Africa is being depopulated

I would like to take a moment to thank whoever designed this disease (Bill Gates maybe) for saving the west and by extension the world from the Uruk hordes.

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Will Europe close it's borders or is total depopulation of Europeans preferable to being called racist?

The Gods wanted this place dead long ago

what's the endgame of eliminating niggers?
who will they replace whites with when niggers are extinct?

>fuck you whitey! You took our shit!
> Whitey help! We're dying!

Wtf I love windows 10 now.

Britain will close up, but the E.POO wont.

chinks, muslims and poos

britain wont do anything because politics doesnt reward strong people it rewards brown nosing, spineless divs like theresea may. she is the granny version of the chick in your class who wont stop trying to suck the teacher off with her essays despite the fact most potholes would win against her in a beauty contest.

You should thank God

We have to help these people by bringing them here

Not with this disease. 2000 infections, 140 dead? Weak. Ebola moved faster than this.

Is there an official Plague Chan yet?

Request for Plague Chan

that's literally suicidal but I wouldn't put it past EU kikes to try that

you're in really good position when the plague starts in madagascar

The problem is the breeding in West Africa, central Africa's breeding rates aren't as high due to constraints imposed by geography, terrain and disease.

This is literally nothing, just like ebola.
Go look up how many babies are born in africa each day, go ahead, do it.

You did it, Bill!

>2000 people dead
It's nothing. If they keep dancing with the infected corpses then it might become a larger problem, but I doubt it.

I am planning to visit Rhodesia in Easter, but putting of buying tickets due to this. Am I a retarded paranoid or am I correct for taking it into account?


Yeah its going to wipe out africa just like the white death wiped out europe

great film

why the fuck would you go to Africa?

Plague does not effect Europeans you mongrel


Bill Gates is spending money to cure diseases over there and increase their population

Is he though?

Gonna visit a good mate of mine. He works in Harare, handing out gibs for some welfare organisation. I find his work wrong and immoral, but we have been good friends for a long time, and I don't have to hide my power level when I'm with him, even tho he is a lefty, so I let it slide.

You are just retarded for even going bud. Africa is lost, being white in that hellhole is asking to get yourself victimized. But hey, you gotta see a tiger or something... more like niggers in their natural habitat

Gotta build up DNA first. Ebola went too quickly with lethality and severity and ultimately burned itself out.

Nah, it's actually great fun if you just remember to not relax. Went to Namibia a few years ago, was an interesting trip, but god damn niggers really are shit. Didn't get in trouble once, but it helps to be in a group of five tall, fit white men.

Holy shit, that takes me back

There's a new and improved one called plague inc

Unfortunately a lot of doctors left Malawi because they were accused of being vampires by the locals and sucking blood of their victims through their stethoscopes.

Here she is, user.

>planning to visit Rhodesia in Easter

Easter of 2018? I've got bad news for you.


Is it anything other than the plague?

Why the fuck is she still clinging to power?
She had no popular support, no authority and commands respect from exactly zero people in the country.

Wait until faggots find a way to spread it.

Rhodesia hasn't existed since 1979.

arent they being depopulated cause they are migrating to Europe

It exists in our hearts.

>bring medicine to darkest africa
>darkest africa literally attacks you as vampires
Empathy was a mistake.



Even a disease that will kill 10 million Africans, ie 900% more than Ebola, will only eliminate less than 1% of the African population. LESS THAN 1%. Sorry guys but I don't see why we are getting excited.

thank mr skeltal

Why hasn't the UK closed the Mediterranean and initiated a naval blockade of Northern Africa yet? There are Africans literally just washing up on European shores at random intervals, someone needs to take this seriously.

Looks like my wife. Kill me now.

Soon. Let them grow stronger. They're still young.

cause the UK are the biggest cucks in Europe. But I don't know why other countries don't use their navies to blockade the Mediterranean. Italy and Spain at least. Why do governments spend Billions of their annual income on the military when the military is not even used to do it's literal fucking main purpose, Protect it's country.

typical, the kike doctors rummage through bloodletting the brown goyim for Matzo around passover.
Devious kikes blend in and cause brown goy to think white man doctor are to blame...

We need to go in their and save them! By save I mean vaccines should be admisntered that carry a sterilization chemical.

lol, no amount of cancer can wipe niggers. No famine or war is bad enough. They have been living like this for millions of years and they are capable of restoring and increasing the previous numbers. Because they are a healthy race after all.

Euros had this same capacity but we choose not to breed and have doggos and iphones.

Let the plague kill the mudblood Italians.
I think it's /ourAmoeba/

>cause the UK are the biggest cucks in Europe

You are ruled by a non white.
Your prime minister is a homo pajeet.
Who the fuck are you calling cucks?


No really, is it worth watching? I've heard a lot about it and the premise sounds fun.

I think the Chinese did this becasue they want china and are in place to take some of it in the future, depopulating it will just make it easier for them.

>143 niggers have died in 5 months
>120k niglets are born EVERY DAY

that would be a great. Imagine we lived in a world where white people actually looked out for themselves and realized that Africa's exponential population growth could lead to our extinction. This would literally be the plan we would come up with. Create a "disease". Produce a "vaccine", unknown to almost anyone that it will sterilize them and BAM, in a generation they will die out. I sound like a Jew but it is something we should be doing.

Our PM has nothing to do with us. He was not elected and either way he is more conservative than your so called "Conservative" leader. We also don't have white girls raped by Ahmed every other day here and there are zero Islamic no go zones, something that can't be said for you.

Not for us

Because my potato nigger friend, this might be the first sign that China is testing out their depopulation scheme.

Cheap land, very good!
China will rule the world.

You mean, instead of just building shopping centers that sell tons of gaudy jewelry on the 2nd floor, and the only way to get there is by riding a carnivorous escalator?

That's China for you
They're already in the process of breeding out the Tibetan race.

Its pretty interesting in both the story and the observation of tribal Africa at the time. Its worth the hour and a half. Hell, I might watch it again tonight.

it's a great film.

ontopic, I hope it spreads further north so our muds die too

>143 people
>out of 1 billion
yeah great depopulation there, 550,000 niglets have been shat out in the time that these 143 plague victims died

This exactly.

Fun film though I hardly remember it. Got a sequel.

>143 dead
It'll take a lot more than that for me to believe there's a God

143^2 = 20449
20449^2 = 418,161,601

With an incubation time of 4-6 days it should be a beautiful Malthusian Christmas gift.

Not only that, but it got Madagascar as its starting location, which was the only way to win that goddamn game.

oh go i hope this is the end of afria

Why Rhodesia of all places, is he retarded? Are you retarded? Do you want to get necklaced?

There's a board game based on this (or is it the other way around?), it's decent but a bit chance/amount of players-based.

Poos are creating a poo toxic atmosphere and are eliminating themselves. Their offspring will be mutant poos too weak to take care of themselves besides sliding their anuses along the sidewalk and begging cows for some tittymilk.

m8 this is the first thing I thought of as soon as I read Madagascar. We're fucked aren't we?

Thank you Bill Gates.

Plagues need time to spin up.

My best mate is from Zimbabwe. He left 11 years ago with is wife and 2 children. He had been shot 3 times by a .38 special and knew of other farmers and white land owners that had been tortured and killed. There is legit not much to see there anymore since Mugabe took over.

Be very careful if you do wish to go there.

>visiting shit holes
The fuck are you doing? I know coming from a nice boring and stable countrey like yours gives you the urge to adventure but unless you want to end up like that stupid whore that wanted to backpack through the middle east to prove a point then pick something decent jesus fucking christ.

Forgot to add:
If you want to visit a shithole AND have an adventures with third worlders then visit London.

Very true. I never understood the Western desire to go to places without toilets and running water to have an 'experieince'. If I wanted to go somewhere without these things, I would just go camping and learn to live like that.

Much of the world is a shithole and will not be changing anytime soon. Save yourself time and the smell and just look at pics of India and South America online.

For most people going camping somewhere for 3-4 days with only very basic things and no smartphone is stressful enough so I dont know why people go to these shitholes other than being able to say 'yeah I've been there and I wasn't raped/murdered'.

Based plaguechan

Thank you based plaguechan

The only way to win, and nature did it

Board game came first, then the flash game, and lastly the game on steam.

All of that is wonderful, but it is not wonderful that so many of us who are able to feel the pain of others do not seem to have the farsighted understanding which should go along with that empathy. We seem to have achieved that understanding when it comes to things such as forest and wildlife management. We understand that it often is good to permit Nature to take its course in the case of forest fires, or in maintaining the natural balance between predator and prey, and so on. But we need to apply the same considerations to the non-White races. We never should have permitted medical intervention in the non-White world. We should not be trying now to halt the spread of AIDS in Africa. We should not even consider famine relief for Ethiopia. We should not interfere in the mutual genocide between Hutus and Tutsis. Unless we temper our altruism with intelligence — and especially, unless we limit it to our own race — it will destroy us rather than help us achieve a higher civilization and a higher grade of humanity on this planet.

There was a game with plagues, if it started you in Madagascar you had the highest chance of making a global epidemic. Start prepping now boys

Ebola chan is back ?

looks like europe is going to get a lot more refugees

I LOVE YOU PLAGUE CHAN. wake up ebola-chan for me, 'kay?

If god is just it will succeed in ways aids and ebola failed us.

If we could only stop all food shipments to africa the world might have a tiny chance to right itself.

> Will Europe close it's borders
I kek'd hard