why does this Man terrify the Left so much?
Why does this Man terrify the Left so much?
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the left is spooked by everything, especially this
Any person who's capable of logic and critical thought is an enemy of the left. In the case of Peterson, he happens to be focused on the subjects the left is pushing at this very moment.
Some topics have already been "solved" by leftist dogma, such as interracial relationships (racism) and destruction of the nuclear family (sexism/homophobia). The particular unsolved current issue being cultural Marxism in academia (which Peterson can properly unmask and explain) because they haven't yet invented a silver bullet with which to demonize and silence its critics.
the left owns all the coloured people and all the teachers and intellectual types because they are logical and educated. the right is white trash rural retards. that's the image they want the mainstream populace to accept.
image is important. so when you've got intellectuals and coloureds and even fags on the right it really destroys the whole racist rural retard image. the establishment wants people to think of the entire right as being literally hitler, it's important to note that most of us aren't even into the whole nazi thing.
Peterson is center-left though.
Whether its his intention or not, he empowers white people. Thats a big no no to leftists.
He is a curious mix, culturally he is very traditional, but socially he is a self-described classical liberal.
that's the truth, but it's not the image.
also the right left bullshit is oversimplification to retard political dialogue. just goes to show you that a person can be liberal and conservative at the same time somehow.
he makes all the femnazis and soyboys with their glorious titles in east asian basket weaving look like the retards they are.
Because he will lead the purge of Cultural Marxism from higher education.
Because he hangs around the centre of politics but still cuts through all the bullshit.
Very interesting!
Because he's patient with them, and explains to them why they're wrong on a fundamental level.
Most conservatives don't have the patience to deal with liberals and this hurts their feelings and is probably why they're pussies in the first place.
Also, liberal associate "smarts" with being proficient in areas such as the arts.
Peterson uses his studies from these areas to approach and identify with liberals.
Because he descended into the bowels of hell to vernate his father and that's that!
He is retarded, don't listen to him.
Because he tells the truth and promotes Christianity.
Centerleft and classical liberal are just fancy ways of saying libertarian without adhering to the conservative party as to maintain their status in their profession. I don't blame them, conservative politicians are faggot cucks who don't do anything, it's incredible America finally got a tax reform plan that is good in more ways than it sucks. They still have to undo a Bible of laws they let the left pass that makes the government a fucking deity but they won't do it because even passing legislation for the right is some kind of taboo regardless of whether or not it corrects the path
Literally because he is entertaining. The left doesn’t care how shit their argument is they only care if it spreads like Disney Magic. Peterson makes logic fun. That terrifies them.
The left abhors any thoughtful opposition to their naive view of the world.
That's why they shove it into kids movies and shit, so you don't have to think about it, you just adopt and become indoctrinated by it. It really shows when the notion of literally stealing from one person and giving that to someone else is considered "fair"
Because he can take monster hits like a champ.
Because he's taking a hatchet to Materialism.
Not so much in the sense that he's showing Materialism to be wrong, but rather that it's insufficient.
This means that no, you can't fuck whoever you want, you can't get smashed every night, you can't neglect having a family and still be happy.
All things that are anathema to the left.
And he's discussing these topics in a very intellectual way.
He even has a bed of non-philosophical research to prove his intellect, so he can't be dismissed as a convincing idiot.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, is that his fatherly demeanor triggers their deep seated Daddy Issues.
He's well spoken and easy to understand.
He doesn't promote christianity you retard.
He literally calls them "meta stories" and to not be taken as "literal truth". He uses them as examples as he sees value as using it as a "utility" to teach.
You /polsters never go passed the fucking headline of anything do you?
"Oh he talked about christianity, he's /ourguy."
He did an entire series on the stories of the Bible and how important they are you fuckwit.
he was a heavy smoker
Way to ignore whatever leaf is saying
Hes uncontroversial, easy to understand and teaches people to be independent, not dependent on other people (or the government)
JP says time and time again that the stories in the bible are "true", then he says "not true in a literal sense". Just gas yourself you actual retard, or better yet try actually watching JP for longer than 10 mins.
Yes, and that's not promoting christianity
>telling people the Christian stories of the new testament are the most important stories of all time
>not a promotion
Never mind about the latter, just gas yourself.
Because hes the second coming of plato
Campus leftism has had an easy ride because they could always fall back on terms and concepts that outsiders were unfamiliar with.
JBP is an insider and can fuck them up on their own terms.
Yeah, no discussing with you. You're just insulting. Hope you're at the next vegas crowdshooting tournament.
There's not much to discuss because you're this retarded. Try actually knowing what you're talking about before making a fool of yourself. You actually believe this man doesn't promote Christianity.
because he's bringing back Solzhenitsyn.
He has a 12 part 24 hour lecture series on the psychological effects of the Bible that has the ultimate goal of collecting all useful tools and knowledge Christianity contains and removing the dogma. Man is ethically Christian, just because he doesn’t pray to a man in the sky doesn’t mean he doesn’t think or understand that Christianity drove Europeans towards absolute truth thus the invention of the sciences
Of course they know this you smug cunt. Even saying Christianity has deep metaphysical and folkloric value will make you a pariah among progressives.
Does he really have a 160 IQ? He seems like he thinks about things a lot and his arguments are obviously well thought out, but apart from that he doesn't really seem THAT smart. On top of that some of the stuff he says is just plain dumb, not a lot but some. 160 is pretty fucking high.
fuck off Sam Harris
Because he's reasonable. The left hates when their opposition isn't a
drooling neo Nazi
digits of truth
>why no official 200YT translation?
asks the normie
thanks [two times four] chan
I have a theory that Peterson wants to be center-left but is fighting the "rise of the right" within himself out of moral obligation.
He obviously sees whats going on, and he's desperately looking for a way to solve it without a hard right snap back. But listening to him closely, I'm not sure he believes its possible, he just believes he has to try.
But this is conjecture and I'm probably projecting
I just don't understand why anyone would not want a
>hard right snap back
lol no one who got fired from harvard and went on to teach at a university in canada is a threat to the left. he's a hack scholar
microdicks discusts us in general but he seems like a nobody with a microdick based opinion. Sad.
Politics is a place driven by resentment and hatred right now.
The Left is very quick to point out how good the wealthy and the "privileged" have it in this society and tries to sell a narrative that it's not only morally wrong for them not to share in their wealth and success to you it is your right as a human being regardless of your contribution to society or the skills you possess.
Not only are they selling this idea they're essentially recruiting more fuck ups by telling everyone how guilty they should feel about this or that in the hope that they will see no other alternative than to seek shelter among the collective just to cope with their nihilistic existence, or well I shouldn't say entirely nihilistic because the goal ultimately is to create a transcendant society in the hopes that all your bad feefees will go away.
Moderate Right wingers tend to be more well put together in general so I think the Left is concerned right now with certain statistics like right wingers tend to go to the gym, have stable relationships and structure in their life. You see this constantly propagated like why open relationships are supposed to be good or dont be a gym beast, why beta males is the ideal mate etc etc
JBP is attacking their more extreme ideology in marxism but he is also depriving the less radical part of soldiers by adressing the left-leaning men in particular who usually are not very driven and comfort seeking to sacrifice some comfort and find meaning in life through hard work and responsibility.
honesty, facts and actual research terrifies the left.
Spirituality has been meticulously watered down and suppressed in the white community over the last 50-60 years, and this FUCKING WHITE MALE is causing white people to rediscover their spiritual roots instead of filling the void with mindless consumerism and utopian pipedreams.
A lot of us grew up to become Stefan Molyneux tier atheists because it was the logical thing to do. That worldview makes you very vulnerable to blue pills. Peterson leading a spiritual awakening that seeks to fit comfortably beside logical and scientific beliefs is overwhelmingly threatening to the leftist worldview. We're becoming spiritual by choice so they can no longer dismiss believers with the "lol you were just born religious therefore ur dumb" argument.
>Peterson is center-left though.
you're either getting old user, or you haven't been following current events over the last year.
the "left" is not longer the left, they have gone batshit crazy.
According to them (most centrist politicians, all left wing politicians, and everyone claiming to be left leaning) he is "literally Hitler".