Alright, which one of you beautiful cunts did this?

Alright, which one of you beautiful cunts did this?
I'm dying here.

Other urls found in this thread:

Kek. Fucking plebbit, I swear...

yep I puked a bit


serves the bitch right

just date chubby autistic women

my gf cooks for me and if I got free bikes and trucks she would want to go joy riding

Lol no self awareness

This thread is absolutely disgusting.

The only thing we need to make it more disgusting is a Swedish poster.

think fast

I've seen this posted as pasta a few times.

If the entire human race thought like that stale pasta, humanity would've ceased to exist by now

We should all make sockpuppets and write stories like this.

that sub is protected, what is it about?


>what the fuck
my thought exactly

That son needs to be put to death

I refuse to believe this is real

Fake and gay.

What for? Why should you be killed for having sex with the wrong person? Fuck off dude.

I was about to post this in the dayghtet thread that just got deleted

>-3603 points
Well, there goes my sides

The son needs to be put to death for having incest with a minor. The sister needs to be put to death for allowing herself to be fucked. The parents need to be put to death for having kids 16 years apart.

>t. Christfag

>u are 31

>having sex with your little sisters who's a minor is okay

This is what hiv fags actually believe.

If it is a sockpuppet it is an especially dedicated one. 1/2



sounds more like /r9k/ to me, heh

Nothing wrong with it if it's consensual

This is funny but probably didn't actually happen. I'm sure plenty of browsers of this sub jerked it to this story tho.

>what if the child consents tho

doesn't matter, had sex

real or fake, people who use facebook to post personal shit deserve death.



And what if she consented ? Fucking statist fuck

Thanks, now I don't want a child


>‘Attention-seeking liar’, 25, who falsely accused 15 men of rape and sexual assault causing one innocent man to spend two years in prison is jailed for 10 years
Britain did something right
i'm a bit surprised actually

Is it weird that I'm aroused by this?

>Strong and independent woman

>make a copy pasta comment that is not a forced circlejerky that anyone can agree with
>-3000 votes
>mod bans you forever
Jesus Christ, reddit is so fucking horrible.

I refuse to believe that an acyual human being can be so damn indoctrinated, woman or not.
Like what the actual fuck, let the goddamn kids play, are you some kind of fucking monster?

Some deep thinking there

why do libs always respond to arguments with feelings? The best they can do is draw an irrelevant epithet like "revolting"
I mean he can't even break down a pasta shitpost

eat shit circle.

>I looked through his window that morning.
>He is stalking ne. I feel unsafe.
>Can a fiance get alimony?
Jesus christ. No matter how many times I see this behavior, it always turns my stomach.

>Raised the prefect girl? Great. Who benefits?
Your Grandkids.


Based husband

>ruined your sisters life
I dunno, it sounds like the mother did.
It's not a good thing, but what's done is done and from the guys post it seems like the sister was fine with it.
removing the father and/or making her get an abortion would do more harm than just letting them be idiots together.

I know I did. :^)

Back white people into a corner and this is what you get.

> Be American
> Proud national history of incest
> Teen little sis wants the BBC (big brother cock)
> Give it her, she gets knocked up, "We gonna be just like grandma & grandpa, Billy-Joe!", everyone is happy
> Then mum spergs out
Orange did nothing wrong


She should at the very least get an abortion

Why? Did he rape her and forced her to get pregnant. Both parties are responsible. 15 isn't a child.

>because of your outrageously revolting comment you are now permanently banned
Not an argument

>want to get the thoughts of real men
>goes to Reddit

Based maternal grandmother and uncles, keeping it christian with the colored and the queers.


>What for?
>Dixie flag

Like fucking clockwork

fake as fuck
look closely at how they reveal each detail, it's clearly made up

I want to say this is a sock puppet account but her deleting her own posts makes me think it's real

This pasta reads like it was written by a greasy neckbeard that wants to fuck his own daughter.

fully erect right now desu

99% chance it is LARPing.
Sickos get off by making up these stories. Keep that in mind. Cucks usually need to beg their wives to do interracial sex, there's even some videos of wives crying and regretting it while the cuck films.

>"she only watches interraical and became addicted!"
>"I'm looking for a way to save the relationship!"
This is textbook /r/cuckold LARPing.

Reddit is based.

Who the fuck would even believe that ANYONE, even a blind man, would want to have sex with that fat pig?

>be redditor
>post copypasta
>get -3000 + dislikes
>get banned forever

Isn't there another update on this? Where she complains about people telling her it was her own doing?

>will be visiting him one last time this weekend
lol, this was so perfectly crafted

My god this thread is a veritable goldmine
Either trolls got really good and dedicated, or these people actually do exist...
Amusing thought to entertain


>what the fuck
Best part of the whole pic.

>I'm black
Um, no sweetie, you're a totally different species

>tfw roastie gets btfo

Nothing wrong with raising a daughter to be an enjoyable wife as long as the husband is white.

Pics of girl?


Are you proud of the degeneracy (((you))) and (((your kind))) have instilled in the west shlomo? When will (((you))) stop?

t. Alberto Barbosa

What this niger said.

I chuckled

Oh, they exist. I work with some.

pls be real


This definitely isn't real

Of course not. You're a faggot. Doesn't surprise anyone, actually. Like when a nigger steals your bike.

Reddit has earned it's right to exist, it's been an amazing source of entertainment for us.

Someone post a link to the thread

Holy fuck, we are so fucked if this is the standard of the average young person. That whole thread is full of crybaby faggots.

Lmao a "successful" landlord who hides money in the walls? The memes make themselves. Good riddance you filthy old kike.

That has to be fake but it's still a top post

Even the fucking dog is overweight KEK

I refuse to believe they are all true.
To much entertainment.

this, in most real cuck scenarios the cuck literally begs the woman to cuck him for his fucked up fetish

>money in the walls
typical kike rat, although I doubt this story is anything but LARPing