
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump Weekly Address #40 (Vet Day Message) 11/11/17
>Pres Trump toasts @Hanoi State Banquet 11/11/17
>Pres Trump Red Carpet Arrival @Hanoi 11/11/17
>Pres Trump departs DaNang toward Hanoi 11/11/17
>Pres Trump/Putin chatting @APEC 11/11/17
>Pres Trump@APEC Family Photo 11/11/17
>Pres Trump@APEC conference 11/11/17
>VA Sec Shulkin on F&F Veterans Day 11/11/17
>This Week @State 11/10/17
>Pres Trump arriving @APEC conference 11/10/17
>TrumpTV Weekly Update #16 (Lara) 11/10/17
>Pres Trump clips @APEC dinner 11/10/17
>Pres Trump arriving @APEC dinner 11/10/17
>Pres Trump @APEC dinner full 11/10/17
youtu.be/7tFZl_QVDR0 2hr
youtu.be/Su32deDlYmw 4hr
>Pres Trump motorcade in DaNang Vietnam 11/10/17
>FLotUS Melania meeting service member families in Vietnam 11/10/17
youtu.be/CzADGKq_s9s (decorating)
youtu.be/TtRRbWBkphk (putty)
youtu.be/FOmeSbhfM6U (kazoo)
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis @NATOHQ meet 11/10/17
>Ivanka/Sen Collins @Tax forum in ME 11/10/17

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:





>March 20: Foreign diplomats come to Washington and check in at many different hotels. They tend not to stay at the Trump International Hotel, citing exorbitant prices, watered-down drinks and being creeped out by the wall-size poster of Ivanka staring down at them.

>April 1: It’s a normal day, and no one jokes bitterly while choking back sobs.

>April 15: Clinton releases her family’s joint tax return. House Republicans are outraged over declared income from a speech Bill Clinton made in February 2016. An examination of tax records reveals that he had actually donated the income to the Clinton Foundation, but Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Tex.) moves for a special prosecutor to investigate the matter.

>April 29: Clinton speaks at the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner. Everyone agrees that Obama was funnier and complains about how hard it is to get into the Vanity Fair party.

The Pope says all nations which possess nuclear weapons must be condemned.

when will mccain finally succumb to natural causes?


>that chick in the background rolling her eyes when she sees his horrible form
top kek

Hey Sup Forums, remember not to trust the kikes, even for a second, okay?

Senator Corker issues statement saying even before allegations that Moore nomination was wrong and too far.

If he can pull that much I bet he can drag around bags of salt to feed cattle and regular seeds or food for pretty much whatever in the farm.

>"He said he didn't meddle,” Trump afterward told reporters, aboard Air Force One. “He said he didn't meddle. I asked him again. You can only ask so many times. I just asked him again. He said he absolutely did not meddle in our election. He did not do what they are saying he did."
That's just what a completely innocent person would say.

We absolutely have the best botes, I say this all the time

What did the Orange Dotard mean by this??

>May 31: Shortly after midnight, Clinton tweets the non-word “covfefe.” It remains up without explanation overnight and is deleted in the morning. Infowars host Alex Jones “decodes” all of Clinton’s tweets and “discovers” a hidden message inviting Putin to meet her at a pizza parlor.


ah yes i forgot to also add Bob Corker to the Trump Curse list thanks for reminding me

I condemn them for not using them on this fucking Heathen on Pope's clothing.

>this is the ideal female body type according to the left

The people in Alabama don't give a fuck

Delusional and psychotic
He is using child blood to sustain himself. Although he supposedly has fucking brain cancer, why is he still super active?

This fuckingcrypro-jew can't be murdered soon enough. His only value is to be a martyr at the hands of some muslims

Fuck that nigger.

>fired over 1500 VA employees for negligent behavior

Corker is a faggot manlet.

>donaldjtrumpjr Well it wasn’t pretty but I set a new personal Deadlift record today hitting 375 lbs. I know I know the form went to hell so I’ll save you the need for commenting. Back too rounded legs up to fast etc etc... At the extreme ends it gets tougher to stay perfect. That said still pretty psyched. #crossfit #deadlift #pr #weightlifting #fitness #ugly

too lewd
too early


Oh this thing is definitely going to be the GOP's last battlefield. What amazing luck that we get to kill both parties in 2017.


>Dems start to collapse
>GOPe follow the suit
Moore is going to be same "Fuck you" to the GOPe as Trump was for Dems

It's a known fact that our botes are superior
It looks like a boomer from L4D


>crossfit t shirt
>knowing good form
pick one

what's the chances the Plague ends up spreading to Europe?

>Clinton kneels next to Colin Kaepernick during the national anthem

>Nov. 4: Donna Brazile publishes a book, “Hugs: The Inside Story of How Love and Kindness Put Hillary Clinton in the White House,” with a special forward from Clinton. “Teamwork makes the dream work,” she writes. “We truly are Stronger Together.”

See? Things would be much better with Madame President. Admit it.

The only honest conservative to ever run for the job, people are shunning him like he's a devil.
I pray to God he will make things right of all this wrong.


Does this nigger even know leg day exists?


These people must suck at competitive games.

Oh, wait, competitive games are racist and sexist so they don't play them.

I agree, his ass needs to be lower
That's usually the biggest thing with working out is poor form will equal a bad injury

lol @ no wall or tax cuts or an Obamacare repeal or Hilary being in jail


>are not entitlements, they are earned.

what did he mean by this

Meanwhile, in Barack Obama’s house ...

It doesn’t matter. At some point you have to proceed as if it’s the truth. There are bigger things at stake than this.

No wonder the Donald hates him, he got his mother's genes

Even in their fanfiction world they can't stop talking about him.


Alex Jones would unironically do this

Swimming naked feels great, but doesn't the man have a private swimming pool? Why on earth would a SS agent need to be in there with him?

Sacrifice for the country.

>what's the chances the Plague ends up spreading to Europe?
High, I hope. Nothing like good old plague to scrub some degeneracy.

Fuck him, can't wait to see his ass out of the swamp
Good. Some VAs are really bad because the people don't care and think they can get away with it.
But our botes deserve to be recognized for their hard work protecting us!

As much as I don’t want to defend a creep like Biden...
You just made a good argument for male only SS agents.
Does a SINGLE PERSON in this thread want a female bodyguard over a male? Let’s be real.

Liberals should stick to retarded conspiracies like trumpfags instead

Well that's it, I can no longer support Jr. or the Trump family. Tulsi2020!

Honestly his form was shit from the start. If you begin with a rounded back, there's no way your going to straighten it as you lift. You have to straighten it and lock it in before you start lifting.

>the same people demanding that Trump take their guns

It means you’re not entitled to them, you have to earn them. What is so difficult to understand?

I'd like to see you try it, fat faggot

look at the date of the tweet user

Yes pink vagina hats and screaming at the sky will show Trump how weak he is!

Also, I was never one of implying Michelle Obama is a transvestite but look at this pic! Lifting harder than Barack

>a foreign power that has been our adversary for years influenced our national election to help choose someone who could be more easily manipulated than any other candidate in history, allowing that foreign power to make great strides to get ahead of our nation
What a non-story.

Do it, faggots, I fucking dare you.

Oh sweetie... You're not even on the top 100.

Whoever is writing this has a brain virus.

>meanwhile, Trump in the White House gym

My deadlift max was 575 back in the day, that shit is hard as fuck.

If he doesn't bend his back and look up he's gonna pull something that doesn't heal easily



*9:05AM // 9:05PM THE PRESIDENT participates in a welcome ceremony and official photo *

*9:20AM // 9:20PM THE PRESIDENT participates in a bilateral meeting with President Tran Dai Quang of Vietnam *

*9:50AM // 9:50PM THE PRESIDENT participates in a business event.*

*10:20AM // 10:20PM THE PRESIDENT participates a joint press conference with President Quang of Vietnam *

*11:00AM // 11:00PM THE PRESIDENT participates in an expanded bilateral meeting with the Secretary General of the Communist Party Nguyen Phu Trong of Vietnam *

*11:55AM // 11:55PM THE PRESIDENT participates in a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc of Vietnam*

*12:40PM // 12:40AM THE PRESIDENT participates in an embassy meet and greet*

*1:50PM // 1:50AM THE PRESIDENT departs Hanoi, Vietnam en route to Manila, Philippines*

*6:00PM // 5:00AM THE PRESIDENT arrives in Manila, Philippines*

*7:30PM // 6:30AM THE PRESIDENT attends a special gala celebration dinner for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)*

>to help choose someone who could be more easily manipulated than any other candidate in history, allowing that foreign power to make great strides to get ahead of our nation
Cite an incident of this, nigger.

FX productions officially severs all ties with all Louis CK production companies, IP, and shows. Release of completed movie canceled and dropped by publisher.

>*9:50AM // 9:50PM THE PRESIDENT participates in a business event.*
What the fuck does this mean?


McCain writing fanfic for Dems under pseudonym confirmed?

Can the Cardinals throw this douchenozzle out or what's the fucking deal already?

Yes, because then there's a chance of them being right. You stupid nigger.

It's happening right now. No other president was ANYWHERE near as manipulable in comparison.

Trump Curse strikes again!


Shut the fuck up and cite it.


Signing some deals, probably

Jesus, aren't they jumping the gun a bit fucking much? I mean, sure, the allegations are probably true but they could at least wait until they've been proven in a court of law before completely washing their hands of him.

>Implying I'll ever have a bodyguard
Come on, brah

Vatican tradition would be poisoning him.


I'm tired of Trump being in a different time zone

In colloquial nomenclature, "entitlement" refers to unearned welfare benefits. Calling it welfare is apparently offensive so you're not allowed to say that word anymore.

Free weights are a mistake, especially on your back.
One arm is stronger than the other and you'll have a failed rep here or there
Might as well bench like a real man


he admitted to it

CIA counters Trump's rejection of Russian election meddling issued recently.

>Watch us, Drumf, the fat are rising up
>Walking march to D.C canceled after first day

No they can't because they'll be targeted for boycotts and feminist outrage and lose more business than just cutting him loose, that's how it works when you let vag run the show.

He already confessed to doing it.


he admitted it

Majority of Americans with a favorable view of communism are nonwhite.
