>tfw 83 IQ points is the bare minimum to be cannon fodder in the military
>tfw 83 IQ points is the bare minimum to work as janitor or machine operator
>tfw automation is removing those jobs
>tfw IQ can't be increased
>tfw everytime we're removing jobs that low IQ males can do and replacing them with jobs only high IQ males can do
>tfw they're now taking the jobs 100 IQ males can do (drivers, accountant, managers)
>tfw people seem to think a society where only high IQ people can work is a good idea
Tfw 83 IQ points is the bare minimum to be cannon fodder in the military
Other urls found in this thread:
To be fair everyone on Sup Forums has at least an iq above 140
You need to disguise yourself as a nigger and ask for gibs...
Oh wait, you're a nigger already
Somehow the Amish still survive.
this is why i think we need something like a permanent Works Progress Administration - something that pays generous wages to cover doing the things that capitalism misses in our society. we could pay people $12 an hour to sweep the streets, be hospice workers, manufacture things that are useful but not profitable, etc. but it won't happen because that's socialism
this. the "post your IQ" prove that
even if you are an idiot you can learn quite a bit
maybe you cant do advanced math.... but you dont have to
OP, there are many forms of Intelligent. IQ is just on the inspect spectrum. Nothing to worry about. Means literally nothing.
Coming from a guy with 141 IQ
An IQ of 83 is more than sufficient to fill in captchas. They can get jobs performing similar tasks that are hard for machines but easy for humans
>IQ can't be increased
Just memorize the test solutions
Watch Rick and morty
LOW IQ peoples job is to have a TON of LOW IQ babies.
Read. You can improve your vocabulary and general knowledge. You can pull from those experiences something to avoid being taken advantage of.
Take your foodstamps and shut up pleb.
I always thought IQ meant how easy it was for someone to learn new things and also how easy it is to learn the logic behind it.
I mean, someone with an IQ of 95 can learn the same thing as someone with an IQ of 125, but the latter will do it more easily and take less times/tools.
this. your IQ will skyrocket; the average RnM fan has an IQ of 160
When the jobs horses could do better than machines disappeared, so did the horses.
The low-IQ breeds of humanity need to be made to stop reproducing now that civilization has no further use for them even as chattel. Simple as that.
Of course, the globalists are doing the exact opposite.
Natural selection would prevent the masses of idiots from surviving, but as you say, the globalists have been feeding the unfit.
>The low-IQ breeds of humanity need to be made to stop reproducing now that civilization has no further use for them even as chattel. Simple as that.
Tell this to Sup Forums
I'm only at 132 and my wife is at 120+
To be fair you have to have a pretty high IQ to even comprehend the jokes and political discussion that happens on this boards. Without a solid knowladge of politics and Human Bio Diversity the average discussion goes right over the average persons head.
Alright guys, last 2 digits of your post is your IQ, go!
>>tfw people seem to think a society where only high IQ people can work is a good idea
It is. Societies work by weeding out the undesirable. By making a society where only high IQ people can work we will be increasing the average IQ of the nation.
>machines take over all jobs
>Implement UBI
>lots of free time, people can become professional neets
Literally no downside. Even low-IQ males benefit from this
>automation is taking away jobs for low iq people
>somehow amish are surviving
"IQ" is sociology - not science.
Don't buy it.
no, but i guess it´s above 110, maybe 115 in average.
they're a more-or-less closed society that's been established for centuries, with their own land and resources. they take care of their own. there isn't a NEET colony out there, nor can one be begun, because all of the land is already owned. a bunch of low iq unemployed males aren't going to be able to purchase a significant piece of land, nor can they conquer it. there's nothing to do and nowhere to go
>Implement heavy government funded genetic engineering
>CRISPR designer babies ensure that all citizens are top specimens
Literally no downside. Entire society benefits from this
Service-sector and low-wage jobs aren't going anywhere. Entrepreneurs will always find a way to make money off the labor of others. Capitalism solves this problem.
Why would you want to force people work if in the future all of the work can be automated and done by robots?
Yes it is.
We spic were a mistake.
>OP, there are many forms of Intelligent. IQ is just on the inspect spectrum. Nothing to worry about. Means literally nothing.
>Coming from a guy with 141 IQ
This guy is full of shit
t. a guy with 142 IQ
Literal fear mongering.
If automation reduces the cost associated with a good then then you could easily(if there was no minimum wage) hire a retard to do a job less efficiently for little money but it wouldn’t matter because the cost of goods (assuming The government enforced monopoly laws) will be lower as well.
>>Implement heavy government funded genetic engineering
>Literally no downside. Entire society benefits from this
>Implying the state is a force for good
Disgusting statist, read Rothbard and End the Fed
Lol, 132... Literally, nigger-tier IQ
comunism will be the norm in 200 years ,there is no other way
Man how many dicks do you have in your mouth right now
When I was younger, I was told my IQ was 125. Lets see.
>read (((Rothbard)))
>IQ of only 44, despite the "last two digits" part, since there was a 0 prior
2017 and not knowing semen retention and sexual transmutation can increase iq. You retards.
at least we will outbreed the smart peolpe.
evolution selects for dumb people who have no condom sex
Because automation will never take away all of the jobs
That is just some marxist fantasy
There will alway be demand for handcrafted goods
Evolution in the new millennium. Choose your mate wisely.
This is actually a moderately true statement.
Pretty good bait
It'll just lead to another global revolution. Let them eat cake and all that shit.
>Because automation will never take away all of the jobs
Holy fuck only burgers can be this stupid.
What makes you so special from any AI?
You're brain is just a fucking program.
We don't need super AI, we can easy replace all humanity today it's the politician holding it back.
AI works better than any human and 90% of all jobs is repeatable
Listen here, I'm gonna give it to ya right here and right now. DON'T put yourself down as useless because some shitty piece of paper tries to tell you that you are useless. Go out and try some of these jobs bro, they aren't as hard as you'd think.
Well, we're heading towards it. Automation is laughably effective.
>Worst case
No one is prepared. Automation occurs in the span of a year taking out huge swaths of white collar jobs and blue collar. Think over night unemployment rates of 40%+
Massive civil unrest, if we're especially unlucky militarized automation comes with it. Welcome to the new police state.
>Best case
Automation occurs, but gradually enough for the population to accept it. Early retirements, and later age employment keep working population roughly inline with what new working positions should be. Feather bedding might be possible by limiting hours worked by a person per week for remaining positions.
Artisan movements and arts become popular as hand made becomes a status symbol; people who would have become blue collar now have the choice to produce crafts. Small artists pop up to fill their now much greater free time. Traditional families pop up and social networks to fill the glut of time.
>Reasonable case scenario
Over a decade huge swaths of the population are unemployable. Extended unemployment will eventually become basic income. The government will essentially pass the problem of rising population to the next generation. People become more absorbed in technological/low effort pursuits and thus become less happy.
Once automation replaces every job then people will be free to do any and everything else other than having to work for a living.
The problem isn't with having machines do our work for us, it's people that thing humans need to work to live.
Fix out monetary policy and you fix the issue of workers not being able to buy the goods for sale.
Social Credit is the best type of monetary policy. Protecting private property, encouraging competitive free markets, supplying the purchasing power to buy the produced goods, ending bank driven inflation.
just gunna leave it here
Nice try, honorable mention
Everyone on Sup Forums has a IQ of atleast 180+
Hitler did nothing wrong
How do you know? Is it because of some meme internet IQ test?
Best case would at the very least require a homogenous and Victorian-esque society that values good morals, but that'll never make a return.
I second this. I am floating around "118" though putting an exact number to your quantitative IQ is kind of silly as you could fluctuate about 5 points if you were to take another test the next day.
I have read some really smart shit on here in the sea of shitposting and trolling that makes me question whether its an idiot savant autist or just some really bored lab scientist with to much time on his hands.
Obviously the larger the traffic here the more dumb this board fucking becomes and man does it show..... Still better then Reddit or the rest of the communist globalist SJW controlled internet.
It helps that this place always manages to tickle my funny bone the right way.
Yeah, no wonder blacks complain so much, I don't even have a good solution to this problem unless we put regulations on the use of technology. Like warhammer 40k's cult of machines.
>I don't even have a good solution to this problem
The solution is to change how we create, destroy and distribute money.
How exactly?
It could be semi easy to solve. The meat and potatoes of it is a universal income to replace the massive unemployment. The thing is people (especially low IQ people) don't know what to do with themselves besides work. It's a massive part of their identity and time management. Some people just live to work, which is noble in a weird way but also very dangerous and sad because they couldn't take a week off without going crazy or turning it into work. Do we just keep some sort of artifically bonus work around just so people have something to do? Robots and automation can't do EVERYTHING. I mean that they will eventually but that type of robotics and automation is a long, long, long ways off and it's most likely going to come in waves starting with the service industry and the self driving car. At least we are talking about it right now which is a good start and I think will tackle it as a society when the first big wave it hits the job market.
Starting from 'How to Finance Production'.
The system works that you have a national bank that creates all new money interest free. They loan money to commercial banks at no interest who can then loan that money at profit to businesses and individuals. The private banks get interest due to the requirements of vetting the loans they make, so they can earn income and to cover all defaults. The big difference is that the central bank charges nothing because it costs nothing to make credit.
When you hit the retail end of the chain stores can charge whatever price they want to cover their costs (labor, overhead, cost of goods) but are not allowed to charge more than costs. They are granted a profit amount that is collectively agreed on. So lets say 10% profit on food. 5% profit on cars, 15% profit on computers and so on. The point is that profits are based on volume of sale and class of good sold rather than on price manipulations. You make more money by selling more not by charging more. This profit is directly transferred to the business from the central bank, as new currency.
The store also gets a flat negative sales tax applied to every price. This negative tax is generally half of the gap between the total production in a period of time and the wages/dividends paid to people. The other half is used to fund a universal basic income.
So if the item costs $100 to sell and you have a -25% sales tax customers see a price of $75. The store reports $100 in sales and is compensated the $25 in negative sales to pay their bills and is give the class profit amount of lets say 5% so $5 in profit. That $100 goes to all the business costs including flowing up the production chain of manufacturers and then to private banks that then pay back the national bank, who simply delete the returned money, or returns it back out to fund more production.
>tfw IQ can't be increased
Do you want the truth?
I did a test once I scored 130 something.
Less than my friends that took me with them and I was insulted as I had more education than them(I was going to the uni then). Well....
Then I took a few more of these tests at home, and then I went back.
Guess what?
I increased it with I don't remember even somewhere between 10-15 points.
Shit you need to realize, this shit can be trained. It's meaningless, your grades tell me more. This shit only means how good you are taking iq tests, which was made for toddlers in the first place might I add.
Look testing niggers, how are they even going to compete if they don't even know newtonian physics. Yeah I know they won't know it even if you teach it to them, but this test is flawed and as stated only means how good you are at take iq tests.
I challenge anyone of here to actually grab my math shit I use at work, but I don't fucking need to, you won't even fucking understand even if you claim to have 180 in IQ, because I have to teach you first. Even hawkin, he would have to be teached too or he wouldn't even understand what I was talking about.
A nigger?
ofc not never....
A woman?
a rare case, a really rare case maybe. These days? never
No, 181+
this is what lefypol actually believes from them selves, yet they are all blue pilled brainwashed cucks that can't even handle the most single integral whilst challenged
Pretty sure military and janitorial roles will still exist in the future, only repetitive jobs are at risk.
Also this is why modern war is retarded you kill good men and the real dumbasses can continue living.
It's simple. Kill all the dumb people.
IQ can not be raised by education, but you can test slightly better with practice. A single one off test you did is only a single data point. If you constantly took IQ tests you would slightly raise your score as you got more familiar with the tests but you are not getting smarter. If you kept doing IQ tests over your whole education time after you matured into an adult your scores would bump up a bit at the start but then fall into a level line.
Your 2nd year scores would not be better than 4th year scores. Unless you were being educated in taking IQ tests.
Modern tests require no education to take and test correctly with. They are education independent.
A person that tests highly will be vastly easier to teach your mystery math, than someone that scores low.
Do not confuse education with intelligence.