help me with my song

What can i do to help fellow pede

It's ok to be white

I need some to expand the lyrics

We can help

Cool those are some funny faces. Do have more?

I like God empire is in there

They funny L O L

Those are funny faces. Who are they supposed to be? Ugly feminazis or something?

Looks like triggered feminazis xD

Like this one

Based geotus

Are president is so. Based XD

This board is funny

I dont get this text but picture is funny

its propably sjw quote and behind are sjws