So...any anons going to see this nigger fest? like watching gorillas beat each other in a cage.
Marvel perpetuation we wuz kangs meme on the big screen
my guess is this will be a fitting parallel for promoting failure through affirmative action. hollywood kikes wont risk their sheckels too much, this pc thing is not profitable, the next hot market will be outrage. the new rockstars are now social trolls. the world is finally ready for andy kaufman levels of trolling.
*nigger beatz start*
>Both the good guys and bad guys are black
Well it's a start
>Bad guy has black american accent
>Good guy has west african accent
>We wuz
>The suit deflects bullets
>He can just stick his hand into the wheel of a moving car without injury
>All that cgi
>The revolution will not be televised
>People think this movie will fail
Do any of you know what "February" is?
God i can't wait to see this bomb spectacularily and the ((((liberal media)))) to say it's due to racism
1-3 days shorter than every other month?
keep swallowing faggot.
Marvel insiders (editors, writers, pencilers, inkers] pushed degenerate, satanic shit in 60s+. Now owned by Disney, Marvel is fully subverted. Avoid the comic jew.
>Black Panther developed in 1966
>movie comes out in 2016
Tends to be a month without much released. It's not going up against any stiff competition so will do quite well with people going on dates around Valentine's day. There may be another (((purpose)))involved here with the FOM considered though...
It's about a black nationalist going back to Africa.
Sup Forums should support this. Throw the media for a loop
Seems alright.
Black Panther is black and they're making a movie about him.
Can't find any fault with this desu.
If they start saying fuck all whites or some other pathetic shit I'll get peeved.
But for now, seems like a normal super hero movie with a black lead.
Weez still be real niggers and shiiet.
I want to know how it does in china.
people want to escape into a world where black people have their shit together and contribute technological wonders to the world and save everyone. it's the exact opposite of our painful reality.
How is this "we wuz kangs" when the movie is about an African king? Nobody in this movie is claiming to be a Pharoah or Egyptian.
Hollywood has done this before in the 1970s, look up blackspoiltation films.
This, you have to be retarded if you can't see that this can be co opted.
>pic related
Why the hell I would watch Hollywood trash? Paying to be brainwashed. Jesus.
Are you retarded? Read your own post for the answer you leaf.
This movie is going to fail so fucking hard. I am ready for the twitter outrage when white people not paying to see this in the theaters are some how racist for refusing to prop it up and virtue signal. Screen cap this.
>Watching nigger movies
At least watch wakaliwood ones, they are actually African and better than the le 52% face studios.
Are you retarded? the "we wuz kangz" meme started because black people claimed to be Egyptians. This is a movie about an African king with super powers and a impenetrable suit. They aren't the same.
What bothers me so fucking much about black panther is that he looks just like batman except nigger and no cape.
Combine that with we wuz kangz and batmanz
>reeeeee they replaced a white guy in a fifty year old movie with a black guy
>reeeeee they're making their own content
>going to see a movie in a theatre
> paying for a showing of a movie
>reeeeee they replaced a white guy in a fifty year old movie with a black guy
not okay
>reeeeee they're making their own content
I'm okay with this
Black panther's always been black, hasn't he?
>>Own Content
Only the actors are black, the ones who really make the film are white.
>own content
Hmm... I wonder who's producing it...
>>Kevin Feige
>Executive at Marvel Studios under CEO Avi Arad.
>Avi Arad was born in August 1948 in Ramat Gan, Israel.
Its still niggers claiming to have been kings stop being autistic
That's the best part. All these racists getting defensive over whites being replaced in a Jewish movie. Ha!
nobody is reeeing you dumb cunt we are making fun of it
>Black super hero
>set in Africa
>90% black cast
Looks like it all checks out in the logic department.
Oh hey, its literally;
>Black power through black slavery
Really makes you think when you see those in charge live in almost purity while everyone else lives in degeneracy.
There's a white bad guy
Africa actually did have kings though. The whole “KANGZ” meme is mocking the idea of blacks thinking the pharaohs of Egypt were black
Are they even going to show it in China? The Chinks are picky about what they allow in.
The suit is made out of vibranium, the same stuff that Captain America’s shield is made out of. It absorbs impact.
And a white good guy
Africa actually had kings and queens
I don't care either way, I was just correcting what I knew. I won't be seeing it because it's retarded capeshit
>They found enough of it to make an entire suit
>Even though the billionaire Stark used all of the vibranium he had to make the shield
>They somehow made a metal into a flexible suit
>We wuz vibranium kangz n shiet
>We wuz Mansa Musa 'n shiet
It's not the fact that there wuz kangz that I have a problem with, it's the fact that they claim to be descended from kangz that I have a problem with. You wuz descended from criminals that the kang exported to america.
>Tfw you waste time explaining a meme/joke
Obviously not.
It's probably going to spawn some god tier WEWUZ memes though.
Vibranium is something that’s been in marvel comics for decades and it’s only found in Wakanda. That’s why the Wakandan people are so advanced because they know how to refine and use it. It’s also why they keep Wakanda secret from the rest of the world, so people cannot abuse it. The only reason Stark found enough to make the shield is because someone smuggled it out. This wasn’t just made up for the movies.
>it’s only found in Wakanda
[spoiler]Because Yakub crashed his vibranium UFO there?[/spoiler]
Good pic.
Supporting it is 100% what we should do. That doesn't mean actually paying to see it, but a decent propganda campaign would make a splash. Going against it is what the media expects us to do. They've probably already written articles about the "racist far-right criticism of Blacm Panther".
I will pirate it to watch the damn thing and be able to criticize it or not, I'm going to give them this at least this is a black superhero, now they have to do the hard work of making it mainstream and successful and not another appropriation of a very well established white characters that just become black because of "my social injustice".
If they made it they can enjoy it.
>probably going to spawn some god tier WEWUZ memes though.
Which is unfortunate that people would do that. Don't blame the movie; the comic character Black Panther came out in 1966 (I don't know, he was in some other comic and that was his first appearance). Anyway, people who think being black makes them special will no doubt co-opt this and create a race-baiting/race-hating shitfest from it.
there were several Egyptian motifs in the trailer. are you blind?
You've outed yourself as an idiot.
You must have no idea what movie is being discussed. Poor thing.
Pay to see Propaganda? No thanks.
This is a slide thread.
No one is talking about the radioactive threat to Europe since last night.
Activates don'it?
>Who cares what those angry racist people are saying, they are just jealous. Let them be angry, and no matter how angry they are and no matter how they insult it won't help them. This movie will be out and everybody gonna love it even the haters are going to love it.
at least they're going with a west african but futuristic aesthetic instead of making him a pharoh
This is honestly hilarious. I won't give them any shekels of course but I will torrent it later.
the revolution
>will not be televised
>be live
I'm sure they did have some sort of feudalistic hierarchy in parts of Africa. I just don't understand why black people today are proud of KANGZ and feudalism. It's not exactly a civic structure to be proud of.
I'm the only one that feel bad for the niggers?
I really don't want to hate them... But they are being weaponized and thrown on our faces.
I like the concept of black panther and the idea of the avengers...
But the niggers having the "kang" and at the same time demanding multicultural valhalla warriors and black nordics it's too much.
You can avoided this.
Nigger history? Where we talk about nog inventions like sharpened sticks, mud huts and tire necklacing?
is that Catwomen's gay brother?
And just to add to this. Only one person can be KANG and only one person can be KAWEEN.
When black people say "WE WUZ KANGZ N SHEIT" what they're actually unintentionally saying is "WE WUZ PEASANTS N SHEIT"
Just the basic nature of feudalistic monarchy.
Busted my sides
Yakub the big head scientist thank you for making us, your greatest retard failed experiments who were STILL smart enough to conquer niggers!
Holy shit WKYT is a local station where I live!