Christmas Ads In the UK are Promoting BMWF So Hard

The ratio of BMWF in the Christmas ads here this year is insane. Nearly all of the major companies are focusing on BMWF couples, always young attractive white women with red or blonde hair with fully black men.

Could be overkill though, with every advert peddling it surely normies will pick up on it a bit.

The worst offenders are Marks and Spencers (only family featured is BMWF)

Debenhams (love story between BMWF)

Tescos (Muslims celebrating xmas and BMWF family)

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Maybe that's just the target demographic, dude the UK is very mixed racially.

You dumb? How can the target demographic be mixed raced couples when like 95% of the population is not that? It's clearly about promoting it not appealing to it.

And BTW saw you shills posting under SA flags earlier so fuck off.

Why is the run-up to Christmas starting earlier this year?

oy vey
those threads have been slid hard since yesterday
You are also missing at least 4 adverts in that op

Got sick of watching them tbf...

Look at the comments for the John Lewis ad, many normies are actually noticing the pattern, obviously still the "hurrr Durr we all came from Africa" cunts are still there but many can see past the bullshit

lol they must be Sup Forums posters

Sad. Very sad.

WH don't you write or email the company saying you don't feel comfortable with their commercials, and you won't be buying from them You don't need to say why.

lol not saying why would kind of defeat the point wouldn't it? If I complain, which I may, I will make it clear it's because 1488 NATSOC Aryan Purity

What are they?

Also what was peddled last year?

Is there a trend?

Are there more or less?


so many Sup Forums commenters on the youtube threads atm, love this site

sadly its not the adults these are aimed at...its impressionable young children, specifically without a nuclear family. Lots of single moms and their young daughter sees this and it becomes ingrained what she is suppose to do since she has no other example of family or what a male figure looks like.

Disgusting. At least it outs them as pro diversity companies I will no longer shop at.

It's not just us. Normies are waking up to this nonsense.

The point is to undermine the traditional family or anything resembling it, because single mothers spend more of their money on consumer goods.

If we draw attention to it they might stop I know the Russian Embassy likes to troll UK, so if you fire up your twitters and repeatedly message them about it, they might say something thus drawing normie attention to the problem.

I really fucking hope so.

>Maybe that's just the target demographic, dude the UK is very mixed racially.

No, it's really not. Niggers were about 3.5% per 2011 census, lets be generous and say it's 5% now (it's probably far higher) still wouldn't come close to the Asians (Pakis, indians etc..) who are about 10%. So no.

Then you got mixed race being x y or z. Not just nigger and human.

Difficult to find companies that aren't desu

Meh, motivation to buy local.

Yeah they're going overboard. Most people see through it. It doesn't really matter what they try to promote, less and less watch TV these days and people generally aren't attracted to people of other races.

It's not a demographic targeting. We see the same thing here in leafland. Practically 75% of the ads ad features a mixed couple. Way out of proportion to what's out on the streets. There's an agenda.

Silly goy it's just a coincidence.

Why isn't it "Asian" man white woman? Why are jews so obsessed with black people they won't have any realism in their race mixing propaganda?

KYS nigger

Doesn't help that the creators think everywhere in the UK is a mirror of London.

We are done. The enemy is going to totally destroy us.
We are like Batman being tortured by Bane, looking how Gothan is going to burn and nothing you can do about it.

There would be hope if women would support us but they are just coalburning whores who will abandon whiteman and racemix with 'winners'

Why do non-white and mixed race children walk move and generally look so fucking weird and alien? does anybody else notice this? it's like watching a baby giraffe try to walk something about them just seems really odd.

I don't want to sound like I'm excusing this but the reasoning behind these sorts of decisions is easy to see -

>happy family values
since no one wants ads featuring people celebrating Christmas alone...

>multi-racial Britain virtue signalling
well the pitch was about a family, and we can only squeeze so many people/families into a 30 second ad, so the obvious choice to take here is an interracial compromise...

>attractive people
men of either race generally find white women more attractive, and women of either race generally find black men more attractive, especially since in a happy family scenario, that makes him akin to a tamed beast...

and voila, every Christmas ad looks the fucking same.

keep downvoting and posting WE

get over it
black men are taking over and white women prefer the BBC over the LWD
you've been replaced

It's because they are hatchlings. The thing I find worst of all, beyond the lame attempt to normalize mixed race couples is how utterly boring they all seem to be, Identikit copy paste people. Even my Mum, a socialist Corbyn supporter has taken to saying 'Oh look Angela Griffin's in another advert. People know their game even if it's on a subconscious level a lot of the time


ive seen normies notice it & call it out.

Looks like its overkill & is backfiring hard

jews are wise, like Gandalf
thats why they don't whine like whitey, they compete and win
can someone not compete?

They want white women to self insert themselves into some interracial fantasy romance. Also, it is meant to demoralize white men. This is why you don't see too many non white women with white men in advertisements.

prob bait

but Blacks are the Jews best tool. Low IQ, mindless consumers, vote left wing, etc.

>lol they must be Sup Forums posters

Doubtful. It may have started on Sup Forums, but it's definitly spreading through the normiesphere.

TV ads Vs Reality

Marks & Spencers
John Lewis

>South African being okay with Nogs

Proxxy fag is proxy

Yeah even my parents were commenting on the backwashing. Normies being woke

Noticed that the Tesco advert also shows white Families as angry and on edge whilst the non-white families are all loving and embracing.

I want an advert with a Jewish woman and a Muslim man. Make it extremely obvious, Menorah in the background and everything. See how those twats like that one

Damm auto correct

(((They))) are afraid.

Goys would need to run an ad agency if that were to happen.

>santa mistakes her nose for the chimney
>muslim man gets another can of petrol to pour onto the girl he is abusing

It's not just the bongs.


good good

I read the BBC comments and even THEY are screaming about these adverts having muslims and BM/AF

Are the goys waking up?

People that are willing to race mix, and don’t see a problem with it, are incredibly weak minded. That’s why the ads are targeting them. They’ll spend every penny they have and incur crazy credit card debt to appear normal in front of family & friends on Christmas.
I don’t think most of the advertising agencies even have a political agenda anymore, they’ve just found the last demographic stupid enough to fall for their shit and they’re exploiting it to the fullest extent possible.

Yes, what I'm saying is that the BMWF families is the natural result of the advertising firms Jewing their ads as much as they can... but it's clearly Jewing for maximum profit in advertising, not necessarily Jewing as part of a conspiracy to persuade Britons to bring about a new generation of overwhelmingly light brown children.

I mean, with the need to appeal to the idea of a multiracial Britain in a 30 second ad meaning the families all end up being multiracial, that's bad enough Jewery to complain about in itself, since it's representative of a tiny minority of actual families, so I don't think taking the next step and implying there's a Jewish conspiracy to dilute the races is really even necessary and can actually undermine your complaint since it makes you look like a crazy person (outside of /pol).

I forgot to add, as further proof of my hypothesis being not only more reasonable but much more believable than the idea of a Jewish conspiracy to makes interracial children - I'm not going to decide I should start dating black women and have a light-brown child because I saw it in a fucking Tesco ad, and I doubt you or anyone else would either.

I mean if this is propaganda for the sake of a conspiracy, it's not exactly working. Most people either scoff at it or simply have no reaction, it's not going to be a positive force for this conspiracy, is it? I think this will always be the case in advertising, but I don't deny the possibility of more surreptitious antics when it comes to longer-form stuff like films or TV shows.

lel. all the M&S comments are by pol/tards

All I want for Christmas this year is a race war

everyone knows UK whores are huge coalburners so its basically reflecting reality.

Uk women are such whores they will even fuck poos and curries