How come you aren't MGTOW, Sup Forums? These recent scandals are proving us right you know.
Other urls found in this thread:
i want this
good goy!
Enjoy that divorce
nice argument you brainwashed cumstain
>muh pussy
like pottery
I can understand desiring that kind of life, but it's a pipe dream in our degenerate age.
I'd consider marriage if I could find a traditional, virgin woman, but I'm realistic enough to know it will probably never happen. So I might as well just stack cash and do the things I want to do. It's not a bad alternative, to be honest.
MGTOW is simply about making the best of a fucked-up situation.
you dont desire a traditional, virgin wife with that attitude, thank you for not poisioning the global gene pool with your genetics.
>MGTOW Jews trying to shill their ideology by pretending our ideology is the Jew ideology and their ideology is anti-Jew, even though we are literally Nazis
What attitude? Being realistic? Observing the state of modern women and responding accordingly?
If you want to get married in today's environment, knock yourself out, brother. We've all got to do what's best for us.
>traditional, virgin wife
Why are good goys so delusional?
dat lamp
>david became a lamp
your defeatist attitude, no one has beaten you user, you have beaten yourself
31% of women are virgins when they meet their husbands
I don't get that picture. Why did the Sup Forums poster kill everyone besides the kike?
>knock yourself out, brother
You're arguing with a hole.
I don't feel beaten. If a worthy woman comes my way, I'd still be open to the idea of marriage, as I said. If not, I'll continue with my current lifestyle and be happier than a pig in shit.
>31% of women are virgins when they meet their husbands
back in the 1920s, maybe
Yeah and I want to be a rocket.
look again
the worthy woman you are looking for is in the top 10% of women, what have you done to put yourself in the top 10% of men to deserve her?
no it was 27% in 2010, though its on the rise (5+22, 1 partner women only slept with their husbands before marriage)
thats nice user, goodluck
Facts on Women Pasta
>Women are brought up believing that they are princesses and the world should treat them as such.
>All women have some sort of mental health problem and/or personality disorder. Some are better at hiding it than others. Get to know any woman well over a long period of time and you will learn this to be true.
>All women are predisposed to being jealous and insecure all the time, its part of their genetic makeup. This puts them in a never-ending state of anxiety/anger/ loneliness/fear etc. which they try to hide but comes out through their behaviour.
>As such, women will try and project the outward appearance of being strong, powerful, independent and successful when inside they are scared little girls who just want to cry.
>Women believe that violence is an acceptable way of reacting when they aren’t getting what they feel they deserve but it’s a serious crime for a man to hit a women or even defend himself when attacked by a woman.
>In contradiction to the above, women have a permanent victim mind-set and regardless of how privileged their life has been they will find some way to make themselves feel helpless and victimised (male privilege, gender pay gap etc).
>Women are in constant competition with other women and are completely two-faced. They will surround themselves with women they claim are friends but bitch about them when they aren’t around.
>Women will dress up more to compete with other women than to impress men (see above).
>All women are sluts. No exceptions. As soon as they get bored they will cheat on you. They like to blame men primarily for this behaviour but women do it more.
>In contradiction to the above, women hate being seen as a sluts and will do anything to maintain a saintly public image amongst their so-called “friends”.
I do too, but I feel like the dream is dead.
To get top 10% women, you have to be top 0.1% male. Just lol @ thinking anything is equal.
This is actually the best use of that cringeworthy forced meme-drawing. I fucking hate faggots.
no its not user
then become the top 0.1% of men. Losers make excuses, winners take what they want
they had nice things to say about you
Fuck off Jew
Make babies white people
You can't "become" top 1-0.1% male. You are born into it. It's all genetics and inheritance.
Pol's idea of the perfect family and all that shit is basically arranged marriage, an investment made by parents, which is under constant threat of financial losses if the woman fucks things up.
Good goyim
Have a shiny shekel
you cant with that attitude, a lot of Sup Forums are the male version of tumblrites who want life handed to them and get mad when you tell them they are going to have to put in a lot of effort to get what they want, some understand and start to improve themselves, though they need to be careful to avoid the elliot roger trap of thinking women are a prize for getting your shit together. The dunning kruger is strong here.
Well I don't have anything nice to say about them. The only good faggot is the dead faggot.
sounds like your over compensating pretty hard, you in the closet champ? its okay if you are, i accept you.
>i want this
I want a little princess to have tea parties and play Just Dance Switch with.
>what are artificial wombs
Because I just want to cuddle with someone ;_;
youll find them one day user, i believe in you
maybe I just did~ :3
im a guy user, but id still give you a hug, dont lose heart, youre going to make it
OP is a faggot.
MGTOW will save western civilization
i am, but what are those scandals you're talking about
Why MGTOW Stories #1
Guys generally have jobs. It's cool living on your own, even with shitty job i can earn enough to support myself, no need for rat race, don't need to stay over time, have all my time for myself and with modern technology i have distilled essence of femininity one click away from me without nagging and all the bullshit. It's funny listening to faggots trying figure out why MGTOW is a thing.
Women don't exist anymore, all we have in this society are whores and harlots, marrying a woman is akin to committing suicide.
Women are nothing but abominations, intestinal parasites that bring nothing but malaise and misery that cripples a man to the point that suicide and euthanasia are both better than absolute enlightenment.
Women are evil, dishonest, insidious, treacherous, evil, deceitful by design they are opportunists and are experts at lying and manipulation.
The only way to coexist with a woman is to keep them locked up at home where you can discipline them and tame them, they should be treated like property only good for cooking, cleaning and fluffing the sexual needs of men.
But thanks to the wonders of feminism, political correctness, legions of emasculated white knight cucks and the feminist government you can't slap a woman and discipline them because nowadays women have more rights and privileges than men.
So if you ask me why I don't have a wife yet it’s because I don't want to go to jail because I know for a fact I'll end up in jail because I have absolutely zero tolerance for the stupidity and whimsical nature of women and the only way for me to rectify a situation with a woman is beat the crap out of her because they don't understand instruction and correction.
You mean the scandals of degenrate Kike filth sexual attacking Gentile women? So I guess you want Goyim men to stop breeding thene right Kike? Go gas yourself.
>implying it would make any difference for a bunch of losers posting in an anime imageboard to get out of the dating pool
it's like a homeless men protesting by not buying any mansions.
many are, thats true enough, but not all. If theres a chance at bliss im going to chase it.
this is a place of healing user, youre not helping
Pick up and read a book on Family Law, then maybe you fags will understand why people go MGTOW. Until then, you're just talking out your ass. Don't delude yourself by thinking you just "have to be more Alpha" or "Pick the right one".
You're having a laugh? Do you have any idea how many men who have been divorced or just enjoy fucking around who are MGTOW, even if they don't know it? you're deluded and projecting most likely if you think it's all 'fat neckbeard'.
You're not even white, why do you even think your opinion matters?
we need to all agree to mgtow until women up their game or artificial wombs or bust
>you are not white
>t. inbred anglo
thank you for removing yourselves from the gene pool
if only morons like you followed them
>Do you have any idea how many men who have been divorced or just enjoy fucking around who are MGTOW
I have no idea, but probably not as much as women fucking around after a divorce. Just remember they aren't shamed anymore when they divorce, in fact today it's almost like a victory for them. The prize is mostly half the possessions and the kids.
>you're deluded and projecting most likely if you think it's all 'fat neckbeard'
Let's be honest, how many Sup Forumsacks do you think are divorced? In this case, it is fat neckbeards.
>You're not even white, why do you even think your opinion matters?
I'm not giving my opinion, i'm saying how it is. :^)
good post rabbi! we dont want those flithy goyim to reproduce, do we?
well only low iq amerimongrels will reproduce (like you) so future seems bright
>t. I haplogroup
literally a kang
Fuck off, tradcuck. No amount of shaming is going to convince smart men to marry whores.
you mad?
strong dunning kruger what the kikes wish? Do they wish for whites to stop having children? Or having more white kids? Or more mutt kids?
You're fucking white!
You've never even had a gf have you user?
no, i just pity you I haplogroup shitskins
how does it feel to descend from dark complexioned fertility goddess cults which got assraped by r1a european steppe warriors
>i'm saying how it is
It's not and heres why.
>but probably not as much as women fucking around after a divorce
Depends on the age, women vastly lose their appeal as they get older and realize they can't have a family. NYC as Gavin Mcinnes puts it, is an elephants graveyard for ovaries. >Let's be honest, how many Sup Forumsacks do you think are divorced?
Quite alot. Alot are married, alot lurk and are general all sorts who browse at work. I know i'm one of them, met alot who are also. You can easily find them when a thread with actual content pops up, and they contribute. Just because the loud teenies shit up threads, doesn't mean that the board is full of fuckups.
>What is pump and dump
>Shoot and scoot.
I probably have kids is some far off country, shame trad faggot nigger bitchs like you want to play a rigged game. Stay mad faggot.
white and proud
feels pretty good
im not mad, but why do you ruin these women for tradmen? who hurt you user?
feels even better to be the group that raped, enslaved you and forced our culture, religion and language on you
Daily reminder:
>Y-you must be hurtin meme
Do one you fat cunt. Men are bailing out and women are bitching about it, if faggots like you like to imagine they are low quality men, then dream on, but then they wouldn't bitch about it would they?
>but why do you ruin these women for tradmen?
I always tell a woman what i'm about and what i want, i've had a few say that's not what they want, and we leave it at that, i don't waste their time, and don't want them to waste mine.
then why do you have such an inferiority complex?
can you fix your grammar and try again? I didnt catch any of that
you were born almost a century too late to have that
>Assuming they were telling the truth.
onyl one with inferior complex is you sine you use some weird genetic shit you cant possibly influence to make you feel better about your failed life and your fucked up mongrel country
because unlike you i dont attribute my succeses to me having being born blonde and with blue eyes, but to my actual work and diligence
i dont think so
its an anonymous survery from a governmental agency collected by the females gynocologist
thats nice sweetie, im proud of you
I feel for you, user.
I have a wife and 2 kids and it's nothing like what I was hoping for. The boys are great. They're almost exactly as I imagined they would be. But the shit wife stopped fucking after the 2nd kid. Now family feels like prison because you don't want to abandon your precious boys, but you can't risk losing them over a side-chick. Trapped.
>I-i can't read
It's alright burger bitch. You'll just have to be held back again.
perhaps you need to rekindle the passion, maybe treat her like you just started dating her for the first time again
>Do one you fat cunt
do one what?
> if faggots like you like to imagine they are low quality men, then dream on
this makes no sense
>but then they wouldn't bitch about it would they?
maybe try removing the ad hominem too, its getting in the way
Where do you find the women and environment for that? Because I certainly don't see that here in the West. I see the brainwashing and delusions about female reproduction but none of the social order needed for a nuclear family.
>FYI even 2nd wave Feminists were witch hunting males in post-secondary and doing the antifa style bullshit
you create it yourself, as for finding the women i cant help you, im still searching for one myself. Do you dont need to find womEn though, there are 3,500,000,000 women in this world and you only need to find one. Keep searching, dont compromise and lead by example.
> wife stopped fucking
start jelqing and hit the gym. she's not fucking you because she finds you repulsive. the same thing happened with my boyfriend. he became a disgusting fat slob and I lost my attraction to him.
After a horrid experience with a crazy young slut (both of us were 21 at the time) and a beautiful white daughter later with her I can only say this to young guys: don't get married, don't co-habitate with a young girl, and WRAP YOUR SHIT UP.
I'm 25 right now living on my own, have money saved up, a decent job, and going to school. My baby mama is the same age, getting fucked by strange men, no job, barely any school, and trying to milk me for child support. Right now the odds are in my favor of getting full custody of my daughter.
Ever since the fiasco with my ex I never have put myself back on the dating market despite lifting, getting my confidence back after being made a hollow shell by my ex, and carrying on. Men you need to becareful who you fuck around with because women are not loyal as men and if she uses you to save her: she will never be happy & branch off to some other dude to save her from you. You can be the best boyfriend/husband, provide to the best of your ability, and the bitch will still be hitting up guys/cheating behind your back. It's even crazier when they BLAME YOU for them cheating. MGTOW is the only way fellas. Get your shit straight, screen your mate good just like how women shit-test us, and keep your eye on the ball.
its no wonder your girlfriend cheated on you with that attitude. Not all girls are like that though, sorry you got hurt user, but tomorrow is another day. I believe in you.
Yeah we got a word for that buddy read much?
Right, always the mans' fault. Sound like a woman alright.
>If theres a chance at bliss im going to chase it.
I wrote a Javascript to flash six slots of images of 10/10 women on an HD TV as I jack it with premium silicon lube for over an hour holding edge after edge until my body is shaking. Once you figure out MMOs, your masturbation technique improves exponentially.
I got so high on it one night that a demon tulpa lady came from the fourth dimension and started growling in my ear. Shit was intense.
it doesnt matter if its the mans fault or not user. Perception is reality for most people, ignoring the problem isnt going to make it go away. She offered some advice on how to fix his marriage from the female perspective, it doesnt mean that shes right or that he should take it with more than a grain of salt, but if he wants to fix his marriage its worth a shot. Jelqing takes 15 minutes a day and the gym takes an hour and a half a week. Maybe it will work and maybe it wont and he will have to try something else.
are you happy with how you life turned out? are your parents proud of you?
That post was pasta from another thread. That dude was probably 25 or so and fed up. I related to it though. it was well articulated.
Yes, I've had a girlfriend and wife and have subsequently been fucked over when my unicorn wife fucked Chad behind my back during her "internships" for school where she had an excuse to drive to another town.
I later found the Book of MGTOW and learned about female hypergamy and how they'll never love you and don't understand what loyalty is. All a woman understands is how to manipulate a man for what she wants. It's pure science. It's written right into their DNA from thousands of years of evolution.
I don't consider women human anymore. They are more akin to robots or dogs. You care for them but you never make the mistake of treating the equal.
I haven't. I just understand how things are, unlike you. I have an understanding of the law and don't hold on to some fantasy like you do. You won't have to worry about it since you're probably just a neckbeard shitposting anyways.
This is a MGTOW thread, we don't take womens' advice here.
If you want to delve into the female perspective, you'll find that the female archetype cannot be sated by any reality, it is literally that simple - you start with the right foot and focus on yourself or a shared goal, not her.
>they cant beat me if i dont play
sure but you cant win either, you remain stagnant
>Rei body pillow
Fucking trash/10
you will never have this
gee I don't know, maybe because I like to fuck pussy and I'm not a faggot kike.
>are you happy with how you life turned out? are your parents proud of you?
When are modern feminists going to understand that shaming language is no longer going to work. They took everything from us. They took away our strong country; our beautiful women to see when we went out; our chance at a family; our chance at a strong career our chance at owning a home. They robbed us of everything.
And yet, they still try to use shaming language (aka: man up). They took away from us what it was to be human. And so we are shells. You don't feel shame when you are cast out of society. You become robotic and self-serving, just like this selfish cunts have become. I would watch a feminist die on the street and not feel a thing other than satisfaction. Men are very angry that they've been sold a lie. "Support the great society and it will support you." That's not how it is. White men are blamed for all ills and then taxed to death to pay for the leeches.
No, I feel no shame. I feel nothing.