The word would be better off without him
The word would be better off without him
You surely meant to say "without Russia" because this faggot is whole reason why this country exists
You're just jealous because your President doesnt ride manly motorcycle with outlaw bikers and hunt bears in the Urals.
Russia was fine under the Tsar
But then you cunts chimped out
I hope he gets eaten by a bear. Too bad people would still blame CIA
Also this
Sure thing Mr kike
>Russia was fine under the Tsar
it wasn't.
>it wasn't
Maybe not for Russians
But it was better for rest of the world
Calm down Nikita.
Yeah surely 4% literacy rate in 20th century is not bad at all, Tzar dindu nuffin and was a good boy!
Also it was basically foreign meme project revolution, because bolsheviks killed much more people than any foreign force ever.
>But it was better for rest of the world
It wasn't.
"To Artyom! Who goes through monsters and anomalies alike! Without you we would have been shredded like cabbage!"
>like cabbage!
Okay, I'll correct my statement
Russia was better under Mongols
I was only saying that he must hate Russia too if he hates pootein.
Anyway this whole thread is another "le amerimutt who knows everything better than the natives of the country he is talking about"
>that georgia
Holy shit
>Anyway this whole thread is another "le amerimutt who knows everything better than the natives of the country he is talking about"
No. I wish Russians would go extinct, however
I only say Tsar Russia was better cause they were friendly with USA
Ah yes, it's we who don't want to go friendly with you, surely. Look into it, from the collapse of union we always tried to be your friends, but as pootein once said "they don't want friends, they want vassals", and I have to only agree with him, even though I don't like him too.
>Russia wants to be friends
That explains why you invaded Georgia because they chose a president who like the USA.
And then invaded Ukraine despite USA telling you not too.
Also Russia joining NATO was always a joke
Estonia/Lithuania/Poland/Latvia would chimp out and leave if that happened
Fuck amerika you need to anderstend we hate you and all your pepole for what I need us Russian who Speke Cyrillic to travel to your mekdonals Latin agly full of nigers and Muslims and latinos asians shitholo ????? I don't even have it in my brain ?? Ask Any Russian
Dimon davaj v ameriku ??
Da Nachuj nam Ona nužna Vladimir brat moj
Nu ladna Davaj v krym tagda :D
Davaj :D brat moj
So here you answer I can go to krym and ukraina and Belarus ? Or Crna gora or Bulgaria Turkia or grace to see my brothers and talk with my brothers in Cyrillic not in a shit Latin with shit Latin agly Jew cultur and every one will hate us
Fuck the west my father told me thet before I laft mother Russia never trast the Jew Chtolic west
If west want to halp our peple is only for to see us distroid our self all
The west is a dead place and the pepole there are all dead gayfags swedan Norway America Germania Britannia Poland fuck you all
Now I will tell my kids the same :D
We Russians we want to see your race dead and gunsided all the American race need to be put to dead :D for us :D there culd me only one
I hoph I will wetness it the death of America :D and all the Americans pepole soon
fuck u putinist pidorashka
if putin wants friendship why on earth he launched attack on georgia and ua and took over crimea?
Please stop being a subhuman degenerate and listening to soviet -style propaganda or at least admit u're a pro-putin fag.
I wouldn't want shitty co*stal climate though.
u realize that this PC or phone u type ur messages is created based on technology developed in America, right?
n there are more chachen tajik and other deep shitskin scum in Russia than in EU & USA alltogether.
fuuuuugggggg :======DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Why no fucking scared pidorashka pig dares to have debate they blocked me on /po/ of 2ch for being anti-putin and here they have nothing to back up their leader just scream like slut bitches
Because it protects our interests, you stupid faggot. FOH here with your idpol olympics, get some critical thinking skills instead of adapting the whole liberal agenda, they're not always right. Listen to Putin's Munich speech, he was very pro-Western for a long time.
yeltsin good guy
putin bad guy
fuck off cia
Putin used to be pro-western in the early 2000s but it seems like he has changed his mind and wants Russia to move closer to Asia, both politically and economically
I can't blame him because Asia is the FUTURE whereas the west is dying
>Because it protects our interests, you stupid faggot
Omfg can u ever stop repeating propaganda, how on earth does that piece of crap our interests?
We pay for it and spoonfeed its population and are under sanctions because of this and no profit besides pidorashka screaming putin is stronk & krymnash all day.
absolutely true.
Only per bullshit Russian and china propaganda.
All asian countries such as china, india and others have no history and no culture and hence no future, only billions of subhuman bullshit narrow-eyed scum
imo nuke and forget them.
>so blah blah they are always wrong west is always right
How can libtards ever talk about propaganda?
China can provide only cheap workers
Japan lost every war they've started
Korea is nothing without western support
India is just shithole with tones of small nationalities who can't wait to slaughter each other.
All have retarded language with retarded writing and tone systems.
You can't call yourself an european. You shold be tolerant toward people from Asia and Africa.
I hate Russia
>they blocked me on /po/ of 2ch for being anti-putin
Этo кaким eбaнyтым шизoидoм нaдo быть чтoбы тeбя c пopaши зa хэйт Пyтяги зaбaнили?
>You shold be tolerant toward people from Asia and Africa.
Said whom? oh some butthurt putinist bitch?
>cannot respond with valid arguments
Typical pidorashka
>You surely meant to say "without Russia" because this faggot is whole reason why this country exists
No.There are many good aspects of Russia that should be preserved.If the cancer gets cut out and Russia is allowed to join the EU this would be a grand step towards the unification of the planet.People need to learn to respect all countries.Russians need to learn to see past the Kremlin propaganda.
This ''me me me'' attitude that America is trying to push right now is cancerous.We are all connected.All our actions affect more than just us.
If Bulgarians and Greeks can work together,If the Germans and the French can work together than Russians can work together with all of us.
Russia should be nuked, vanya.
if youre bulgarian...
holy fuck they occupied your land and installed russian communism
good post
very important part of nato
aбy пpoдaл oчкo пынькe aзaзaзa
gas prices 1989-2016.jpg
Maмкиных шoвиниcтoв, c пpeвocхoдcтвoм бeлoй paSSoй гoлoвнoгo мoзгa дaжe пopaшa нe выдepживaeт, нacтoлькo oпyщeнными и ничтoжными являютcя тaкиe типы
itt amerimuttt
American foreign policy in a nutshell.
Reeee, stay poor everyone, we need to remain on top!!
The worst thing is, when the petrodollar eventually and inevitably nosedives into oblivion, whole of western europe including us will crash along with it.
>china, india and others have no history and no culture and hence no future
>Japan lost every war they've started
Russo-Japanese war
Are (((russian))) libtard shills this retarded?
>If the cancer gets cut out
Good description for around 120 million russians (out of total 140)
Are we the only "western" country that he visits anymore?
>All asian countries such as china, india and others have no history and no culture and hence no future,
Are you american under proxy or just intellectually challenged?
>only spouts libtard propaganda
>calls literally everyone who disagrees with him even in slightest a pidoraha/putinbot
>asks for arguments while providing none
What is your problem? You are the same as pidorahas, spouting nonsensical gibberish just from the other side of barricades.
>Are (((russian))) libtard shills this retarded?
Yes, they are. And there's no point in arguing with them.
Okay what the fuck is this porasha invasion or something? 2ch is down again?
special snowflake that know everything better huh?
are you still living with your momma hahhahaha
>grand step towards the unification of the planet
In what point? Currently Russia is a backward country with no future. Inviting China into EU would be much more significant step for planet unification
>muh cummon euroopean ancestry
>holy fuck they occupied your land and installed russian communism
Yes they did, they also killed their own people in greater numbers than any other foe.Does that mean that i have to blame all Russians for what is being done by their corrupt and oppressive government?Do i have to blame them for the things that were done to all of us in the past by the soviets?
I know people from many nations.There are good people all around the world.I don't thing that they should be punished for being born under a certain flag.
he is a loser, like most edgy teens in russia
mostly ethno russians, he prbly will be serial killer lma
greater tatarstan when
>Russsia in EU
Pipe dream, Russian population is too large and poor for that it would be worse than current refuge crisis.
>greater tatarstan when
cCcp bro
And improved education system and no propaganda can easily deal with the indoctrination that was being done to the Russian population in less than 20 years.I am sure that many of those 120 million are children that still can be saved.
>In what point? Currently Russia is a backward country with no future.
That is precisely the point.If a country that is being twisted by its own government and the corrupt oligarchs like yours, can be improved,fixed and included in a global community that is working towards the betterment of humanity than anything is possible.
Russia will be. He doesn't hurt the world though, just us.
>There are good people all around the world
Would you like to see african and asian countries into EU?
>Pipe dream, Russian population is too large and poor for that it would be worse than current refuge crisis.
All EU members must reach a level of local development and certain changes to the laws of that country must be done in order to be allowed in the EU.Also the EU funds the members that are still developing with the goal of all countries reaching a close economic level.
They are
>That is precisely the point.If a country that is being twisted by its own government and the corrupt oligarchs like yours, can be improved,fixed and included in a global community
So you believe, that we can achive that, onle if we join EU?
>global community
EU is not a global community, it is only part of it. Significant part, of course, but only part
>Would you like to see african and asian countries into EU?
One day i would like to see all countries included in.
very nice text wall on radio cancer site
>So you believe, that we can achive that, onle if we join EU?
You must achieve that in order to join the EU.
You must be rid of them before you can join,understand?.Autocracies and are not allowed in the EU.This why the process of Turkeys joining was frozen.
Is that you?
World would be better place without burgerland for sure
Well most americans think he hacked their elections.
I hope CIA hack our election too and Zhirinovsky wins it will be topkek
But there won't be EU at this time. And I highly doubt, that the world government will be based only on EU
only poor cunt want to get into EU which is basicaly germany on steroides
unlike norway, switzerland, britain
>to join the EU
For what purposes? I wat to see Russia neutral, like Switzerland, or Norway, at least
Because the west says so. Bush and Obama killed millions, Putin didn't.
Дa лaднa, видeл cкoлькo жeлчи y нeгo пo oтнoшeнию к aзиaтaм и мycyльмaнaм? Cкopee, этo пpaвый пeтyшoк, кoтopый тoлькo и видит, чтoбы cпacти eвpoпкy.
Hacтoящий eвpoпeeц, пpoгpeccивный и oбpaзoвaнный, a нe глyпыe и тeмныe oбывaтeли, никoгдa нe cтaл бы cвыcoкa cмoтpeть нa пpeдcтaвитeля инoй цивилизaции или peлигии.
the world would be better without you
And e""""u"""" supported and enabled all that bloodbath.
Yea he only killed several hundreds of thousands of people, he need to step up his game.
>russia is playing propaganda campaign against muhh baltics and poland
>fuck russia
>syria, north africa, serbia, iran, iraq, afghanistan destablised
>who cares dog bless fuck russia
>But there won't be EU at this time.
> And I highly doubt, that the world government will be based only on EU
The name is not important.The idea behind the name is.
>For what purposes?
It is simple.Humans are social creatures and our true strength only shows when we are cooperating and working together.One man can do only so much,a lonely tribe can only do so much,a single country can only do so much,a union of countries can only do so much,only when humanity as a whole is working together.
Only then we will see what we are truly capable of.
>Well most americans think he hacked their elections
That's only the leftwing idiots who can't accept that they have abandoned the white working class and there aren't quite enough socialist imbeciles here yet to ensure a democrat win every time.
I am worried more about our own shadow government than yours.
you don't get it Muhamed Gypovski, we don't want Russia in the EU
Yup, le ebul dictatorships are measured in which had the highest bodycount. Just because the west shills her benevolence doesn't mean it is so. They introduced the bodycount crying game, they will be judged by the same standards.
>The idea behind
I think, that same projects will emerge very soon in Asia of Africa or somewhere else. And I expecting, that they will be at conflict with each other. Russia, in my opinion, sould join the united government only at the final stage, when most countries are already joined the Earth govenment
>we are cooperating and working together
I see no neccessity into join EU for this. Look at the Norway. They have close relations with Europe, but they are not the part of EU.
>we don't want Russia in the EU
I don't expect everyone in this thread to understand.Some of you don't even understand the motivations behind your own posts.How old are you son?
This latvian men is absolutely right
>They have close relations with Europe, but they are not the part of EU.
Do you know what is the reason for that?I do.It is a selfish and a stupid reason.
>Bulgaria giving geo-political advice on european integration
If it weren't for NATO pressing our ass we would never let you filthy beggars enter the union, so stfu.
The world would be much better if countries in pic related didn't exist
Oh and China. always forgetting about China. Fuck these gooks
Why are poles always so butthurt?
t. corporate cuckold