What does consensual sex outside marriage have to do with sexual harassment? They are not even linked

What does consensual sex outside marriage have to do with sexual harassment? They are not even linked. twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/928981541849522176

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>he gets paid $60k in patreon bux to spew nonsense like this

Must feel pretty good

Honestly for a traditionalist, all of this bullshit going on right now is pretty much confirming all of your beliefs..

Too bad liberals won't budge, and Republicans won't punish one of their politicians for their disgusting behavior because it's the only option they have.

Accepting the whoredom of alpha males has been the first step towards this kind of culture with harassment and degeneracy.


cause people that don't sleep around with every intern and employee they've ever had don't get accused of rape or sexual harassment

weird how that works eh?

What he did would be a crime even if they were married, it doesn't change anything for the traditionalist

You have more allies than you know.

I've been thinking the same thing lately.
Look at it this way, sex has been so trivialized that it's socially acceptable for strangers to fuck. This leads to situations where one person might want to fuck a person they barely know and the other person is distrubed/harassed by the idea.
Now imagine everyone had to be married before they had sex on pain of death. Do you think there'd be a bunch of Hollywood perverts propositioning people? Hell no.
The old ways were better. In every way.
I'm not even going into the single parents ruining the world with their bastard offspring or the diseases these perverts are spreading.
Sex, traditionally speaking was between a man and a wife. A lifelong partnership that could never be ended. Two people coming together to create viable replacements for themselves as well as bolster the number of people in the country. Not just random losers either, you were expected to do your level best to create good people. It's part of the social contract.

It's almost like having a systemic and universal set of morals has some sort of controlling effect on a population.

Hahahahaa nice try stooge. The accuser is a vexatious litigant and works for the democrats. Shall we talk about creepy uncle Joe?

sex outside marriage is immoral. Immoral things to lead more immoral things, on the topic of sex, sexual harrassment as well as offering roles to actresses as a reward for sexual acts etc

How is casual sex wrong?

Consexual sex is not the same as sexual harassment

How is eating cheesecake at 11PM wrong?

How is that the same? Casual sex is not the same as sexual harrasment

Because women now tend to have "whoregasms" which means they feel guilty afterwards and retract their consent. I don't think I've ever seen a wife do that.

Alternatively, they have one because it can get them 15 minutes of fame for being "molested" by someone famous. They don't care what it does to him. They're women.

is drug use fine if the drug user really wants to take the drug? It's still bad at the end. Also

Spreads disease, some of which make it impossible for people to procreate.
Creates bastard children (biggest indicator of poverty, which leads to crime)
Creates an environment where nonconsensual sex acts are more likely ot occur because sex is trivialized.
Creates a sodomite friendly environment which leads to more pedos and more of every kind of crime and immoral act (homos more likely to murder, steal, beat their "partners"...you name it they do it)
If everyone believed casual sex was ok we'd have a disease ridden population with almost no decent kids to replace the next generation. It'd eventually cause the human race to go extinct.
It's a bad thing.

Would your life change if adultery was punished by death?


Society where casual sex is normalized:
>heyyy babbyy you wan sum fuck? ill ram my cok up you hehehe DONT WALK AWAY BITCH

Society with marriage and morals:
>Good morning ma'am

Casual sex being normalised is not the same as sexual harrasment being normalised and in Islamic/Chrisitan societies sexual harrasment existed

I do believe in responsible casual sex, but I can totally see what Peterson is saying here. He’s right. Such a lax attitude towards sex and so much deviant activity promoted and encouraged leads people to commit sexual harassment accidentally. What seems like sexual harassment to one person might be completely acceptable to someone else. It is a product of our culture.

Europeans are much more sexually free than Americans. What might seem like sexual harassment to us is normal for them. Girls are touchy feely and aggressive, guys are more aggressive etc.

If you combine liberal ideologies, sexual deviance, and a less free American sex culture, it leads to accusations of sexual assault. Even though sexual deviance is promoted in the media and practiced by a ton of people, the way Americans view sex is more extreme than in other countries.

These liberals want to be sexually free much like some European countries but our sex culture is more strict than in Europe. Women hypocrites and are much more uptight in the states and it can lead to problems.

I hope that makes sense. It’s hard to explain.

>Casual sex being normalised is not the same as sexual harrasment being normalised
Yes it is. Sexual harassment is indistinguishable from a 'normal' approach in an amorale society. If I walk up to a girl and ask for sex (which is what you do in a society where casual sex is normalized) I'll either be having sex with her or arrested/kicked out for sexual harassment.

Bitch lasagna

>(which is what you do in a society where casual sex is normalized
No it's not you weirdo.

Sexual harrasment existed before the normalisation, if not more. Consexual sex is not the same as harrasment/rape.

To further explain, Americans, especially liberals want it both ways. They want free sexual expression like in Europe, but are also so uptight about sex that they will cry harassment at anything remotely sexual. It’s hypocritical and backwards thinking. Men making a pass at a women in certain situations is completely normal and human nature. Liberals are confused about what is acceptable in American courting and sex culture because they are blinded by their ideology that doesn’t fit 100% with how most American women see sex.

The liberal media, feminists, liberals etc promote sexual deviance but frown upon normal sexual advances. It is another by product of political correctness as well.

>It’s hypocritical and backwards thinking. Men making a pass at a women in certain situations is completely normal and human nature.

it's not normal to be a rapist and sexually harass women even when casual sex is normalised.

You don't have to catcall / contribute to rape culture to court a woman into sex. It can be consensual and casual.

>t. virgin underrage

Precisely. Both approaches are nothing but a replacement view for something far more appropriate. Ones own value judgement of one being better than the other is fraudulent in the face of centuries of factual positive results that suggest otherwise. Chastity is preferable for a morr stable and better providing society.

The only people who hate on casual sex are bitter friendless virgins.

>Chastity is preferable for a morr stable and better providing society.


> im a bitter friendless virgin, its the only world view i understand, so its the only thing I talk about.

>Men making a pass at a women in certain situations is completely normal and human nature.
People eating high calorie foods in massive amounts is completely normal and human nature.
People doing heroin until they die from an overdose is completely normal and human nature.
People getting angry and killing each other over disputes is completely normal and human nature.
We are not animals, we have a duty to use our ability to think abstractly to prevent such things to maximize our human potential. That means eat the right foods in the correct proportions, don't do drugs, don't shoot your neighbor, and DON'T have sex with women you aren't married to.

spotted the roastie blown out whore who is nearing the wall and still doesn't realize her time is almost up.

Traditionalism works for men and women, dipshit.

1500 years of European history. Self evident. Pay attention.

>Sexual harrasment existed before the normalisation, if not more.
Nope, it has increased exponentially.

>ask me permission before you cat call me
How can I ask for casual sex if I'm labeled a rapist for asking for casual sex? Why is this even offensive if sex isn't a big deal?
You only want chad to be able to approach you while anyone you deem unworthy is whisked away to jail on your command.

Can your female brain not understand the inconsistent logic?

All of civilization and human progress depend on men working together. Men work together more often when they each have a woman in their bed and have agreed not to make a pass at each other's women.

What he means is that if you stick to marriage as your outlet for sex then sexual harassment isn't a factor in life. Dumbass.

explain how

>it's not normal to be a rapist and sexually harass women even when casual sex is normalised
By liberals' definition of rape (casual sex followed by regret) and sexual harassment ("unwanted attention", a man asking for casual sex and a woman saying no), then yes, it literally is.
Haven't you heard any SJW logic in the last 10 years?
> "No means no but yes also sometimes means no"
> "Female consent is logically impossible because inside the male privilege + power patriachy the dynamics are always coercive, therefore all sex is rape"

Asking for casual sex with someone you've been talking to is different from catcalling a stranger.

shit is an obvious hit job by the republicans.

apparently women can't live with the freedoms they were given.

what about people who arent married? they can still molest married people, its completely faulty logic

Look at it from a family perspective: if most women are in traditional marriages, do you think slimebags like Weinstein et. al would be able to have such a high count?

No, because the primary roles of a husband is to provide for and protect his family.

Weinstein and other would be strung up, or at least driven out if town for fear of their lives.

guy: eyy bb wanna fuk?
girl (if guy is good looking and has a good profile): sure, meet at X bar

This is modern degeneracy. I know because this shit is literally everywhere and I used to partake before I was redpilled.

sexual assualt/harrassment and sex outside of marriage are both immoral.

It is never a wrong time to eat cheesecake.

Sexual harassment is sexual advances that aren't reciprocated. If people didn't make them in the first place there wouldn't be a problem.

all peterson is saying is that people would keep their dicks and vaginas in their pants or within their marriage and have some morals there would be less instances of sexual assault

>using the word roastie

Spotted the child whose only sexual experience is whacking off in his sister's underwear

Look up the mouse utopia experiments
Population density enables sexual dengeracy

It makes sense. It meant you had to develop a relationship with a woman first, get to know her and love her and shit and then marry her and then have sex so you are protected on every front. Whereas today people fuck on the first 20 minutes of their first date and it's casual, sex has become too available in normal society and as such people are more prone to do bad shit around sex for their instant gratification.
Tl;dr if you only have sex with the one woman you are married to, noone can file sexual assault charges at you
See: Mike Pence

Yea that shit is insane. Why do people feel the need to give this guy money? Isn't he a tenured professor?
