Sex scandal incoming

A sex scandal major size will come out on monday! Marcron is out. Get ready for a bumpy ride!

my dick hurt itself in confusion

fuck off germany

sacre bleu!

digits will judge your message

wait a sec is that an underage

I would willingly go to pound you in the ass prison to knock her up!

He likes them very young. A paradox!

not in spain, not sure about catalan though


burger education

No worry.
A confederate doesn't even know where Washington is located on the map.

Not if I watch the whites of your eyes emerge as my hands squeeze out the last breath of air from your neck you sick fuck.


that's 16???

>Marcron is out.
oh boy here we go kill this fucking soyboy piece of shit

Who is she and whats her age?

That's a boy.

That Is a beautiful snatch. No matter what age lol


What did Macron do? Did he have an orgy in the morgue

Age related

Macron has a dick???

What's going on in this thread.

Posting examples of what kind of chicks macron is going for while our first granny is whaiting at home.

Too much beer they’re skinny fat desu

>Posting examples of what kind of chicks macron is going for while our first granny is whaiting at home.

Had, Merkle has it now.

OP, why did you post a pic of Macron taking a selfie?

What the hell is going on in this thread.

Macron is homosexual, isn't he?


Who is this and how old is she?


I find hard (sorry) to believe that she's her type. You know, considering Brigitte. Or the man is a master of disguise

yeah you stupid kraut fuck you and fuck france too