/Black Pill/

Have you moved past the red pill and become black pilled?


lmao, forget the flag, also black pill has nothing to do with blacks

friendly reminder: ROOSH is a non-white MGTOW degenerate

reminder he is the opposite of that.

he keeps saying christian life is superior than PUA shit. also he keeps saying building a family is best thing you can do as it has actual meaning.


>the "kang maker"
>spartan helmet
>roosh vee

Roosh has literally written articles calling MGTOWs losers and quitters, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.


he's just here from tumblr to shit on people that trigger SJW

Why does he encourage guys to sleep from one woman to the next while at the same time chastising sluts?

he doesn't anymore you retard. it's been a long fucking while that he has trashed PUA and MGTOW and advocates for tradition, marriage and christian values.

>moved past the red pill

No, Im not going to become a nihilist.

>6 Posts by this ID

Roosh hasn't done the PUA stuff in a long time. He's more into cultural issues now.

>become a nihilist.
brainlet, listen to the video before you make false assumptions like that. nihilism is not black pill

>1 post by this ID
messed up bigly!

The pill I'm on is actually in a wavelength that is not visible to the human eye. The shape is also hard to describe because it is a four dimensional. You have to swallow it and shove it up your ass at the same time because like electrons it is known to flash into and out of existence at any given time.

That explains why I agree with more of his material. Though I wish he gave more insight on how to find a wife in other countries. I plan to go to Israel one day to find a wife there, maybe I can write my own book.

>Though I wish he gave more insight on how to find a wife in other countries.
pretty sure he has a video exactly on this subject.

Yeah, I think I saw it before but can't find it. The closest thing I found was his article "Which Country Should I Visit?" but he never explains where I should go if I'm into Mid East girls. Closest I can think of is either Israel or Lebanon.

And although I blasted him for his pua tips, his Bang books are good for finding a wife, but it sucks he hasn't made a Bang Israel one while he's at it.

Yes, nihilism is the black pill. Shilltard.

43 minutes?


Sum it up for me


Jesus, pls neck yourself.

Have some will power.

Never would i think that the pill meme would reach such hights

best timeline

The black pill is for intellectually lazy, self-absorbed losers.

Watch some art history and take responsibility for your world.

It's pretty kindergarten level philsoophy "which pill are you", is just a joke...its purely a meme.

Do not take it seriously.

This guy is just a sophist....using the pill meme to push his ideas.

>The black pill is for intellectually lazy, self-absorbed losers

That's a hopeful outlook, its literally nothing but whatever some guy says on a voice over video..its no philosophy at all...its "muh ideas on life" and it varied guy to guy

No, it isn't. Misinformed brainlet.