are french people racists? Do you hate arabs/asians even though only the smart ones get to study there?
Are french people racists? Do you hate arabs/asians even though only the smart ones get to study there?
stop asking stupid questions commie
French people, like British people, are mostly darkies these days.
But yes, they are still racist.
>Do French people actually hate people that killed hudreds of their kindsmen a few month agos
Actually no
They hate people that hate Arabs
>only the smart ones get to study there
Why don't you visit France and come back to report on how many of the Arabs you see there are "studying." Worthless cuck. Anyway négros are probably worse than Arabs, not sure why you didn't mention them bc I see them everywhere
I literaly stated "bright students", who have nothing to do with the wrong doings of some shmuks.
>only the smart ones get to study there?
What? Where are you from to have such a wrong view?
I have been to france, and noting the number of african-americans,I think that niggers are an integral part of france, so that's the not the issue. I'm talking about moroccans/chinese/vietnamese who go through the engineering route (class prepas) which is very hard and competitive.
(((engineer, doctor, lawyer)))
Also why do you associates arabs and asians?
>African Americans
What is wrong with you?
There are few foreign students in classes prépa.
This thread is fucking hilarious, it's amazing to see how dumb people can actually be, believing in such terrible stereotypes.
Your best intellectuals and writers are either blacks/from maghreb or far long gone from the country. 95% of the population in general is either pro-jew or too stupid to realize the power struggle that is going on in your country unfortunately.
Charles de Gaulle and René Guénon were the last two greatest things that happened to the country.
He probably would not have liked De Gaulle
In l'ecole polytechnique for example foreign students are 10% of each promotion so they could rack up the numbers.
could you be more clear?
It is true only because Guénon saw meddling with politics as unfruitful. But Charles de Gaulle had a deep respect for the man.
He designed René Guénon as a spiritual guide for his successors. Source here
It doesn't matter who you are. It doesn't matter where you go. If you look and act different you will be treated differently. Humans are assholes. Expect to be mistreated if you stick out and are not exceptional.
show real flag
No I have lot of arabs and africans friands.
He's American, he referred to blacks as African Americans (even though we're talking about nogs in France)
France is a shithole country full of shitskins who start shit for everything.
Huh, I didn't know this. Est-ce qu'ils ont eu la possibilité de se rencontre?
>They hate people that hate Arabs
They're cowards that are too scared to take a stance.
Deep down they do not like arabs/muslims and blacks.
I'm not quite sure about asians, I'd say they don't like them much, depends on how they behave.
I personally dislike them all, I don't care about the smart ones, I don't want any of them in my country.
Am I a racist? Yes, I'm 100% racist.
Malheureusement pas, Guénon était déjà en Égypte à ce moment-là. Je ne sais pas s'ils ont eu des correspondances par contre.
In a sense though, seeing how France is able to produce thinkers of such rare and high quality, as long as the country reverts back to its roots and blindly follows the directions of their wisest (past and oresent), France would revert back to its "third way" principle and tremendously grow in power.
Daily reminder that jews are pissing themselves at the thought of the only veto bearing nation with huge potential suddently shifting sides.
redpill moi sur charles de Gaulles .
A dumb puppet that craved glory and fame, posing himself as a hero when, in fact, he did nothing worth mentioning.
>arabs and africans friands.
They appropriate our cuisine now? It's over guys...
french women love big black guys very much
they are very warm and welcoming
they always get wet and spread their legs instantly when they see bbc
then why was he one of the last great things in france?
He had everything you'd want for in a leader, in terms of qualities. Except for the ideological highground, and it ultimately was his downfall.
He was a great leader toppled by an inside enemy, using the dumbness of its people against him (in the Mai 68 uprisings).
He was the hero France needed, but not France didn't deserve to keep him in place at the time.
Shill more faggot
That seems like an unlikely possibility. We are very late in the cycle as Guenon would say. More likely that everything disintegrates before the start of a new Manvantata. Néanmoins c'est intéressant que De Gaulle a eu de l'intérêt pour Guenon. S'ils ont eu des correspondences, je veux les lire
I never said he was.
He was a megalomaniac, as such, he used post-war propaganda in his favor.
He became too greedy, whoever was above him wasn't too pleased with his attitude and removed him from power in 1968 using the usual tactic: 'revolution'.
Shut up asshole. France is a great euro nation, and if they are invaded by non-euros that's an european problem too, Portugal is also being invaded you retard, just look at our national foot team.
>Shill more faggot
Sure, what did this hero achieve?
What did he do to earn that status?
You tell me.
One of its main decisions that rose him to the status of international hero to the eyes of many anti-jewperialistic countries as of now (Iran and Russia most notably) was the fact that he demanded for the US to stop jewing France of its gold reserve and started to trade back dollars for gold, right at the time when the dollar-gold standard wasn't a thing anymore. This is the main reason jews started to scheme against him actively.
While it is true that we are at the dawn of a new cycle, and that the following will take place after the disintegration of the first, to maintain cyclical continuity, there must be forces that not only are necessary to exist but also have a high degree of influence to start off the cycle.
While you could consider the return of Jesus to restore justice as such an event, there also must be microevents leading up to this point, and France has all the necessary conditions to potentially fulfill part of that role, although now the majority of the world's destiny will unfold from the Middle-East, as Guénon correctly foresaw.
Ten steps backward, one step forward.
Yep, he began thinking he could free himself from his masters, those that put him in charge of France.
He still fighted against Vichy, he still was on the wrong ideological side, he still didn't take stance on jews and what happened during the so called 'holocaust'.
He didn't condemn the (((resistance))) movement who killed tons of innocent french.
He gave up Algeria, and let lots of french die there.
He didn't fight back against 'mai 68', letting our country falling down even more in degeneracy.
fuck france, any portuguese with anything good to say of the french should have their tongue cut off
That is true, there is always continuity between cycles. We can expect a cataclysmic shift though, Guenon said that we are both in the end of a smaller cycle and at the end of a grand cycle. Have you read Heidegger or Evola? The concept of Ereignis in Heidegger is a spontaneous return of Being to the world. Dugin mentions this briefly in Fourth Political Theory. It is an analogous concept to the start of a new cycle. Evola talks about setting the conditions for this spontaneous return of Being, like building a lightning rod - you cannot will spiritual influence into existence, but you can set the conditions for a spiritual élan to strike. IMO this should be the purpose of current far right groups and fellow travelers - to set the conditions for the next cycle.
For french fags this is what made me think about the situation in france
basically a german white guy decides to turn black for a while to see if there is actual racism in germany. Even though I dislike niggers, what he goes through kind of made me feel bad.
They seem to tolerate them much more because France has had muslims and darkies for atleast 1 generation
Keep in the mind the ones that go into prepa schools or prestigious ones are a small minority in the thousands in France
French hates everything that is an obstacle to the transformation of France into a negroid state.
Mostly because De Gaulle was the only noncucked french leader since centuries.
He left NATO at one point just to tell the US to suck it.
Unfortunately, he was a leader in France, a incredibly leftleaning nation even in the time he was president, and as said, he got screwed over because of it.
>He still fighted against Vichy, he still was on the wrong ideological side, he still didn't take stance on jews and what happened during the so called 'holocaust'.
Not only did he politically mature during his time as a leader of France, he also was an honest person who owned up to his past mistakes.
>He didn't condemn the (((resistance))) movement who killed tons of innocent french.
t. political maturity, don't shoot yourself in the foot
>He gave up Algeria, and let lots of french die there.
He knew exactly the state of things as he got into power and mostly inherited this problem from the previous incompetent ballsacks and quickly recognized it'd be a tremendous waste of time and ressources directed toward the wrong people.
>He didn't fight back against 'mai 68', letting our country falling down even more in degeneracy.
You don't fight back the collective will of your people, as a leader your power stems from them. Hence the saying: "Les français sont des veaux."
>you cannot will spiritual influence into existence, but you can set the conditions for a spiritual élan to strike. IMO this should be the purpose of current far right groups and fellow travelers - to set the conditions for the next cycle.
I wholeheartedly agree and am very happy to find a like-minded person in here. People in general lack this sense of selfless direction.
Fuck them all. They're our niggers more than our actual niggers
Most of them integrate or work over time so they get a pass. In fact the most racist towarrds asians are actual niggers like Joey Starr.
Are Frenchmen the eternal cucks?
this guy must be libtard in denial
> french
> african-americans
this should be a copypasta
While I am at it, you might want to check out Youssef Hindi, who goes into great detail about the historical circumstances leading the world to this point, by analysing History from an ideological point of view.
He's also a Guénon reader, a traditionalist and thus knows a lot more than he shows on the intricacies of spiritual influences, i can testify as i came to personally know the guy.
Also, forgot to answer your question. Yes, i've extensively read Heidegger and Evola. The only stuff that still manages to quench my curiosity and appetite is now mystic poetry.
No that's england.
>he politically mature during his time as a leader of France, he also was an honest person who owned up to his past mistakes
Wow, you can't be serious.
>t. political maturity, don't shoot yourself in the foot
It was easier to redpill people back then, while they were less formatted by (((propaganda))).
So, missing that opportunity is called political maturity, I didn't know that.
>it'd be a tremendous waste of time and ressources directed toward the wrong people.
Saving his fellow french civilians was a waste of resources?
First thing he did was to save the jews, strange priority there.
You do realize that Algerian gaz alone was worth crushing those savages, don't you?
Not to mention the sheer size of land WE managed to define as Algeria.
>You don't fight back the collective will of your people
I don't believe in that meme.
He wasn't a democrat, I don't believe in him caring for 'his' people.
It's obvious he was not given any choice, he was probably forced to make a referendum and abdicate without resisting.
>Wow, you can't be serious.
I'm not going to expect a person with unique circumstances leading to his rise into power to understand everything and devise a short-term efficient strategy against a people who were scheming since aeons ago and made covertness and other insidious tactics an integral part of their identity as well. He's certainly not the Messiah, mind you.
>It was easier to redpill people back then, while they were less formatted by (((propaganda))).
>at the exact time where highly influential jews rose into the MSM spotlight (BHL and the like)
>while still having to rebuild the country from scratch
I don't think you get how thin the thread he was treading on was.
>Saving his fellow french civilians was a waste of resources?
Yes, it is. Especially when said french civilians cannot autonomously maintain their presence on a land, by themselves, and are threatened by civilians rather than an invasion.
>First thing he did was to save the jews, strange priority there.
Mistakes were made.
>You do realize that Algerian gaz alone was worth crushing those savages, don't you?
>Not to mention the sheer size of land WE managed to define as Algeria.
Si nous faisons l’intégration, si tous les Arabes et Berbères d’Algérie étaient considérés comme Français, comment les empêcherait-on de venir s’ins taller en métropole, alors que le niveau de vie y est tellement plus élevé ? Mon village ne s’appellerait plus Colombey-les-Deux-Eglises, mais Colombey-les-Deux-Mosquées ! " (Cité par B. Stora, Le transfert d’une mémoire, Ed. La découverte, 1999)
>He wasn't a democrat, I don't believe in him caring for 'his' people.
That's your opinion though. He could ride the easy train and do what all his successors were and are now doing, aka resigning to the jew and listening to them. Yet at some point they felt the need to topple him for (((some))) reason.
Cont. 1/2
>I don't believe in that meme.
I expressed myself incorrectly, let me rephrase.
>It's obvious he was not given any choice, he was probably forced to make a referendum and abdicate without resisting.
This is true, the situation escalated to the point where de Gaulle realized that on an ideological standpoint, the battle was already lost, and failing to realize how important this aspect of leadership was, had no other choice but to watch as the collective dumbness of the people then snowballed him out of power.
That's the one crucial mistake he made, and that's why he looks up to Guénon, who visibly already not only understood but predicted how things were going to unfold.
>oh look broun pepul wtff???
Is that pic supposed to be scary? It's literally the same thing excepot with modern clothing and niggers
Oddly enough, the french people are way less sensitive to the whole racial identity stuff than north-americans in general, which in my opinion stems from the country's deeply traditional catholic (aka universalistic) roots.
You can connect with people of one same mind at a far stronger and higher degree than with people of the same skin color or ethnicity.
As far as the younger generations go, maybe.
But 50 years ago, french were racists as fuck.
They were pretty red pilled about blacks and islam, even more in the countryside.
Yes, despise our europid brothers and open your ass to the non-european invaders that destory our countries. you are the fine example of the usefull idiot that they (( )) use to divide and conquer.
It's true, nationalism as an ideology postulates racial heterogeneity as an issue, while christianity doesn't.
Back then, the people were far more patriotic, whereas now it's the new meme to throw France under the bus altoghether with its fair share of intellectual geniuses.
>what he goes through kind of made me feel bad.
People are xenophobic by nature. No one forces a black man to go live among white men, the result is obvious. Would you go live in Nigeria as a white man?
Dunno man, who should I hate between a france hating cuck and a humble muslim?
There is factual truth and good sentiment in the desire to be among one's own people. But the idea that it solely relies on parameters where personal choice doesn't intervene is false.
Coincidentally, in the past, like-minded people looked the same and thus people were able to truly connect and care of eachother. Nowadays even among what would be defined as "the same people", you'd find unreconcilable points of view, because jews did jew. Yet you'd also find people oceans apart would see eachother more as blood brothers than seeing their actual brother the same way.
The lack of a universally true and uniting dominant ideology is what creates this discord.
A lot of white christian french people begin to feel like
but how is it anyone's fault if they're born different? nature wished for different cucks to have different colors, why can't we look past the superficial and judge ppeople by their worth?
Y-You go on Tinder, right?
There is no humble muslim.
When the radicals will try to kill you, the humble moderate will always take the radical's side.
Don't care about self-hating cucks, they are not relevant and will follow the tide anyways.
Quality post here
French are specialists at dividing themselves and getting jewed. And the worst about it is that you can't do anything about it; once the pot is broken you can't fix it
Noone is at fault. There are as many differences in people as there are traditional forms, rites and cultures all pointing out to the One core upon which everyone should agree and around which everyone should gather. Meaning there are as much ways to find grounds to understand one another, without the necessity of mixing into a shapeless, formless blob of syncretism. Yet to be able to unite such different traditional and cultural blocks together, these blocks themselves should reinforce their cohesiveness first among their own. Which is why racemixing is viewed as such an issue, yet isn't considered one jn the grander scheme of things.
I just want a qt obedient wife i can make 8 children with.
Arabs, and other excessively tribalistic muslims are too, just shows how much jewish social engineering has been perfected. That's also why does make some sense, most notably in the younger generations in France.
If I say "Révolte contre le monde moderne" are you not reminded of something?
the french literally hate every foreigner except their north/african pets.
My father had to travel to france a lot because of work and he was discriminated for being German
The french are scum
Instinct of self-preservation. We're not 100% made of intellect.
I prefer La Crise du Monde Moderne; in terms of not only denouncing what is wrong with the modern world, but also in terms of predicting where the world is being led to by the nose, Guénon does a slightly better job than Evola.
But both are toppest tier. Nobody comes close to them in terms of traditionalism, and nobody comes close to Evola when it comes to politics and leadership.
I'm trying to know if you're the person I talked to you fucking autist
>the french literally hate every foreigner except their north/african pets.
That's sadly true, this is mainly due to our fuckhuge amount of tourist, most of them behave like porks, so we learnt to treat foreigners the same way.
Tell us more bc appart friendly bantering I can't see how they would be racist with a german
Then no. I only have one extremely close friend I discuss these things with, and it has more to do with traditional initiation.
Gonna bail bros, happy to see the french threads are miles ahead in quality than their other counterparts.
Paix et Salut.
before ye go, what book do you recomand for getting started on Guénon?
La Crise du Monde Moderne is the least doctrinal book Guénon wrote, he probably did so on a whim (sur un coup de gueule), and thus it's the easiest to read.
From this point on, i suggest you start getting interested in what Youssef Hindi has to say regarding the importance of ideology in human history, then you should work your way up to Symboles de la Science Sacrée, which is the most esoteric and doctrinal book he wrote that still deals with a wide enough scope. Whenever you feel like you don't understand the vocabulary used by Guénon, you need to specifically go look for what he meant, which is arguably the hardest thing about reading his work.
His other books about, for instance, the specifics of what is a king in hinduistic terms is still interesting, but not as central. It basically serves as reference for his other, more central books.
they're not really racist, they just see no harm in racist humor. they even make fun of each other's accents and regional characteristics.
i'm from louisiana, i speak cajun, i visit france twice a year and they're irritated when they hear me speak, they think either i'm a farmer from the far west of france or a drunkard. when i tell them i'm american, i'm cajun, i'm from louisiana, ect, they are are so excited to speak with me.
so no, french people are not racist, they just have no patience for you if you cannot speak their language. i should know as a cajun guy, i was looked down upon more than any native born black french guy when they first heard me speak.
for all it's flaws, france is still our "mere patrie", though
this actually made me think
To american/anglo standards we would be racists. To international strandards we're one of the least racist people on earth.