I literally went 5 days without rapping then I finally just gave in. How do I stop this degeneracy?
How do I stop fapping
If you're not addicted and you don't jack to porn it's a great start already
stop asking stup id questions faggot
That is a good first step
Look up Golden One's advice on how to stop the degeneracy. Gl
Read: The Power of Habit.
Get a girlfriend and fuck her every night.
Next time go 6 days, and don't feel guilty about it. Just keep trying to make improvements each streak. At least you have the plan to quit, which is better than most, even if you screw up.
Have sex?
Find a wife?
This. Don't make vows you can't keep either. Set realistic goals.
Go hunt for pussy. Don't worry about nofap right now.
>I literally went 5 days without rapping then I finally just gave in.
Stop acting like a nog.
It's an obvious typo
Think about Hillary Clinton that shit works better the anything trust me
Once a week is fine. Focus on eliminating porn, use your imagination.
Channel your new found energy into working out.
lurk moar
Occupy yourself with something. Sleep in other places that is not your home.
Fapping is fine, just do it every couple of days and don't watch porn. Porn is the real problem. It encourages degenerate fetishism and slowly takes away your desire for healthy, normal sex. This is why Sup Forums loves tranny porn so much.
You gotta make hobbies for your self and overcome the depression phase and you'll be good
wait, we don't even know OP's race yet and purity of said race. cide yourself OP, it's the only way to be sure.
these 3
also kys for non-related shit
really fucking easy.
>stop listening to music
>stop eating too much
>if you are religious remember God
>think of sinning as a great burden in the life of hereafter
>keep your life alcohol free.
>dont think too much about women
>think about the existence and life as a duty to do good and fight against all evil degeranates.
when does your next album drop tyrone