Give the rest of us some credit. There's a revolutionary/civil war every other fucking year. It's basically tradition.
White people are not the only fighty sons of bitches
Other urls found in this thread:
What the fuck are you talking about?
I keep seeing these cunts yelling "white people are the cause of all conflict"
We are a bunch of cowards, the left control all the federal universities and the media, we have no voice, Bolsonaro is not the answer
The answer is breaking their skulls wherever they appear. Whoever is up there is almost irrelevant unless you put someone like Duterte there.
The answer is fascism, state patriotic propaganda and mass ideology on education centers in Brazil.
That is the point, I am getting a degree in physics and education at one of the major federal universities, 99.9% of the faculty is left wing, if not full blown marxists, mandatory readings are Paulo Freire and Marx. How can we fight this cancer? The professors here are the people that become supreme court ministers. The education department brainwashes thousands of people who will become high school teachers. There is no end in sight.
Also americans and europeans, know your enemy:
Yeah it's anti-white propaganda.
Create a movement united under a ideology. Embrace the institutions of the society that are not occupied by the faggots.
Police, armed forces, the rural producers, the armamentists, the christians, football fans, mma fans, bodybuilding fans, gamers, business owners, etc
You need to create a flag, a symbol and an ideology, with a presence on society, so they can start re filling the colleges.
It can 100% be done.
That makes sense, we would need a leadership that is intelligent and articulated, the right has been too blunt, we need more subtle tactics
The picture is form my university website, it reads "Education as social justice"
Forgot pic
Education as a competitive edge on a meritocracy economy.
For every move they make, there is a counter. Think strategically. Never lose faith bro.
>"white people are the cause of all conflict"
Then call them horrible people and ignorant about non-white history.
>white people have become the Jews of 201X
The answer is socialism, state patriotic propaganda and mass ideology on education centers in Brazil.
>revolutionary/civil war
It is like this right now, that's what I said before, ad it is a shithole
No it isn't, it is a mixed economy. but the socialists need a leadership that is intelligent and articulated.
>mass ideology on education centers in Brazil
That's what I was referring to
The new emperor
This men was a genius, the country was (is) to retarded to take him serious... "Every country gets the government deserves" we deserve 9 finger unschooled thief and literal clowns
*This man
To = para
Too = demais/de mais
wow, i don't deserve this
God bless Brazil
dump saru
>Replying to own massive gets
I know that son, I'm just not paying attention while I'm typing, no need to patronize me
Did someone say UMMAH
Sorry, i never got a get like this before, i only like 3 quads and that's it
>man is destructive and quarrelsome
Okay. Yeah, I don't think anyone here ever thought that only white people were like this.
>Brazilians in charge of gets
>the left control all the federal universities and the media
All a bunch of shills with a chip on their shoulder. Why do you want to be represented by them?
I don't, but they do control the educational system and the media. There is massive Marxist indoctrination on federal universities which in turn ends up in high-school when the former students become hs teachers. A lot of police makers and ministers here were drawn from federal universities, major leftist centers.
My point before is that it is necessary to attack their influence and the brainwashing of the youth. Like I said before you cannot think "right" on these places, mandatory readings are Freire and Marx, there is no place for dissent.
I sure hope white brazilians would be more engaged. In Brazil being racially conscious is rarer than midget trannies
I see. The way things are, the only solution here is we start homeschooling our children as well.
Can we meme Ciro into being elected?
Bolsonaro looks like a clown.
Marina is a globalist dick sucker.
I'm scared.
Dr Rey shilling until you love him
my god
desu is sad that Plínio Salgado's coup failed
lol awesome
In all seriousness there is no viable option Marina is a failure even as a leftist and will push the feminist and minorities agenda, Bolsonaro has good intentions but I don't know if he will be able to accomplish anything if elected, the congress will block everything he does, he cannot get majority, Rey is a joke and Ciro is PT in disguise. That leaves us with Lula, the absolute worst case scenario.
check your heart, you want this
We know Bolsonaro is not the savior we all wish for, but he is a way to break the leftist paradigm. Once someone like him gets elected, it'll pull other right wingers along, all that needs to be done is shake the overton window. He is a symbol of what's to come, both if he wins or loses. It pains me to see people considering voting in turbo jew Huck.
aw man, what a waste.
Plínio Salgado did not support or lead the coup attempt
For the love of god no. A Rede Globo jew will be an unprecedented catastrophe.
I will probably vote for him (Bolsonaro), but my fear is that he will ruin the chances of a viable right wing candidate in the future.
I have been checking Pondé, Olavo and Pugginna and for me these guys have the right mindset and knowledge a politician should have, but they aren't into that (running for office).
I think he is talking about their minor coup attempts
If you think Bolsonaro would ruin the chances for other right wingers, what makes you think Olavo would be any better? He is one of the most targeted right wingers I've ever seen. Plus, policy makers in general listen to think tanks and the kind, and Olavo is friends with Bolsonaro. So far I have no reason to think someone like Pondé would be a good candidate, the media likes him too much for him to be reliable.
Don't forget Bolsonaro is a living meme, that has power. And he ranks security issues as a priority, which is great. Obviously I don't think PCC and its kind will be dismantled if someone like him takes office, but if the average Brazilian begins supporting gun ownership and the right to shoot criminals things will slowly get better. If the petty criminals are afraid to do shit, that greatly impacts organized crime. It's about people being used to being robbed all the time, once they stop accepting it the tide will turn. In the federal university I studied, Record was there one day doing a story on how many students were being robbed around the university on a daily basis. Ironically, a student was caught being robbed behind the reporter on film. When this kind of thing becomes reason for public outrage things will get better.
it was a joke, they basically marched to the place and refused to storm in when it was empty, then went home
Who will the normies vote for?
The (((media))) says Lula is the guy but I don't buy it.
There's a power vacuum right now, though I think Bolsonaro will fuck it up because his "sogro é o Paulo Negão".
While the Brazilian identity continues to be soccer, samba and big ass mulatas it won't get better. Racial consciousness in Brazil is a huge taboo and people don't notice it. The reason is not muh racism, but that no country has been more jewed than Brazil. Our official identity is being mixed, being degenerate and only caring about leisure and drugs. How can such an identity make a country work?
I see nothing wrong with Pondé's line of reasoning.
Yeah I know that the video is from (((rede globo))) but their discussion is interesting and good food for thought.
Also isn't that the reporter that got sacked for calling black people "black" in new york?
I think it is not possible push a segregation agenda in Brazil, unless the southern states get independence. The country is too racially mixed for that, what we need, like you are saying, is a better national identity with ethics and valuing people who really work to built a better country.
If Huck indeed becomes a candidate, they'll shill hard for him. Hell, even before announcing his candidacy they'll shill for him. Globo knows a lot of people hate Lula at this point, his voter base is basically the Northeast and North. So they'll amplify the "Lula threat" to create the need for a savior. Who's the savior? Caldeirão
why brasil even exist ?
they're clearly shilling for Huck, since they dropped Doria for being too retarded and Meirelles and shit are too weak 2 run
Forget Fascism. What we need is Military-State Socialism.
Hows life in that first world paradise of yours
Legalize handguns, shotguns, and rifles for all citizens.
It'll be a bad year but the next year will be a LOT better.
They're just trying to create a fuzz around his candidacy. If they manufacture some sort of scandal it'll put the word out. Some brainless morons might even vote in him out of spite for Globo. Don't forget part of what got Trump elected was CNN talking about him 24/7. What they care about is planting the seed on people's minds of Huck as a president, and you can be sure they'll use the entire arsenal. I laugh when I meet the occasional right winger who thinks Veja is a reliable magazine. For fucks sake, they were defending the pedo "art" in museums, screeching censorship and the whole thing. They don't utter a word when right wingers are blackballed in cinema festivals, music festivals, anything related to art really, plus everywhere else. Then it's not censorship. Wanna know why they screeched? Because the right used the Left's ridicule and social media tactics against them, they don't like that. To top it off, they're trying to meme MBL as representatives of the right. Because a movement "founded" by a 19 year old kid getting thousands to protest overnight surely isn't anything to be suspicious of, right?
Grupo Abril, Globo, Record, Band, you name it, they'll all shill for Huck. Obviously not all with the same strategies, after all they want to create a false sense of opposition, but they'll keep his candidacy on the minds of the public, be sure about that. He'll probably be in the cover of some magazines soon as well.
The problem in Brazil was there were too many incompetent militaries, if we had someone like Pinochet to rule with an iron fist then we'd be better. But I think it goes beyond that, what really won the game for the Left was that they focused on cultural war(and the dumbass military let them invade campuses), were it not for that they wouldn't be nearly as relevant. Look at any leftist movement such as feminism: first they make it acceptable, then work to increase people's rejection of the opposite, and before you know it you have a Leftist army. It's useless to enforce a dictatorship if the average citizen is being memed into becoming a Leftist. The Left works hard to manufacture consent, we need to use their tools to fight them. After all, the system is built to accept their tools, while ours are promptly shamed out of existence. Sluts need to be shamed, communists need to be shamed, etc etc. And right wing celebrities need to become a thing, that's who the povão looks up to. If some Gregorio Duvivier type of guy does an interview wearing a Che Guevara t shirt everybody is okay with it, while someone who "dares" to support neolibs such as MBL is already shamed. The overton window is grossly unregulated, it shoudn't be so.
Guns were legal when I was a teenager, I had a .22 pistol and .22 rifle (yeah I know .22), there was a lot more respect between people on the streets back them and the murder rate was not much different.
You can still get guns today if you go through the licensing and permits bureaucracy, calibers allowed are .22, 12ga, .38, .44, .380 and a few others, I am working on getting my license this year. The guns are mostly shit thought.
Cops are mostly right wing, I'd say getting the media to stop attacking them is an easier first step, legalizing guns will come naturally after that. And don't forget we have a problem the US doesn't: favelas. Kids as young as 13 are wielding AKs, so your average joe with a handgun doesn't stand a chance without the police.
You are 100% right, you must have gone through the experiences that I had with universities and Brazilian leftists because we think the same.
Brazil user female here.
Brazilian men are 90-95% fucking retarded. You live too long with your parents and act like little fucking babies than want to fuck their mothers. Then you become our politicians but forget that you are not an 18 year old faggot anymore. Men in Brazil are fucking ugly inside and out, that is why we prefer foreigners.
Side note: Brazilian men are a bunch of fucking faggots. They are comfortable fucking trannies and traps because they don't have the balls to be real men and satisfy their females.
Your average Joe without the police doesn't, but ten of your average Joes with semi-automatic rifles and sidearms are a pretty effective RWDS. What you also need are affordable private security forces for domestic protection. If the men of the neighborhood themselves can handle security detail then it becomes affordable.
We have pseudo-favelas. Our cities do have slums and no-go zones but we have more rule of law and the niggers here are too dumb to use anything but handguns, and even then barely accurately enough to kill each other. Many more are wounded than killed in gang violence.
Kek. But seriously why do you produce so many trannies in your country? Will I see a tranny on every street corner over there?
Post tetas with timestamp or get the fuck out you uppity samba bitch. Maybe they'd rather fuck traps and wank to futa because your saggy bunda is insufferable to be around unless there's a cock in your mouth, and the non-rapist men don't want to knock you to your knees and shove it in before you can speak because they're fundamentally decent and abhor rape.
We have an interesting phenomenon here were sometimes cops will form militias, basically paramilitary forces in violent regions. These militias act as de facto death squads and will kill everyone in the wrong side of the law in a given region.
An interesting story is that of the "Scuderie detective le coq" which acted for 30 years in the southeast.
Ignore it, it will go away
Militia are the only way to end the violence plaguing you. It's so fucking frustrating. Duterte unleashed the militia in the Philippines and the people fucking love him.
In the US our police forces are getting dragged down so hard by the leftists and anti-law and anti-order idiots who hide from crime in their rich neighborhoods and states.
It seems to me that Brazil is in a very similar boat.
congratulations, your medal and certificate shall arrive in 5-6 business weeks.
>Brazil user female here.
Wow, you're so unique.
Subscribed :D
I took quite an unpopular decision though. I was doing electrical engineering, something most pollacks would praise me for, but I eventually quit because a)folks get into STEM thinking they'll get to do cool shit, create technology and all of that, while the truth is they will most likely be in some office, or do what has become popular and become a turbo jew working in finance, something a lot of STEM students do because of math skills and b) I wanted to be a musician since I was a kid, but my parents were heavily against it, so I eventually quit. At some point I noticed how, to be truly excellent at what you do, you have no choice but to like it. If you're an engineer and don't love it with your guts, there's some asian kid that will replace you, and then you'll be confined to some random office for the rest of your life. Also, as I mentioned before, the Left only won because they focused on cultural war. It's time for right wing people to gain some foothold in areas involved with culture. As you might imagine I have to deal with a lot of unsufferable leftists being a musician, but I can already see the tide turning in some closer circles, they just haven't been exposed to right wing ideas. Plus, it's not hard to make a living out of art if you're not some brainlet leftist who only cares about degeneracy and muh protests. What normally happens is succesfull working musicians are largely politically neutral. They might follow some trend not to be socially ostracized, but most of them would be right wing were they not ridiculed by the Leftist establishment. The leftists promoting the shaming and all of that are largely incompetent druggies who are too lazy to do any real work. When they inevitably screw up, they're simply blackballed, as nobody likes some incompetent douche fucking it up.
That's how niggers do things. White people create stable societies.
Isn't that illegal on our country?
So, my dear monkeys are you guys ready for another 8 years of me ?
>that's why we prefer foreigners
>they don't have the balls to be real men
I'm gonna ignore the "femanon here" for now, but I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you preferring foreigners has nothing to do with you willingly sucking cock for that sweet green card? Also gonna pretend Sweden and related places don't produce shitloads of soyboys per capita. Also gonna pretend like the average brazilian woman is not a complete whore who willingly rubs her ass in favelado cock while listening to that ear rape called funk carioca.
I'm not some MGTOW anti family cuck, neither disagree that the average brazilian man is subhuman, but don't come here pretending the average brazilian woman is also not a brainless whore. Dumbfucks fucking trannies and the like is but a symptom of a sick, corrupt society, and whores are no better. Don't you think you can lecture anyone just because you have muh vegene. To top it off you ignore men living with their parents longer is because the economy is shit, and that isn't limited to Brazil. When you decide to become a traditional woman, and not some virtue signaling slut, then you can have the word.
Much respect user, I always wanted to be a musician myself but couldn't do what you did, got my undergrad in something else and now working on something I hate and getting a second undergrad in physics fuck knows why
While the country is ruled by the wrong people, thinking about expanding the private security business is asking for a warfare industry like the US has. Let's not ignore the many companies profiting from Middle Eastern wars.
Hard keks
>that is why we prefer foreigners.
How big of a slut would you have to be to seek out whatever few foreigners are there to fuck them?