Why shoulodnt the US invade, conquer, and annex Venezuela?

> Lots of oil. Saudi is aligning with China and Russia and Israel. Venezuelas oil makes the US predominant world superpower. Venezuela is virtually bankrupt and in total meltdown. Easy pickings. UN sanctions due to preeminent security concerns to the US allow pretext for invasion.
> Overthrow commies
> Allow immigration of south american qts instead of mudslime subhumans.

Do /poltards/ find anything not perfect about this plan?

stop asking stupid questions fasto mc burger

their is nothing there for us to take...so why?

>Allow immigration of south americans

Fuck off Paco. You oil mexicans need to stay in your commie shithole.

Having to take care of millions of socialist spics is not worth any amount of oil.

Not every girl in SA is a qt like pic related.

Largest oil reserves in the world besides Saudi?

Leaf comments < zero value

This leaf is alright

Only young attractive females and credentialed and educated males are allowed in. Look how many disgusting humanoids immigrate currently from the MENA

>libertarian education

A. the idea that these socialists would just give up and become capitalists simply because their system failed horrendously is vastly underestimating the stupidity and stubbornness required to be a socialist in the first place
2. yeah the thing America needs right now is more hungry mouths to feed
iii. we don't need their oil nor do we need to keep our military there for the next 50 years in order to ensure it

Let them fail on their own and we can buy it from the government that rises from the ashes. Just do our normal thing of providing money and supplies to the side we want to win and hope it turns out for the best for us like we usually do.

We do and will need their oil. Fracking and even ANWR drilling wont fulfill our needs in the future. If the US loses petrodollar status then our money wont be worth shit to buy their oil from the new regime. The Saudi deal is unraveling. Read more.

only a murderer or totally morally bankrupt person would pose a question like that


>Why shoulodnt the US invade, conquer, and annex Venezuela

Because when you break it, you buy it...and we saw how well that worked out with Iraq. America doesn't need to bee in the business of country reconstruction, that money would be much better spent at home on crumbling infrastructure. America first!

Because America needs to actually focus on its crumbling infrastructure, its degraded educational system, on eliminating crime syndicates within our country, etc. We literally don't have the money for any more wars (if we don't want to bankrupt ourselves.)

We've got enough failures to look after as it is with Puerto Rico.

You rang?


Gas was like 13 cents a gallon in 2012 there.

Wtf that's not my flag. :( something jewy going on...

The oil is very sandy and tar like. It is the crappiest oil to process, and it is very costly to do so.

Pff, because the government subsidizes it

Venezuela is bigger than Texas. It would cost a lot of money to fully annex it.
The actual battles would be easy, but at least 1.000 killed over guerillas.


Because it is full of Venezuelans, obviously.

Is this a joke thread?

The only ones getting that oil are (((already rich oil companies))), and allowing in more spics will only make america less white.