I'm talking about countries that have less than 10 millions people like the baltics or slovakia for example.
Why are you so proud of having a dozen differents words with the country next to you and therefore saying that you are a totally different people and that you deserve your own country?
How can you be proud of your country when you know it will never be a superpower?
Does everybody have to be a super power? Having a well ordered country is enough
The glory. Do you prefer modern day poland, or Poland in the XVIth century when it was a massive superpower?
Sweden and Norway may never be superpowers but they have much better social cohesion, healthcare access, lesser wealth inequality, higher average genetic quality, etc. than America.
Why does being a superpower even matter?
A well-functioning country is all you need.
You can have a good, well-functioning country while being a superpower.
This is 3rd world thinking. Don't bitch about how your country is bad, instead change it
Only to an extent.
It requires empire-building, which entails tons of diversity, forced inorganic cohesion, etc.
Name one superpower which functions as well as Denmark or Finland.
>implying europe could take more austrians
You couldn't even handle our wild rides with our small population that we always had, what makes you think you could handle it if we had the same population as germany for example?
You hardly have more people than Canada and you'll be majority black in ten years, Mubato.
1970's France.
Go drink maple juice leaf, your opinion is irrelevant
Neither of those are superpowers.
It's defined comparatively, even if your country is somewhat powerful if you're still a meme compared to the really powerful countries like the US/USSR you're still a meme.
> Japan
> Superpower
You mean a country that's de facto banned from having a military by another power lording over it?
You don't get to say these sorts of things in your position, Frenchman. For the second time in less than a hundred years, your country has surrendered to foreign invasion.
How can you call yourself relevant if you can't deport a few niggers?
Yeah, I think this kid has great power and super power confused. Any nation in the G20 could be considered a great power.
What you are referring to is more an hyperpower than a superpower.
Also Japan have a military, and it's a good one. They're just not allowed to use it (yet).
Maybe you are right, I chosed the wrong word.
Yet you got your asses definitively handed to you by one of the countries who are notoriously most ridiculously awful at war: ours. History sure has a twisted sense of humor.
I get your point because if you look at France before it became a Great Power, it was fracturing into many different kingdoms before it was reunited probably speaking different languages. For some reason these kingdoms decided to unite into a more united yet stronger state while other countries like the Baltics or Balkans never have.
>massive superpower?
Superpower refers to the nuclear/space rivals of the USA and USSR during the 20th century. Before that you had Great Powers, which you could certainly consider Poland as one before. But France and Japan could never be considered as "super powers" as you said here as Japan was and is basically a puppet state of the US.
>the Baltics
You understand that there were no Latvians till 15th century ,when we got forcibly united by feudalism.
I hope your education improves over time.
Yes I used the wrong word, I meant great power.
What I don't understand is how these countries can have pride while being divided in small countries rather than one big state (like czech Republic and Slovakia rather than czechoslovakia).
We are at 19m and plummetting.
>no Latvians till 15th century
Maybe your wording is wrong and you meant that there was no Latvian state, but the Latvians were there before the krauts as far as I know, and even so it was a state, the Livonian order named after the Livs.
Well yeah before hand there were various baltic tribes who united partially. I don't see your point spergtard
Ooooooo he got you France lmao
The most precious thing you have in the world is your own people.
>no Latvian state
Nope Latvians didn't exist till 15th century, the tribes here had a huge amount of national pride and only movement of serfs made us united Latvians, due to ethnogenesis.
Even now we have around 5-7 dialects depending on researcher.
>Well yeah before hand there were various baltic tribes who united partially.
Only in Lithuania after the defeat of Semigallians in their homeland.
Theay basically started Lithuanian Lielkungitaja.
heheh lol le france surrender uhuhuhu
Yeah unlike france, and germany in the balkans there are tons of different ethnicities in so little space there. You just can't unite greeks, Bulgarians, romanians, Serbs and *lba*ians under one flag
Said the nation that colonized shit all over the world and still occupy northern Ireland and Scotland
You'd think the fact that your country has had an absolutely abysmal military history over the last century would make Italians not talk about it, but I guess I'm not an Italian so I'll never understand why you can't stop bringing it up every other thread
You don't see Austrians brag about our fuck ups in WWI, or see brits glorify gallipolli for example, yet the eternal Luigi never seems to be able to get enough from bragging about being the biggest retard in two world wars in a row
Meh. Been there, done that.
>Why are you so proud of having a dozen differents words with the country next to you and therefore saying that you are a totally different people and that you deserve your own country?
nice try ahmed
also, is this the level of french education?
>what are Latgalians, basically the forebears of modern Latvians
Why do biosluts conceal their teeth when laughing even if they don't have to? Do they know that spreading their lips out may arouse the males watching them or what?
That was the case of France before the XIXth century until we forced them to forget about their local pride and embrace true french glory.
>also, is this the level of french education?
Well Belgium still exists, so...
What do you mean by "being proud of your country"?
Did the citizens of the USSR have more reasons to be proud of their country than Finns back in WW2? Even if Finland had much higher living quality than the communist shithole that the USSR was? Because i'd say that back in the WW2 the Finnish soldiers had much higher morale (or were prouder of their land and thus more willing to give their lives protecting it) than the troops of the USSR even tho it was more than 10 times bigger.
Wow are you this stupid?
You know what an hyperbola is?
I just want a nice home and a family, I don't give a shit about that. As long as other countries leave us alone, I am good even with being poor.
I just want to enjoy nature and have a little bit of vodka now and then.
I'm not bragging about anything, I'm the first one who highlighted the fact that we suck at war. I was just pointing out that your country lost, and was condemned to perpetual irrelevance, after being defeated by an army which basically was a joke. So you shouldn't really brag about "Europe not being able to handle your wild rides". Because you were more than "handled" in the end, and in the most possibly humiliating way too.
>implying you need the largest population to be a superpower
What is the 30 year war and great northen war?
Sweden didn't have a large population then yet it was a superpower and required multiple countries for it to be taken down
This case is different, because ussr was communist.
>As long as other countries leave us alone
look at the map
this will never happen
>>what are Latgalians, basically the forebears of modern Latvians
Well it depends.
We are using Finno-Ugric word streses on the first syllable,Semigalian Phonetics,Latgalian Vocabulary and 1/2 Livonian, 1/2 Kurlandian pronounciation and vocabulary. The issue here is a bit bigger.
Latgalians are just a part of our tribes that made nowaday Latvians livng in Vidzeme and Zemgale(standart Latvians).Tamnieki and Liivs still have their dialects preserved in Kurland and Latgalians are just using arhaic form of first latvian ethnogenesis with Finno-Ugric Liivs, so they are still affected by historical serf movement.
At that time there were not even machine guns, not even say about weapons of mass destruction
look at casualities in northern war and then napolionic and then ww1 and ww2. Notice anything?
yea, agreed
I guess that's why you weren't a country for almost 150 years
Luigi, you do know that for half of the war we had four different fronts at the same time?
Italy wasn't the only country we were at war with
Ivan is right, Pavel
Polan is just located in a shitty position
Those war were mainly fought with german mercenaries.
>Polan is just located in a shitty position
more of that
every country in eastern europe have a shitty spot
Sadly, what you say is true.
But that is why nationalism is so strong in Poland today, we are very defensive about our culture.
Look at the independence march today, it's never been so big, and there are people joining from all over Europe.
The solution for Poland is to arm itself in a way that if any country touches us, they loose more than gain.
See this mentality only exists in Eastern European shitholes. Our Texans or Virginians wouldn't be more proud if they had their own shitty independent country. In fact, they'd probably be less proud than to be called Americans no matter how shit the direction our country is heading. But for some reason, being an irrelevant shithole is top priority to Eastern Europeans.
Well i guess communism undermines the basic things that can make you proud.
But i'd say that the "My country will conquer the world" "feeling" is just one of many things that can make you proud. And as i said the other things can be:
Quality of life (doesn't depend on size)
Your country men (smaller countries might have an advantage as the population is "tighter" but i wouldn't know as i've never lived in a big country)
Culture (language, traditions etc. that even small countries like Sweden and Finland have different even tho we historically are very close.)
And just being a for example a Finn and not wanting to be Russian even if nothing changed.
Yeah, yeah, your usual old germanic habits.
Step 1: manage to hold an "empire" stitched together for barely half a century;
Step 2: grow over-confident, start bullying other countries because, as naturally autistic people, you have difficulties understanding the concept of personal spaces.
Step 3: somehow end up at war with the entire world
Step 4: get BTFO into nothingness
Step 5: brag about it on the internet a century later, as if pissing off everyone in Europe and being quickly obliterated is something to be proud of.
>Your country men (smaller countries might have an advantage as the population is "tighter"
>being a part of an overpopulated shithole
the bigger the population, the bigger the number of shitskins
As long as my gubernate Republic will serve to russian cause and will spy in EU and NATO i will be happy.My country have different role in Europe.
I'm actually Indian so I only have to wait 3 years.
>be westcucks
>break Yugoslavia up
>laugh at nationalists about the small population in the new countries
If us east poors split france into Occidea, Alsace, Celtic peninsula region, Belgium bordering region and Paris central government, all new countries, and then laughed at you.
Pretty much would be the same faggot.
The eternal Karel still hasn't changed I see
don't you have a feeling you're playing with karma now?
you don't need to answer now, i'm going to ask you again
in abou 160 years from now
>but i wouldn't know as i've never lived in a big country)
That isn't a popular thing atleast in the smaller town i live in where most people know each others. The big cities have a pretty autistic (the Finnish meme autism type) younger population
The reason Texans wan't it to be that way is that they have American culture, language and history. If they had their own language , history and culture the things might be very different.
Britain went from an uncontested superpower, head and shoulders above the world militarily, socially, technologically and culturally to a collapsing, rapidly islamizing, degenerate european fringe in less than 200 years.
We and our V4 allies are the only ones resisting foreign conquest right know and trying to save european culture. Who knows where Hungary will be in 200 years? We will never give up on the hope onde day we will control the destiny of the world and steer it away from degeneracy.
Are you people incapable/have a problem, with standing beside each other?(or is this just a bus stop thing)
We just want to live in our own country doing our own stuff? All we want is to have some borders in wich we will rise our kids in our language in our cities. Nothing else.
We don't indent do be a superpower, we don't want to be one.
And I actually enjoy being a slovak, altough we always bitch about something, goverment, migrants etc it's quite calm here. Most of countries like us (except hungarians but I guess we'll get along with them sooner or later), we like them.
idk I've never went for a bus ride that wasn't school related or some other type of thing where people know each others
I guess the distance between the last two in the line (not including the group) is something i'd go for if I waited in that type of line.
The only public transportation I use is train there people don't wait insome type of chess board formation but rather with couple meters of "safe distance" which i'd imagine goes up to 5 meters if the station only has couple of people
Norway is the only world power. Everyone takes after us. We have shaped the modern world (but you think it's the jews lmao).
Do you into history
the wheel goes around, eventually every single culture ever will be a superpower, by simple statistics, maybe not current nations, but their descendants
Sweden has over 10 million inhabitants.
>you deserve your own country
Do you - the French, knowing that you make up a minority in the world?
It's pretty simple, sonny boy: would you rather live in BIIIG and POOOWERFUL India or small little Singapore?
Wait. Bigger countries have the most population??? What a fucking surprise!!!
map is outdated
by end of 2017, turkey is now 80.5 million
France hasn’t been important since Germany eclipsed you. The only thing you ever had going for you was that you were the biggest country in West/Central Europe, but after the Franco-Prussian War you didn’t even have that. All those years wiping out the Occitans, Bretons, and Alsatians for nothing...