AnCap General /acg/ Saturday Edition!

Discord: ysHXtn9

Daily reminder that NatSocs are still Socialists.


If Whites were the superior race, why did they need collectivism to defend themselves so bad?

never claimed that

Social justice is a collectivist idea and exists to "defend" "helpless" "people."


Your chart is incomplete, nigger.

And you fucking advocate for it.

Daily reminder the Poles aren't on you NEET's side.



>implying i like poles
there's nothing wrong with helping the helpless of my people
non-asians aren't people though, of course



The helpless of your people deserve to die. If you were a true racialist you would concede you're fine with your race going extinct if it's lower quality than a better race.



that picture is retarded
i am not left wing, i am not right wing
i do not want socialism for wh*tes
fashwave is shit
strong leaders are good.

Which would you rather have ruling you?


Shit b8,also sage for being a somalian faggot.




Is corruption the market working on the state?


the state
i'd rather live under communism than capitalism


Go suck off a BASED Black guy in your BASED Lolbertarian society

Yes but you can't just get rid of the market so for minimum corruption get rid of the state :D

look and everything in your apartment and maybe have a second thought.
you'd live in USSR, you realize?

One can't exist without the other, ya dingus.

why not move to china or venezuela? why do retards like you have such a problem with the west when there is more than enough opportunity for you in this world to move to the shithole you desire?

Better a fast death under communism than a slow one under capitalism

I am considering moving to China.

go get bombed into complete annihilation lol
and btw: you're a socialist as well as the cultural marxists that create what you fear.

>slow death
will literaly only happen if you're a lazy fuck and do nothing all day.


Talking about society.

Yea because once capitalism brings prosperity socialism takes over.



well capitalism did very good to our society, again compare your life standard to . and the elements that push degeneracy are cultural marxists so how is this a failure of capitalism?


Ancaps are deluded

Been attending a weekly poker game at the local university and have been reprogramming the students on the free market and ancap principles. I think I've been doing ok but now I need to start teaching then the how a consistent logical ethical system can be created under the NAP. It's been fun seeing the years of programming of these 18 to 20 years suddenly being striped away.

Look up "The Machinery of Freedom" on YouTube you faggot.

and capitalism doesn't push degeneracy?

As flawed as national socialism is, it is objectively more a e s t h e t i c than libertarianism/anarcho capitalism. We need to put more effort into our a e s t h e t i c s beyond the snek memes we have at the moment.

thats why we have the basic consense of a republik that frames the market. and we also won't let anyone die of hunger, look up rhenian capitalism.

Only when degenerates like you are already willing to buy it. Take responsibility for yourself kike.

enjoy your open borders, ancucks

>but Hoppe says that the guys that own the infrastructure necessary for immigration to occur will magically do whatever I want them to...

good luck with that

>implying i buy useless trash

What's flawed about it?

Grow up and clean your room

nope it sells you what you like.
you are the one who chooses to buy it.
and your decisions as a consumer are way more influental than a vote. true capitalism actually means the demos decides what should be produced. Physician, heal thyself!


Reliance on a state.

Ancap > Libertarianism > monarchism/fascism > democracy >>> social democracy > communism/socialism

We are winning because we are many.

Please, stop with these foul lies.

the difference betweens caps and an-caps.
you need a republik. as least until humanity grew a bit more reason.


That's so demonstrably untrue.

Then demonstrate.


The machinery of freedom. Google it.

ancaps are all angsty teenagers

>and we also won't let anyone die of hunger
You can't do that WITHOUT violently extorting other people? Food is ridiculously cheap and abundant (in spite of the fact that government makes food production more expensive) such that a tiny fraction of the population would need to chip in in the low hundreds of dollars AT MOST to cover ten times the number of people that there actually are in your country who are so impoverished that they struggle to afford food on top of their other costs of living absent aid.

Jim and Bob live on an island. Jim makes a fishing pole. Bob makes a spear. Jim trades Bob for his spear.
According to you, this is IMPOSSIBLE, when it's blatantly obviously not (which renders your statement untrue).

Anarchists are the real commies.

in your ancap fanatsy world it's possible, but people are not reasonable enough. look up for example the backfire effect.

you need a minimalistic state, a basic consens on a constitution thats frames the market and offers at least people who failed in the market some food, a dry place to stay and insolvency so they don't become failed human beeings but can have a second chance to be a part of society.

why does your picture not have "warlords, slavery and mass death" on the ancap side?

you really think that ancap would result in freedom and peace and prosperity for all - that it would not end in blood and slavery, like it always has before?

you are as bad as the socialists who say this time it will be different and perfect.

>Google it.

>in your ancap fanatsy world it's possible
It's possible for anyone.

we can, thats why i posted this

>a basic consens on a constitution
No - at MOST you need a loose consensus that violent activity is not in a person's self interest to engage in. Which *already exists*.

i'll say it again,
only in yourt ancap fantasy world where all human bveeings are 100% reasonable and act in their own interest. thats a rediculous assumption though.

> people who failed in the market

useless trash needs to fails so theres less of it around.

>where all human bveeings are 100% reasonable and act in their own interest
This assumption ISN'T MADE.
Anarchism is not utopian in the slightest - it's not even PRESCRIPTIVE. It's an advocacy against VIOLENT SUBJUGATION and involuntary behavior and THAT'S IT. It does't say "LELE EVERYONE WILL BE PERFECT WITHOUT GOV-GOV xD" like you're strawmanning *AT ALL*.

>loose consensus on what violent activity is
wake up, see the world we live in, rethink.
i agree to your ideas but i am certain it is a ernormously long way to a society that COULD work like this. how do you want to get there? we can only start at one place. we can go *snap* and the entire world is ancap then.

individual republiks can embrace for ecnomic freedom and work towards and an-cap world and set an example, maybe other countries will follow. but the transformation you would need to make the whole world ancap is not possible under a fucking faschist authoritarian state.

>wake up, see the world we live in
You mean the most peaceful and affluent the world has EVER IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND????
THAT world kraut?

thats where you don't agree with rhenian capitalism. we think no human is trash and people deserve a second chance. to a smaller extend america has that too, it's called private insolvency.

so how does the ancap system exist for more than ten minutes when a storng man appears adn says bend over you bitches i am in control?

end of liberty by force. unless you have a state to help you out (or quasi state - which is the same thing)

How is your little an-cap society going to work when the US resembles Brazil and Europe resembles North Africa?

Do you think the coming black/brown majority in America are going to vote to give up their gibs which they rely on to survive? Do you think the coming muslim majority in Europe will want Sharia or Libertarianism?

I have never met an an-cap who was NOT on the autism spectrum and I think thats why they cant' recognize simple realities like race, gender, culture, and community. You have to be on the spectrum to think human existence is just and solely about the "individual".

All non-libertarians are, by definition, threats to liberty, and must be physically removed from any society whose aims are peace and prosperity. Hail Hoppe!

Socialism only works in an Aryan nation.

did everyone make it out of the btc drop yesterday alright?

So it works on a small scale? Just like Communism does? So what is right? Communism or Anarcho-capitalism?

>so how does the ancap system exist for more than ten minutes
How does anything do anything?
Governments subjugate through violence.
If people try to subjugate others violence is probably what people will use in defense.
Who is more forceful or violent is just a matter of numbers strategy and technology.

What kind of point even is that? It's a non-point - nobody disputes violence is fucking violence.

>So it works on a small scale?
Jim Bob and Joe. Jim Bob and Joe*2. Jim Bob and Joe*1021874812.
You give me a number where it magically becomes impossible for people to not violently try to subjugate others and we'll talk.


living in a minimalist republik is not violent subjugation and its duties could be financed with >2% flat-tax.


>Jim then decides to murder bob for his fishing pole
nobody cares

>10 jims decide to conquers bobs lands
>they get conquered

You ancaps are honestly so retarded

Communism doesn't even work on a small scale though. Unless barely surviving counts as a functioning system.

>iving in a minimalist republik is not violent subjugation
Yes it is.
You must do what the state goons tell you to do or they will threaten you with violence.
You live in a place where the government will *seize your children* for homeschooling them kraut.

>small tribes sharing food


Or Jim doesn't. At what point does Jim NECESSARILY do that cunt?
How many people must exist in an arbitrary proximity to Jim such that his free will is stripped from him and he can do nothing BUT try to fuck with other people, huh?

You dipshits can't reason for shit. Can't even entertain a simple thought experiment - no wonder you're a loser.

Tribes would fall into the "barely surviving" part.

>small communities working together and sharing food

You an-cap cowards always ignore this question so I will ask it again. Realistically, how do you think your an-cap society is going to work when the US resembles Brazil and Europe resembles North Africa?

Answer this question realistically you intellectual cowards.