I've been seeing so much anti-lebanese sentiment recently on this board. Do you guys really think we are arab subhumans?
I've been seeing so much anti-lebanese sentiment recently on this board. Do you guys really think we are arab subhumans?
don't think you are not arab, because you are an arab, arab.
Unless you're a russian israeli, we're genetically the same
Pics of Lebanese?
Lebanese people thinking that they're somehow above Arabs is the greatest meme of our time
do you guys believe in capitalism?
Known many Lebanese in my days. They are, with few exceptions, some of the greatest businessmen I've met. Always smart and hardworking group.
>Do you guys really think we are arab subhumans?
yes. but you are our favorite arab subhumans.
keep on terrorising those kikes
Why are you kissing up to westerners?
انت عربي، مالك دخل بالكلاب الامريكان
They believe in freelance unregulated pharmaceutical distribution, kin group bonding via sexual acts with randomly selected non-consenting partners, kin group marriage to very close genetic partners, general avoidance of government revenue statutes, control of marital relationships through injudicious use of applied kinetic energy, colonisation, destruction and replacement of host societies via overbreeding and falsification of multiple identities for the purpose of welfare fraud.
>general avoidance of government revenue statutes
You say that like it's a negative thing.
Very good post
Thanks Hans
I gotta give it to you Bruce, australian lebs are not our finest members. Reading on the shit they do makes me ashamed.
show your flag you lying cuck
is this a trick question?
Sup Forums would unironically turn that down for a fat white AIDS ridden trailer trash skank because muh purity.
I hope Lebanon sticks it to Saudi Arabia. You guys might be fugged though because the US is allied with SA
but she is white
Hit and miss. Hezbollah and all of it's members need to be destroyed. Everyone on the planet who practices Islam needs to stop immediately. However, some Lebanese are pretty white and probably dindu nuffin.
all of Levant wasn't originally Arab but here we are
>inb4 we wuz Phoenician n' shieet
you don't even speak it, you might as well call yourself Aramean
you don't speak it Aramaic? Then too bad because you'll always be considered an Arab
Christian Lebanese are Phonecians. Just like Assyrians and Copts you are geneticaly and culturaly distinct from the cammel fucking, pedophile, rape and murder cultists. You are the origional inhabitants of your lands with thousands of years of history and culture, and everyone that isn't you should be removed back to the peninsula. You are our Christian brothers and we should protect you. Many of you are also extremely atractive and/or sucessfull due to your high iq and developed societies.
Does that make you Subhuman?
I am christian, like all the natives of lebanon. Leb muslims are arab invaders
Lebanese are like centrists. By being kinda western and middle easterner, we hope both sides will like us. But we just end up hated by both sides
"muh dirty arab" "muh fucking degenerates"
Natives of Lebanon are pagan you retard. Also you're Arab.
>I've been seeing so much anti-lebanese sentiment recently on this board.
probably just JIDF
true Sup Forumsacks stand united with Hezbollah in their fight against jewish tyranny
This is what happens when you're filthy yank feet land on Arab soil, hope Iran nukes your country to oblivion.
>everything revolves around muh dick
Okay, how about descendants of those natives? No one worships baal man we're not viking larpers
No one likes niggers
Fucking dirty lebs. Cronulla 2.0 soon cunts
You say that, but retarded American normies who unironically support Trump that came to Sup Forums in 2015-16 believe there's no difference between ISIS and Hezbollah. Americans are a trash people and their opinions about the Middle East are entirely controlled by the Zionist lobby.
As an ethno-nationalist I agree, white people should stay out of the Middle East. Just like brown people should stay out of Europe.
I do not know anything about you.
Chaldeans are fine. Chicken shwarma from Cedar Tree on Warren is the best.
Arabs have lived in the Levant for CENTURIES before Islam, learn history from books not JPEGs.
arab grils make me diamonds. the problem is so many of them are muslim making the christian qts a rarity. feels bad man.
Nah mate. That's the Saudis
Shia lebs: BAD
Sunni lebs: bad
Druze lebs: neutral
Christian lebs: good
What the fuck is a lebanese?
GTFO you stupid Yuropoor shitskin
Bro, can you imagine what a wonderful world that would be? Comfy af
Too bad you're still in the Middle East and have been killing our people for more than a century which justifie every attack on your soil even from ISIS.
Cypriots > Lebanese
Are her nips showing? Hard to tell
why do aussies hate us so much? Are we the niggers of australia or are you guys just more racist than other westerners?
Why do you overly religious people always betray your own people just because they don't they are not in the same religion as you?
I hate all of you, even muslims
The Christians have Frankish blood and religion. The old Lebanese are okay, the Arab immigrants from the past hundred years ruined your country.
Come home Arab man. Not before shooting a couple of Aussies down though.
Few reasons.
First was the mass gang raping of white Australian women in Sydney by some dirty lebs.
Second was Cronulla riots. Some lebs went to the beach and were harassing the women, so the women went and told the lifeguard. The lifeguard confronted the dirty lebs and got gang bashed.
Yeah you lot aren't very fucking nice here. Not sure why we let so many in but I always stare daggers at anyone that isn't pure white anyway so you're all the same to me.
Because Pagans are literally worse than shit.
>Past hundered years
You mean thousands of years because that's how long Arabs have lived in the Levant you fucking dutch retard, hope ISIS blows up Amesterdam.
I'm culturally christian from a maronite family but im more of an agnostic. The tension doesnt come from faith it comes from past events AKA that little war that turned Lebanon from the switzerland of the east to the congo of the east.
0/10 larp. kys
not all arab lebanese only
I hope so too. Please God deliver us from Amsterdam.
Lol, you're hopeless then. This is why you're sucking up to westerners. You're fucking PATHETIC and you know it.
كن فخور بشرقيتك و مالك دخل بالأمريكان الكلاب
Well I dont blame you, I'd feel the same as an australian. Are the lebs in australia muslim? We integrate pretty well in most countries. Shame about that, i really like Australia and thought about visiting but id rather not be lynched.
>Anyone who disagrees with me isn't real
How does it feel to know Jews run your foreign policy? Did you vote Trump you fucking retard?
Show your flag Nasser
One day you will wake up with a dagger in your throat and my cock up your mothers ass. Your muffled coughs as you desperately try to breathe will be the last thing she hears before I dagger her throat too. You've been warned Islamic scumbag. Mark my fucking words.
Nobody gives Shit One about Lebanon. Or even Twelbanon. Change your tampon
Even if your culture and language isn't Arabic, you're still related to them
my problem with Arabs is that they ruined the cultural diversity of the Middle East
I would probably be speaking Aramaic by now
Can you become a legal citizen of UAE, if you're Palestinian?
>Mfw Americans who came to Sup Forums last year for Trump and unironically think Hezbollah and ISIS are the same want to teach me about my history and culture
The fact that Americans are a retarded people will cause the downfall of the US empire.
Are you a frequent poster on Sup Forums?
Arabs are a cancer that ruined the entire Middle East. Those desert monkeys are only slightly better than niggers.
yes, the arg*ntine first ""lady"" is a lebanese subhuman who is muslim and anti-white/anti-christian as well. her husband, mauricio machir is anti white as well as a jew.
menem was another lebanese president we had, a filthy jewish rat who destroyed the military and filled the country with more and more bolivian subhumans
everything we've had in this country from lebanese is utter shit, you are subhuman and i wish to genocide all lebanese and turk scum
you are NOT welcome here
Some Lebanese are whiter than you, moor.
It's not an opinion. It's a fact. Lebanese are subhuman Arab shitskins.
I can but still hard to get
What you don't see in this picture is the mustache when she fails to wax for a couple of days
Stop speaking cursive
Arabs are easily the most autistic race in the world. All of them are incredibly insecure and will do insane stupid shit to prove they are a "real man". Pathetic.
If you support Israel you are worse than subhuman
in this time yes they kinda are
but they had their golden age where they used to be more advanced then Europe
>Christian Lebanese are Phonecians. Just like Assyrians and Copts you are geneticaly
Wrong. Lebanese christians are almost genetically identical to every other Arab shitskin.
My leb ex was one of the hottest women I've been with, but her 5 brothers were fucking garbage stereotypical lebs. They all tried to act so alpha and being way too overprotective of her. Her dad also prostituted all his kids when she was 9, so there's that too.
>Many of you are also extremely atractive and/or sucessfull due to your high iq and developed societies.
And they also have low IQ average, like all other brown people on earth.
non overexposed picture
>Sand nigger scared to use non meme flag
Yeah ok terrorist
From what I’ve heard it were the conquered Persians that caused this golden age, not the Arabs themselves.
No, on the contrarary, very civilized.
>American calling people terrorist
Oh wow very original, you probably voted for Trump you Jew-worshipping retard, go kill yourself.
go to hell where you belong you camel fucking sand nigger
Arab used to be open minded back then. They used to be advocate for philosophy and science while Europeans consider these kind of people to be Heretics who should be killed
Now it's the other way around
I'm already home, get your soldiers out of my country.
Do you even know what a two dimentional least differences test is?
If you want to show proof, post admixture bars you neophyte.
Proof? Last time I checked arab christians were the Jews of South America and Africa with all the stats of their IQ being pulled down by the inbred muslims because they were tested by nationality not ethnoreligious group.
>Do you even know what a two dimentional least differences test is?
Yes. Do you?
>If you want to show proof, post admixture bars
You understand admixture bars are derived from least difference, right retard? The provided info is sufficient.
>Last time I checked arab christians were the Jews of South America and Africa with all the stats of their IQ being pulled down by the inbred muslims because they were tested by nationality not ethnoreligious group.
Where do you see this? I've never seen data on it, but it is safe to assume considering all subhuman shitskins have low average IQ regardless of religion, and Lebanese Christians are subbuuman shitskins.
No, you are the Double Niggers of Australia.
Generally hated by every other race, with a worse rep than Somalis.
Christian Lebs, Hezzie Lebs, Sunni Lebs. All claim to be superior to the others, who are untrustworthy heathens. All act in exactly the same way.
I've worked for seven Lebs. ALL ripped me off.
Now if I turn up to a job site and its a Leb, I just get in the truck and drive away - don't even talk to them to say I'm not interested.