Just found out my great grandfather was a Nazi. Got shot in the head and survived. Wasn't even retarded after.
I'm from Sup Forums. Don't crucify me for making a shit thread.
Just found out my great grandfather was a Nazi. Got shot in the head and survived. Wasn't even retarded after.
I'm from Sup Forums. Don't crucify me for making a shit thread.
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Welcome. Sup Forums is a place of forgiveness
Welcome you are here forever now.
any stories?
honor him always, he fought the good fight
First off, stop referring to the National Socialist party as Nazis.
>The 24th edition of Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache (2002) says the word Nazi was favored in southern Germany (supposedly from c. 1924) among opponents of National Socialism because the nickname Nazi, Naczi (from the masc. proper name Ignatz, German form of Ignatius) was used colloquially to mean "a foolish person, clumsy or awkward person." Ignatz was a popular name in Catholic Austria, and according to one source in World War I Nazi was a generic name in the German Empire for the soldiers of Austria-Hungary.
It's like referring to a black man as nigger.
I'm trying to think, is there actually any context in which a black leather trench-coat isn't autistic as fuck?
When you're invading Poland and killing Jews.
No. I'm gonna ask later. He lived for decades after, though. Stayed in Germany. He's dead now. I might be able to squeeze information outta my great grandmother. Shit will be lost to time if I don't. She's old as fuck.
do it
fast!!!!! before your family history is gone
>1 uninformative post by this ID
enjoy your redpills
Shit's stylish as fuck. No army in the history of mankind comes close. It's unfortunate that you can't wear that kinda coat without appearing autistic.
Bonus points if you recognize someone besides uncle Adi.
That's right, we don't do that here.
lol my grand grandfather did hunt kikes in the alps
where is the problem?
how redpilled are you btw?
here are some basic redpills
Back when men were men. Get shot in the head, probably went back to work that afternoon
Nah he probably ate shit in some anatolian village.
Do you feel the sudden need to let a Muslim rape your daughters because of guilt?
Good comprehension of memes.
>Got shot in the head and survived. Wasn't even retarded after.
You gotta do that and see if she has some of his shit saved
how many joo skin lampshades does he have? if you leave them outside do they tan?
I took the black pill. Also, I'm not huge into political shit. I like anything that's edgy as fuck. Nazi shit appeals to me 'cause of how bad fags get triggered over what happened. Idiots will be getting upset over Nazi bullshit six generations from now. It's hilarious. One of my dreams is to have a billion followers on social media and just start saying the most heinous shit.
is that himmler with his weak chin on the right looking away from the camera?
Please rape yourself
Sue me, faggot. I'm being genuine.
Heinz Guderian was the only national socialist to own a winter coat during the war.
Kek is this actually true?
On what front your grandpa fought? It was probably my grandpa that shot his weak ass
>weak ass
>allowing to get shot
Your grandpa probably hid in the woods while mine was hunting for his little band of partisans.
Yes, otherwise they would have won against USSR
this reminds me of my time when i was in africa.
not gonna say the country but it goes somewhere like this
>be working for (((them))) a big diamond importer from jew york
>becouse im good with languages i was sent to an african country to be the "middle man" in the diamond deals
>get to country
>get recived by this ex green beret who's got 3 6'6 220p ripped negros as body guards
>they dont talk much
>get driven in this new range rover to my hotel
>cant sleep because of jet lag
>ge down to bar
>start drinking
>after cuple of drinks a sheboon comes to me
>she is like of those ethiopial big tittied QT3.14s you see on national geographic
>she speaks english (not that it mattered because is speak french too)
>she wants us to go somewhere else
>tell her that im good (im married also aids)
>she leaves
>next day i mention this to the green beret who is driving me to see this local warlord about diamonds
>green beret tels me to be careful bouse this bitches will get me kiddnapped and then slaughtered for 500$
>listen to him and never talk with local sheboons again
>get to this local drug lord hide out
>its a fucking bunker type of place covered in the typical red eath that covers almost all of africa
>because last night it rained its all full of mud
>warlord will not come out and greed me, seems like i gotta go inside
>get pissed becouse i get my leather shoes dirty with filthy african mud
>warlord is sitting in middle of an empty room reading a fucking magazine
>after some time we come to an understanding and we make the deal for the diamonds
>green beret and the 3 silverbacks drive me back to my hotel
>nothing to do for the rest of the day
>get back to bar and start drinking again
and the rutine keept like this for a long year
i was able to see how niggers are not better than animals, i would say their inteligence level is comparable to horses.
fucking retards man
So was mine, op. Served on the Eastern Front. Made captain in 45.
Share some more stories. Congo, Ivory coast?
>It's unfortunate that you can't wear that kinda coat without appearing autistic.
Yes the black trenchcoat look is very hard to pull off. Perhaps you need to be in full regalia to make it work
More likely live in the middle of the last century.
Meanwhile his grandson ends up retarded even without getting shot in the head. Strange world.
Heinz Guderian behind and to the right of Adolf in the pic, he is the grand-fatherly looking dude with the yellow mustache.
cant tell the place i was in because it would doxx me.
the guy before they send me got killed and it made the news(his famil was pissed).
but i can tell you another story
>be almost night
>talking with this nigger who i was reffered to at a restaurant in a high end hotel
>we chose this hotels/restaurants bocause they got armed guards, so its way more secure than anywhere else
>nigger wants me to go down the street to meet his provider for diamonds
>im not retarded so i refuse, and tell him we can meet the next day at the place i chose as we already agreed to
>we keep talking
>keep seeing this toyota pickup circling around the hotel (looks like local militia/paramilitars)
>not give it much thought
>like 2h pass by, im waiting for the green beret guy and the 3 silverbacks at the front of the hotel
>see the same pickup on the corner, they are watching me
>get back at the hotel, call the green beret guy and tell him im staying there for the night
>look outisede while on the phoneand see the pickup speeding through the street
>next morning green berert guy picks me up and we continue our bussnes.
>never saw those militia faggots again
>green beret guy explains they prob where there to ambush us and ether kill or kidnapp us.
>dont really care, but rather not be in the middle of a gun fight.
My grand grandfather was a member of the NSDAP but he never was drafted, I think. He was a businessman.
Was he in the nazi party? Wehrmacht soldier? I have my great opas soldbuch
Any link for a coat like that? It looks awesome.
Also: one of my grandfather joined the germans on the eastern front as a european volunteer. He died fighting the red scum, but that's all I know.
Easy and I'm not even an n-word
Looks like the back of himmlers head on the right
What did I win?
Hope it's a mutt face
Is that the newspaper guy Julius stricher in the left (civvie)?
Thank him for his service
My grand dad kick there asses for being smelly Germvolk.
When the Anglo version of n-wordism comes along with no links to loser Germs they will be like the greatest knights since the round table and all evil will be swept away in the fires of holy retribution.
Wew. Can't wait.
I should put my Templar flag back on now, it fell off when I changed IP.
Here you go, a very rare muttface.
Save it quickly before the m0ds delete it.
Crazy how do you even start working for african warlords?
interdesting stories senpai
after how many of those experiences where you realize "well fuck i could have died" did it just sort of become a part of your normal routine?
also interested in more stories if ya want to post
My grandfather was an Austrian Nazi, my wife's grandfather was a Nazi from bavaria.
I know that my grandfather wasn't really special: just a soldier and card carrying Nazi.
My wife's grandfather is a different story. He was an SS soldier (low tier, like a corporal or whatever) and somehow he fucking ended up in the US, in their military and is buried in a veterans cemetery in the Midwest.
How the fuck is that possible? Well, it seems Grandpa the Loveable Nazi also did a lot of work post military in the late 50ies and the 60ies for a "govt contractor' in south america
You better have been paid well for that. They couldn't pay me to live among nigger warlords in the ass of Africa.
Congrats user, you have a heritage you can be proud of.
Easy but still good job.
I'm surprised.
>Looks like the back of himmlers head on the right
Good guess but no.
>What did I win?
72 virgins.
>got shot in the head and survived
I have a country I dont need brains.
Do you know which one the civvie is, I think Julius streicher had a beard.
It's prolly one of the armament ministers before that rat Speer got the job.
Show your flag and we will let you live
Notice someone stole his wedding ring?
No. Unless some fashy army actually incorporates it to their uniforms again.
Bad bad Ivan.
That's exactly what I thought
If you are taking propaganda pictures you should really avoid proving you rape and steal as a matter of course.
>Do you know which one the civvie is
Ferdinand Porsche.
you dont
you need contacts
i was working for this big diamond mporter from jew york that had his people already, i was there as a quality control person, and becose i speak multiple languages i was able to bargain around the price
if you ever wanted to do what i did (not recomended at all)
i would say start working for a diamond seller
i once was at gun point from a child soldier who was on cocaine while trying to set a price with the provider because he thought my prices where "insulting"
he chilled down after i explained that if he killed me my enterprise would by their diamonds from his enemies and finance their war.
the jews did not paid me nearly enough, the contraband diamonds i was able to smugle in to usa after returning home almost made it worth it.
not quite though.
Achmet, pls. Tone done a lil, your arrogance and graditude is a lil very very misplaced.
Bloody good.
One thing that I learnt long ago is that diamonds aren't really that rare in the world. People in African villages pay debts with a handful of them all the time. The exorbitant prices people pay for diamonds in the first world are because their supply is very restricted by law. Remember the whole "blood diamonds" propaganda from the 2000's, with all the poor crying nigger and so on? That was made in order to push for the government restricting the supply of diamonds in the West so they become incredibly expensive. Diamond importation is extremely regulated so only a bunch of [joo] government cronies can control it.
It's exactly the same that with the drug war. Gov restricts the supply artificially so its price skyrockets and a designated clique of friends of the gov can become outrageously rich by trafficking with its secret permission.
The high price diamonds have is result of a conspiracy.
that is one of the reasons why people like me work there
as the middle man you can cover your tracks and make thing look like your got the diamonds from a reliable source.
its all bullshit obv.
Heil Hitler Sup Forums-fag. Welcome to /POLAND/, thank you for sharing these news. Please stick around and read our other posts, we have a lot of information that your grandfather can verify.
My arrogance is founded on 1000 years of straight victory.
>black eyes
nice! hvala brate
>number 6 Jews
>45 minute
Legendary game.