Is Christianity the Reason Why the West is Collapsing?

Okay, so here's the issue:

1. Christianity is a universalist religion:

>Galatians 3:28 - There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

2. Most Christians around the world aren't White (it's basically become a Brown / Black / Asian religion these days).

3. Christianity's entire mythology is Semitic and comes from the Middle East. You're not going to deport the Jews if you think they're god's chosen people.

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Come on... the whole virgin birth myth existed well before the whole Christ story.

And there's a difference between the (admittedly pedo, but you died at 30 so yeah, they started young) Roman Catholic Church that built Western Civilization and the "born again" literal shit of the modern Christian Church. There was a reason the Catholic church didn't allow people to read the bible, and to this day say that while you can read it, you have to have a priest tell you what it says.

>You're not going to deport the Jews if you think they're god's chosen people

You know the Roman Catholic Church was anti-Semetic for over a thousand years, right?

>implying jews have any favour after killing Christ
>implying Europe wasn't a gay orgy hedonist paradise where naked men stabbed each other with swords covered in HIV+ blood in a coliseum to please their inbred emperor
>implying the crusades didn't save Europe from islam in a way barbarians worshipping thor and zeus ever could

Christianity has been cucked, it wasn't supposed to modernize. The eternal truth doesn't change based on the age you live in.

1. All religions are universalist religions, by the definition you're using, anyone can convert to Judaism or Hinduism.

2. So what?

3. Only a very specific brand of Protestantism that was popularized recently believe that Jews are still God's chosen people. Christians routinely kicked Jews out of their countries for millennia. Moreover, so what if it originated in the Near-east?

>Come on... the whole virgin birth myth existed well before the whole Christ story.

No not really.

no it's the jews and their lapdogs

>>Galatians 3:28 - There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Somehow, despite this line, the Church has always told slaves to obey their masters and has always held women to different standards of behavior than men. Just because all can be Christian doesn't mean that there are no differences between those people.

If Christianity was the problem, why was our society so much better when more people were sincerely religious than now?

>You're not going to deport the Jews if you think they're god's chosen people.
Let's do some reading, you stupid pagan.
>John Chrysostom held, as most Church Fathers did, that the sins of all Jews were communal and endless, to him his Jewish neighbours were the collective representation of all alleged crimes of all preexisting Jews. All Church Fathers applied the passages of the New Testament concerning the alleged advocation of the crucifixion of Christ to all Jews of his day, the Jews were the ultimate evil. However, John Chrysostom went so far to say that because Jews rejected the Christian God in human flesh, Christ, they therefore deserved to be killed: "grew fit for slaughter." In citing the New Testament,[Luke 19:27] he claimed that Jesus was speaking about Jews when he said, "as for these enemies of mine who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slay them before me."

>St. Jerome identified Jews with Judas Iscariot and the immoral use of money ("Judas is cursed, that in Judas the Jews may be accursed... their prayers turn into sins"). Jerome's homiletical assaults, that may have served as the basis for the anti-Jewish Good Friday liturgy, contrasts Jews with the evil, and that "the ceremonies of the Jews are harmful and deadly to Christians", whoever keeps them was doomed to the devil: "My enemies are the Jews; they have conspired in hatred against Me, crucified Me, heaped evils of all kinds upon Me, blasphemed Me."

Do we really need two threads about basically the same topic?

If you're an ethnic Nationalist, then you should logically want your people to embrace their own traditions, mythology, stories, etc. If you're a civic nationalist or a leftist then it doesn't matter; but it's pretty damn ridiculous to see White Nationalists talking about how they want to 'preserve our culture' while idolizing a Jewish faith.

>Going straight to St. John Crysostom rather than anything Jesus said.

The fact that out of dozens of books in the New Testament, not one explicitly says 'don't racemix' is pretty telling. It just reads like a self-hating Jew (Jesus) hating on other Jews (Pharisees) while narcissistically claiming to be God's son (if I claimed that, I'd be institutionalized).

>Let's do some reading, you stupid pagan.

Who said I was a pagan?

Stfu Jew


Patristic bishops of the patristic era such as Augustine argued that the Jews should be left alive and suffering as a perpetual reminder of their murder of Christ. Like his anti-Jewish teacher, Ambrose of Milan, he defined Jews as a special subset of those damned to hell. As "Witness People", he sanctified collective punishment for the Jewish deicide and enslavement of Jews to Catholics: "Not by bodily death, shall the ungodly race of carnal Jews perish ... 'Scatter them abroad, take away their strength. And bring them down O Lord'".

>On 14 July 1555, Pope Paul IV issued papal bull Cum nimis absurdum which revoked all the rights of the Jewish community and placed religious and economic restrictions on Jews in the Papal States, renewed anti-Jewish legislation and subjected Jews to various degradations and restrictions on their personal freedom.

>The bull established the Roman Ghetto and required Jews of Rome, which had existed as a community since before Christian times and which numbered about 2,000 at the time, to live in it. The Ghetto was a walled quarter with three gates that were locked at night. Jews were also restricted to one synagogue per city.

>Paul IV's successor, Pope Pius IV, enforced the creation of other ghettos in most Italian towns, and his successor, Pope Pius V, recommended them to other bordering states.

Jews only got rights and started to influence society when secularist 'enlightenment liberals' revolted and started giving them rights starting with the French Revolution (another good example was the Hungarian liberals in 1848). Before 1800s, how many notable Jewish politicians, scientists, artists and so on can you name? Basically non, because Christian society was highly anti-semetic and new to restrict their dangerous influence. Only after secularism took hold were they able to poison society.

That's right if you're French you become a French Orthodox Christian, an American to an American Orthodox etc.

Do you know the Orthodox still are ? They are talmudi satanist.

Christianity was incepted by billionaire zionist mason niggers and this is obvious. The scholfield bible for one and the pretrib rapture. Christians never liked jews and I'm dying to know why we do now.

And it's not just christians either. Science is all a jew created zionist agenda to destroy religion.

Yes because Christianity = Pauls religion. As evidenced by your quote in the OP. Paul is the wolf in sheeps clothing(Benjamite)

Look for any cuck quote from the "Bible" and it will come from Paul

The West is collapsing because they forgot about Christianity.
They don't read the Bible and live moral lives.
They don't read the Bible and realize the Jews are a satanic force in the world.
Even if you get them to read the Bible they're so brainwashed they argue against it as if they know better despite the absolute state of the west.

lmao ok, kikes

Christianity has been decidedly European since Muslims took over the Middle East and North Africa at the very least, and it's been in Europe much longer than Hungarians.

To pretend that the religion of Europeans for 1500 years is somehow not European at this point is about as stupid as some English people wanting to remove foreign Germanic influences from their society. It's ours now.

>Who said I was a pagan?
Do you think we're stupid?
>If you're an ethnic Nationalist, then you should logically want your people to embrace their own traditions, mythology, stories, etc.
You obviously mean that we should embrace traditions and myths that aren't Christian, and that can pretty much only mean paganism. These are myths and traditions most of us haven't cared about for over 1000 years of course.

You also failed to address the other points of my post. It's patently absurd to blame Christianity for the state we're in now, unless you want to go about discrediting the long and glorious history of Christian Europe that proceeded this current degenerate age.

Normie minds are vessels. Christianity is a thing to fill normie minds with, so that they don't get filled with other things, like degenerate kike programming from the Jewbox. Of course, Christianity and religions themselves are subject to unpredictable alteration and mutation and may through the years eventually become something that is also not good for normies. Like the current Pope's version of "Christianity."

Fuck your kike on a stick memes, Christianity being widespread would be a good thing as long as it stringently polices communal behavior and causes the community to shun all degeneracy, and universalism.

This. Get almost any group of Western 20 year old faggots to read the Bible today and they will just be offended by it and overly-sensitive about every little thing it says, not to mention horribly misinterpreting the most basic of things.

They'll just talk about how "problematic" it is, and how non-gender neutral it is.

Saying Western decline is due to Christianity is some retarded shit. There are fewer Christians today in America by percentage than in any other point in our history.

>current Pope
pick one

>west is fucking built on Christianity
>tell it to stuff itself in the 60's
>western family unit suddenly collapses and everyone has some kind of mental disorder
>culture degrades, nihilism on the rise. Policy determined by the shrieking and intimidation of arrogant children.
>"Is this Christianity's fault too?"

What a gas.

>3. Christianity's entire mythology is Semitic and comes from the Middle East. You're not going to deport the Jews if you think they're god's chosen people.

i remember during my edgy atheist period I dated a Jewhovah's Witness. As a condition of our dating, her father wanted me to read the Bible cover to cover and attend their church services.
I agreed, but do you know what I did? I highlighted everything I thought was contradictory or morally wrong. In other words, without realizing it, I entered the deal in bad faith, pun intended. That's the kind of slimy behavior you get from atheists. The worst thing is I didn't even realize what I was doing at the time.

>morally wrong
According to what?

Christianity is the religion and culture of White people tho.

>You're not going to deport the Jews if you think they're god's chosen people.
Christ revoked that card from the Jews.
Honestly, you don't know shit about Christianity.
Just kill yourself.

I saw zeitgeist too

I was an edgy atheist too once. That's something I would have done too.

Christianity is declining at the same rate the West is turning to shit. How could you see causality the other way? Christianity is a pillar of Western Civilization.

According to me. I didn't even understand what morality was about, I thought it was about treating other people kindly.
It's not. It's about survival.

The religious meme in general is cause of humanity's uneasiness about existence.
The red pill that Sup Forums cant swallow.

Christianity being the actual literal truth is the red pill you can't swallow.

>It's about survival.

ok then how is the bible immoral?

Sure. Religion is a huge blue pill.

The ultimate red pill is actually being as rational as possible. This implies, in particular, freeing your mind from any generic mental constructs induced by the society.
In any situation, you have essentially two ways of action: either analyze and do the right thing, or you follow follow the tradition and/or authority. The former is more tedious and involved. The latter is easier, but may have bad ramifications.

Until you realize this, you're not red pilled. Just because you blindly follow, say, Western traditions doesn't mean you are somehow red-pilled. When you analyze those and decide for yourself, what serves you and what makes you a slave, only then you start to get conscious. For instance, let's take the modern Western world. Is it, rationally speaking, worthwhile to let in third-world migrants? Trivially, no. Because it extremely lowers the quality of life of the indigenous population.

On the other hand, any religion, any society-induced imperative, such as breed muh slaves or be a woman's slave, is bullshit. It keeps your mind blinded, prevents critical thinking. It was the free mind that brought the Western society to prosperity. And it is exactly blind following the archaic traditions that keeps the East in such a shitty state.

the west is not collapsing. You are just caught in the lower-class struggle for survival. That struggle exists permanently until you get rich at which point you realize everything you were fighting over was fake bullshit fed to you by more powerful people or attempts by you destroy your competitors in the capitalist system we live in. America is not a place or a people, it's a business.

Christians are antisemitic. All christian nations prosper. Christians all of a sudden love jews. Gay rights and abortion everywhere. Refugees and rejection of values that built nation now rejected. EU getting raped by rapefugees. Previously republican christian states now liberal hell holes ala commiefornia the headquarters of pedowood. You Talmud reading fucks are no better than islamists. Promoting sex with 3 year olds. And yes your talmud does promote pedos. It's not christianity that destroyed the west it is jews. Walt Disney and Henry Ford were right in their antisemitism when they called you vipers out for the deaths in Ukraine prior to WW2 and your Bolshevik revolutions.

Wrong. Religion is mental immunization against Jew tricks for the normies. It is and always will be a necessary thing, because of human nature and the competition for control.

It's not, I just thought it was.
For instance take Genesis. In my younger days I thought God was lying to control Adam and Eve, not the snake.
Because God said they'd die, not that he'd kill them by denying them fruit that'd keep them alive forever.
The fact is, I was missing the point entirely. Religion isn't about believing or not believing, it's about teaching people how to live in a way that causes a thriving population.

Faggots and pedophiles are why the West is collapsing.

what you can't swallow is that an extraterrestrial consciousness is fucking with your mind to turn you into its image and the only antidote is Christ, that entity in the past started shifting life in its image already once but was forbidden to continue

see pic, swallow this stupid kike

Step out of the box and look at the bigger picture.

>the west is not collapsing.
lol. The West is going to be a third-world shit-hole in 2 more generations, probably sooner.

Kikes in Israel post these threads.

What is forcing you to worship your kike on a pike

>believing in modern day mystery religions
Nah. Ayy Lmaos are a deception.

There was a Jew just yesterday advising people to become pagans. I wish I took a screen cap.

Like, straight up, Israeli flag saying "You guys screwed up when you started worshipping a kike on a stick, you should have kept to your pagan religions!"

I advise you to do the same. The deplorable depths of manipulation the (((wealthy))) will go to maintain control or simply to make short term gains necessitates religion within civilization, if there is to be long term stability. Moreso now than ever before, since the threat of annihilation from outside forces is more easily thwarted.

belief is the deception
seek knowledge


None of this was a problem for the longest time.

In the past half century, when religion lost foothold, were the problems introduced.

>Galatians 3:28
How does this imply multiculturalism?

>Most Christians around the world aren't White
How does this imply multiculturalism?

>You're not going to deport the Jews if you think they're god's chosen people.
Read the New Testament. Also Christians heavily persecuted and shunned Jews throughout Europe.

>Take the devil's advise
>It won't lead you to a spiritual dead-end, trust me.

Revelation 3:9 synagogue of Satan

Also, read the part about the Canaanite woman asking Jesus for a miracle.

Jesus was incredibly nationalistic / pro- his own people first.

You can be Christian in your own nation. Nothing implies we mix. In fact, several parts of the Bible suggest we do not mix, like God telling the Israelites to build a border and keep the Canaanites out, and the story of Babel.

so believe in seeking knowledge? so you can stuff your brain we dusty old ideas and half baked concepts, without any motivation? Except the belief(and belief in the denial of such a belief) that one must seek only knowledge?

neither a kike (like you) or a pike it's a cross
I'm Orthodox so I know and Jesus Christ is the Word of God, the Logos, see pic and drop judaism now, become a Christian.


Modern, tailored to the whims of the masses, Christianity based on secular described 'love and inclusion' principles has allowed the enemies of Christianity to cuck it beyond repair.

Modern Christianity is to traditional Christianity what Civic Nationalism is to Ethnic Nationalism. If you do not make the heathens and mongrel who are out to destroy you comfortable you will be labeled backwards and racist.

Do you people even know history of Europe? Christians never behaved like that, the people that most support immigration are atheists and leftists.

Daily I find my self trying to fighting this same fight.





One only needs to look at one event: when did Jews enter Europe? They could never set foot when the "barbarians" ruled it.

>They did the same they do today: they infiltrated the aristocracy.

If the Romans hadn't meddled with the Jews in the middle east they might have never gotten in Europe. Don't forget Christianity's version of the story is "poor Jesus was persecuted by the eeebil Romans!". Reality is a Semitic religion was trying to convert Roman soldiers, officials and aristocrats so they essentially put the Middle East before Europe. And that's what happened. Perhaps not all of you know, but before coming to Europe Judaism was on the verge of extinction. Most jews had died in their countless unsuccesful revolts against the Roman government. But what happened then? Romans were converted and allowed some key rabbis to live in the shores of the Mediterranean. Next thing you know Charlemagne is conducting mass killings against fellow Europeans "in the name of Christ". They also found it easier to promote the Crusades and make millions of Europeans men abandon their families and travel to the Middle Eastern desert, living their countries vulnerable to the already invading Islam. Some jihadis were already in Southern France, and the Church found it easier to send all those soldiers to Palestine. Sure seems to care about Europeans, huh?


#1 isn't talking about racial universalism, however, it is talking about how the Jews are no longer the chosen people in the eyes of God, but all who follow him are now chosen.

1000 years is nothing in the history of Europeans. Aristotle was formulating the foundation of logic hundreds of years before Rabbi Yeshua was even born. Europeans do not need to believe in fake myths at all, we can transcend. Religion based on mythology, whether Christians or Pagan, is beneath us.

wow you mean to tell me an atheist has no idea on to read the bible or what the words mean wow im shocked

The Jews being behind Christ's death was pretty much always part of the narrative. It was never the Romans. Throughout the entire narrative, Christ doesn't care at all about the Romans or Rome, he was constantly picking a fight with the Jewish oligarchs.

At least know a thing or two first.

haha nice trips , satan giving you a hand to mock us , eh kike ?

I hope you're aware that you can't choose a single marker for cultural beginnings and reference it as the one true paradigm, right? The alternative to this 'Jewish faith' is another middle eastern one. The Germanic pantheon also originates from the Indo-Aryan religion.

The Christian heritage of the west from 1700 years ago is just as relevant as the pagan heritage from 1800 years ago.

If you aren't Christian, you belong with the communists in Antifa.

Paganism is not as relevant as Christianity was to modern Europe. Sorry, kike.

Well Christianity's founder Jesus taught people to be weak and Muhammad taught his followers to take, kill, and be deceitful. So yeah. This will make sure that mudslimes rape plenty of European women and destroy Europe

Yawn. Your shitty middle eastern religion has destroyed our race. Look at the state of white America yet the hardcore Christians cry for Nigger fetuses in New York.

Atheist here. No, fuck no. Christianity is not the reason the west is collapsing. Mass immigration from Muslim nations is the reason (europe) the west appears to be collapsing.

Christianity's moral code is what made the west so great. I'm fine with Christianity disappearing, but as long as it isn't replaced with a barbaric religion like Islam, or Statism, then I'll be fine.

>liberals are mostly atheists
>conservatives are most Christians
>liberal media is constantly happy about the dying out of Christianity in the West.

Ok, Shekelberg.

Christianity exists so the dumb fucks send money to Israel.

A small minority of the immigrants to America have been Muslim doofus. The spics cause huge amounts of gang crime and vote for socialist affirmative action policies but are hugely Christian. Race is more important than religion.

America is collapsing due to modern day Canaanites crossing over the border by the millions, aka Mexicans.

>infusing the already diluted pagan Catholicism with more bullshit Santeria (Mexican death cult) practices

Pick 2, but not the last option.

there is no 'pagan heritage' it's bullshit
the shitty only middle easterners are arabs and kikes

Atheism is the reason for the fall. Look at the number of leftist that are atheist.

And where do you get that Christians want to send their money to Israel?

Please don't say because (((Republican delegates))) do it.

Oh ok. So the billion+ Niggers, Chinese and mestizo who are Christian are all fakes huh?

That might be the case over there, but in the Nordic countries Christian churches are liberals themselves. They shelter refugees and have straight up announced that the church's mission isn't to defend the nation. One of Finland's most zealous defender of Muslims and migrants is actually a Lutheran priestess Marjaanaa Toiviainen, who went so far that she apparently burned herself out.

Christian institutions have become part of the problem here. They embrace multiculturalism and absolute tolerance much more than the general population.

Orthodoxy is the most delusional form of your christian religion. You believe you have the answers to everything. You are part of the middle eastern invasion of western culture.

Yes. There is a reason leftism arose in the west and nowhere else. Because leftism is simply the ethical/metaethical presumptions of Christianity secularized. Christianity could be considered the original form of leftism.

Inherited christian goody-goody feelings is what is making the west ruined.

>boo hoo people follow religion i don't like

They do the same in 56%ica. Videos all over of Churches with basements filled with brown illegals. They are children of God, you see.

>You know the Roman Catholic Church was anti-Semetic for over a thousand years, right?

The Catholic church has been the protector of Jews for a thousand years.

Mestizo Catholics / pagan death worshippers are not Christians, no. I hardly see any Christian niggers, maybe that's more in the south. Most of them are urbanites that worship rappers and money.

>Chinese christians

Isn't the Chinese socialist party actively stamping out Christianity from their state and bulldozing churches left and right?

>Catholicism is the most delusional form of your christian religion. You believe you have the answers to everything. You are part of the middle eastern invasion of western culture.


Christianity was born cucked. It has always been so. Europe was non-cucked specifically because it ignored Christian teaching and instead retained pagan honor culture (against the Bible and church), duelling (against church teaching), etc.

No we actually do, I didn't start as a Christian in my search but after you know you cannot unsee , only Christ is the antidote to this satanic grounds we walk on, Orthodoxy is the way to see Christ for what he is. Other religions lie- all of them.

because marx said so? I'll pass on that jew moneygrabbing 'equality' theft crap

Islam is a branch of Christianity though. Jesus is considered a prophet of Islam. Without Christianity, Islam never would have even been created.

Where did the judeochristian morality the west has come from?