Why is Poland the only country to create a real resistance?

It seems like it's the only populous to speak up and fight for whats right, here in the Britainistan it seems like the fight is over before it's even begun.. are there any other countries/organisations fighting on the right?

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stop asking stupid questions paki

hahaha im as white as they come you fucking redneck, go back to making duck callers and fingering your cousins


Ironically, their decades under communist oppression toughened up their minds against the Jew psy-warfare

Poland being occupied for 123 years by Russia and Prussia, being invaded by both Nazis and Soviets, killed and massacred by Germans, Ruskies and Ukrainians really do understand what is war and misery.

Strangers in your country = war, misery, killing and murders. Western cucks were never really occupied and massacred by it looks your time is coming now. Muslims and africans will massacre you and steal everything you own.

You simply don't understand the game. Poles are done this and that and are ahead.

enemies and traitors everywhere may have something to do with that

needed to see this, keep fighting the good fight

We are centuries ahead of you. We are the new Light of this world.

This is what is coming to you, Poland already had it. You need bleed to get your lesson.

This. It's fucking poetic.
The west went right economically but left culturally. The east went left economically but right culturally.

Communism actually shielded them from the mess we are in.

>hahaha im as white as they come
Okay there Mahmud

>only country with real resistance
You don't follow European politics much do you?

It’s all peacocking with Poland and Hungary. They will fold if the EU puts pressure on them.

Only true uncucked states are the Baltics, but too small to be relevant.

Comfort and a feminized society breeds lazy, feminized men.
Poland, Czechia and Hungary are the frontier of European politics

>here in the Britainistan it seems like the fight is over before it's even begun..
We lost decades ago, now is our time to watch the watch the window close.
As for the car washers, culture is king

No, they wont fall you faggot sami mongol.

Different scenarios are going to play out in each of our lands.
Australia's future is tied to China's now. The USA is tied to Mexico and Europe's to Islam.

Who knows how everything will go?

hahaha says the canadian u mongrel, your liberal shithole is full of ragheads

We will kill then all.

CasaPound in Italy, Golden Dawn in Greece, Jobbik in Hungary...
>the west went right economically but left culturally

Social liberalism = economic liberalism. The perfect consumer is the one with no social ties or duties, no family, no sense of country, no sense of morals, except for his own pleasure.

They both already made concessions with the EU. Polish youth especially are becoming influenced by western politics. Polish men vote left in the west and polish women are notorious coal burners. Hungarian youth is better but not too far off.

The Baltic states and to a lesser extent the Balkans are the only culturally uncucked places. Too small and too poor to matter but then again, so are the V4.

Change can only come from France, UK or Germany. The rest of us are too small, too weak or too poor to make a real difference.

>Poland, the only country to create a real resistance
Uhm no sweetie, you forgot Hungary and Czechia

Didn't Austria go right and has a conservative-nationalist government now?

The V4 only did what they had to do to keep gibs but they are nowhere near Scandinavian cuckoldry. It's becoming better in Denmark, Norway and Austria as well.

Poland was walk over by the Nazi's and Commies so they saw first hand what the Jewish Bankers meant by "liberation." It made the deceptions easier to see through.

The USA and much of Western Europe was sold out by their Big Industry for the sake of mass immigration and eventual Globalism. That will make a few elite men extremely wealthy and a mixed race population will be easier to control than a white one.

As a resident of this beatiful (garbage) country. Everyone here is racist as fuck, not only that, Everyone hates everyone. Its an absolutely toxic mess and i don't wish to my biggest enemy to live here. I lived in Italy and Germany for a bit and god fucking damn it was so much better than this hateful mess.

It’s not becoming better. We will still all be minorities in our own countries within generations. There will be a billion africsns and at least half of them will want to make an effort to move to Europe. Our kosher nationalists may make some more small changes but it won’t matter if France and Germany and the UK are overrun by muslims.

The reason why these kosher nationalists exist is to make you believe things are getting better so you stop fighting.

If the V4 were serious then they would have pulled out of the EU and demanded all of their citizens return from west and north Europe. They didn’t because gibs are more important than the fate of Europe.

If I had to choose between 50 years of Communism & homogeneity vs capitalism & an irreversible demographic shift, I would take the former.

This is why I hate the fucking liberal boomer so god dam much. They could have put a boomer on a throne of skulls and we could have fixed it. What they have done though is irreversible.

Why are Slavic men so incredibly ugly?
Just look at those fucking subhumans.

Poland gets walked over because its a giant valley with a downward slope. You put your tank in neutral and just roll in for fucks sake.

Switzerland gets left alone because its a fucking mountain fortress.

Hello there nigger/ jew/ lefty faggot
West Baltids may not be pretty but theyre European unlike You
Hang yourself

Hard times create strong men
Strong men create good times
Good times create soft men
Soft men create hard times

Well the Poles just had a century of violence and bloodshed and tyranny. After years of struggle they got out from under Russian rule. Why woud they now just give it all away to the Americans and globalists and let their women be taken by third worlders?

I fear for their youth who are growing up with more luxury though. I went to Cracow and even saw a groupf black men hanging around - sure sign of the beginning of the end. And feminsits are infecting Poland too.

But yes the Poles will fihgt.

Britain in the 1950s and 60s was a peaceful and nice place, it created a generation of weaklings and cucks who invied invaders in and gave you thigns like rape in rotherham.

If you are an African born in Africa your entire existence and that of every one of your descendants will improve if you move to Europe.

It really is worth risking your life for. Just get into the white mans country. A bum on the street there lives better than a man with a job in Africa.

Neck yourself nazi larper. Just so you know nazis didn't like slavs very much :)

>It’s all peacocking with Poland and Hungary. They will fold if the EU puts pressure on them.

Nope, resistance against refugees is huge. Anyone accepting them would comitt a political suicide.

>They both already made concessions with the EU
Nope. Poland didn't make any concessions in regards to refugees.Neither did Hungary

>Polish youth especially are becoming influenced by western politics.
Kek you are either ignorant or a troll.
Polish youth today is even more rightwing then older generations.
>Polish men vote left in the west
Complete lite. Most votes by Poles emigrating abroad were for PiS and Kukiz who are right wing parties.


> look at all those Slavic subhumans

It's understandable isn't it. This is why our countries are in the state they are in. No real struggle since the 40's.

Almost a century of peace.

>If the V4 were serious then they would have pulled out of the EU and demanded all of their citizens return from west and north Europe. They didn’t because gibs are more important than the fate of Europe.

We get to get Western jobs and money.Why should we resign from this ? If EU collapses under immigration wave, then we will leave.
Nobody can force Poland or Hungary to accept refugees.

Why are the brits so obsessed with Pooland? You're not planning on starting another war over that shithole, are you?

This happens on demonstration in your country.
What's the public relations?

Indeed - especially Australia and New Zealand - essentially versiosn of britain with better weather and more space. Your ancestors a couple of generations ago inherited an almost perfect society and are giving it away now to the Asians and after them afircans will come too.

As someone said above, real changes will only come from France, Germany or UK
Sup Forumstards have to understand something : the fate of the West is tied to the countries that shaped the western philosophy, the way we see society
All of Eastern Europe except Russia have never contributed to this intellectuel effort, eastern countries are not the solution, and as a French I don't want my children to live anywhere but in France

>be a leaf
>believe that people take them seriously

>giving it away now to the Asians
We are selling it mate. We arn't Americans.

> can they even dance?


More or less this

But I would not mind staying with Austria after WW1
>inb4 every single polack on Sup Forums tries to doxx me and my family

We do not care about Europe we just serve and spy for our Russian overlords in EU and NATO as longs as russian gov dont want muzzies in slavic terriotires on West we will not bring them. but Poles are different story they keep them away for another reason.


Looks like polish education system predicted the future
years ago in highschool I had to write some shit about 2 things

1. That conflict, struggle and aggresion are necessary in order to preserve and maintain the order in human species
2.Decadent movement - Decadents were basically a very redpilled group in late 19th century Europe
They were aware of the fact that The West has reached its peak and 20th century will bring more and more degeneracy until Europe completely falls apart

Its over for Britain user. I just hope that Corbyn gets elected to the economy tanks and the British bureaucracy becomes so inefficient it cant help pozz other countries anymore

>muh poland

because the Germans removed all the Jews from there
so it's deeply ironic that Poles still hate Germans

is this in a slavic country? always assumed these vids were from thunderdome (netherlands i think)

>so it's deeply ironic that Poles still hate Germans
don't generalise
Polish-German relations have never been better before
And both sides, despite their differences , are well aware of that

Before refugee crisis started, Poland was seen as the "new best friend' of Germany

Whatever, Mohamed

The Jews fear the Sarmatian

Other eastern european countries are resisting. Russia wants western europe to be "southern european-ified" which will lead to eastern block dominance in the region. See how the middle east and africa made what was once rome and greek dominant cultures barely functional. Thats western europe in 100 years. Eastern europe is going to be the best europe has to offer and dominant moving forward.


Ok, now that you exposed yourself as a Pole.

Because we are 90% catholic(not cucked like the pope and western catholics because we were separated by the iron curtain when the church got fucked by jews).
We have politicaians that are willing to risk ostracization and their life making poland polish, even as fas as to go against direct EU orders and demands.
Because there are many ordinary poles talking about it and risking ostracization and blackmail telling the truth publictly, there are many yt channels that would be b& in the west instantly.

Is it the only intellectual resistance you have to oppose ?
Well I did not know that I was so right in my message, average Pole is a worthless trash

Hron hron, baquet wit zhe wine

Britain is this:


>Samuel Francis argued that the problems of managerial state extend to issues of crime and justice. In 1992, he introduced the word “anarcho-tyranny” into the paleocon vocabulary.[10] He once defined it this way: “we refuse to control real criminals (that's the anarchy) so we control the innocent (that's the tyranny).”[11] Francis argued that this situation extends across the U.S. and Europe. While the government functions normally, violent crime remains a constant, creating a climate of fear (anarchy). He says that “laws that are supposed to protect ordinary citizens against ordinary criminals” routinely go unenforced, even though the state is “perfectly capable” of doing so. While this problem rages on, government elites concentrate their interests on law-abiding citizens. In fact, Middle America winds up on the receiving end of both anarchy and tyranny.[10]

Was that incoherent shitpost supposed to anger me
Why would the words of a slave that isn't even the owner of his own country ever make me care
The only feeling i have for you is pity

اللعنة قبالة إلى فرانكيستان محمد. لا أحد يريد منك هنا

All the Khazar vampires that are currently draining and dominating you came from eastern europe. They are actively forming your policies and philosophies every day.

The Poles have lost their sovereignty for centuries and are teaching me how to be the owner of my country lol
I don't feel anything for you, I don't really care about Poland because it's not a country we hear a lot about except when politics talk about social dumping and illegal workers

He's right though. You don't own it anymore. A hostile parasite group has actively subverted you, and they all came from the Eastern europe you so despise

germans didn't remove much jews from Poland
during communism there were also jewish purges in Poland and many jews stayed to this day like michnik or zandberg
michnik's brother was commie criminal and is now hiding in sweden so he doesn't get prosecuted
another commie criminal Salomon Morel got who was in command of concentration camp after they took over after germans and there were over hundred of witnesses of his crimes alive but israel refused extradition couple of times as goyim testimnoty don't matter in court

I am not teaching you anything, it's just your inept projections.
We've lost our sovreignty many times and yet here we are, unbroken. You on the other hand gave up before germans even got to occupy you.
As the time goes by my land is getting better and recovering from being ruined, yours is becoming a nonwite colony drowning in shit.
I can't even get upset at your whining.

Yes, Germans lived a fairy tail when they invaded France : no fight, no resistance, everybody was happy to see the Krauts, we smashed in 1918, finally walked on the Champs-élysées
If Poland was such a wonderful place, tell me why I see so much of your country men in France ?
And I won't talk about the Brit who complain a lot about you

Les faits sont têtus : facts are facts

I feel like a big part is them asking themselves about how good their lives are as compared to the bullshit governments they're dealing with. Like in the US life is overall pretty good, thus Americans don't get out in the streets and protest like mad - we have pussified shit like Occupy Wall Street... which did nothing because it was un-guided hippes and young fools thinking a sit-in would do *anything*. There was no management of the message, they didn't throw themselves in front of the proverbial bus, thus ZERO change was affected. Apparently the Poles have had enough, and would-be American protesters should learn from them.

I never implied they did, you did give up without occupation while we never stopped fighting until 1989. It is you who tried to use poland losing sovereignty as an argument, not me. And a poor choice it was.
Poland is only a wonderful place if we talk freedom and the right to exist as a culture and race. Other than that i did already say we are recovering from ruin, never implied that poland is a wealthy land, that would be impossible.
You allegedly see them working in france a lot because you pay them better it's simple, you get workers and they get the money.
Brits don't complain about poland in general, their media does because poles are white and as such you can criticize them, attack nonwhites and you end up in prison.

Trudeau would release a public statement crying that diversity is our strength and we are doubling our immigration for the racist remarks

Stay based Poland

They've been invaded like 3 times in the past century they know better.

The Poles embraced communism and did not resist much. They even participated in the crushing of the Prague Spring and the occupation of Czechoslovakia alongside the USSR

Hungary has a state-funded anti-immigration campaign for start.

Because it is so boring that they don't even fuck enough to replace their own population...
1.36 per woman.
They're either ugly or full leftist by Sup Forums standards or they should provide a new white generation, don't they?
Or are all their men cucks that live out of tranny porn? Or they would resiste the (white) genocide, wouldn't they?
So what Sup Forums?

>The Poles embraced communism and did not resist much.
You have got to be fucking kidding me.

Well you didn't. How many ded?

Sandniggers raised rebellions and killed themselves in literally hundreds of thousands achieving nothing. We're talking late 80s.

ur truly retarded

it's a shit attempt at trolling
he has no arguments and his pathetic attemps didn't work so it's now pic related mode for him
you really shouldn't have responded

Because the jews are on their side.

Why are poles so weak jaw?

We're doing our part.

Do they not teach about the hellscape that was communist poland in russian schools?
I thought that would be a nice topic

Sounds a lot better than learning about Indian genocide and ebil Nazis killing all da Jews.

>hahaha im as white
Gonna need some confirmation. Post hand an time stamp.

Have an American joke.
That's all you have to say.


>If Poland was such a wonderful place, tell me why I see so much of your country men in France ?

gotta secure some of your wealth as long as it's possible so it doesn't fund muslim fundamentalism

i thought it should be obvious to you...

Because that's what Poland (nation) is.
Poland disappeared from the map for 123 years, then won independence for 21 years only to be occupied again.
It's not that being occupied creates that mindset - it's if Poles were substantially different there would be no Poles left today to speak of.

Additionally, years of being down created a culture designed to create and support resistance during times of danger, making each subsequent resistance efforts more effective.

Another unique aspect is that the current - global - attack against all white countries depends on instigating a sense of guilt for being white and make 'white' synonymous with being oppressor. Yet the entire Polish culture from XIX-XX places our identity on the victim side. It's a cultural battle that cultural marxists can't win.

Even our (marginal) pozzed leftists approach it from the victim side - saying we are inferior if we don't emulate the West - still placing the identity on the victim side. This is fundamentally incompatible with the global narrative which requires the 'white oppressor' identity.

tl;dr Polish identity and culture is immune to cultural marxism on several levels

It's the caliphate of Britain.

low IQ. They're tribal and low inhibition.


>Real resistance

Poles love the (((EU))) because they're leeches.

No surprise that such a retarded nation as America, filled with all the outlaws of Europe, the mentally ill and religious fanatics, makes fun of the country that is the quintessence of sophistication, luxury and hedonism

I'm not trying to upset anyone, I simply recall historical facts that alter the myth of a great, resistant and innocent Poland

0,03$ has been transfered to your bank account

Well done Kostja!

Is it true that it's a legal requirement to own a 2x1 white flag as a french citizen?

France and Germany are on the low end of liking the EU and Poland and Hungary are on the high end?
This is why I don't trust polls.