Operation: diamond dust
Jews make tens of billions on the diamond trade: 30% of Israeli export is diamonds.
Diamonds are literally a Jewish SCAM! See They are worth only 10% of selling price so white men are losing about 45 billion dollar PER YEAR and it all goes to jews in New York and Tel Aviv who then fund more subversion and destruction of the West.
How do we stop this? We need to start a grass roots operation to change the Zeitgeist from:
>OMG A diamond is a girls best friend, look at how big my (((diamond))) engagement ring is
>Diamonds are the biggest sucker scam and it’s embarrassing to be seen with one
Can we meme this into existence? If we succeed in only convincing 1% of people not to spend 1000s of dollars on a diamond it will cost (((them))) billions per year.
Whats the plan?
Point out that diamonds are blood diamonds mined by (((WHITE MEN))) who oppress and exploit black people in Africa. Point out that (((WHITE MEN))) are still exploiting Africa just like the European colonists. Do not mention the jew or Israel!
We need to make women hate diamonds the same way some of them they hate fur coats: its blood for vanity!
Jews are scamming you $ EVERY YEAR with diamonds!
Still proposing:
Top half: white man giving ring to white girl.
Bottom half: poor negro kid panning or mining.
Caption: Wasn't the cotton enough?
bump for fucking over diamond jews
Even if we can somehow convince every autist on here not to mention Jews they'll just mention themselves anonymously and then claim this is some kind of anti-Semite conspiracy.
who do you honestly think you are going to reach on Sup Forums?
I don't think the majority of us will be getting engaged any time soon
We need to fill our war folder with memes like this.
You know what, Ill make this meme to show my commitment to the operation!...brb...
Why do you faggots want Sup Forums to be shut down?
stfu moron. We must spam the normies into thinking diamonds are oppressing black people so that jews lose tens of billions of dollars and dont have anymore money to subvert the West anymore.
We have to start with reddit and tumblr and to start sharing documentaries about blood diamonds.
>Do not mention the jew or Israel!
I think you might have fucked up
>our enemies will say being anti diamond = antisemitism
Pic related boyo, 3D chess
This shit is what pol is for, user.
>This shit is what pol is for, user.
You want to disrupt $ EVERY YEAR and expect no consequences?
It is out of my hands now, user. Start your own thread.
We are anonymous, we are no one and everyone.
Im fully expecting the Mossad to knock my door down. Im a high profile person, they cant disappear me and I have nothing they can "accidentally find" on my pc or house.
Come at me! Im ready!
>We are anonymous, we are no one and everyone.
And then screenshots of your post get dragged across the MSM and undermine your entire campaign
I’m proposing to my gf soon, what shiny rock should I substitute the diamond with?
Should I SHUT IT DOWN. Before it goes to page 1?
I will need 1 confirm.
Watch the thread in the OP. It has an user that buys diamonds from local Americans, sharpens them and sells them very cheaply. This or just go for gold.
Until the 30's engagement rings were plain gold. A 1938 DeBeers ad campaign changed that.
If this goes viral it will not only be you but every free speech board will be taken down.
I don't know if not mentioning the Jew is counterproductive. It's more effective in the short run, however, they should be mentioned at a certain time like "look, what a (((coincidence))) they are mostly Jewish" or we will have people talking about it like some talk about the "globalists" and their multicultural agenda, never naming the Jew and getting nowhere.
>We need to make women hate diamonds the same way some of them they hate fur coats: its blood for vanity!
Women are literally deranged animals that empathize with a fucking dog before a fellow human being.
The only people I hate more than women, are faggots who appease them for sex. As long as we don't look at pic related and have the word "JEWISH" light up in our minds, we'll always be enslaved.
Seriously, woman are a meme, and barely even sentient. Fuck them.
Eh, it looks anti-marriage, not anti-diamond
This one is perfect, we have to carve that image in their mind so that they remember it every time they hear the word diamonds.
Do this with black women. Degree-holding black women love having conversations with "woke" men, and white women imitate sistas.
Everybody already knows about this. Not sure what you think you will achieve, this is mainstream knowledge.
This is probably the best article of 1982
hmmm We should edit this meme to "black children in Africa died so you could spend 1000s on a diamond that loses 90% of its value immediately after you buy it"
Im a shit memer, someone has to pick this up for JUSTICE!
Marilyn Monroe was a literal kike.
Yes, as was the poor living conditions on the African continent. What it took for people to agree to having millions of them move to Europe was a picture of a little boy drowned on the beach shown to them every fucking day for a month.
Show pictures of children being injured by the diamond industry and you might get some attention. Emotional appeals are powerful.
Of course the people you are attacking have the resources available to crush you like an insect if they so choose. So for those of you considering this path I hope you have nothing to lose.
No. Every normie will shun it. IOTBW was successful because it stuck to simple, seemingly normal idea.
I don't understand diamond either, you pay $1000 when new, but when u selling it complete worthless probably didn't worth any...
I read an article about De Beers while taking a shit a few days ago in a mainstream history magazine while taking a shit. They even mentioned them hiring diamond jews to cut them and everything. Ever heard of the term "blood diamond"?
Focus your effort on more important things, everyone already knows that diamonds are a scam. Grab a time machine and go back to the 50's and then you would have a point.
The knowledge is not widespread enough.
Look at me ma, im memeing!
Yes. I agreed with you on that point. Everyone already knows. They just ignore it.
My point was that through targeted emotional appeal a large number of people can be made to care about, or at least not oppose, what you are trying to do.
>Do this with black women
YES! Black women will help us shitpost the normies into thinking diamonds oppress black people! Do this!
Top Kek
You know diamonds are not just for wearing ?
>>Because diamonds are so hard and durable, they are ideal for grinding, cutting, drilling, and polishing. When used as an abrasive, very small pieces of diamond are embedded into grinding wheels, saw blades, or drill bits.
Coincidence? I think not
It doesn't matter if people know it. They have to be permanently conscious of it, meaning that they feel uncomfortable or mad when anyone mentions diamonds.
That's how veganism works, vegans instantly feel bad when they think about eating meat and convince others to change their diets by making them feel bad about eating meat.
The diamond trade is 45 billion to this fucking day! Stop saying that the normies already know its a scam, they dont because they are the scum of the earth. Truly goys.
Industrial diamonds are low quality and can be manufactured synthetically.
it would be better to just put the word 'diamonds' on the bottom as a caption, and in small text put the hashtag to the bottom right or right underneath
Diamonds are the biggest sucker scam? No indeed. That would be marriage.
Woman is the Jew Hitler warned you about.
>That would be marriage.
Im fully MGTOW red pilled dont worry.
That would be too abstract. You have to add emotion for women like:
If you see a woman with a diamond ring, she supports exploitation of blacks in Africa.
A triptych could work:
diamond ring -> the crime
black slaves ->the victims
women -> the oppressors
I'm helping. What should it say?
My work is done. It is up to the Sup Forums meme warlords to continue this operation. Renew this thread if it dies.
Possibly remove all mention of the jew, it is truly not needed.
Here's the thing about diamonds,the way I understand it.
Diamonds are unique in that they are basically like people. Most are common and worthless,a few can be made to shine with a lot of talent and hard work,and a few are almost priceless . Diamonds like the Koh-I Noor spring to mind.
These are the one's that are coveted by ((((them)))
The thing is,it's both expensive and impredictable to mine for those one in a million stones so what do you do? Well you do what kosher butcher shops do ie you cut the few prized cuts of meats and throw the scraps to the goy.
So it's incorrect to assume that diamonds are wothless and saying that would bring ridicule from normies.
Just the labour from a skilled stone cutter can run into the many thousands of $$$ for a decent stone
No matter how many diamonds he is forced to mine for you, you will always be an ugly murderer.
close up of a hand with a huge "engagement" diamond ring
>shoop blood dripping off the ring and middle fingers, flow starts at the base of the diamond
Too heavy-handed.
opal, an actually valuable gem and even more beautiful by all objective standards than diamonds
"Their hands look like this so hers can look like this"
"new slavery, same victims"
I was thinking more along the lines of "Who wore it better?" or "His hands are rough, so hers don't have to be." Playing on existing memes and such.
Completely correct, diamonds are plebeian stones inflated with marketing
If people gave half a shit about gemstones then jewellery would makea comeback and the diamond niggers would leave
t. Jeweler
Bump for a good cause.
Gonna make some memes later on.
Diamonds are plentiful and cheap. You can produce them artificially at economic costs, and they recently discovered a fuckhuge deposit in Russia. Jewwlers get jewed by De Beers is the stock diamonds other than their own overpriced ones, though.
I prefer Saphires, Ruby and Emeralds personally. My wedding ring has sapphires and white gold.
I am a shit memer, thats why we need a new thread-master and meme lords to continue this operation. I will literally leave the pc in a few minutes.
no, you are entirely mistaken. while it is hard to mine diamonds currently, debeers has reserves of diamonds previously mined from easy surface skimming that are millions of times the yearly consumption of diamonds
Diamonds are literally worthless
Restart the thread! I know im a shit memer but we need to push this for the next few days.
the value of lab engineered diamond is not zero
But you both a new 80" tv instead. That way when you look at your investment, you can get actual enjoyment from it. I can understand cave people back in -900000 bc getting a boner from a shiny rock. But its 2017
They're good for drills and saw blades. Also I think some really pure diamonds are good for their refractive properties in things like synchrotrons. But then again, most diamonds used in industrial or scientific fields are synthetic.
It is still like that in Germany, probably all of Europe. Some (((people))) really are good at marketing.
There's already articles bitching about millenials not buying diamonds.
Their time is most likely over.
me gusta.
yeah but diamonds have been a valuable commodity ever since the modern age. Basically anyone can horde gold but it took a real connoisseur to pick and keep the best stones. Diamonds=a painting in today's terms.
To illustrate my point, in the count of Monte Cristo, after Dante finds his treasure and start to transform himself ,he chooses a couple of stones from this treasure(which itself was from a couple of centuries earlier,and ammased by a nobleman) and goes to(surprise) a jew stone trader where he exchanges it for money, (also giving the jew a really really good deal so as to make him an accomplice).
It's a very subtle way in which Dumas informs us that Dante will transform himself,since any pleb would have went for the Italian gold coins
Sup Forums is going to crash the diamond industry in the west.
Weaponizing white guilt and altruism back at the Jews needs to be done more.
Insert the we're the Jews now meme
you covered the right with the text on the bottom picture.
the ring not the right.
we all make mistakes
Perfect, user, but dont block the ring itself. The ring +diamond need to be visible.
can confirm. Much like how (((de woolf))) was a known jewish slave trader. Bunch of Amsterdam/Antwerp (((merchants)))
>Sup Forums is going to crash the diamond industry in the west.
If we see a dip in sales in the next months I will KEK in my pants
>There's already articles bitching about millenials not buying diamonds.
When there is articles bitching about avacado toast, you know there is no future for the generation. Diamonds are the last thing on the list.
My wife got a simple ring. Small inexpensive rock. Its just a piece of shit jewelry that only has sentimental value, why waste money.
My wedding band is titanium with some gold. Cost me $27 dollars.
>Millennials stop buying diamonds
>Diamonds stop being mined
>Underground nigs come above ground
>Next generation starts to like diamonds
>GenX and Boomtard diamonds ++++$$$$
>Nigs refuse to go back underground threaten chimpening
>Millennials fucked once again because (((they))) stopped with the (((jew)))elry.
I've posted memes like this on Normiebook before. "SJW"s literally don't give a fuck.
A funny angle attack on the diamond industry would be nice as well.
Nice. I through this gay hippy logo on mine for social impact.
My girlfriend hates diamonds because of the African children thing. I'll let her take her moral grandstanding if it means I get to save money on a ring
saved to my war folder
@ all Anons, I have to go soon, im not useful for memeing anyway. Restart the thread if needed.
Dont forget: if we stop 1% of people who are currently questioning themselves whether or not to buy a diamond it will cost (((them))) hundreds of millions/billions.
Can you imagine if we reach 10%?
>Diamond cutting is a traditional JEWISH craft with centuries of history. In the late 15th century, JEWISH diamond cutter Lodewyk van Berken invented the scaif, a technological innovation that revolutionized the industry.[2] The Israeli diamond industry began in 1937, before the Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel, when the first diamond polishing plant was opened in Petah Tikva by refugee experts from the Netherlands.[3] In 1938 the 15% import duty on imported rough stones was removed. By 1944 the industry employed 3,300 workers in 33 factories, with £P.1,320,000 capital investment, entirely JEWISH. The value of exports was over £P.3,200,000 mainly to the United States, Canada, and India; It was the largest value of any single commodity exported from Mandatory Palestine that year.[4] Between 1944 and 1948 the industry suffered from the increasing lawlessness and in February 1948 closed down completely.[5] After a state was declared, the consumer economy was shifted to a war economy. This came at the height of a diamond crisis, as many war-torn economies were struggling to re-establish. Since then, the industry has continued to grow, producing a world leader in the diamond industry.
Bump for an interesting thread
We should come up with another one for the environmentalists. Diamond mines are huges holes in the ground, there should be some way.