Is it okay to make mini posters and let the wind carry them around?
Is it okay to make mini posters and let the wind carry them around?
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no, it's littering
Might be considered littering
Kek will prolly get you on littering
Worth it
that's actually quite cool.
I used a label maker for a few dozen of mine. they're tiny and incognito, but I might as well should not have bothered as I basically live in an ethnostate already
They'll end up in useless places where no one will notice. Plus littering is a crime.
Do it anyway, here's a template
Way worse than the big posters. It's just going to cause a mess and regular people who didn't give a shit before will be mad at it.
"Alt-right Sup Forums trolls are litter bugs now"
>Obtain pilot's license
>Fly over city in small plane
>Make it rain "IOKTBW"
Thanks Ameribro.
Now, if you'll excuse me... I have work to do!
How about putting a message in a bottle and hucking that in the ocean. Good plan.
Also put the papers in Geocaches around your city.
Don't Litter, that's a Niger tier behavior
Might work if they're like double the size, but neatly and spread among indoors areas.
You can even walk through lecture halls, libraries, trains etc and put one on each chair.
Put it in pockets at the clothes store.
Yes, analogue memes are a valid tactic.
It's not littering if paper is made from trees
The idea sounds cool and very theatrical but thats just littering. We are better then that.
>American education
Put them in library books.
Just get a glue stick.
Im good with it as long as the message remains unchanged. Do we agree that this doesnt count as phase 2 or no?
*also dont litter. Put them in books, tip jars, etc.
Very nice
Randomly drop them in every store you go in.
As an American public university student can i legally be expelled or punished by my school for posting something like this when black groups on campus post black propoganda on the boards? Is that a violation of the civil rights act?
I think this plan may go a little bit too well
Print up some fake business cards and leave them in those businesses card raffle things.
Laminate them and you´re golden, even better if you make the backside look like the back of a lottery ticket = guaranteed (Picks).
Also, kawai!
t. Millenial Intellectual
It ain't illegal if you aren't caught
Go to the library and hide them in the books. Like one per book.
People will be finding them for years.
Use for confetti at sporting events.
>nfl football
Go into a laundry mat and place 8x11 papers in the washers and dryers (ones have fully dried).
Put the smaller pieces in the apple bin at the super market.
Tape business card sizes to a box of cereal at the store. But do it for the box behind the front box so management doesn't find it right away.
Optional. Get a white fox animal suite and hold a sign above an interstate overpass that says "It's OK to be white" and wave back to traffic like a Disney Character.
The punishment will come from the jewish prof finding out and then telling the black groups where you are, at a vulnerable and alone point.
This is how it´s usually handled, and in your shame plus your permanently damaged eye, you will never visit Sup Forums again and just jerk off alone in the darkness until the black sun swallows your soul and shreds that useless mistake by creation once and forever.
This is illegal you know.
The only good idea here.
OP's idea is stupid, can easily backfire and feels beta af.
>Literally desperate to have people pick up trash to read a tiny note.
That's actually a pretty good idea
My campus is probably close to 100% under camera surveillance as it is in the heart of one of the most nigger cities in the US. I don’t mind being caught and exposed so long as legally they cannot kick me out of school.
I have a perfect idea user. Just get several bottles and put a single one of those notes inside it and toss it into the ocean. Several years later they will wash ashore in another continent and redpill whoever reads it.
i would like to print some tooand leave them around my uni
butwhat about the footprint on every printed paper? i thought it is possible to track it down?
the main is problem is, that i'll probably go to prison or at least they will throw me out of my uni if they find out it was me.
my politics teacher even told us, that we shouldn't be suprised about bad marks if we have boted for afd
Sure it's okay, there's always some space for more garbage an litter on the streets.
Funniest thing you can do (probably get you arrested however).
Make them as small as possible to be legible, the bunch them up together in your hand and throw them in the ventilation fan at the top of a metro car. when the fucker pulls out of the station it will start snowing: IOTBW
Great idea
The key is to not use your own printer
It's technically littering and that technically is a crime and committing crime makes you technically a nigger
Use double sided tape and put them on the inside of cabinets, etc.
Or tac them to really small builliten boards lol
>my politics teacher even told us, that we shouldn't be suprised about bad marks if we have boted for afd
How can they get away with that?
That's blatant political suppression
Buy a yard sale printer and a cheap windows xp machine and print up a ton then trash it.
Its only littering if you abandon it, if you pretend you’re looking for them because you lost them it’s fine.
>mini posters
It looks like shit. Use a thicker font and use scissors.
well the same teacher also mentioned, that she had a discussion with another teacher from the same school, who apparently voted for afd. my teacher told us then, that she is not able to talk with him ever again
>>Yes police officer, I got a micro aggression from a racist mini poster inside a little book
>>No, I'm not mentally ill
Bumper stickers, walk around at night in nigger city apartments and slap em on
small enough that it won't be unsightly litter
they'll break down anyways when it rains, not like dumping cans or bottles
but probably a really inefficient way to do it
>implying niggers, beaners, Muslims, liberals and feminists actually read anything that isn't online social media.
But otherwise, pic related.
Would the authorities go all CSI on you if they caught you? Would they take your printer and look for forensic evidence because you printed a piece of paper that said, "It's OK to be White?"
Are the printers printing micro signatures with each line? Like QR codes at the nano level? I suppose they do. But still, it costs a ton of money to do that CSI for police, especially for a crime that is not murder.
When I did Jury Duty once for a B&E case, the judge basically told us, "Yeah CSI is mostly fake. We use circumstantial evidence here."
This is compelling, although perhaps the people best reached by the campaign are not the ones in libraries cracking open books.
No one would read them. it'd have to land face-side-up, and who looks at trash on the ground? Good thought but no.
On the other hand, a single piece of tape could stick them onto bus stops, telephone poles (?mebbe) and so on.
A glue stick might work better
Pfff. Only the drawer of the raffle sees it, and only if you win. Not worth the effort.
>little book
>coon town.
>at night.
You got a death wish. Go at 8am in the morning. The welfare class doesn't wake until 11am.
I will make the same at Silvester/New Years Eve.IOTBW Konfetti Rain at Midnight.
Big sheets of paper are littering also.
Just print them on sheets of label paper and ninja-stick them anywhere you want that isn't someone's car.
How does your name get associated with those dots? I don't get it. I mean, if you bought with cash anyway.
>Is it okay to make mini posters and let the wind carry them around?
make it so they fit UNDER a piece of shipping tape, so that only one square is needed. Pretty good idea actually!
look for a high spot and do it
I had a group of friends who stuck "Icy Tom" pics in books all over the US
and there were like 10 of us
we still see people finding them in our local libraries
Installed any printer drivers recently? You usually need to create an account somewhere, untick some boxes and generally fight against malware installs.
Kein Bulle wird denn Aufwand betreiben und dich für etwas nicht illegales mit Labormethoden verfolgen die erstens nur funktionieren wenn sie deine Bude durchsuchen und deinen Drucker mitnehmen und zweitens Schweineteuer sind.Keine Angst und Vorwärts!
Europoors consider "freedom" to be tax funded 'free' healthcare, tax funded 'free' education, being able to burn and literally shit on their flag without anyone saying anything, and the freedom to have gay anal sex in public. This is why they laugh at America's "freedumbs" as they call it.
Americans consider freedom the freedom to choose between hundreds of brands of toilet paper (Germany only has 1). The freedom of speech. The freedom to bear arms. The freedom to vote for anybody without getting punished at your job, your school, or anywhere. The freedom from being forced to pay for rapefugees. This is why we laugh at them.
In the US, No. The law will protect you.
In Britbongistan or any of the Standinavian countries tho? Well, considering a guy got a year for a bacon sammich...
You might still get your ass kicked by niggers if you're caught in the act though.
Do this, user:
>be me, wagecuck but got a few bucks in the bank
>have some dough leftover after all bills clear
>go to bank and withdraw all cash in increments of $100's and $50's
>cruise back to the house
>write "It's Okay to be White" on front and back
>return to bank and deposit said cash back into account
>rinse and repeat
inb4 illegal. It's not.
United States Code: Title 18 Part 1 Chapter 17, Section 333
Whoever mutilates, cuts, defaces, disfigures, or perforates, or unites or cements together, or does any other thing to any bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt issued by any national banking association, or Federal Reserve bank, or the Federal Reserve System, with intent to render such bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt unfit to be reissued, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.
Is it really that shit today? When i was at School we played Landser and other stuff on our "Ghettoblaster" at "Wandertag"...nobody cared. Shit im feeling old now.
> Americans consider freedom the freedom to choose between hundreds of brands of toilet paper (Germany only has 1).
I hope you are not really this dumb.
Why don't you also stick up a poster saying it's OK to be Black alongside it and see what they do?
Might enhance the experiment a little too.
put a copy in those junk mail envelopes we all get.?! You know da Littleton coin,solar,citi,redcross,yadayada No_postage_necessary and will fursure get viewed. plus it might make those assholes stop sending so much junk mail.
why change the script now
It's not getting enough attention, perhaps highlight the hypocrisy a bit more.