Embrace islam now

Embrace islam now

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beat that


>Embrace this

I won't embrace Islam, but I definitely like how conservative many Muslims are. The way they handle their women is on point. Rather than us westerners letting our women run around the streets drunk and sleeping with black guys.

I will slit a brown child's throat with glee when SHTF

Alcoholism is degenerate. Bacon is unhealthy.

wow wtf I love islam now

Yes goy, you need the liquid Jew to function.

>un degenerate
>Legal to fuck goats

>liquid Jew
You mean soda? Alcohol is fine.

Lets put aside them being bad for you for a second.

Refusing to accept truth for your personal pleasure is the highest form of degeneracy.



We need to protect islam from the west

God created you to worship him and do his bidding. Is having fun his bidding?


There is no god. Go fuck yourself.


So no enjoying the one life you're given? Wow sounds gay.

I wo der how long you had to cherry pick images and make this to feel better about yourself

Thats the thing. You arent given just one life. You are supposed to sow seeds for afterlife in this world and live an eternity having fun afterwards.


This was fake news, my friend. Stop believing anything you read on the internet like a mindless drone. It's funny you atheists claim that religious people believe in stuff without evidence but here you are, spreading literal fake news without even bothering to read the article.

In other news cases of beastiality seem to be reported with regularity in the United States for instance.

>Man caught on camera with donkey, accused of bestiality, animal cruelty
>Arizona woman arrested for bestiality with family dog
>Man caught having sex with a horse in Florida
>Indiana man with history of sexually abusing chickens, guinea fowl and dogs
>Las Vegas woman Kara Vandereyk, arrested for sex with pit bull

Does this then somehow make it fair for us to generalise Americans ? Of course it doesn't. Degenerates exist in all societies. Religion is against this kind of behaviour.


If you put aside all biases and hostility, and adopt a neutral, objective view of the world, there is no reason why Sup Forums should be opposed to Islam. They're good conservative people, and if local attempts at conservatism fail, it's best to combine efforts rather than remaining divided.

In the future, I anticipate Islam will lead the global conservative movement, and unite conservatives across societies.

Get nuked sandfaggot.

>that france pic
You realize it's arabs and north africans' fault it looks that shitty. Only they and maybe sub-saharan nigger can make an building be that shit-looking.
It's the same everywhere else, niggers and their cousins sandniggers just trash every place they're at.

Anyway, sage this shit thread. t*rks and ar*bs should be killed.

Belief in a Creator and utmost devotion to him will bring you actual peace and happiness. You may think that prayer is "gay" but rituals have been part of human existence since the very beginning be it Germanic pagans in Europe or Buddhist monks in the far East or monotheistic semites in the Levant. It gives you inner peace, a kind of peace that can never be achievable with wealth and drugs and sex and materialism. You know it, everybody knows it, the modern European man feels it. There is a hollowness left behind by the loss of tradition and classical civilisation, monarchy, the church, priesthood, hierarchy, tradition, pilgrimage. Kant, Rousseau and Voltaire sought to fill this void that had resulted as a result of Godlessness with man himself. Was it wise to try to replace community and Godliness with self indulgence, nihilism and hedonism?

We see the results of that now. This secular age has its own solutions, unbridled consumerism is supposed to make us feel better about the pitiful condition. We have become a scattered people in a dog eat dog world, record depression rates. It is no good.

Lack of belief combined with living in a wageslave culture in a capitalist society inherently results in social alienation of the individual from the society. We start feeling powerless and estranged from society, we lack any meaning and purpose and experience isolation and depression.
Something incredibly precious has been lost through the loss of culture and tradition and religion. We replacement of tradition with Star Wars and Beyonce is no good. The far right and the far left promise change which is why more and more people gravitate towards extremes.

The world need sacralization. We need to go back to a world where things made sense.

>Legal to fuck goats
Five american states allow bestiality

Paris was always trash

It's jew lefty degeneracy vs islam. If we mass converted they'd be working to undermine islam in the same way.


When funded by trillions in oil money, you build megacities in the middle of a desert with not nearly enough water to supply said megacities without desalination which you may not be able to afford because you blew your load building really awesome buildings and funny looking sandbar islands.

You stone women. You arrest them for being the victim of a sex crime. Your cultures don't teach you to respect non-muslims or abide by the golden rule with us.

Liberty and Order are double edged blades. I'd rather deal with the problems that accompany too much liberty than deal with the problems that accompany too little liberty.

My problem with Islam is not that much the faith itself, it is rather its stale and inflexible social dynamic which nowadays make it a huge impediment to development. It might look as if Islam is strong in the face of degeneracy, but realistically it has and will continue to fall pray to modernity, because it does not have the tools to balance of its negatives. The Muslim world works on the principle - "if you don't see it, it doesn't exist."

Mohammed Abdus Salam once said after his numerous visits in the Muslim world, that scientific research & development is as much the result on the individual that authors it, as the society/community that enables it. If we look at Muslim communities in the West or Muslim countries in terms of poverty, unemployment & lack of education, we can see that a lot of this is caused by this unwillingness to face and tackle change.

The concerns of Islam about modernity are the same as many other conservative movements, with the only different being that it has not proposed, nor will it propose any alternatives to this reality. Most if not all Muslim societies appear to have surrendered to the imperatives of the modern world, if not at the political level then at least at the economic and, increasingly cultural levels. Within Muslim societies this process has lead to a bifurcation in the minds of people and engendering the extremes of garish opulence for the few and a destructive nihilism which affects a large number of youth. There is a will to have all the benefits of modernity (health, wealth, happiness) without acknowledging that some things need to be sacrifices.

The Muslim world has lost its willingness to learn and discover new things.

Greed consumes Islamic faith at its very core, as it has so many.

>When funded by trillions in oil money
So you're against capitalism now ? Why did Christian venezuela or Christian Angola not manage to make mega cities desppite having more natural resources than the gulf ?

>You arrest them for being the victim of a sex crime
False, making a rape accusation is a big deal and if you can't back it up with concrete forensic evidence you will be thrown in jail. Not like in the West where women get away with ruining men's life everday. On the other hand an actual rapist will be executed without mercy.

>Your cultures don't teach you to respect non-muslims or abide by the golden rule with us.
False. See pic related.

Liberty is useless. For thousands of years humans have valued hierarchy and order over this "anything goes" attitude.

This has nothing to do with capitalism. Just know, if not for that oil under your feet which you had nothing to do with putting there, these cities would exist as they are.

You can claim it's false all you want, but when you make the burden of proof so burdensome that it can rarely be met, and make failure to meet that burden of proof a serious crime, and also charge rape victims with adultery, you end up with rape victims being imprisoned and even stoned for being raped. This is completely antithetical to our civilization values in the west.

You do yours, we'll do ours. But if you try to push your bullshit down our throats...wiping out a third of humanity using starvation and water as weapons looks a little bit more appealing with every transgression committed on part of your cult.


>kike religion


Hello, my colonial offspring.


>civilization values in the west.

You say that as if the modern hyper feminist Zeitgeist has always been a norm. You are mistaken. The West was forcing women to marry their rapists not too long ago


The United States did not consider marital rape as rape until 1979


I'm not saying that things like this are correct but it goes to prove that the West used to be a lot more conservative in the past.

>But if you try to push your bullshit down our throats
Only the United States seems to be in the business of pushing "liberalism" and "democracy" on everyday. Every single nationalist leader in the leader has been disposed and replaced with a pro American puppet. Clean your own backyard before pointing fingers.

Islam does offer concrete solutions to modernity. Watch this:


fucking hell saved

Islam is what happens when you swing a little too far to the right.

It’s ironic that leftists want to bring them in. Retards.

If only people on the western side of the world would have the dedication to their faith as muslims still have it after a lot of time.

If Jesus Christ and his disciples drank wine then why shouldnt we?

Also, the fact that Iran punishes bestiality and sodomy with death is impressive. Few countries still treat disgusting degeneracy as they should.

two of your example buildings aren't even islamic you fucking retard

Solutions that actually work.

As it currently stands, no Muslim society has shown that it can become prosperous and healthy without oil/gas money.

As it currently stands, most Muslim communities in the West lag behind other immigrant groups and native in terms of education, wealth and employment.

The Muslim world has actually just become a consumer of modernity without having any control over its direction. In other words, what the West (and increasingly East Asia) creates and implements trickles down to the Muslim world.

This is where we both need to understand who our enemies and masters are. Our government, certainly since JFK has been hijacked by a very old cabal of zionists, satanists, elite bloodlines and secret societies orchestrating major world events to their benefit.

When Nassir was making peace with Israel and laughing at the lunatics who wanted to dress women up in trash bags, that was the Islam we could all live with, and you could have prospered with.

Instead, he was killed so the Saudis could use their oil money to spread Zionist created Wahabism that is absolutely batshit insane and warmongering in order to spark a war between lunatic muslims and no-shit-taking Israelis as the third act in their bid to bring the entire globe to heel.

We don't have to be enemies. We don't have to slaughter each other. That requires the ummah to apply some chemo to the wahabbist cancer taking over islam, just at it require us to upturn the deep state and the MIC and stop allowing our foreign policy to be dominated by Israel and Saudi Arabia.

>shit-worshipping religion
With this attitude from the so called far right there is no saving for the west. But there might be an useful Reset button for it. Blasphemy should be punishable by death.



I'm honestly starting to believe that they're right

Just look at the state of modern thots no wonder they hate us they must all think we're degenerate cucks

What Pakistan really needs is a strong female role model like Queen Victoria
Bring back the Raj, that's what I say

When people say nazis should convert to islam, i thought they were only kidding.

Lets make peace with ShitSkin / ChildFuckers.

If they have the death penalty for bestiality etc in Iran do they also have it for pedophilia?

I'm not typing that into Google I don't want to end up on yet another list

Killing a third of humanity is an option. A costly one.

I'd like to go to space. The resources required to kill that many people are the resources we need to really get off this rock in a meaningful way.

Besides, the real enemy are the puppet masters who weaponized islam into the wahhabist machine we have today.

Dude, they worship a pedo. The fuck is wrong with you?

my problems with islam:
no alcohol (specifically no wine idc if hanafi and ismaili are more lax about it) - alcohol is considered holy and of utmost importance in european cultures from the beginning of time

retardation with dressing women (this one only applies to deobandi, but we can be sure if we introduce islam that deobandi will appear sooner or later) - i dont advocate for liberals like ismaili either, women should dress modestly and stay at home, but fucking black burqas are not the way

jesus - this one is kinda the biggest, if you dont recognize jesus its a no-no and in my book you are just atheists who behave nice and morally

Really, behave nicely? What rock have you been living under?

Fuck off isis shill, mudslimes never

>t. amerimutt who has never actually seen a muslim
ive actually seen a shitton of muslims in my life (balkaner refugees from the wars) unlike you who base your impression on pol memes

its really surprising that almsot all extremist muslims are from the west, almsot if like they are normal and become retarded in contact with your fucked up western culture

So is cousin marriage.


Probably. There is prison sentence in Turkey for pedophilia.

>Alcoholism is degenerate. Bacon is unhealthy
no its not and no its not
alcohol and bacon are proven to be very healthy and beneficial for a man to consume
even water is dangerous if you drink too much of it tho so no argument there

I base my opinion off my personal interactions with them, research, history, trends, etc. I find them overwhelmingly dishonest about their cult and what it instructs them to do with the kaffir.

If you find them so nice and moral, then you're the kind of Christian who will find themselves being crucified and raped by their neighbors as Christian in the Mideast did.



I support you in many things ... Besides the Europeans, we are quite guilty that things are wrong in the Muslim world. As Europeans, we take homophobia to their countries. Now what you have to do is evolve and change faster.
The problem is that you have to open your mind to good things and not impose to SHARIA. Putting a religion into law is bad ...


you are talking shit and you've never seen a muslim irl
those who do act terrorism are 90% urban westerners who got crazy and use islamism as an exist from pointlessness of modern life not very different from euro mass shooters

you're a moron who lives in memeland instead of real life


Hojobi Blowjobies are the bestest!

We recognize Jesus as a prophet, not God/son of God.


theres the problem
to renounce jesus as son of god for me would be like for you to renounce mohammad as the messenger of allah

don't mind me just checking


If your biggest concern from muslims is terrorism, you clearly haven't been paying attention.



You're both superstitious retards.

does islam have laws against race mixnig?

Muslims can't meme.


I think no...

Pls user. I made a good amount of memeball OCs. They are reposted fairly frequently too.

why dont you replace muslim with catalonian and terrorist with communist
i dont have any concern with muslims because im not a beta cuck like westerners who let their women walk around in whorish clothings to whore around and be prostrated in front of shitskin foreigners for fun
you see, unlike you we in hte east have something called decency and self-respect so we have no need to use muslims as a scapegoat for our insecurities (amerimongrels are hated 1000x more here than muslims)

dont you have a church to shoot up

Nice broscience you have going there, gypsy

Sure we can

They love all races. They love white women. They love black slaves. They love everyone. It's a religion of peace love, dontcha know?

use web search engline dumb faggot - you even have special search engines for academic works these days